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I. Under a Twisted Sky He lifted a clumsy and quivering hand to his neck
Red dust swirled across a desolate sky in thick and he removed the object which hung there. An
copper clouds, bearing upon it noxious brimstone ornate amulet cast in a strange metal for which he
fumes and a heat like unto the very forges of Sigmar. knew no name. The object seemed to quiver and
The wailing cries of a hundred thousand gibbering writhe in his palm. He would not look at it. For this,
horrors floated in the howling wind. they had crossed the realms. For this, they had
The sounds were coming nearer. walked the red desert and done battle with the very
Vienar Braxis crumpled to his knees in the dust, creatures of hell. For this, he was going to die.
unable to take another step. His breath rasped in the He hung the cord about the aetherwing's long
confines of his golden helm, thick and labored. He neck. The bird shied away from it at first, as if it
touched his gauntlet-clad fingers to his side and disliked the feel of the strangely cold metal against
looked at them. His armored hand came away its body, but it did not refuse the burden.
smeared red with blood. “Go,” Vienar choked, “through the portal to the
The wound was deep, assuredly mortal. Lord-Castellant. He'll know what it means. We can
He felt a cold chill of fear. Not another reforging. only hope that it does not come too late. Be swift,
He couldn't bear another. Each time he was brought Jixitla.”
back through that veil of lightning the memory of his The bird peered at him for a moment longer, then
Christibelle faded a little further from his mind. lifted off, winging onward towards the swirling silver
She had been dead a thousand years ago on a glow.
world which no longer existed, and the memory of Vienar lay back. He reached a weak hand to the
her was all he had left, the only thing to which he storm saber at his side, his fingers struggling to close
could cling. When she had left his mind completely, around the handle. He gazed up into the nightmare
he thought, then the slender tendril of sanity would blackness of a dead sky.
snap, and he would be lost to the abyss. I'm dying again, Christibelle. Don't leave me. I
The wailing was coming nearer. won't forget. I won't ever forget.
He turned back. There were two other men The wailing calls were coming nearer.
slumping through the red dust, now far behind, their
golden armor tarnished and their fur cloaks limp and II. Aqshy
torn. A sharp cry cut the air, but this one did not Saria knelt on the edge of the dried riverbed, head
speak in the undulating shriek of daemon tongue. cocked to one side. The red earth was cracked and
Vienar lifted his eyes and saw his aetherwing bank scared beneath her hands, radiating heat like an
and descend, and he felt a ghost of a smile play at open oven. The plains of Aqshy were hot, there was
his lips. no doubting that.
The iridescent bird descended in a flutter of indigo Hot and dead, more the most part. Vast empty
and vermilion. Its clever eyes took in the state of its deserts and barren black rock and sputtering lava-
keeper, and Vienar thought he saw sadness in the flows dotted the pockmarked landscape. To the
bird's gaze. untrained eye, there was absolutely nothing to be
“I thought you were dead for sure, Jixitla,” he seen here.
rasped. Saria had learned, however, that even the most
The bird squawked and hopped a little, indignant desolate wasteland held its secret treasures.
at the suggestion. There was something down there in the cracked
Vienar looked ahead. He could see the swirling bed. She couldn't quite make it out, but it shone an
silver light of the portal, perhaps a quarter of a mile iridescent blue, which was not the sort of color one
on. It might as well have been a thousand leagues. often saw in the wastes. It was worth checking out,
He would not rise again, and he knew it now for sure. at least.

Page 1
The young girl stood up and glanced back the way shimmering feathers ruffled in the hot breeze. There
she'd come. The great towering walls of Hammerhal was a long black dark sticking out of its side.
stood far in the distance, mighty as any mountain Something had killed this bird, some hunter. It had
range. Great images of Sigmar adorned the lofty been shot in flight, she suspected, but winged away
towers, stern faces looking out across the bleak and before the hunter could retrieve its prey. And there
blasted world which his followers had tamed. The was something else...
ever-present shield of magic which guarded the city She reached out. The bird wore a strange amulet
shimmering in the light like a mirage of water. about its neck. She'd never seen anything like that
No one got into the great city. Not if you weren't before. The golden boys dressed up their bird-
welcome. Well... no army got in, anyway. Scavenger hounds sometimes, but never their birds. She
urchins like Saria who had lived their whole lives in unwrapped the cord from about the dead creature's
the city knew all the secret tunnels and passes which neck and lifted the amulet.
could get a single person past the walls and force It felt strangely cool in her hands. Now then, this
fields. For a group of armed aggressors, however, just might be worth something. She grinned. Maybe
the city was essentially impenetrable. Not that it her fortunes were turning around after all.
stopped them trying. Hoards of orruks, legions of
daemons, throngs of undead... all had been broken III. A Fair Bargain
on the rock which was Hammerhal Aqshy. The Duardin merchant Bungo Blackrock whistled
She scrabbled down into the gully. Had there ever softly under his breath. He swung the odd amulet
been enough water in this place to fill a riverbed such jauntily as he walked, watching it sway in the
as this? She couldn't imagine it. She'd heard tales evening light. He couldn’t help but congratulate
from those who had gone through the portal to the himself on having made another brilliant deal. It was
other half of the twin city, Hammerhal Ghyran, of practically a steal, really, that stupid urchin hadn’t
lakes and forests and verdant greenery beyond know what she’d stumbled on.
description. She’d thought the amulet mere jewelry, and for
It seemed sometimes impossible to her that the jewelry he’d paid her, hemming and hawing and
vastness of Hammerhal in this realm was but a part agonizing over each copper as he’d counted them
of a greater whole. The city which existed out to her. This thing was magic, though, he’d known
simultaneously on two worlds... It was hard to wrap it right away. An artifact of some not insignificant
her mind around it. power, if he was right. He’d find out what it was,
She had more important things to do than ponder then he’d sell it to some pointy-ear in Ghyran for a
the mysteries of the city, however. She had to find hundred times what he’d paid.
something that she could sell, or she wasn't going to A fair bargain indeed.
eat this week. It had been almost too easy. Hammerhal was
She crept along the riverbed, closer and closer to overrun with the desperate and the ignorant, seeking
the thing she'd spotted, her hopes rising with every shelter from the madness of the world outside. Just
step. What might it be? Could this be the find that the sort of situation he needed to turn a profit.
would change her life? But first, he needed a drink. It was time to celebrate.
It was a dead bird. He strolled on down the street, completely
She cursed out loud, and almost kicked the damn ignorant of the strange and watchful eyes gleaming
thing. It was just one of those stupid birds that were in the shadows of the alley behind him, watching his
always following the golden boys around. It might every move.
be worth something stuffed or plucked, but it was
hardly treasure.
Then she paused, looked closer. The bird's

Page 2
Beginning Your Campaign the Raven’s Guild Bastille, which any number of
It is now time to begin your campaign. You will have heroes may visit in a turn. After each hero has
to brave many dangers in order to unravel the secret chosen, they should turn to the relevant entry in the
of the amulet and thwart the schemes of chaos. Adventure Book. Some Cinderfall areas offer
multiple activities. When a hero visits such an area
Follow the instructions in the Guidebook for Setting they may only choose one activity. Carry out the
up your First Game, then begin your quest with The activity in full. That hero’s visit in now complete. If
Chase (page 5 of the Shadows Over Hammerhal they undertook a Free Action, they may go to another
Adventure Book) location and take another action.

The players may find it helpful to mark each hero

Visiting Cinderfall card with a stun marker (or a wound marker if that
After each quest, the heroes will have the chance to hero is garrisoned) to remember which heroes have
pay a visit to the district of Cinderfall, where they completed their action, especially if the players are
will be able to rest from their injuries, purchase controlling multiple heroes.
goods, undertake personal quests or partake in any
number of activities. Garrisoned Heroes
Some activities in Cinderfall cannot be accomplished
When the heroes visit Cinderfall, they will first during a short visit, and will require more time to
resolve a Cinderfall Event (see instruction on page complete. Activities listed as “Garrison” require
43). Then, each hero in the party, including those that that the hero remain in Cinderfall for an extended
did not participate in the previous quest, chooses one duration. Any hero undertaking such an activity
place to visit from the Cinderfall Activities Card. cannot accompany the group on their next quest. At
Each hero must visit a different location, with the least one hero must remain available to undertake
exception of the Chapel, the House of Venargo, and the next quest, and cannot be garrisoned.

Page 3
Passage: Passage:

Cinderfall Events 2 The first assault on Hammerhal has begun!

The heroes may take a well-earned rest after Visit Cinderfall, then embark on The First Assault
battling the deadly horrors in the depths of (page 17).
Hammerhal and twisted star-paths of the Silver
Tower, and then spend some time undertaking one 3 The final assault on Hammerhal has begun!
of the many activities that the bustling streets of Visit Cinderfall, then embark on The Final Assault
the Cinderfall district have to offer. (page 19). Heroes may not take Garrison actions.
Each time the heroes are instructed to read a
random Cinderfall Passage they should roll 3 dice, 4 Quite by chance, you discover a lost purse lying
add the party’s Achievement Level to the total, on the roadway. It jingles when you pick it up.
and read the corresponding entry. After resolving Choose a hero, they gain D3 Gold.
an event, mark the number of that event in the
Campaign Log. If that event would occur a second 5 A grizzled veteran approaches you in the street
time, the event and side-quest brackets are ignored and offers to train one of you in the martial arts.
and the next highest unresolved event is resolve Randomly choose a hero, instead of their normal
instead. action, they may train with the veteran and spend
Do not roll the dice when the heroes return up to 5 gold to gain an equal amount of renown.
from their fourth journey to the Silver Tower,
instead read passage 2. When they return from 6 A famed gambler has arrived in Cinderfall, ready
their eighth journey, read passage 3. to take on any challengers who dare face him.
The first hero to Gamble gains D3 extra gold if
1 Following your unlikely escape from the twisting they win, but re-roll any 1’s rolled when
passages of the Silver Tower you and your determining their opponent’s hand rank.
companions find yourselves branded and in
possession of a dangerous artifact, one which has 7 You are approached by a wandering salesman.
clearly bonded the group. You cannot let this A hero may buy a the top card of the exotic
mystery go unsolved, at least not until you are free treasure deck from a traveling salesman for 2 gold.
of the mark. You pay a visit to the Aelven Then roll a dice. On a 1-3, the treasure was a fake
Loremaster Alnum Starcrest. She listens careful and must be discarded.
to your tale, then takes one look at the artifact
which you took and recoils. “An instrument of 8 A drunken citizen mistakes you for a legendary
dark power,” she says, stroking her chin, “and a war hero, and the crowd takes up the cry.
grim portent. It is clear that the forces of chaos A random hero gains D3 renown.
are moving against Hammerhal. My sages have
heard whispers of strange portals opening 9 An old man lurches towards you and gives you
beneath the lost undercity, and of foul things sword. He pleads for you to return it to its home.
emerging from them. I see now that the two must Randomly choose a hero, they may return the
be linked. I think that you must explore these sword for 1 Renown and D3 gold, instead of
portals and what lies beyond them, if you wish to taking any other activities.
solve the riddle of the amulet… and of the mark
which you now carry together.” 10 The streets are crowded with revelers celebrating
Visit Cinderfall, then choose one of the 6 gates the Carnival of Sigmar.
beneath Cinderfall to search for. Be warned, the The heroes cannot visit the Bazaar, the Riftmarket
deeper you delve, the greater will be the danger. or the Revelrie this turn.

Page 4
Passage: Passage:

11 Olrig has purchased dozens of barrels of imported You may hire allies for D3 less gold than usual
ale, and the taps are open. this turn.
Each hero can choose to take part in a drinking
contest in addition to any other activities, but must 18 The warriors of Sigmar have been called to battle.
add 1 to their roll on the Drinking Table The players cannot recruit mercenaries or hire new
heroes during this visit to Cinderfall.
12 A cave in has temporarily blocked the way down
to the dungeons below Cinderfall. 19 A robbery! The Venargo Bank regrets to inform
The heroes may each undertake one additional you that your vault was among those emptied.
Cinderfall actions this turn (but may still only take Discard all items from the hero’s vault.
one garrison action). Place a D3 Danger tokens on
the Torch card. The next time the heroes fail an 20 A niggling injury plagues you still.
Ambush roll, add these tokens to the Current A random hero is unable to take an activity in
Chamber. Cinderfall this turn, as they must nurse their
slowly healing injury.
13 The Guild of Pickpockets lurk in the shadows,
taking what they will from the unsuspecting. 21 An Orruk is battering at the city gates and calling
Each hero rolls a dice. If they roll an odd number for war! You must held to fight them back!
they lose a Treasure, or all their Gold if they don’t If the City Defense Level is less than 3, each hero
have any Treasure. suffers a grievous wound.

14 A tavern brawl breaks out, spilling into the streets! 22 It could have been thieves, or maybe just a hole
You find yourselves caught up in it. in your pocket, but you’re completely broke.
Each hero rolls a dice. On a 1 they receive a Randomly choose a hero, that hero loses all their
grievous injury, on a 6 they distinguish themselves Gold and may not be given any Gold during this
in the melee and gain D3 renown. On a result of visit to Cinderfall.
3-4 they may take take a Cinderfall Action as
normal, for any other result their trip is cut short 23 Your head throbs with dull agony. Perhaps the
and they may not take an action this turn. wound was more serious than it first appeared…
A random hero with a grievous injury receives
15 Market day in Cinderfall! Bargains abound! another grievous injury.
You receive a discount of D3 Gold when buying
treasures at the Riftmarket or Bazaar this turn. 24 The Flayhound tribe have sent a force of reavers
to assail the city! You must held to fight them back!
16 The child of a noble family has gone missing. They If the City Defense Level is less than 5, each hero
plead with you to find their lost offspring. suffers a grievous wound.
Heroes may spend their time searching instead of
taking a normal activity. When they do, roll a dice. 25+ The March of Chaos continues unabated. The
On a result of 5-6 they have found the child and longer you delay the tighter its grip closes about
are rewarded with a family heirloom local the great city of Sigmar.
Treasure card. Add 1 to this roll for each different The heroes may not take Cinderfall Actions this
location searched this turn. turn, and each hero suffers 1 grievous wound.
There is no limit to how many times this event
17 A mercenary guild has come to town, and the may occur.
streets are filled with fighters looking for work.

Page 5
Baugren’s Bazaar Conran’s Contest of Considerable Challenge
Those searching for rare or illicit items within Conran is a notorious figure in Hammerhal, known
Cinderfall are usually pointed towards this place. A for associating with all sorts of ne’er-do-wells,
slightly grimy but impressively large converted making shady deals and looking to dupe anyone not
warehouse operating under the thinnest facade of aware of his reputation. This time, he has manage
respectability, the bazaar is filled with many varied to convince an assortment of sellswords, heroes and
and esoteric items and staffed by a plump, sweaty acrobats to compete in feats of strength, skill and
human called Baugren. fortitude.
Buy: Draw 2 exotic treasure cards. You may choose Take the Challenge: Make a Save roll, an Agility
to buy 1 of them for 6 gold pieces, or you may try to roll, and an attack roll using one of your Weapon
haggle with Baugren. To haggle, first make an offer Actions. If you succeed all three rolls gain D3
from 1 to 5 gold, then roll a dice. If the roll is equal renown. If you succeed two, gain 1 renown. If you
to or lower than the offer, you may buy the treasure succeed one or none, lose 1 renown - renown loss
for the offered price, otherwise you are sent packing. cannot move your marker below the starting space.
Academic heroes may subtract 1 from the result of
their dice roll. Speed Training: Choose one of the following:
-Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain the
Sell: Sell an exotic treasure for D6 gold pieces. You Unnatural Speed party skill upgrade.
must agree to sell before rolling the dice. Academic -Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker
heroes may add 1 to the result of their dice roll. required for a Swift skill.

Page 6
Guild of Blades Drinking Contest
A very grand name for what is essentially a company There are always plenty of punters propping up the
of mercenaries. For enough coin, heroes can recruit bar at Toil’s end who are willing to take part in an
fighters from this motley assortment. The more impromptu drinking contest.
famous the heroes are, the easier it will be to talk Barroom Challenge: Pay 1 gold to buy a round and
them into giving you a deal. challenge your opponent. Roll on the Drinking table
Hire Mercenaries: Roll on the Ally table to see who to determine the hardiness of your opponent. For
is available in the guild. After rolling, you may each round of the drinking contest, you and your
choose if you wish to hire any of the available opponent will each roll 3 dice and compare each
mercenaries for the listed price, though the hero may result to your Save values. If you succeed two or
lose any number of renown to reduce the price by an more rolls then you downed your drink in one. If you
equal amount. They may not reduce their renown succeed at one then you choked it down. If you roll
below 0 by doing so. If the price is paid, this no successes then you’ve failed. Each time you’re
companion will accompany you on your next quest forced to choke a drink down, remove one of your
as a hired companion. dice for the next round and roll again. The first
person to roll no successes loses. If you win, gain a
The Runemarked hero may use the following special renown and D3 Gold.
action as long as the mercenary is alive:
Call Mercenary(1+): Place your hired mercenary in DRINKING TABLE
the Entrance space or Ingress tile. The heroes may
pay 1 gold during a respite to prevent the ally from
departing. This action may only be used once per 1-2 Boals Grint - Save 5+
Quest. 3-4 Thom Arrnet - Save 4+
5 Kalk Purn - Save 3+
6 Harding Irongut - Save 2+
D6 Cost
1+ Any Freeguild Ally 3 House of Venargo
2+ Any Beast Ally 3 This large, well-appointed mansion built in the
Azyrite style seems strangely out of place amid its
3+ Any Duardin Ally 4 tumbledown surroundings. Masked guards wearing
4+ Any Slyvaneth Ally 4 engraved silver breastplates stand at the entrance,
5+ Any Stormcast Ally 5 while a finely dressed majordomo beckons select
clientele into the banking vaults
6 Any Ally at reduced cost -1 Visit Bank (Free Action): Withdraw or deposit
treasure cards or gold in the party vault. Record the
Combat Training: Choose one of the following:
contents of the vault in the Campaign log. You may
-Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain the
keep a number of treasures equal to the party’s
Critical Blows party skill upgrade.
achievement level in the vault.
-Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker
required for a Bladeborn skill.
Seek Financial Support (Garrison): Attempt to
raise funds for the expedition. Gain D3 gold pieces,
Seek Companions (Garrison): Spend an amount of
plus a number of gold equal to the heroes’
Gold equal to the number of heroes in the party to
Achievement level.
choose and add a new hero to the party.

Page 7
Gambling Guild of Thaumaturgists
Dice games abound in dark corners of many a The sign on the front of this ramshackle array of
Cinderfall tavern. A skilled player may be able to spiral towers and smoke-belching laboratories
turn a profit, though an unseasoned gambler may claims that this is Hammerhal Aqsha’s center of
wind up losing their shirt to cutthroat card sharks alchemical knowledge. In fact, the guild was set up
instead. by a group of disgruntled students thrown out of the
Dice Poker: Ante up a gold piece, then roll 5 dice. city’s famed Alchemist Guild for dangerous or
Roll 1 D6 for opponent’s hand rank. unethical experiments. Usually both.
Potion Masters: Spend 1-6 Gold to buy alchemical
Choose if you want to ante another gold piece, then ingredients, and roll a number of dice equal to the
re-roll any number of your dice. Roll 1 more D6 for gold spent. Remove each dice which matches
opponent’s hand rank. another result so that only single results remain. You
may then brew a potion from the following list,
Choose once more if you would like to ante a third based on the number of dice which remain:
gold, then you may re-roll 1 dice. Roll a D3, and add
together the total of all dice rolled for your ALCHEMY TABLE
opponent’s hand rank.
Dice: Exotic Potion: Normal Potion:
Compare the result to the Hand Rank Chart below. 0 Explosion! Suffer 1 Grievous Injury
If your hand beats theirs then you double your 1 Trickster’s Brew Seer’s Philtre
money. Hand ranks in ascending order: 1 pair, 2
2 Philtre of Luck Elixir of Life
pairs, three of a kind, full house, four of a kind,
straight, five of a kind. If tied, higher numbers win. 3 Alarielle’s Kiss Bullgor Draught
4+ Wrathblood Feydrake Root
HAND RANK TABLE Mystic Training: Choose one of the following:
Rank: Result: -Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain either
3 the Storm of Magic or Knowledge of Ages party skill
4 -Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker
5 required for a Academic or Arcane skill.
Study the Fragments (Garrison): Reactivate a
Amulet piece you possess.
9 The Riftmarket
10 A sprawling mass of tents, warehouses, shopfronts
and forums make up the thriving Riftmarket.
11 Merchants and traders from far across the Mortal
12 Realms flock here to sell all manner of ephemera
13 and precious magical items.
Buy: Draw 2 local treasure cards. You may choose
14 to buy one of them for 4 gold pieces.
Sell: Sell a local treasure card for 3 gold pieces.

Page 8
Chapel of the Shattered Blade Raven Bridge Bastille
This is a shabby, run-down church of worship to This daunting edifice stands on the edge of
Sigmar. It venerates Saint Rubeus, a legendary Cinderfall, guarding the approach from the Raven
Warrior-Priest who led the first consecration of the Bridge. It has recently opened its doors to soldiers
city and fell in battle against the orruk hordes of the of fortune looking to earn additional coin in
Bloodscalps. The chapel is usually attended to by exchange for tackling some of the sticker problems
Brother Culven, a large, heavyset man who the junior currently plaguing the city.
priests say is a former soldier who took the cloth after Defense Training: Choose one of the following:
losing an eye in battle against Chaos raiders. -Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain the
Holy Training: Choose one of the following: Unbreakable Defense party skill upgrade.
-Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain either -Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker
the Cleansing Light or Heavenly Insight party skill required for an Unrelenting skill.
-Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker Train Defenders (Garrison): Pay 5 gold to increase
required for a Celestial or Holy skill. the City Defense Level by 1. It cannot be raised more
than 1 level higher than party’s current Achievement
Any number of heroes may take the following Level. Record the City Defense Level in the
Cinderfall Actions during a visit: Campaign Log.

Holy Healing (Free Action): Spend 3 gold pieces Up to four heroes may take the following Cinderfall
to remove a grievous wound. Action during a visit:

Rest and Meditation (Garrison): Roll a dice for Embark On Side-Quest (Garrison): Embark on a
each of your grievous injuries. If you roll a 1, nothing currently available side-quest. If there is no current
happens, otherwise that injury is removed. quest, you may choose a side-quest of a level equal
to or lower than the party’s current Achievement
Red Yugol’s Reverie Level which the heroes have not yet attempted upon
A garishly painted field of tends bedecked with which to embark.
banners flags, flags and leering masks. At the very
center of the grand marquee dwells the enigmatic
soothsayer Red Yugol himself, a tall gaunt figure in
scarlet robes, his face permanently hidden behind
what he calls the All-seeing eye.
Foresee: Roll 3 dice, but do not look at the results.
Guess what numbers you have rolled. If you guess 2
dice results, gain a Minor Prescience card for the next
quest. If you guess all 3 dice results, gain a Greater
Prescience card for the next quest.

Unnatural Training: Choose one of the following:

-Spend 5 gold pieces or 1 Glory marker to gain either
the Killer’s Glory or Brilliant Leader party skill
-Spend 5 gold pieces to ignore 1 Glory marker
required for a Chaotic or Totemic skill.

Page 9
Side-Quests There are a number side-quests available for each
Throughout the course of the campaign the heroes Achievement level. When the heroes choose a side
will have the opportunity to undertake additional quest they may choose any of the quest for that
quests not directly related to their battle with the lords Achievement level which they have no previously
of the Silver Tower, but which may reward the party chosen. Once the quest is chosen, the heroes may
with excellent pay or even a chance to find rare may accept the quest or refuse it. Write the name of
artifacts. If they fail to completed these quests when the quest on the next open line of the Side-Quest
they are offered, however, there may be a price. section of the campaign log.

When resolving the Cinderfall Event, you may see a Quest Time-Limit
bracket around the event number. This icon indicates If the heroes accept the quest, roll a D3, and mark
that a side-quest is available to the heroes. the result in the campaign log. This is the amount of
time which the heroes have to undertake the chosen
side quest. Each time the heroes return to Cinderfall,
reduce the number by 1.
Failing a Side-Quest
Side-Quest Bracket If the heroes attempt the side-quest and are defeated,
the time remaining reaches 0, or if the heroes refuse
to take the quest when it is offered, it is considered
to have been failed. Mark it failed on the Campaign
Log and resolve the Defeat instructions of the
corresponding quest guide

The City Watch

If the City Defense Level is greater than the level of
the side-quest, the heroes may turn the quest over to
the city watch and let them resolve the issue. Mark
the Success space in the Campaign Log, but do not
gain any other reward.

Embarking on a Side-Quest
The heroes may complete the side-quest by using the
Embark On Side-Quest Cinderfall action in the
Raven Bridge Bastille. Play the quest using all
heroes who take that action during their Cinderfall

This is considered to take place concurrently with

the next step of the main quest, so heroes that have
embarked on a side-quest will not be available to
participate in the next stage of the main quest, as
with any other garrison Cinderfall action.

Page #
The Verminlair I

“Rats! Rats bloody well everywhere! The grain storage in the Flamescar District was completely destroyed
by an infestation; it was so bad they had to call in a Bright Wizard to burn the place to the ground, no chance
of saving it. It’s those bloody rat-men are responsible for it, and that’s the truth! Somebody better get to the
bottom of it before the whole bleeding city’s overrun with vermin!”
-District Chancellor Milous Vern


Warpstone Hoard


Infested Hall

Throne of Filth

Eerie Pit
1 Amongst the filth and debris, you spy
a valuable apparently discarded as
worthless. The Runemarked player
gains 1 gold piece.
AMBUSH TABLE 3-4 A metal star whistles from the shadows.
D6 The most wounded hero suffers a
1-3 D6 Skaven Minions or D3 Skaven Soldiers
5-6 Hungry eyes gleam in the darkness.
4-5 1 Skaven Champion Add a Danger token to the current
6 D3 Skaven Soldiers, 1 Skaven Champion chamber.

Page 11
I The Verminlair
The air is dank and reeks of unnamable foulness. As on the board, add 1 Skaven Minion in this chamber
you descend into the dark, vermin scurry away at the at the start of the adversary phase.
sound of your footsteps. Over their terrified squeaks, Search: You heave a boulder over the gaping hole.
you can hear the clicking of claws on stone, though Ignore this room’s special rules.
there are no enemies in sight.
Warpstone Hoard
Infested Hall Emerald light flashes and crackles like lightning,
You enter a gloomy room, and dozens of rodents emanating from a hunk of green stone set atop a dais
squeak and chitter as they scatter before the light of in the center of the room. A robed rat sorcerer stand
your torches. But there’s something else here, before the stone, caressing it with his paws.
something bigger, you can feel it stirring… Adversaries: 1 Grey Seer or Skaven Commander (S)
Special Rules: Each time a hero makes a Search Special Rules: The Commander is suffused with the
action, the creatures stir and strike. If your search roll energy of the insidious warp. He has 5 additional
is lower than your Save value, suffer 1 Poison wound. Vigour, and cannot be stunned.
Search: A passage opens with a rasping of stone, Search: The warpstones pulse and glow, and you
and the striking creatures slither away. feel a surge of energy bursting through you. Each
hero in this chamber immediately gains 1 Attribute
Guardroom Upgrade, if possible.
A pack of rat-men are lounging about the guardroom,
eating pilfered cheese from off the tips of their rusty Victory
daggers. They leap up as the door opens and snarl. When both Skaven Commanders have both been
Adversaries (Alert): 4 Skaven Soldiers (Exit) slain, the heroes are victorious.
Search: You find a cache of torches. Add D3 Torch The rats scuttle off into the darkness, fleeing in
dice. terror. Perhaps now they’ll think twice before
troubling the granaries of Hammerhal.
Throne of Filth Each hero on the quest gains 3 gold. You may not
A hulking Skaven sits enthroned atop a mound of attempt this quest again.
stolen treasures, reveling in his loot. He gives a
startled squeak and growls for aid as he rushes Defeat
towards you, claws out and weapon drawn. You stagger, falling to your knees. The furry bodies
Adversaries: 1 Clawlord or Skaven Commander (C) of your tormentors stream over in an endless wave,
Special Rules: If the Guardroom or the Eerie Pit their little claws and teeth nipping fiercely. You let
have not yet been explored, place them now and out a desperate scream, and a horrid fat rat leaps
make a surprise roll for the adversaries inside as if into your open mouth.
they had just been placed by an ambush. You have failed to purge the Verminlair, and may
Search: A Treasure sits upon the throne. You take not attempt this quest again. Next time you would
it for yourself. roll for a Cinderfall event, do not roll. The following
event takes place instead:
Eerie Pit Swarms of rats flood the streets, their beady red eyes
Huge rats fill the room, pouring in an endless stream glowing with enraged hunger!
from a gaping hole in the floor. Each hero must make a Save roll and a Combat
Adversaries: D6 Skaven Minions (Center) Weapon action of their choice. If they fail either roll,
Special Rules: If there are no heroes in this chamber they are bitten by Warp-crazed vermin and suffer a
after it has been explored, and less than 6 Minions grievous wound.

Page 12
The Dank Pit I

“Things have been going missing from the district for a good while now. The jewel of Amathustra vanished
from the altar of the Church of Sigmar in Thorn Gate, and a cache of gold was pilfered from a tradesman
in the Ashfall pass just the other day. I’m sure these aren’t just ordinary thieves, it’s goblins! The pests are
everywhere, scuttling around in the shadows. Track them to their cave and recover our lost goods!”
-Chaplain Drov Milton

Set aside all Treasures and Gold pieces you find during this quest. For each treasure and every 3 Gold
pieces you find, place a Glory marker on the Achievement card.


Mushroom Farm

Dank Hole


The Dankest Hole

Slidey Passage D6
1-3 Goblins are cowards, even in large
numbers. Roll a dice for each Grot
AMBUSH TABLE adversary on the board. If you roll a 6,
D6 they scuttle off into the darkness and
are removed from the board.
1-2 D3 Grot Minions
4-6 A loud scampering fills the halls around
3-5 D6 Grot Minions you. Add D3 Danger tokens to the
6 2D6 Grot Minions current chamber.

Page 13
I The Dank Pit

You walk cautiously into the mouth of a strange Adversaries (Alert): 3 Grot Scuttlings.
tunnel which has been carved out off a sewer Special Rules: Each time a hero is wounded in this
passage. There are pungent mushroom growing all chamber they must change all their normal wounds
along the inside of the damp cavern walls. to Poison wounds, then increase the Poison level of
all their wounds by 1.
Dank Hole Search: 3 Gold pieces.
The narrow tunnel opens into a wide cave, though
it’s so low in places that you have you crouch to keep Crumble-hole
from scraping your head on the ceiling. Just up The floor here is broken and crumbling. There are
ahead you can hear the pattering of little feet on the dozens of little hidey-holes and nooks where the
stone. Grots may have stashed their ill-gotten gains.
Adversaries (Alert): 6 Grot Minions (Center) Special Rules: After taking a Search action, place a
Search (Timed 2): You locate a narrow passage, wound marker on your current space. You may not
moments from crumbling, and manage to brace the take a Search action while standing in a space with
exit enough to pass through. a wound marker.
Search (Epic): You locate 2 Treasures.
Slidey Passage
You step through the doorway and almost fall right The Dankest Hole
over. The roughly-hewn tunnel slopes sharply A veritable swarm of goblins crowd in this room,
downward, the stone floor slick and slippery. Ahead perched atop a great mound of pilfered purses and
through the darkness you can just make out a pair of money-pouches. Gold glints in their green fingers,
little eyes and a massive mouthful of razor sharp and they hiss angrily at the sight of you.
teeth. Some sort of monstrous squig-like creature has Adversaries: 8 Grot Scuttlings (Center) and D6
taken up a semi-permanent residence here. You Grot Minions (Exit)
suspect that the sharply tilted sloop is used as a Special Rules: Each time you slay an adversary in
feeding shoot for the hidious creature. this chamber, take 1 Gold piece.
Special Rules: It takes 2 movement points to move Search: D6 Gold pieces.
from south to north in this chamber. Each time a hero
or ally ends an action while located in this chamber
they must roll a D3, and move that many spaces
At the end of the round after placing a third marker
directly towards the south end of the chamber. If
on the Achievement card, the heroes are victorious.
there is another figure in the way, that figure is
The grots shriek and gnash their teeth in a fury, but
pushed as well, if possible. If there is a figure behind
their will to fight is broken. Snatching up whatever
that one, they keep their footing and none of the
remnant of their ill-gotten goods they can, they
figures move. Any figure that ends an action adjacent
scurry off into the darkness.
to the obstruction in this room – the great Squiggy-
Each hero may choose to take 3 gold or 1 treasure
mouth – immediately suffers 1 wound.
from the recovered loot.
Search: You manage to keep your footing long
enough to locate a narrow side passage leading east
from the sharply tilted corridor.
Grot thieves pilfer your party, and the city alike!
Each hero loses all gold and treasures. The heroes
Mushroom Farm
may not purchase any items during their next visit
The enormous mushrooms here exhale great puffs of
to Cinderfall.
noxious vapor. It doesn’t seem to bother the goblins,

Page 14
The Beast’s Lair I

“They might stand up on two feet and walk like a man, but these monsters are pure animal. Senseless savage
brute that’d gut ya soon as look at ya. There’s packs of ‘em what rove the outskirts of the city, skulking in
their dens and what have you. What I need is somebody can go along with the caravan and keep those beasts
off our backs. If ya can figure where they’re holing up and flush ‘em out all the better.”
-Captain Gran Olaf

If there is a Freeguild ally within range, adversaries will target them instead of a hero.

Flamescar Roadway


Beastmen’s Lair

Hidden Cave

Loot Hold
1-2 You locate the remains of a man from
a previous caravan, and find 1 Gold
AMBUSH TABLE piece still in his jerkin.
D6 3-6 A crooked arrow hisses out from above
1-3 D3 Beastman Minions the lip of the canyon above! Roll a dice.
Any hero or ally within 3 spaces of the
4-5 D3 Beastman Soldiers corresponding secret entrance suffers 1
6 1 Beastman Elite wound.

Page 15
I The Beast’s Lair

The Caravan stands ready to depart. Men reach of the city of Hammerhal prominently displayed on
nervously for their weapons, eyeing one another and the stolen loot.
whispering anxiously amongst themselves of previous Adversaries: 1 Beastman Elite (Entrance)
caravans which were waylaid and lost. Search: D3 Local Treasures.
Place 6 Freeguild allies beside the board. In the hero
phase, the heroes may place any number of them in Beastmen’s Lair
open spaces on the Entrance tile. When an ally moves A narrow crack in the rock leads at last to the secret
into the space marked X on the Flamescar Roadway, dwelling place of the raiders. Their leader, a shaman
that ally is removed from the board. of terrible power and vicious hatred stands before
you, his most powerful soldiers arrayed about him.
Flamescar Roadway Adversaries (Alert): 1 Great Bray Shaman (S), D3
The Flamescar roadway lays before you. This long Beastman Soldiers (Center)
path leads through the charred and desiccated Search: 1 Exotic Treasure.
canyon pass, with numerous opportunities for
ambushes along the way. You’ll need to be on your Victory
guard if you are to shepherd the caravan through When the last Freeguild ally moves off the board,
safely. the heroes are victorious.
Special Rules: Place 2 Danger tokens in this Despite the harrying of the Beastmen, you’ve
chamber when it is explored. Place 1 Danger token managed to shepherd the caravan safely along the
in this chamber each turn before making the ambush Flamescar Roadway
roll, even if there are not currently any heroes present Each hero on the quest gains 1 Renown for every 2
in the chamber. When an ambush occurs on the Freeguild allies that moved safely off the board.
Flamescar Roadway, roll a dice and place the
indicated adversaries as close as possible to the Defeat
hidden door which corresponds to the result of the The caravan has been scattered, overturned carts
dice roll. and slain guardsmen littering the roadway behind
Search (Epic): Roll a dice. Set up the Hidden Cave you. Despite your efforts, you’ve been unable to hold
adjacent to the hidden doorway which corresponds back the rampaging Beastman raiders.
to the result of the dice roll. If you get this result You have failed to protect the caravan, and may not
when rolling after an ambush occurs on the roadway, attempt this quest again. Each hero places D3 Danger
roll again until you get a different result. tokens on their hero card. While any number of
tokens are there there, that heroes is disgraced. The
Hidden Cave next time that hero would gain any amount of
You advance cautiously through a curtain of tangled Renown, discard a Danger token instead.
vines, twisted and brown and dead, woven into a sort
of curtain which shielded the narrow entrance from
outside view. It stinks inside of beasts.
Adversaries: D3 Beastman minions (Center)
Search: You locate an inventory of the Beastmen’s
loot. Place up to 3 dice on the Map card.

Loot Hold
Sacks of grain and chests of treasure lie piles
haphazardly about in this room. You can see the seals
of the city of Hammerhal prominently displayed on

Page 16
Temple of Slaughter II

“The Flayhound tribe of reavers have established a dark temple beneath the city. People have begun to
disappear from the streets. The Flayhounds are planning something grim, a sacrifice to draw the eye of their
dark god. Find their temple, and destroy it before it’s too late to stop them.”
-General Nathan A’ilatha, Hammerhal Army

Place the Blood Marker in the starting space on the Fate board, each time an adversary is slain or a
hero is grievously injured, advance it 1 space. Once it makes a circuit, place a Exalted Deathbringer
on the board as if for an ambush, and remove the Blood Marker.

Discarded Bones

The Offertory

Blooding Room W

Flaying Pit A B

Burning Approach

A (2+): Descend to Stairwell B.
B (2+): Ascend to Stairwell A

1-3 Slaughter the innocent. Advance the
1-3 D3 Khorne Soldiers Blood Marker D3 spaces.
4-5 D3 Khorne Elites 4-6 The Blood must flow! Each wounded
6 1 Khorne Champion hero suffers a wound.

Page 17
II Temple of Slaughter

Blooding Room in this chamber in a single move action they must

You see before you an armored warrior, standing test their agility or suffer D3 wounds.
with arm raised and blood streaming down the blade Search: The room seems eerily quiet. Reduce the
of an ornate dagger clutched in his grip. Just for a Blood Marker by D3 spaces.
moment the air seems to ripple, and you think you
catch a glimpse of an endless scorched landscape, The Offertory
the ground soaked with blood. A grate in the floor allows movement across this
Adversaries: 1 Blood Warrior (W) unhallowed chamber, and the magma running
Search: You pick up the strange blade. It appears underneath casts fiendish shadows on the leering
almost to be alive; the craved mouth drinking the faces of the cultists that rush to slaughter you.
blood running down the blade. You may choose to Adversaries: 3 Khorne Elite (Center)
keep the dagger or destroy it. If you keep the dagger, Special Rules: When an adversary is slain or a hero
place a Danger token on your hero card. Advance the grievously wounded in this chamber advance the
Blood Marker 1 additional space each time you slay Blood Marker D3 spaces instead of 1.
an adversary. Search: Roll a dice. You may suffer any number of
wounds to add an equal number to the result (or twice
Flaying Pit as many if you kept the sacrificial dagger found in
A grisly sight is before you - bulky warriors crouched the Blooding Room.) If the final result is 6 or higher
over severed heads performing some foul ritual. than you have located a hollow in the wall. Upon
When they see you they drop their bloody work and inspecting it you locate a lost Artefact. Take the Last
bellow war cries. Gift of Saint Rubeus.
Adversaries (Alert): 3 Bloodreavers (Center)
Special Rules: While there are adversaries in this
room at the end of the turn roll a dice, if you roll equal
When the Exalted Deathbringer has been slain the
to or lower than the party’s Achievement Level,
heroes are victorious.
reveal Stairway A and place D3 Bloodreavers in that
The hideous deamon slumps to the ground, the
burning light fading from its hate-filled eyes.
Search: You find 1 Gold piece.
Each hero on the quest gains 2 gold. You may not
attempt this quest again.
Discarded Bones
You find a room in which the Khornites have Defeat
discarded the bodies of their victims. A huge and The Khornite blades flash again and again as they
hellish hound gnaws furiously at an enormous bone. tear into you, and the last thing you feel as you slip
It raises its head and snarls in your direction. into merciful oblivion is the edge of a knife sawing
Adversaries: 1 Bloodreaver (B), 1 Flesh Hound (F) at your throat.
Search: You find flayed skin, upon which are You may not attempt this quest again. Choose a
inscribed strange runes. Add a destiny dice to the fate random hero and place the Blood Marker on their
board showing a result of your choice. hero card. They have been marked for sacrifice, and
suffer 1 additional wound each time they are
Burning Approach wounded by a Khorne adversary. The hero may
The flagstones in this room shift gradually underfoot remove the mark by spending 5 gold in the Chapel
and are uncomfortably hot to the touch. of the Shattered Blade and remaining garrisoned
Adversaries (Alert): 1 Khorne Commander (S) there for a turn.
Special Rules: If a hero moves more than 2 spaces

Page 18
Darkhold Garrison II

“They came out of nowhere! A whole gang of them, men in black armor with dark expressions, I never
seen such fearsome folk. I tell ya, they seemed hardly human. Evil they were, evil to the bone. And their
leader… he was something else. Something like I never seen before. They killed everyone, everyone but my
husband. He’s the proctor of the second district. They took him back to where ever they come from.
Sigmar knows what they’ll do to him. Please, please! You have to rescue him.”
-Shona Quilian, Wife of the Proctor

When there is an ambush during this quest, reveal the Barracks and/or Assembly Room if you have
explored any chambers adjacent to either of those chambers.

Squalid Cell
Pillared Hall


Jailor’s Room


Mess Hall
A (3+): Descend to Stairwell B. Assembly Room
B (3+): Ascend to Stairwell A
AMBUSH TABLE 1-4 Keep Quiet… Each hero tests Agility.
D6 If half or more succeed, choose and
remove a Danger token. If all fail, add
1-3 1 Chaotic Elite 1 to the current chamber instead.
4-5 D3 Chaotic Soldiers 5-6 The Alarm is raised! Add D3 Danger
6 1 Chaotic Nemesis tokens to the current Chamber.

Page 19
II Darkhold Garrison

Pillared Hall Assembly Room

The heavy door swings open to reveal a well-lit room. This large room is packed with warriors, soldiers of
The stonework is of a high standard, in a stark darkness gathered and ready for combat. A hulking
contrast to the surrounding ruins, and you pass by brute stands at the center of the room, his weapon
loaded weapon racks. The doors leading onward are raised high as he bellows a chant to the gods of Chaos.
sturdy and broad, reinforced with iron bands. Adversaries: 1 Chaotic Elite (Center), 2D3 Chaotic
Search: You’re able to locate D3 Gold pieces Soldiers (Entrance)
scattered throughout the hall. Search: You find 3 Gold pieces in the pouch of a
slain warrior.
The floor here is riddled the pitfalls and crumbling Jailor’s Room
masonry. It’s unsteady and unsafe. There are places A hideous freak of a man leaps up as you tumble into
where the floor has fallen so fully into disrepair that the room. He hisses, baring teeth sharpened into
you can see through to the floor below. fangs and raises his hands. Instruments of torture
Special Rules: Each time a hero ends their hang on the walls, crusted with blood.
movement in this chamber, roll a dice. If you roll Adversaries: 1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord (L)
below your Agility value you lose your footing and Search: You find a Local Treasure among the Jailor's
tumble down. You suffer D3 wounds, then place your possessions.
hero in any space in the Jailer’s Room. If that
chamber has not been explored yet, reveal it now. Squalid Cell
Search: You find a way down. You may place your Taveron Quilian is huddled in the corner of the room,
hero in any space in the Jailer’s Room. If that shivering and holding himself. He flinches away from
chamber has not been explored yet, reveal it now. the light, whimpering in anticipation of his torturer’s
return. When he see who stands in the door, however,
Barracks he rises slowly to his feet with a look of disbelief.
A band of grim mercenary soldiers lounge about in Search: Gain Companion of your choice. Advance
the dirty confines of the room, sharp blades in their the Fate marker D6 spaces at the beginning of each
hands and marks of chaos tattoo on their muscled turn from now on.
arms. They leap to their feet as you cross the
threshold. Victory
Adversaries: 4 Chaotic Soldiers (Center) When the the Companion moves onto the Entrance
Search: You collect a scrap of paper upon which is tile, the heroes are victorious.
written the schedule of the guard’s patrols. D3 Torch The Proctor staggers out into the light, sobbing with
dice. relief as he tastes freedom.
Each hero on the quest gains D3 gold. You may not
Mess Hall attempt this quest again.
Dirty crockery and spoiled food lay about in a filthy
disarray. Upon the high table, however, there sits the Defeat
remnants of a more recent feast, much of it looking You retreat to the city in shame, the thought of having
highly appetizing. It seems that the spoils of victory to face the newly widowed Madam Quilian weighting
have awarded the soldiers of darkness with some heavily upon your party.
choice vittles, at the least. You may not attempt this quest again. You lose favor
Search: If you have a respite here after searching, in Cinderfall. Heroes may not take Garrison actions
each hero may remove a grievous wound; add D3 in Cinderfall during their next visit. Note this in the
Danger tokens instead of 1. Campaign Log.

Page 20
The Shattered Spire II

“The lost realm of Shadespire is bleeding into the Silver Tower, and its captives escaping their eternal
confines. A gateway has been found beneath the city, and has begun drawing in innocent souls to wander
forever within. It must be closed, if any dare to venture into that place…”
-Magistair Arcana Davos Slyna

When a figure is slain or a hero is grievously injured, set them aside and place them beside the
board. Heroes are not returned to the board when a respite occurs.
Soul Refractor

Katophrane’s Reliquary

Shyishian Stardial
Entrance X
The Mirror Well

D6 W
1-5 Pieces of razor sharp shardglass explode through the
room. Each figure in the current chamber suffers 1 Cursed Oubliette
wound for each Danger token beside the board, then The Arcane Nexus
remove each Danger token. Heroes may make a
Save roll for each wound to prevent it. Discard all
Danger tokens.
6 The knowledge of the Katophranes is dangerous,
but powerful. Roll a dice for each Danger token Do not place Danger tokens beside
beside the board. For each result of 1-2, each hero individual rooms. Instead, place them next
suffers 1 wound. For each result of 3-6, each hero to the Fate board. There are no Ambushes
gains 1 renown. Discard all Danger tokens. during this quest.

Page 21
II The Shattered Spire

Entrance Oubliette, trapping the damned spirits of the cursed

A swirling blue doorway is open before you, city within. Choose D3 adversaries set aside by the
beckoning you on into its glassy depths. board and remove them from play.
Special Rules: Heroes adjacent to the portal may
take the following special action: The Arcane Nexus
Enter the Portal (1+): Remove your hero from the A trio of armored fighters stand about a swirling
board and place them in one of the spaces marked portal, making an offering of blood to the nexus. This
with the X, or as close to them as possible. is the gate through which the city has become
connected to Hammerhal. It is also your way back.
The Mirror Well Adversaries: 2 Blood Warriors (W), 1 Blood
You can feel a change in the air as you emerge from Warrior Chaos Chosen (M)
the portal. Before you can find your bearings, Special Rules: When the last adversary in The
however, you’re thrust into a vicious melee! Arcane Nexus has been slain, the heroes are
Adversaries: 4 ‘Ardboys (Center) victorious.
Allies: 1 Vanguard Hunter (Entrance) Search: You find an Exotic Treasure trapped within
Search: You discover D3 Gold pieces glimmering the Nexus, and manage to take possession of it.
in the depths of the mysterious well.
Soul Refractor
Katophrane’s Reliquary Those trapped in Shadespire are locked in an eternal
Reavers swarm about a lone Stormcast, repeating conflict, one from which not even death offers release.
once again the steps of an ancient dance which they Special Rules: After this chamber is explored, the
have danced together for time immemorial. banished souls of the slain begin to return. At the
Adversaries: 5 Bloodreavers (Center) beginning of each turn, the Runemarked player rolls
Allies: 1 Liberator (Entrance) a dice. If they roll a 1-3 they may choose a hero or
Search: You find a strange jeweled casket inscribed ally and return them to the board in an empty space
with a warning in the language of the Katophranes. adjacent to the blue portal, as if returning after a
If you choose to open it, gain 5 Gold pieces, then respite. If they roll a 4-6 they must choose an
each hero in your chamber suffers D6 stun. adversary, if possible, and return them to the board
in the same manner.
Shyishian Stardial Search (Epic): Choose an adversary placed beside
It seems there is not one corner of this cursed city the board and remove them from play.
not given over to brutal struggle.
Adversaries: 4 Clanrats (Center), 1 Clawlord (Exit) Victory
Allies: 2 Berserkers (Entrance) You fling yourselves into the portal, and the city of
Search (Timed 4): You gaze into the stardial, and glass fades away behind you.
see trapped within the spirits of the lost, whispering Each hero on the quest gains 3 gold. You may not
secrets. Add D6 dice to the Map or Torch cards. attempt this quest again.

Cursed Oubliette Defeat

The ancient guardians of Shadespire stand before Shards of enchanted glass slice into your skin as you
you, their ghastly skeletal faces arranged in rictus tumble aimlessly deeper into the lost realm…
masks of grim amusement. You may not attempt this quest again. Randomly
Adversaries: 6 Deathrattle Skeletons (Entrance), 1 choose a hero on this quest. That hero is permanently
Wight King (Center) slain, and removed from the campaign. This penalty
Search (Epic): You slam shut the great gates of the has no effect if the heroes did not attempt the quest.

Page 22
The Plague Garden III

“Please, you must come through the portal to Ghyran at once! A horrible infestation has overtaken the royal
gardens, and all those who venture into it have vanished without a trace. Some horrible pestilence has taken
root there, and must be purged!”
-Narbo Riff, Master of the Royal Gardens of Alarielle

The green marker is used during this quest. It is referred to as the Blight Marker. Place it on the
starting space of the Fate board, and advance it one space at the end of every turn. If it completes a
circuit of the Fate board, the heroes are defeated.

Mulching Hall Poisoned Garden

Entrance P

Blighted Chamber
Overgrown Courtyard N

Dank Hold

Orchid Room

1-5 Each hero advances the Poison level
1-5 D3 Nurglings of any poison wounds they have by 1,
6-8 D3 Plaguebearers then suffers 1 Poison wound.
9-10 D3 Putrid Blightkings 6 Advance the Blight Marker 1 space.

Page 23
The Plague Garden
Overgrown Courtyard then flip the Search marker back to its Unsearched
The stone courtyard, once a place a quiet side and add 1 Danger token to this chamber.
contemplation for the Aelves of Hammerhal Ghyran,
has been transformed into a grotesque tangle of Blighted Chamber
pestilent and invasive growths. Monstrous warriors stand wreathed in clinging
Adversaries: 1 Nurgle Minion (N), 1 Nurgle Soldier tendrils of vines. When they see your approach they
(P), 1 Putrid Blightking (B). shake off the growth and stomp towards you.
Special Rules: When this chamber is set up, place 2 Adversaries: 3 Nurgle Champions (Exit).
Danger tokens at each exit. Search: You find a local treasure in the muck.
Search: Remove D3 Danger token from 1 exit.
Poisoned Garden
Orchid Room Once a beautiful and carefully tended display, the
Noxious and overwhelming fumes emanate from a gardens here have withered and died. A huge beast
tangle of shockingly bright flowers, their great petals stands in the middle of the garden, its mind choked
oozing and dripping sickly sweet nectar. with poison and corruption.
Adversaries (Alert): 5 Nurgle Minions (Center) Adversaries: 1 Dankhold Troggoth (T)
Special Rules: When a hero is in this chamber during Special Rules: Instead of setting up Squiggly-beasts
the hero phase, each 1 they roll when placing their when placing the Troggoth, set up 2 Nurgle Minions
hero dice is removed, and they suffer 1 Stun instead. instead. Ignore references to Squiggly-beasts when
Search: You crush the plants; the heroes ignore this activating the Troggoth. When the Troggoth has been
chamber’s special rules. defeated the hero who slew him flips the Search
token in this chamber and resolves it as if having
Mulching Hall made a successful search.
The ground here is covered ankle deep with a layer Search: You pry a glowing object from the hands of
of rotting vegetation. A gruesome Plaguebearer the dead Troggoth. Take the Seeds of the Everroot
looks up at you with vacantly malevolent eyes. Artefact card. Reduce the Blight marker by up to 3
Adversaries: 4 Nurgle Soldiers (Exit). spaces on the Fate track.
Search: You find D3 gold in the mulch.
Dank Hold When the Blight marker has been returned to the
Two huge fungal growths swell in the shadowy starting space the heroes are Victorious.
corners of the room. A great green cloud of You have broken the spell of corruption.
continually ejaculated spores fills the air with a Each hero on the quest gains 3 gold. You may not
wretched and unbearable foulness. attempt this quest again.
Special Rules: Place 2 Mushroom tokens. Heroes
may attack them as if they were adversaries. Each Defeat
wound inflicted releases a cloud of spores, every The plague is unleashed upon the city, spreading
adjacent hero suffers 1 Poison wound. When a Spore through the realmgate to infect Cinderfall.
suffers 3 wounds, remove it from the board and You may not attempt this quest again. The plague is
reduce the Blight marker by D3 spaces, up to the unleashed, for the next D3 visits to Cinderfall. The
starting space. The heroes may not take a Search Chapel is overrun treating infected victims. When
action in this chamber unless both mushrooms have taking the Holy Healing action the heroes must pay
been destroyed. 6 gold, rather than 3, and when taking the Rest and
Search: Reduce the Blight marker by D3 spaces, Meditation action, the heroes must subtract 3 from
their rolls.

Page 24
The Court of Blood III

“They’re all mad, I tell you, stark raving mad! They’ve killed everybody, and worse than that! Cannibals,
they are, ate every last one of the noble family. By Sigmar, I never seen anything like it. Please, please you
must slay the beasts. They’ve set themselves up in the castle as if they was lords and ladies, but it’s a feast
of slaughter they’re presiding over!”
-Raffe Janks, Stable boy of the Sun King’s court

Royal Courtyard
Wine Cellar


Throne of the Sun King

Hall of Tapestries

The Great Hearth


1-5 Ghouls appear all about you, seeming
AMBUSH TABLE to crawl out of the very walls as they
D6 come forth. Add 1 Mordant Soldiers
to the Current Chamber.
1-2 D3 Mordant Soldiers
6 Resolve this event as if you had rolled
3-4 D6 Mordant Soldiers a 1-5, but add D3 Mordant Soldiers,
5-6 1 Mordant Champion rather than 1.

Page 25
The Court of Blood

Entrance Wine Cellar

Far out upon the wastes of the Flamescar Reach lies The casks have been smashed open, and the red
the court of the Sun King - a title long held by the liquid dripping from the broken barrels and lies
noble family of Belfiant, rulers of a small fief outside sticky upon the floor.
the walls of Hammerhal. The great castle is a grim Search: You find an Exotic Treasure hidden in an
and frightful now, the halls slick with gore and the empty wine cask.
banners tattered and ripped. Not a living thing greats
your approach, but you can hear the scratch of long Throne of the Sun King
nails on the old stone. The leader of the pack sits here enthroned, licking
his wounds, surrounded by the slavering masses of
Hall of Tapestries his gruesome court. The ghouls are a grisly parody
The tattered remnants of once-resplendent wall of chivalry, clawing and mangling one another in
hangings decorate the walls here. They seem to have the press as they attempt to swipe at you.
been clawed and ripped in a blind fury. Adversaries: 1 Ghoul King (K), 1 Fell Bat Swarm
Search: You find D3 Gold tucked in a secret (F)
compartment behind a tapestry. Special Rules: Figures may enter the red-bordered
spaces in this chamber. If a hero ends an action in or
The Great Hearth adjacent to such a space, however, then they will be
A hulking Ghoul screams in wordless rage as you attacked at the end of the adversary phase by a Crypt
enter, summoning forth his scuttling minions. Ghoul. Each red space counts as a Crypt Ghoul.
Adversaries (Alert): 1 Ghoul King (K), D3 Mordant
Soldiers (Center) Victory
Search: You find 2 Gold. The Riches of the court are yours. You need only to
Special Rules: When the Ghoul King would be slain, wash the blood from the coins strewn about and
instead remove him from the board and set him aside among the dead. A hideous payment for your service,
and read the following: but a potentially lucrative one.
The mad lord of the cannibals, blood dripping from The party receives 2D6 Gold. You may not attempt
a half-dozen wounds, rushes out of the chamber and this quest again.
vanishes into shadow before you can finish him.
The court of madness now holds sway upon the
Royal Courtyard
Flamescar Reach. Portion-making supplies will be
A hulking monstrosity charges towards you,
a good deal more difficult to obtain.
shrieking as it crosses the gory courtyard, once a
The heroes may not purchase potions from the Guild
place of resplendence and beauty, now a grim
of Thaumaturgists for the next D3 visits to
abattoir of the doomed.
Cinderfall. Not this in the Campaign Log. You may
Adversaries: 1 Mordant Champion (C)
not attempt this quest again.
Search: Roll a dice. If you roll a 1, suffer D3 Stun.
If you roll a 2-5, you find D3 Gold. If you roll a 6,
you find a Local Treasure.
Special Rules: When the heroes explore this
chamber the active hero’s turn immediately ends and
the Champion is activated. It will activate again at
the normal time. While the Champion is on the board,
add 1 Mordent Soldier to each unexplored exit in this
chamber at the beginning of each Hero Phase.

Page 26
The Silver Gates
“The sages of the Temple of Silver Mirrors gaze ever into the murky reflections of fate. Never before,
however, have those mirrors gazed back. Not until today. A strange band of pilgrims in dark cloaks came
into the temple, and began to perform a ritual of some sort… I fear it part of a dark plot, and one with
potentially grave consequences…”
-First Sage Aundwin Trilheart

The blue “eye” marker is used during this quest. It is referred to as the Mirror Marker. Place it on
the starting space of the Fate board.

The Temple of Silver Mirrors


1-3 Shards of mirror glass explode outward! Any hero
within 3 spaces of a mirror portal tests Agility or
suffers D3 wounds.
4-5 Howling cries wrung from beyond! Advance the
AMBUSH TABLE Mirror Marker D6 spaces.
D6 6 A shattered mirror binds itself slowly back together.
1 D3 Daemon Minions Return a set aside portal to one of the spaces a portal
was removed from, if possible, then place one of the
2-4 D6 Daemon Soldiers set aside exploration cards next to it. If no cards
5-6 D3 Daemon Elites remain, the heroes are defeated

Page 27
The Silver Gates
Entrance make a search action to close the portal. When they
The silence of the temple lays beyond a great have searched, flip the marker as usual. At the end
doorway wrought with beautiful and terrible of the round, remove the chamber and remove the
inscriptions, the carvings made by sages who have portal connected to it and set aside the portal by the
gazed into the uncertain future. Fate board. Any figures in this chamber are removed
Special Rules: At the beginning of each turn advance according to the rules for Vanishing Chambers.
the blue eye (Mirror Marker) one space for each set
aside mirror portal. When it makes a complete circuit The hero who searches the fifth and final chamber
add D3 Danger tokens to the Temple. If an ambush finds the Heart of Ice Artefact card standing upon a
happens here, place the enemies as close as possible twisted pedestal. If they choose to take it they suffer
to any portals, rather than in an empty chamber. D3 grievous wounds as sinuous frosty tendrils of
magic wrap themselves around their heart.
The Temple of Silver Mirrors
A large group of figures in dark robes stands Victory
throughout the temple, their voices raised in a low When the final portal has been closed the heroes are
dirge, a grim chant which sends a shiver down your victorious.
spine. As you look, the foremost of the figures throws The plotters of the Order lay slain before you, and
back their hood, revealing the Chaplain of the Order shards of broken mirror glass lay strew across the
of the Silver Blood himself. The Daemon mage smiles floor like a field of glittering stars. The sages offer
coldly and draws an image in the air before himself. you a sorry payment, but they have little to give, and
As you watch, the great mirrors about the room begin their temple is in ruins about them.
to swirl and twist. Each hero on the quest gains 3 gold. You may not
Adversaries: 9 Kairic Acolytes (K), 1 Tzeentch attempt this quest again.
Magistair (T)
Special Rules: First, make an exploration deck by Defeat
shuffling together the following exploration cards: The last thing you see before darkness closes in
Shifting Plates around you is the silvery swirling of a strange
The Warrior’s Gaze reflection. It feels as though a shard of mirror has
Beyond the Glass been lodged in your eye.
Whirligig Passage You may not attempt this quest again. Choose a
A Living Path random hero and place the Mirror Marker on their
A Sickening Turn hero card. Each time there is an successful ambush,
Sodden Chamber place D3 Kairic Acolytes as close as possible to this
Shuffle these cards and deal one face down by each hero, in addition to any other adversaries added. The
portal, then set aside the remaining cards without hero may remove the shard by spending 10 gold in
looking at them. the Chapel of the Shattered Blade and remaining
garrisoned there for a turn.
Heroes may make an exploration action at a portal
to flip over the exploration card and set up the Silver
Tower room so that one entrance connects to the
portal. The portal functions like a doorway.

Through the Portals

Special Rules: The Silver Tower chambers may
not be searched normally. Instead, the heroes must

Page 28
Repel the Hoard IV

“Workers digging an aqueduct tunnel under the city seem to have uncovered a lost Shrine to the great
god-king Sigmar. Word of the discovery has been spreading like wildfire, all the way to the tribes of Orruks
and Ogors and Grots that populate the wastes beyond the city. Seems they’ve found a way into the sewage
tunnels beneath the city. It appears they intend to destroy the Shrine and erect their own abominable edifice
in its place. Please, you must protect it at all costs.”
-Jason Nicholas, Chief Architect of the Ninth Gate


West Tunnel S East Tunnel

The Shrine of Sigmar

South Tunnel

1 Help has come! Randomly select an ally AMBUSH TABLE
and place them in the Entrance chamber. 1 D6 Grot Minions
2 An eerie calm comes over the air. Do not 2 D3 Grot Elites
roll the Ambush dice this turn.
3 D3 Gnoblar Minions, 1 Beast Elite
3-4 The walls are crumbling! Each hero must
pass an Agility test or suffer D3 Stun. 4 1 Ogor Champion
5-6 The foe is unrelenting! Roll two Ambush 5 D3 Orruk Elites
dice this turn. 6 1 Orruk Champion

Page 29
Repel the Hoard
Special Rules: Place 2 Danger tokens on each of the Victory
six spaces marked with a dice icon, then set up the When there are no Danger tokens or adversaries on
listed adversaries for each of the three tunnels. the board, the heroes are victorious.
During the Destiny phase, do not roll the Ambush The last of the Orruks flees back down the tunnel,
dice until after rolling and resolving the fate dice. while the shrine stands resplendent in the darkness.
The heroes may not use Torch dice during the As you look, it begins slowly to glow, until the enter
Destiny phase. chamber is filled with a glowing golden light.
Remove all grievous wounds from each hero in the
Instead of adding Danger tokens as usual, instead party. You may not attempt this quest again.
remove a Danger token from the corresponding
space, or an adjacent space, then add adversaries to Defeat
the board using the corresponding entry on the Your party flees back up the stairs, running pell-mell
Ambush Table. through the twisted tunnels while the victorious
sounds of roaring and cackling follow you as the
After the last Danger token is removed from the greenskins tear the shrine apart behind you.
board, do not roll the Ambush dice during the You may not attempt this quest again. Heroes using
Destiny phase. the Rest and Meditation action in the Chapel of the
Shattered Blade next turn must subtract 2 from their
The Shrine of Sigmar rolls. Note this in the quest log.
Special Rules: Place a marker in the center space
marked S. Enemies treat the Shrine as if it were the
Runemarked hero, and treat the Runemarked hero as
if they were next in line to receive the rune. If the
Shrine suffers 10 damage, the heroes are defeated.

East Tunnel
The of chattering of a hundred cackling grots echoes
down the huge pipe, and the snapping of their vicious
snarlfang mounts.
Adversaries: 2 Grot Minions (1-2)

South Tunnel
You can hear the thumping of heavy boots coming
down the length of the tunnel. A pack of Ogor hunters
are coming, their minions scuttling about their ankles.
Adversaries: 1 Ogor Champion (4)

West Tunnel
The clatter of iron-shod boots resound in the narrow
hall as an elite squad of bloodthirsty Ironjaws
advance upon the shrine.
Adversaries: 1 Orruk Elite (6)

Page 30
Orruks in the Eightpoints IV

“Been dark words from the All-Points… sorry. They don’t call it that anymore, do they. The Eightpoints, it
is now. The stronghold of chaos… But you know that already. Anyway, word is that there’s some gang of
greenskins that found themselves something special out there in the wasteland. An artifact of terrible power.
Thing is, it’s in pieces, and none of the orruks can agree on who should have the whole thing. It’s only a
matter of time before them come to an agreement… or one group kills the others and takes it for themselves.
We need someone to go through the portal and get it first.”
-Danthentas Brightstar, Hunter-Prime of the Hammers of Sigmar Vanguard


Bloodwind Spoil
The Ruins



E E Iron Forge

The Wastes

1-2 A flock of hideous Furies Descend! Each AMBUSH TABLE
hero makes an Agility or Save test to D6
avoid suffering Stun (D3).
1-2 3 Orruk Soldiers
3-6 The call of battle is being raised
throughout the Bloodwind Spoil. Add 2 3-5 3 Orruk Elites
Danger tokens to the current chamber. 6 1 Orruk Champion

Page 31
IV Orruks in the Eightpoints

Special Rules: If each hero is in the Entrance Search roll, add 1 Danger token to this chamber.
chamber at the end of the turn, the heroes may elect Search (Epic): Search the Local Treasure Deck for
to return to Hammerhal and end the quest. an Artefact of Hezerek and take it.

The Bloodwind Spoil The Wastes

You glance back at the temporary portal opened Huge overgrown carrion birds prowl the lifeless
behind you, hoping it holds. If not, you’ll be trapped plains, fiercely guarding their foul broods.
here, in this desolate wasteland of blood and death. Adversaries: 3 Orruk Elites (Center)
Adversaries: 3 Orruk Soldiers (Center) Special Rules: At the end of each turn, if there is at
Special Rules: The heroes may not take a Search least 1 Danger token in this chamber, each hero in
action in this chamber. this chamber makes a Save test to avoid suffering a
wound. Then remove all Danger tokens from this
The Tower chamber.
You climb to the top of a ramshackle spire which Search: You smash a clutch of Raptoryx Eggs.
provides a clear view of lands beyond. Ignore this chamber’s special rules.
Special Rules: A hero on the space marked X may
take the following special action: The Vault
Desperate Leap (4+): Move your hero to one of the You force open the massive stone door and stumble
spaces marked Y, then make a Save roll or suffer 1 inside the cool stone structure, you eyes adjusting
wound. just in time to alert you to the crazed Orruk bellowing
Search (Special): You may immediately set up one furiously at you.
of the following chambers: The Ruins, Iron Forge, Adversaries (Alert): 1 Orruk Commander (F), 4
or the Wastes, even if the connecting chambers have Orruk Soldiers (Center)
not yet been explored. Set up all indicated adversaries Special Rules: Each time the heroes roll a 1-3 on a
as usual, but do not activate them until a hero enters Search roll, add 1 Danger token to this chamber.
their chamber or an adjacent chamber. Search (Epic): Search the Local Treasure Deck for
an Artefact of Hezerek and take it.
The Ruins
Two groups of panting orruks have gathered in a Victory
ruined town square. It looks like they’re getting ready If the party has all three Artefacts of Hezerek in
to kill one another over the artifact in question. their possession when the heroes return, they are
Adversaries (Alert): 3 Orruk Soldiers (S), 2 Orruk Victorious, otherwise they are defeated.
Elites (E) The stormcast leader congratulates you on your safe
Special Rules: Each time the heroes roll a 1-3 on a return, and tells you that you may keep the objects
Search roll, add 1 Danger token to this chamber. in question, though she advises caution with the
Search (Epic): Search the Local Treasure Deck for powerful artifacts.
an Artefact of Hezerek and take it. You may not attempt this quest again.

Iron Forge Defeat

A huge ironclad monstrosity stands hulking before a There’s no telling what sort of chaos these wild
massive red-hot forge, flanked on either side by his orruks will be able to get up to now.
companions. Remove all three Artefacts of Hezerek treasures
Adversaries: 1 Orruk Champion (C), 2 Orruk Elites from the game.
Special Rules: Each time the heroes roll a 1-3 on a

Page 32
Tomb of Decay IV

“There’s been a terrible stirring in the great tombs in the old town. Rumor is, somebody’s got a hold of
something they shouldn’t have. An artifact of unantural power over the dead. Find it, and kill the one who’s
got it..”
-Lord Arcton Mys, Regent of the Royal Court

Entrance The Rot

The Graves
Upper Tomb
A (4+): Descend to Stairwell B.
1-2 D3 Nurgle Minions
B (4+): Ascend to Stairwell A
3-4 D6 Nurgle Soldiers
Deep Tomb 5-6 D3 Nurgle Soldiers, 1 Nurgle Commander

Uneasy Sleepers

Hall of Bones
D6 G G
1-3 The undead stir in their slumber. Add 1
Danger token to the current chamber. AMBUSH TABLE B
4-6 Whispers of the unquiet dead fill the air. D6
If there are adversaries present on the 1-2 D3 Undead Minions
upper level and no heroes there, move as
many adversaries as possible from the 3-5 D6 Undead Soldiers
upper level to the Stairwell B tile. 6 D3 Undead Elites, 1 Undead Commander

Page 33
Tomb of Decay
Special Rules: When an ambush occurs in the upper and cold burial chamber.
level of this dungeon, use Ambush Table A, when Special Rules: Heroes adjacent to the trench may
one occurs in the lower level, use Ambush Table B. take the following action:
Leap (4+): Move to an empty space on the other side
The Graves of the trench.
You step through an overgrown archway. Rotten Search: You may choose to add 1 Danger token to
fingers poke through the soil, wriggling slowly as the this room to place a stun marker on any of the grave
decaying corpses long since interred begin to stir. spaces (marked with a G) then flip the search marker
Adversaries: 3 Nurgle Soldiers (Center) back over.
Special Rules: Place a Danger token on each space
marked with an X. At the start of the adversary phase Hall of Bones
after this room has been explored, choose and remove Yellowed bones cover the floor, like crumbs fallen
1 Danger token. Move any figure in that space to an from the lips of some great feasting beast.
adjacent space and place a Nurgle soldier there. Adversaries: 4 Undead Minions (Entrance)
Search: Remove one Danger token from your space Special Rules: When this chamber is explored, place
in this chamber, then flip the search marker back 1 Gravewraith Stalker on each of the tomb markers
over. Gain 1 Gold. in Uneasy Sleepers that does not have a stun marker
on it, if Uneasy Sleepers has not yet been explored,
The Rot explore it now, then carry out this effect. If Deep
A bog oozes before you, a large stone coffin almost Tomb has not yet been explored, explore it now.
sinking into the clinging mire. Beyond, you can see Search: D3 gold.
the open stairway leading down to the tombs beneath.
Adversaries: 5 Putrid Blightkings (Center) Deep Tomb
Search: D6 gold. You can see scarcely anything in the deepest depths
of the tomb.
Upper Tomb Adversaries: 1 Necromancer (N). The Necromancer
An ornate doorway leads into a shabby mausoleum, has 14 wounds, instead of 7. At the beginning of
the marble tiles long since cracked with age, its silent each turn, place D3 Undead Minions on the board as
residences long since turned to dust in their coffins. close to him as possible.
Adversaries: 1 Nurgle Nemesis (N) Special Rules: If the Hall of Bones has not been
Special Rules: Add 1 Danger token to this chamber explored roll a dice during the hero phase. If you roll
at the start of each turn while the Lord of Blights is an odd result, the Hall of Bones becomes explored.
alive. When an Ambush takes place here, the Search: You find the Ring of the Slumbering King.
adversaries may be placed in any empty space in this
chamber. Victory
Search: Place the search marker on the space marked When the ring has been found, the heroes are
with the S, you have found a staircase down to the victorious.
lower level of the tomb. A hero on this space may You bear the artifact from the darkness. It seems to
use the following special action: thrum and vibrate with terrible power as you bear it.
Descend (5+): Move your hero to the space marked You may not attempt this quest again.
with the S in the Deep Tomb chamber. If that
chamber has not yet been explored, explore it now. Defeat
The dark master of death now holds great power.
Uneasy Sleepers You may not attempt this quest again. Each hero
The long stairway winds downward into a cramped suffers 1 grievous wound.

Page 34
Quest Index Cinderfall Action Reference
Cinderfall and Side-Quests: The heroes may visit the following locations during
Cinderfall Events____________________pg. 43-44 their visits to the Cinderfall District (pages 45-48):
Cinderfall Actions____________________pg. 45-48
The Verminlair______________________pg. 49-50 Chapel of the Shattered Blade:
The Dank Pit________________________pg. 51-52 Recover from your grievous injuries, or receive
The Beastmen’s Lair__________________pg. 53-54 Celestial or Holy training.
Temple of Slaughter___________________pg. 55-56
Darkhold Garrison___________________pg. 57-58 Conran’s Contest:
The Shattered Spire___________________pg. 59-60 Attempt to win Renown in a contest of skills, or
The Plague Garden___________________pg. 61-62 receive Swift training.
The Court of Blood___________________pg. 63-64
The Silver Gates_____________________pg. 65-66 Drinking Contest:
Repel the Hoard______________________pg. 67-68 Test your mettle in hopes of earning coin.
Orruks in the Eightpoints_______________pg. 69-70
Tomb of Decay_______________________pg. 71-72 Gambling:
Take a chance to win big at the dice tables.

Baugren’s Baazar:
Attempt to haggle for a good deal on strange and rare

Guild of Blades:
Hire permanent or temporary additions to your
group, or receive Bladeborn training.

Guild of Thaumaturgists:
Buy exotic elixirs here, or receive Academic or
Arcane training.

House of Venargo:
Raise funds for the party or put your treasures into
safe storage.

Raven Bridge Bastille:

Train the city defense, take on a side-quest, or
receive Unrelenting training.

Red Yugol’s Reverie:

Gaze into the murky future, or receive Chaotic or
Totemic training.

The Riftmarket:
Buy and sell local treasures.

Page 35

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