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Final Version - Speech

You have been invited to give a speech at the virtual 2021 closing ceremony.
Write a speech about

An opinion you consider should be spread.

You can use the topic you developed
for the infographics project.
Phrasal Verbs in red
Passive Voice in blue

Open your draft, check the comments and suggestions the teacher made and write the final
Do not forget to go over the reflection checklist before you submit the task. Make any
necessary changes.
Word count: 250 - 300 words

Speech of Students need to realize activities apart of classes

According to many newspapers, nowadays many students are not developing well due

to lack of activities, the refusal to leave for the street, or laziness. It is starting to come after

children enter adolescence. My name is Fabrizio Liza and today I will talk about how

important the activities have been for the students and how effective they were in their


First of all, it is essential to reflect on the fact that nowadays sport is being necessary

for children in their development of life and puberty. The reality is that because of the

pandemic more children are not doing activities to prevent contagious diseases outside their

homes and apart from that, physical activity is essential not only to get rid of body weight.
However, since Covid-19 has been introduced in 2019,there are some parents that

prefer to keep their children in their house only studying or playing computer games to be

safer from the virus, and obviously, there are other parents that will wait until all of the

Covid-19 problems ends.

Regarding the last point, my question for the parents is: Have you ever faced a

situation where in the stage of your growth without any physical activity? I think no because

in the times your fathers let you do all the necessary activities to grow as a normal child, so

do not let their sons down and stand up for them in this process of development that is crucial

for his future.

All in all, we all stand up to promote the activities to all students and concern the

fathers about this problem. Why is it not a problem that many kids are not doing physical

activities as important as the health care of the students now? It is seen that it is not being

taken into account.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Mooney, C. (2020, 15 june). Children need exercise during the COVID pandemic. UT

Health San Antonio.


S.K.S. (2020c, march 29). AboutKidsHealth. AboutKidsHealth.
Reflection Checklist
Before you turn in your work, check the following things:
If you have a No, go back to your final version and correct it.


1. Does my speech contain a catchy hook? X

2. Have you got rid of all the contractions? X

3. Are your ideas divided in paragraphs per each point? X

4. Is the personal pronoun I always capitalized? X

5. Do all my sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period? X

6. Are my sentences short enough? X

7. Have I run my text through the speller checker? X

8. Am I using connectors properly? X

9. Am I using Passive Voice ? Check this link to help you X

10. Am I using Phrasal Verbs? Check the list X

11. Have you used the expressions you learned? X

12. Is my letter double-spaced, indented and justified? X

13. Am I using Times New Roman 12? X

14. Have I remembered to include my signature (name)? X

15. Have I checked that my speech follows the speech structure in my X


16. Have I proofread it and fixed any silly mistakes? X

17. Have I included the sources I used when writing my speech? X

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