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Practice with the forum

Attention: before starting this task you should have read the tutorial related to the use of forums.

It is essential that you know perfectly the forum tool, for the most part of communications
related to your studies are announced in it. For that purpose, a practices forum is
available for you to practice sending messages and their organization before starting
studying. Hence, practicing in this forum is highly recommended.

Now access to the Practices forum included in the forums section of the “Discover the
Virtual Campus” course. You may practice sending messages in that before starting with
your studies. We encourage you to complete the following tasks:

Task 1: send a message with an attached file.

1. Within the practices forum, click on the button below the instructions (Add
a new discussion topic)

2. Write the subject. Remember that this is the message that is shown to
every other user when they check the forum, try to be as explicit as

3. Write the message through the built-in text editor. Not that you can include
tables, pictures, symbols, in any other editor.

4. Add a file clicking on the “ ” button or drag the file from your computer
to the space with a blue arrow. For this step, follow the same instructions
you follow to upload your profile image, which has been previously

5. Finally, click on the “Send to the forum” button and then your message will
be sent. Note you have a fixed time to edit the message, once your time
is up, no changes will be possible.

Task 2: reply to a message.

1. Search for the message you have just sent, open it by clicking on “Reply”,
which is on the bottom right side of the open message.

2. Write the message and send it just like you did in the previous task.

Task 3: edit a message.

1. Search for any message sent by you and open it clicking on it. The “Edit”
option is available at the right bottom part of the message as long as you
have not exceeded the time for editing. Click on “Edit”.

2. Now you have the option to edit the message and to send the modification.
Remember there is a limited period of time to edit it.
Task 4: modify the messages’ organization.
The messages in a forum thread can be seen in multiple ways, to know them, click
on any message. At the top, you will see a dropdown menu with the following options:

1. Show cloze answers (recommended)

2. Show answers by branch

3. Sort from latest

4. Sort from oldest

Try to modify this set up and see how the messages display changes. We
recommend you that you enable the option Show Cloze Answers.

Task 5: Search for messages in the forum.

You may search for messages in that forum at the top right side of the forum.

To perform a basic search for one or more words in any place of the text, just write
them separated by a space. Every word with more than two characters will be used.

Instead, for an advanced search, click on the search button and write nothing on the
text box.

Now try to find the message you sent using this search system.

We conclude the forum practices with this last task. Now, we encourage you to look at
every other activity included in the section Discover the Virtual Campus.
Introduce yourself
Attention: before starting this task you should have read the tutorial related to the use of forums and
have practiced in the practices forum.

In this task, we encourage you to introduce yourself to your peers. Our objective is to
promote a smooth communication between the student body and to encourage them to
participate in the Virtual Campus. Follow the steps below in order to introduce yourself:

1. Go back to the Campus home and then access to the program you are enrolled

2. Now access to the Who is who? icon Note that, in this forum, students include
messages to introduce themselves to the rest of peers studying this program.

3. Now include your introduction message following these instructions: Before

sending the introduction message, you need to practice sending messages in the
practices forum located at the section “Discover the campus”.

a. Read any introduction message from any other student.

b. Once you do this, introduce yourself to the rest of the group, write a brief
text that contains data about:

i. your studies and current job,

ii. what made you decide to take these studies,

iii. your expectations regarding these studies,

iv. If there is any area or areas of interest for you that is related to the

Both the academic staff and your peers will really appreciate that you include a picture
of your face in your user profile, as explained in a previous task. In this way,
communication will be much close.

Recall that this forum is only and solely for introducing yourself ot the rest of students.

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