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GreenEMPIRE “We plant seeds of SUCCESS” !.icensure ™=xamination in “4 griculture ™ eviewer (Lecture Manual and Review Questions) SOIL SCIENCE Green Empire PH is an oniee srpor erour providing bosic Knowledge in agreltur especally to those Who are planning to take the Licensure Examination in Dareturein the hippies. Interact withthe team ae get moe updtes via ou oe FACEBOOK PAGE: wun facebook com/areenemlrh and TWITTER @greenempireph GExnSwieocenank ‘Thi ehere Gaenmpite Pl provies FREE and relevant revew questions, ops, and study ips. Feel ee toon our Alscsion, share your ideas and meet ther examinees Marcial §. Buladaco Top 1 (97.17%) Len 2014 2S Agricutue, Univesity of the Philippines Los Bales Univ Research Associate at Agricultural Systems Cister, UPLB Contact deta: mebuladaco@up.ed ph; 09177034348 ‘Maluz A. Belarma ‘um ude 2S Agriculture, Univesity of the Philippines Los Bates Univ Research Associate a University ofthe Pilppines Los Bas President, HandogAral Ins ‘Contact Detail luzzyosois@gmalcom; 09088979162 Michelle Ann M. Calubaquib 8S Agricutural Chemistry, University ofthe Philppnes Los Bos IMS Sel Science, University ofthe Philipines Los Baios Univ Researcher at University ofthe Pilpines Los Bafos ‘Contact Details:; 09178930602 Lovely R. Luar BS Agricuture, Univesity ofthe Phlippines Los Bales Researcher at International Plat Nutrition Institute (PN) Contact Details: lvaly_luar@; 09268959075 Ma. Theresa V. Velasco ‘magna cum ioe 85 agriculture, Univesity ofthe Philippines os Batos Researcher at International ice Research institute RA) ‘Contact Details: tvlasco@i or; 09082832920 SOIL SCIENCE ‘CONCEPT OF Som, + Sol 2 Sol surface 2 Sol india 1 Pedon HL Paypedon + Aoproachesin the study of so iL Edologial approach |L__Edaphelogeal approach 4+ Feds of say in so scence + Direrent components of so Tso sola © organic matter i Pore spacee 5 water WEATHERING AND SOIL FORMATION + Rocks & Petoiogy + 5 General casaicatons of rocks it Tanecus rocks 1 Secmentary Metamorphic + 2 Modes of rock formation 1h Eatrusive formation intrusive formation 8 Most abundant elements nthe earth's rust Niner Nineraooy 2 General Cessications of minerals Lo Pamary minerals 1 Secondary minerals mm, 2 Types of weathering of rocks and minerals IP yseal weatterng A. Chemical weathering Stages of sail formation 5 Factors of eo formation eimate > Temperature ii Uving organism Rte or Topography he. arent material Time Sol profile Soi hozen Mechanisms of Addition ond Transformation Mechanisms of Transtocation Solum Pedoturbation Naming sol horizons PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL Sol texture Sol separates and their characteristics ‘The Tour! Trane The 12 Texture asses Sal texture determination 1 Feat metnod| fh Rol method Ii, Mecnanicalanaiss. So eucture Siructral esses Sol pre spaces Buk densty Factors affecting buk density 1 Sol texte i OM content i, Cuevation In. Depth inthe protle Pate densty Porosity ‘eration porosity Sol water Soll mosture tension Soll mosturereleose curve Calton of Moisture Content 1 Gravimetric 1 Volumenie ti. Sod water depth Avalabity of water at various moisture conations 1h ter at saturation i Water sted eapacty iL Water at permanent witing point Ine fgroscope (water coemcent 7. Avalobe water Vi Gravitational water Measuring sol metsure status Gypsum Books 1 Tensiometer Water movernent 1 Upward: Capilary movernent 1 Bownward nitration and Percolation Sal consistency Sol color Sol color determination 1V. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL (Chemical nature of 0 enatuents Sol collide (Organic cties Tnorgante calles IU cystaine state days g Ii, Amorphous (non-erstatine) silicate days li, Amorphous non-state days ecrcal charges of scat days 1 Negate charges 1h Postve charges ton exchange Caton Exchange Capscty (CEC) Simple CEC eaelation Percent Base Saturation Exchangeable Sodum Percentage sol Sol pH and nutrient avalabaty Sources of acy Pools of aaaty i Ratveseety 1h Reserve ody sources of Akaingy i Baseforming cations ii Carbonates and bicarbonates Increasing the sol pH (Ling) Common Liming materials Lowering the sa pH (acameaton) Baresng cpacty Sade site Upland sos Lowtand sls ORGANISMS AND ORGANIC MATTER Sol xgeniams Eartvncem Protoroe Baceia Fungi etnomyeetes un + Agoe Sol Organi Mater (SOM) {tects of organic mater to sol properties 1 Payseal i Chemis i tases + 50H decompostion Carbon/titrogen ratio 4 Bheobal ranctormations of te Minerazation i Immobiization rea fh. Demtiicaton ¥. Ammentcation UL Symblte boogial Nfaton Vi Non symbletic Ntxaton InrganicPsolubization icobll transformation of sutur luon preoptaton by so bacteria Compost and composting Cefulose decompastion RINCIPLES AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL FERTILITY Sl fertiy Sol productivity Prant mutton Nutrients Metabolic processes ‘Te 17 essential elements teria of esentiatty acronutrents icronuvients Noble nutrenss Imvmobilenutients Mechanism of nutrient movement Mass flow 1 oatusion i. Contact exchange Carer tery of nutrient uptake Difference beween passive and active uptake ivan uptake Phosphorus uptake Potassium uptoke Calour uptake Magnesium uptake Sur uptake Yield respons to increasing nutrient supply ebig's Law of Minimum sche’ equation Grown facors i Temperature i Maistre supoiy li, Salar energy Iv. Soll properties Sol ferbity evaluation i Quantitative methods 1 Qualtatve memnods So nasi Sol sampling Pant anata Fertizr fel als Pot experiment Nutrient decency symptoms Ferize. Ratonae tor etizaton Organic erizrs Inorganic rerizrs Conventional units of expressing fertizernusents Common W rere Common Pferiizers Common Ktertiers vu. Ferlizercomputasons and recommendations 1 arazer grade 1 Ferazer roto i Geneva formula Metnods of fertize aplication Considerations in cnoesing a method of ferizer pplication Time of ferizer application SOIL CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ‘ol erodon Mechanism of sol erosion 1 Deeerment i. Entrainment i. Depostion 2 General types oso exoson Ih Geoogi erosion i. Aeeslerated erosion Forms of sl eroon I. Rainaeoperoon i Sheet erosion fi Channel erosion Factors afecang sal erosion mate iu Relet/stope ti, Vegetation Ii. Sol properties Huron sctties nest effets of $0 eroson Ofrsteefects of so erosion simaton of sol erosion (USLE) Racor Ktactor Ctecer Stacot Cracor vin. race Tolerable sl loss Sol and water conservation measures i Mechanialenginering measures 1, Biolgial/vegetative measies Ccuturalpracices enforcing sol and water ceanservavon Conservation tage 1 Comection of x problems SOIL SURVEY AND CLASSIFICATION Sal survey 3 Elements ofa soi survey ap sale Orders of st survey Sol taxenomy | Reasons for dasstving sols stele of clastieation 1 Oder fi Stborder Ii, Great group Iu. Sub grup ‘Family vi Series Required knowledge in dassiying sais Dlagnesticharzons Diaghostcsuface herizons Diagnostic subsurace norzons Sol temperature recimes Sol moisture regimes The 12 sol orders Gsacation of soi into Land SuRebity Classes 9 Sutabity classes of sal SOIL SCIENCE I. CONCEPT OF SOIL > amiure of organic and inorganic materials whic feveloped onthe earths surface Weathering processor rocks and. mineral aR Whose properbes are condoned in Various degrees" by the Infuence of chmate, ‘organisms, and topography acing on thelparent material over a period of time ‘= serves as 2 medium of plant (growin (physic Support for anchorage of plant foots; water an rent supper) = considered a non-tenewable resource Because i takes about hundred yeers for naturel processes 2 natural ody with dimensions of thickness and width ath indstine hortzontal fnabling to blend with other sol ond verte boundaries of the ar above. Unveathered rocks below i + sollsurtace CGreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) “= this term fs based on the upper limit of sol which is the boundary between sol and ther at, Shallow water, le pants or plant materia that have not begun to decompose SolLinaiviguat 4. Pedon ‘= ahexagonal column of sil measuring from 1 to 10 Ine top surface rea = the Base sompling Unk used in su surveys ‘. Polypedon man essential sol incividual, comprising an dentable series of sisi an area 1? made up of muttple pedons and has distinctive Characteristics thot citerantate ie from surreundingpolypecons ‘Approaches in the study of soil 1. Pedological approach = (Greek: pean, soil or earth) the study of soils Wwe princpal interest on characcerzation and Gfferenstion of ther properties and wih nly minor emphasson ther prectcal use = Gx Stay of ss for ther fxonomie cassicaon; sal ae a natural body 4%, Edephological approach = (Greek: ethos, sl or ground) the study of sols With emphass on ther practical use, parsclary theralsvonship f sol properties to plank growth = Ex Study. of soll fethty;Varablty”of sll produeivty; Methods of cansesving and improving producsvty ‘lols of study in Soil Science Soil Fertility. usity of sl to provide optimum evel ‘ot mutrents for pent aronth ‘SOM Physics. characterises, processes, o reactions 2 sal caused by physica forces ‘Soil Chemistryineractons 20, Naud, and gaseous ‘pases orcomponnts of sol ‘Soll Microbiology sl biochemical react eradout primarily by microorganisms Soll Conservation and Management. prctecicn of Sol aganst physical loss by erosn, or chemi Geterration; totality of all tage operations, croneng rte, terization, fining ete conducted on & sl for op production ‘Soll Survey and Classification. costs sity thes ‘Srucutal characteris, mode of org, and systematic arrangement of sis ‘Soi! stucural chemistry of the sol ‘components of sa ‘Land use: des wit the alocaton of lands for general or broad purposes sich as agrcuture, forestry, ‘Setement anata reservations f the proportion of the Different components of sol ‘erent components varies properties among sos CGreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) 4. Soll olids ‘Mineral matter, 45% cccames. fromthe weathering of rocks and o composed of san, sit, and day parties vary famong sot major source of al nutrient elements (except ritrogen, catben, and. oxygen) needed for ant growth Organic matter, 5% Cderved from the decayed and decaying Femalns of plants and animal imately mixed ttn te mineral matter the ehiet natural sree of nkrogen;indeave ofthe merogen status ofthe sall aso. contibutes phosphorus, suur, and Imiconutrents but in smaller amounts ompared to mineral sources enables Ue sl to store ations promotes the formation and. sabization of fggregstes, ving the soll greater permeabity {and porosty © Organic sos contain more than 20% organic matter; mest sois. contain lass than 20% (rgani matter, thus assed as mineral sos 1 Pore spaces Ai, 2030% occupies the pore spaces ofthe so 2 composed largely of elemental nitrogen (78%), ‘oxygen (20%), cabon donde (05%), and Twaces of ater gases ‘provides oxygen for respiration of plant rots For dyond or upland «ops, is dea tat at least hal of the pore spaces be ocauped by o There must be enough aeration at the root zone for easy exchange of CO; and. 0; Dbetween the sll pores and the aboveground atmosphere 40 tht CO, would Rot Bull Up tl igh eves which ean be ton to plat rook The CO, in solar is typical highel in ‘concentration than tat sboveground becausa ff the accumulation tram CO, evan from ‘xganic. matter decampestony_ lent Foot Fespation, and reaction produes of carbonate ‘The Gsscved CO: in sll wate forms carbonic ‘00 which lea solvent that can release hutients rom mines u, WEATHERING AND SOIL FORMATION + Rocks :sgpregetes of minerals + Petrology: study of races + a.Gensral classification of rocks 1. gneous rocks ‘= original rocks formed fram the sokdication of mmaterais = Water, 20-30% etious nutrient elements o caries the nutrients tothe proximity of roots ‘here they can be absorbed jalso serves a5 a weathering agent of minerals to constany renew the nutrient supply i the o needed by the plant in large amounts for thei Imetabote tncoone oth paddy sols sich asin lowland rice elas, ‘me pore spaces are neary ied wth water. GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) 550 ocupies the pore spaces ote so Seontans assoved gases and sats fompaunds es well as dlssodated Wan of mmoten magma at temperatures ef $00 °C to 1600 SC within oF outset ears crust ‘The mos common soi-orming ious cooks are grante, donte, gaboro, ryolte, andeste, basa, Grante and dorte ae ughter in color due tothe high proportion of igh- Garbonatantne reaction et catbenic 20d (co) th @ minersl to pyeduce # More ‘soluble produce Ex The transtermaton of clate to calumt carbonate © Soliton the dsoluion of Minerals thrSuoh ihe sNent ection of H5CO, oF WE jons when results into the separation’ or dseoaation of ‘ompenent cations sien s. dssolved rom minerlsand ‘ached of from the soils ‘Stages of soll formation: Rocks and ts component ‘minerals unde'ge weathering reauting Into the party broken "parent material. Further weatesng alows ‘evelopment of sl horizons. i Physeal weateng: reaucing the ze ot the parent materia focks and minerals) parties 1, Rearranging the mineral partes CGreenEMPIRE PH (sw facebook com/ereenempireph) Meng of organic matter ‘Chemical westrerng! hanging the composition and _stucure of minerals induang day Formation 1, Formation of sl hoens ‘+ Siactors of soll formation (chonpn) 1. Climate: stfects the amount of leaching that takes place in the soi and the speed with which si horizons ‘develop = Temperature ‘As the mean annual temperature increases, the weathering ef rocks and minerals in the Sal a be taste, For every 10°C rie temperature, the rate of biochemical rescoons doubles, Tropical sos wil weather faster because of faster chemical reacions. which can occut Uroughout the year. = Raintall ‘Areas wit more alnal wil nave greater weathering (hyaration and. hydrelyis) and (greater leaching Leaching occurs when water moves through the sol and removes the slube constituents. ‘Soluble ace and bases are leached out to give se to sols high in kaolinite and sesquiondes. (2 Wate isan agent of erosion and depostion of se materi At optimum level water faiitates 1.3 glen’ <.1.0 gan + Factors affecting bulk density 4 Soll texture The coarser the texture, te higher the bub ensty and vice verse, ‘= Sandy" sols nave higher buk denstibecsueine Particles tend toe doser together Bey are more, (osey packed = Finetemtured sols ouch as sit laa, day loaf and day are genera” wel sooregae wt ig pores between aggregetes giving iw bulk denisty ‘ates. 1 OM content: Higher OM, loner 80. ti, cutivation ‘= TFeatvation rests in compaction, 8.0. is higher. = Ir etovation resus in loosening of so, BD. omer 1%, Depth inthe Profile GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) 80. generaly is higher wth depth die to compacson brought about by the weght ot veivng layers Solin the deeper horizons have higher buik ‘ensty due tothe ower organic matter content, less aggregation, lssroct penetration. Tass. (Fy weight) per unit volume of soi fxcudng the pore spaces within that sal valume. In equation, PD.=Wsivs ‘here: PD. = Partie densty in glen? Ws = oven-dried waght of sala Ve = volume of sl sl in cr? Volues of P.D, hove @ nrowerronge of 2.50 to 275 glam; Mean PD, ~ 265 gam BD. ora gen sod ie constant thus unafeced by fineness ofthe parices nor by he arrangement of sal collie PD. may ndcate the mineral ancestry ofthe so High ‘PD. ( >270 glem) may indcate sols detved trom heavy (_won-bearing) minerals (magneste, omblende,24eon) Low .D. «2.50 glen? } may indicate soils have high organe mater Since organic matter i general higher in topsois than in subsois, surface sols usuaty nave Tower particle deny PD. of organi matter is 1.20 to 1.50 gfem* Pocosity, = Porosity signifies the extent of pore space expressed as percentage ofthe bulk volume of he sa = Inequation, 5 Pave spaces = (1- (8. P10.) x 100 ‘= The higher the bulk density ofthe sa, the lowers its pros As the bulk densty approaches the value of the particle densty, the percentage —porosty {pproaches zr, five can compact the sal tothe extent that no ote space Ise, wi be equa to PD. The volume of sll pore spaces let occupied hy ai ter the other pore spaces are ile th mole = For uplana/aryiand crops, ts /ideal at only about hair of the total volume of sll pores bl Fite wih wate to lt the pan rats to "breathe ‘Sollwater m constutes. the primary source of Walensfon terest plants = caries the fons and the solutes to plant roots lahere they can be absorbed = moves further in fie textured sos than in coarse textured sols ‘= Soilmasture tat surounds sl pats is hela at varying degrees of tenacy. sw The farther away the molsure fim from the surface of the soll partie, the meaker is the traction bebiesn stand motte GreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) Soll moisture is held move tenaiousy in fine tevcured sols Because of the prosimty of the predominant micropores preset. For the beneft ofthe plat growing on the so it ietest to maintain the sll moisture content within the rootzane ofthe pants as dase as possble to the upper I ofthe avaliable massture range, the force by which water Ihe ia the soll the force that must be overcome by pant rots to ‘ow water om te so expressed i atmospheres (atm) or bars, where 1 stm = 1.01325 bar, 1 bar = 0.5869 atm Tension becomes lager when the amount of water stored or retained is smaller. SMT i low in wet sols and increages as the sol des up Soll maiure moves from 2 zone of low SMT toa Zone of high SMT, fom weiter toa rer pation of the sa ‘Re graph shoving. the lationship between tolure content and moisture tenon atte sal, Sha the charactanstc ofthe 25 tee ‘Salculations of Moisture Content (Mc) 1. Gravimetric MC by weigh (MC) ‘= the weight (or mass) of water per unit weight of in wien is coneaned = In equation, saitew= [EW — OD) / ODN] x 100 vane’ ‘5 Mew = percent meistre canter of the sol by weight Fw = resh weight of the sa, 9 (ODW = oven-cried weigh of 04,9 ‘= easly determined by over aying the slat 105 ~ 110 °C fora least 1S hours to 2 constant weight 1M, Volumetric by volume (MCW) ‘=the volume of water per unt of bulk volime. Induaing Sa Salds pus pare spaces ofthe sa the conversion from Hicw to MCV using the Buk densty of the sol (ale) SaMtey = Now x BD. 1. Water t saturation ‘= All pore spaces are completly filed with water (ngsimum water lang capacity) ‘= Gcaurs after a heavy ran ane persists for only a ‘shot period of time = SHT=0; the water inthe sale loosely hel by the parties and it easy tips with the action of ‘row GreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) ‘i Water at Feld Capacity (FC) ‘= An estimate of the upper limit of the avalable molsure range = ST = 1/3 Bar; ocets when excess water has Gained from the lage pores ater 2 period of Saturation and only te wate at the smal pores ister ‘M, Water a Permanent Witng Point (PHP) ‘an estimate of the lower lime of the avalable moisture range = SHT=15 bar; the point where the plant begins to tit permanently Because ican ne longer aw up the very ite moisture due ta very igh metre 4, Mraroscope (water) coefcient the water fm 3 the immediate surface ofthe so parle ‘= nck avaeble for plant use = hela at a very high SMT of 3 atm ¥, Available Water (AW) ‘= Computed bY gettng the dierence between FC and PUP je AW= FC - PMP W. Gravitational water aso called dramnage water; the water which soon Grains out of the macropores = the dference between the water a saturation and the water ate eapciy ‘+ Measuring soll moisture status 4: Gypsum blocks ‘shal cubes of gypsim connected to wires and buted at specned depts ofthe sail where water ‘atu tobe montoree The elect resistance in a porous materia ke gypsum changes wit the changes in mosture The Black ecard so the electrical resistance Is converted nto moisture content (applicable rom Tto15 aim SHIT) ‘= Teequitorates withthe moisture content in td ea then te Block imbedded inte sl, The gypsum bloc becames wetter or ena the water ao does 4M. Tensiometer consists of tong tue fled with Water and wits Porous cp bured inthe sal nd Bmeraaty gage love the ground = Water in the tensiometerequibrates Wit that in the sol sa that moves in and Ut of Bi ep in Fesponseto changes in sll moisture content = The changes are readin the attached gauge, + Water movement 41. Upward: Capilary movement of soll water ‘= Capiory. movement of liquid trough small = The forces involved ore aches of water on the walls of erannels, and cohesion which Is the GreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) mutual ttaction of water molecules wth exch oer. = The smaller te sol pores, the higher is the captary rise of underground water ‘= Capitary pores in sll are not continuous but are broken by large pores, 4. Downward: titration and Percolation (governed by grataional frees = Trintraton the cownnara ery of water wa the ‘al surface = Percolation: the downward movement of water trough the sal; the water moves st a greater depth the 2 profile 201 Consistency = the physical condtion of the soll mantesting ‘aheson and adhesion ferce acing wthim the so at various molsure contents = the workaity of the sol at specie moisure cantent = Aol behaves atferenty at cferent sol moisure ante. Ii hard when fs ay, Mable when Ws mols, sleky endplate when is we ond scot (ows ike qui) when supersaturated = Sal Moisure Consistency Limits or Attarberg Limits canbe determined inthe laboratory. ‘= The manestavons of sal consistency are Laud consisteeythe sol fs easly puded which IS. attamed at paddy rice cute Puaating destroys agoregaton. Plastic consistency. the sll is plastic and ‘sek. ean be good for pottery » « Fable consistency Sel Bex for cuvation ‘Snce i Is sof, Mabe, mellow and sll ‘Srucute is reluvenated o Harsh hard consistency the sols hard and requires high energy to pul the pow, resuting to cody sed bed ‘SoiLcolor ‘= ca Be 2 useful indicator ofthe soi’ identity and therefore its imp properties ‘= Dark-colred sls ate generally more rere sinc the dark coloring’ is usually due to. sundae humus. content or parent. materials (contaning basevieh feremagnesian minerals). In general, red solsare very olde yhlen fate acdc snd ow in Bos cations, = Red yalowish calor in subsois(inécates good ranage f= Dark bluish or grayish coloration (motu) Incestes poor drainage ss Munsel coor chart : the stancard color comparison chart used © fie: the dominant spectra color o Valve darkness 0 ghtness of alr Crom: gration of purty of color or the Intensity of brightness ofa calor = Gxample: 75 84/6 BROWN ue = 7518 GreenEMPIRE PH (x facebook com/ereenempireph) Value = 4 Chroma = 6 ‘= Sail clor of most sols centered on the Brown Galor, the most dominant sll clor of the lower Sal orion e.g. Brown, Reddish Brown, Yesowsh ‘Brown, Dark Brown TIL, CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS Solis considered to have 3 phases 4 Sold: ergani and morgane materials; serves ase skaletal ramenork of sols 2. "gua the sol sotion whieh cries the eslved nutrients 5. 99s: so a composed mainly of No, O; and cos very small patties of matter (0.2 micron to 2 rmiron) = sth high suiface rea per unit amount (specie surface are) ‘= chemically reactive becouse of the electrical (harges (postive and negative) onthe surface = dasatied ita’? general group: organic colds {and the inergniciminerajay cooids mr constted by organic complexes ocauting In ileal orm ‘= represented by humus: 9 complex, hgh melecilar Wwaignt organic product of the biological ‘decomposition of organi residues im the so ‘= Humus is relatwely stable to further bilopcal The main source of negative charges in humus Is the dssocotion of" om corboxyte and phenol functional groups a igh BM ‘= Humus enables the soi to have greater abilf to ‘aoc and exchange tons = The Base srucure of aluminum sicate ays tetrahedron which as sco om athe ‘center surrounded by four oxjgar atoms athe 08 continuous network ofthese octahedron ‘Suminum, magresum and other covons atthe enter surrounded By hydromle et the sx OA layer of these octahedron makelUpsthe: ‘uminum sheet slica tetrahedron alumina octahedron GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) silica sect coctahecal sheet Inorgante colloids (ctepories based on structure and ‘hemealcompostion) 4 Oypstaine siete clays Composed of sheet-srucured aluminesiicates of \arlous types depending on te rato of sia sheet to alumina sheet inthe eystal structure = Examples are STA nen expanding type (kaolinite and hatte eZ expanding type or smecttes (vontmetonte), most chery reactive {ue to very high spect surface area 2:1 mited expansion type (vermiculite) 12:1 non expancng ype (te) 2:2 ype Chore) ‘= Salis dominated by montmorionte expand when wet and shrink when dry producing large cracks fon te surface 4, Amorphous (non-crystalline) silicate clays "represented by alophone and iogoite ‘= Inthe Pippine, they are usualy associated wth ralaovely young sols. derved from volcanic ash and cheractesiealy containing high organic mater ‘i, Amorphous Non-silicate clays ‘= occur a amorphous hyarous oxides of Iron and = Examples are SHemabte Goats © Umenite 6 Boehmite 2° Gate ‘+ Electrical charges of silicate clays 1 negative charges ‘aise many fam exposed hyarouy oroups atthe broken edges of crystals = aie when the Hof the hydrox casoites ‘especaly a high pl or akaine envesnment (pH Sependent charges, mosty occuring Ite types) ‘= arise fom isomorphous (same size) subsitutons ft in the ca or octaecal sheets ( mosty fccureing in 2:1 day types) © can be cemanstreted by the postvey crerged organic aye, gentian volt whieh loses its color Inceating is adsorption by the sal enables the so to store nutrients, specicaly the postvety charged ions (cations) GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) ‘The cations are adsorbed (attracted on surfoces of Calls) and kept rom being wasned away Oy water pasang water trough the sl slum oreuture important sols ae netnegativey charged M. positive aise from the protonation or adation of H" to OF (oups on the edge of minerals such as ‘Sesaulonides, alophone and katie arise am the exchange of ON groups for eter anions {an be demonstrated by the negatively charged rani ye eva hh oes a ose ck Tonexchanae a reversible process by which ons ae exchanged between soll and fiqud phases and between sod phases fin dose contact wth eoch other; occ fue to the presence of eleccal charges inthe sal ‘Two Types f fon exchange: ‘ication Exchange's the attraction of cations (Gosttvely charged ions) on the surface of aloids and exchanged for lons in the sal “lution (WH, C3" Ng", Na", K°). Anion exchange + the ‘attraction of anions (epatvely charged fons) on the surface of calls and. exchanged for Tons in the sal Satution (NO, PO, 505) ‘Concent of milisauivalent and cmol ‘= tot me = atomic weight J (valence x 1000) = weotd me of K's 39/ (x 1000) = 0.039 g/me © tort me of Ca*= 40 (2x 1000) = 0.02 gfe Sample calculations: Colette weight (g) of ca needed to replace 1 9 of HY ‘ime Ca" wil replace 1 me H* Lime Ca" = 0.02 9; 1me H" = 0.001 9 sng rato and proportion, 02 i Doors Tox x= 209¢a" Using the concept of cmol ‘Lomel = 1/100t of mote Lonel ce" = 0409 Lomol H* = 0.015 ‘enol Ca” wll eplae tema" ome = xtc") ong igi x= 209¢a" =the abity of the sol to adsord aid exchange ations wth those inthe sitrounding ston 35 well as wth the pant rots ‘= the sum ofa adsorbed cations per unt amount pa = commonly expressed as mieqvivalet per 100 g fs (me 09) emo a sa process ‘= pial values ranges from 10 me/100 9 to 30 reyt009, s Inceases with Increasing amaunt of day and ‘organi matter GreenEMPIRE PH (ie focebook com/ereenempireph) Cotions are adsorbed on surfaces of coliss at varying levels depending on their valence, ionic se, hyaration site, and canceattation o eons. She. greater the valence, the stonger the adsorption ie. Ca fs more strongly adsorbed than The smaler the lnic size, the higher the abity ofthe cation to dosely approach the cll surace The smaller the hyération size of the cation, the stronger ets adsorption capacty ‘The steter the concentration of 9 potter ation in the soton surrounding the ellis, the more tengiy adsorbed is that cation General, the sdsrpion strength Is in the order: (APT HE)S caer > Mgr > > a" Th srongly leached sls, the more. strongly ‘sorbed catlons wl be le in te 2. ‘Spl add up the mesof al the cations adsorbed Example ‘Nvsall analysis showed that it contains the following cations. Compute fr the CEC. rchangeable cations me/1009 0 cn too Mg 60 e os nat 15 " 50 23 mey200 g » the degree by which the exchange stes in the Since eaawiece v= The bade cations are Ca, Mg, Ky Ma, NH, ate = The acide cations are Mand A” “aluminum le ace because yiele H upon hyerotas '= $9855 calculated by taking the wnt te CE Simple ealation: A soll analysis showed that i ‘antains the following cations. Compute forthe 5 tio of te bases Exchangeable cations me/1009 so a 100 Ma 60 « 05, at 18 wt Ei a 40 Soluson: 4685 = (me of bases/ CEC } x 100 The degree by wich the exchenge ses of colds are occupied by sodium rns ‘= computed by taking the rato ofthe me of Nat andthatof he cee ‘= Sample calculation: tn previous example, CEC 27 me/1009 ol whe No" = 1:5 me/1009 s GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) ESP = (me Na'/ CEC) x 100 ESP = (15/27) x 100 = 5.65% “ne soll becomes highly @spersed with high ESP ales (159), High ESP is undesirable because it leads to poor aeration and ranage or prmeabty to water SoilpH the degree of acy or akalinty (bascty) ofthe ai Seo refered toa sal ceacton “etermined by the relative ebundance of H* and Of ons can also be expressed as pH = - log {Ho the negative logarithm of hyérogen ian concentration ‘he tower the pH vale, the higher Is the H concentration andthe’ Tower isthe OH fan Be determined easiy and quicty ether using the pH meter or organic dyes tn inccotor of si fetity problem ‘SolLpH and nutrient availablity The. most favourable pH for growing most ‘agrcutural plats Is between pH 6 and ph 7 because at the avalabity of the nutrients and Sevier cf Beneficial mraerganime are st ‘maximum ahi ange ‘The range of pH inthe Pilppines is fom pH 9.5 toph 65. When the pl is too low (< 5.0, strongly ace) ‘Shutients partiary a, Mg, KP, Mo, N become less avalabe to plants ON release may also be hindered when the © becomes complexed with calium as ‘ymbione nitrogen fation ana nrneaton are Drecntates of aicum nyerowyapette or inte falaum phosphate denyorate ‘Fe, Al, and Mn become more soluble to the ‘aso competes with the now abundant Ca for point ortoxty plant absorption 19 Pecomes complexed int inseuble forms with Feand Al OP can ato be preoptated as insoluble manganese phosphate compounds wien the Sol srich in manganese ones Sole lea become acidic when the bases are leached out and replaced by H*lons e.g od In the num topics = Soi actity may aso develop from Secompestion of organic matter die. to formation of organic eis Ie ful gai humic ‘6 and carbone ac = When pit istoc nigh (8.0, stron sme nuients become un ‘Most micronutents-(e ‘unavaable at high pH ‘Tron deficiency commonly deve lg 2. Relaenships existing mineral sls beaen A an the aay {pant narems The pl ke with wider bands nests tat he natin re mos avon or plat use. APNE tn fry of 0" indi conbutes toll acaty) ‘M Carbonie acd (1,601) essocaton: (C,H = HCO, = 2H" + COs" ‘Mk, Organic Acid rom OM decompastion “Fubig humic and other inorganic ais are formed uring organic miter decompostion (GreenEMPIRE PH 2s ‘= Froducion of CO, during organic matter Gecomposton is responsible for the lowering ot Mot calcareous sls in submerged sis 1, Winer weathering kod rain WL Heavy cropping removes (cop removal) basic cations and replaced by Hons fom roots vit Lengterm use of acatvng Teriizers (MH,'contning fertizes) ve to nisifestion process ( conversion of NH," to NO; and release o Wn the sof) + Pools of aciaity 4A Active acidity = adaty due to H" lonsin sal auton measired when pH is determined insthes usual ‘method of mixing equl amounts of gl nd Water ‘= Should ben equirum with reseweaccty 1, Reserve aciity ‘= addty due to Hand Al* ions) adsorved on lod surfaces ‘= alse measured (in ation to active 38) when KC is med with the sl instead of water thes pH determination + Sources of Alkalinity 4. Base. forming cations ‘= As the Base cations such 3 C8, May K and Na saturates the sais exchange complex, the Mion Concentravons in the col soktion wil decease find te concentration of OF increases = Akaine reactions rea ffom the hydrotyss of alles saturated with bose eatens GreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) 4, Carbonetes (CO;*) and bicerbonates (HCO,;) ‘= inveles the application of Ime : any Ca or Mg bearing compound added tothe sof to neutralize the Hons = Une reacts wth carbone acd to form bearbonates which wil associate with Ca replacing H+ in the exchange stes ‘= Uming' "application: small amounts spit and Incorporated into the sal ‘= usually appied in large amounts ¢ tonshectare) Siead of planting t0 alow ample me to react wth the sot ‘= IS veffectuty depends on the me's fneness (Gate sie) and relative neutralizing vale (2NV) orp —clcloted op the calcium corbonate ‘equivalent (ce) = RW the strength ofthe ime in correcting sail acary with reference to caum carbonate; omputed fom the rato ofthe molecular waght ff cleum earbonate and at of the liming material IW = (mol wt CaCO / mol wt of he ming materia) 100 | = “Line requirement. the amount of ning material needed to false the pH of one hectare sol (2 x 10°6 kg) up to desred level under fed nation ‘= Too much timing és can be harmful wth the reduced availabilty of Fe, Mn, Ci, Zn, Py and 8, fd antagonism between C3, K, and Mg ‘+ Common ming materials m hese afe the oxides, hysrondes and carbonates 1 Limestone > made up ciety of the minerals ‘alate CaCO, with RNV ef 100%, or dolore (Cte(cO.), with RNY of 109%; Limestone ‘eports are cushed to spedied partie ze ith average putty of 94% 2. Bumed ine o ick lime CaO or MgO: made by igating ealaum or magnesium carbonates; about 35% pure; nygroseape, tends to sbsord water fiom the air; cakes realy even nen Sele In bags; Ca0 RNV of 179% 3 shakad time: hydroxide of ime made by reac (G20 or MgO wen water; about. 95%enpunty: {Ca(OHD2 RNV oF 136% = An RKY of 179% (CaO) means that every Kg of (0c equivalent in neutralizing Bly to 1.79 eg of C200, ‘= The greater the purty, the oeateFthe neutraling aby of tre me ‘= Galeum sate CaS0, aso contains calm, but i has sate which can foem suture 2 = Gypsum isi 2 liming material, a8 noe Way Sight eect on pH, but can provide Ca as a uit oF exchange wth Na ‘= more ameut tran rating bre pH Uaisty involves adden of large amounts or forgante mater into the sl, or by adding terous GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) sulfate or sulfur mineral [to wenstorm into suture ac] the resstance of the soto erate changes in pH The pit ofthe sol haraly changes because when the A ons inthe sol solution ere leached out, these are replensed by the #1 tons in the exchange complex ( concept of active and reserve facty); te replerishment is reversible raking Timing @ continous practice i order to manta the deared pH ‘Tne higher the Dutfeing capacty of the soil the higher the amcunt of ming needed to neutsaize the seat. The higher the CEC, the higher the butering capacity More me is needed to raise the pH of acide day sals than ace sandy sls. ‘Acid sulfate soils ‘eo Fund to cau nthe Phippnes ‘The idly Is aie to the oxcaton of sutur compounds in sais that are rch in sult, oF re {derves fom sur bearing minerals Sinere is formation of ute 200 DH vate canbe a low a8 4.0 Sol erganisms of genus Thiotactus als fcitate the oxtation of sur compounds te state ale with toxic amount of soluble sale content ” ‘= sls with electcal conductivity (EC) greater than 4 mimhosjem occurs in aid areas where there can be freporation of water reaching the area alows feoncentraton of sats e.. near sea coasts with ‘= canbe reciamed by repeatedly Roosing with fresh water ‘= version canals must be constructed to prevent lnty oF sale water sols with excessive amount of sluble sodium 4 ontent more than 15% of the CEC) highly dspersed and poorly drained Gan be redamed by. repladng. Nagin. the exchange ses of eats with Ca"9( souredlean be gypaum), ang ten washing ait tre Na"; 2. ppteaton of gypsum eo Fefered to as dnfand sale ‘own to crops Ike com, vegetables, MUlbtees ae = aerobicmost ofthe time the nuvients present in the soll exist in heir (nied state Le. NOs, HPO, 50,7804, Fe™, Mn", CO; = sal ler is brown, yalowsh brown, oF reddish brown organic matter decomposes with CO; 35 a major product GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) 50 refered to as padey sos ‘Town to rice, and other crops requiing water or pusaing Snaercbic most of the time because of continuous ‘Submergence There 1s a thin oxidized layer above the water The, nubents exist in reduced state NH", HS, in Fe, Oh sal coors dark gray o bis gray organic matter decomposes wih the folowing major products: Ci, (methane), HS. (hyeroaen Sulfide) organic acs, alcohols, and ketenes IV. SOIL ORGANISMS AND ORGANIC MATTER: + soll organisms impose of arg and smal plants and animas ‘The larger eeganieme (mses, worms, moles, et.) prepare the organic materials for further {degradation by breaking them ito smaller peces The smaler organisms (baceri, fund, ctinonyectes, gee, nemstodes prteroe) cause boemical changes inthe organic materials Rates ‘Response for Hochemical changes ‘Agents inthe decompestion of plant and fnmal residues «Improve sol structure though aggregation + Earthworm feat detrtus, soll organic matter and ‘izeorganisms found on these materas, ‘iso facttates aeration and drainage tough the Channels they create probably tie most significant microorganisms in humid temperate region sos 7000 speces worldwide lumenais terest and Alotobophore caloide are tne most common ‘ore numerous in fertle and akalne sols than Wt Intel and ac sale Epigtebve i he te ayer, ‘5c Compost worm ~ isan fet Endoga: ve inthe top 10:30 of sol, {5 Palepinkied worm ~ Aobaphora caged “Anecc: lie in veto burow up tea mete, ‘Bx the introduced Wight Crawler =. Lumbicus ‘Single clled animate (20:50 microns in cameter) Derobie Ingest food through ora openings Ingest other sol organisms psrtiwary bacteia and Nps released the mmobitzed nutrients in the bacera Reproduction: nary Nsion; budng Population: 10"~ 10" Ces soi ‘Bomase 100 kg/HFS GreenBMPIRE PH feeook com ercenempreph) rv: colony forming unt HFS: necare furrow sce Probably the most important in terms of their fffect on sal properties Involved i various trogen transformation, sufur fxatlon and reduction, and. other chemical Morphological Grouping 5 Coe (pene) Rods (short, ong, curved) © Spal (bo) | utetional Grouping ‘Heterotopic (OM a5 source of carbon and enemy) Autotrophie ‘© Photosynthetic (Energy fram sunlight; € from cn) ‘ Chemosymthetic (Energy trom oxidation of inorganic compound; Cem COs) Grouping bases on oxygen resuierent S anaerobic Stacitative Grouping. based on temperature for optimum ety ‘mesophilic othermophic peyerophite Population: 0" 10° CFU/g sot SBomass: «2,000 kg/HFS ‘= most adaptable and versie sl organism fame species can thrive in exteme 2exty and akainty ble "tO decompose the resistant organic ‘ompounds such a ign, cellos, and gums = Myeantzae = an association between fung! and Plant roots whieh hep plans in soublzaton of P land ks absorption ‘= Complex morphology (muiicelar highly branched) Herertrophic Aerobie ‘Aci-oving (ecient OF decomposes under aaile ‘ondtons) Population : 10°~ 10° cRuyg sal Biomass: = 6,000 ka/HES ‘Actinomycetes atack and simpy complex orglle compounds, ‘uch as celulse, chitin, and phogpholids Branches myoalal srucures Inermeite between bacteria and fang! Very fine hyphae (= 1 micron camer. Heterotopic Aerobie same meroaerophie Major Anbotic Producer: Streptomycin, Exyhromyein)| ‘eta Senstive (Citic pl = 5.5) Population: 10”~ 10° CFU/a sol ‘Bomass: = 4000 ko/MES "=> chlorophyll bearing organisms which thrive mosty in so surtaces GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) Indudes blue-green algae, green alse, end ‘datos Principally tives in aquete envionment, loves moi nabaat Both single ~ called and mulietular species are present nthe sa Aerobie Photoautoropns ‘ue-Green Algae are capable of We fxation Excelent now for bacena due to onygenating ‘apacty Populotin: 10°~ 10° cFUI9 sol Bomass: = 250 kg/HFS| refers tothe olaity of a carbor-contiing Compounds in the so denved fom ener plants Organic constevets of pants: ‘Cellulose (15 ~ 60%) ‘ Hamicetlse (10 ~ 30%) Lignin (5 = 30%) Water-soluble Ractons: amino sugars, amino ads (5 ~ 30%) Proteins Fats, ols and waxes sccumaton Is affected by temperature, so moisture, vegetation, sil texture, ond copeing system SOM I higher in reas of higher effective moisture regime. Sandy soll securulate less organic matter than yey sols. 0 ‘More accumulation of oranic matter in grassland than in forested land ve to faster tumover ot vegetative matter and sorte fe oye of grass than of tees Cutvated sis contain an average of 2 to 3% rganic mater. (Organic matter dacines when the sl is cutivatea because of te enhanced exiaton and micrebal acivty brought about bythe loosening ofthe sai ‘+ Effects of organic matter to soll properties 41 Physteal ‘enhances sll aggregation and aggfepste sabity Feduces plastiory, cohesion and sbckness off ‘aye sols Increases sof water retention, nitration Fate, ater holding eapscty and aeration Feces bulk densty and compaction M Chemical Increases CEC ot sls Increases si butting capacy Increeses nutrient evarabinty trough slubazaton of minerals by oxganic ads and by chelation of metal ons Feauces Al toxlty by binding the Alfons in non toxic complexes Increnes soll native supply of WP, ete CGreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempirsph) ‘= adsorbs poutets such as Po, C4 and Cu = Inactvates toxn and pesticides Biological ‘= "provides Cand energy to sll organisms and thus Increases ther dversty and acivy, = enhances microbial functions such a= N fxaton, ‘decompeston, and nutient vansformatins ‘SOM decomposition Organic matarals sich as crop residues, animal ‘manures and other carbonacenis and nitrogenous ‘compounds are decomposed by the heterotrophic refers in the 20, ‘= Decempositon isthe enzymatic oxidation by sil ‘organisms under aerobic condton wth CO, heat or energy and water asthe major products = Inthe process, sll orgnisms derive carbon and energy for ther use = eral nttens ike WP and 5 are released for Plant absorption ‘= aerobic sal organisms act upen organic materials Under eoded cenations ern poorly araned sols = tore gases and organic aces produced may il newt tansplnted ice seedings ‘= Microbial Activity Relate to SOM decomposition "Fung: unaffected by pH evel BSactaa and Actnomyests:inhibted st pH 5S ‘Satbon/Nitroaen ratio u ‘= The carbon nitrogen ratio of orgie materi isa convenient tool for preacing the rate of ecompeston and regulating the quantity of rinera trogen avalable to plant. ‘= The higher the C/N rate (usualy 30), the Sowers the rate of organic mater decompostion because the trogen ie immoblized by ‘mércorganisms Sol microbes use whatever” N Is. avalable, approximately 30:1 C14 '= 21/15 the opsmum CIN ratio of organic materials fer faster decomposition; When the C/N ‘ato, hnorrows. (20). minerlaation predominates ond NOs eves increase = Nizogen rch materials such as legumes or Sd. meal are metabolized very rapidly, and the mera fora responds ite to supplement nizagen while the edaion of ammonsim or nitrate SF oF omer niroger-denicent’ substates greaty fnances desompeston = GN rato of organic material & gstermneaiby analysis ofthe total C and N 1. Mineraltzation: conversion of organic No inorganic N; rencersN avaliable for pant use i, Immobitzation ‘= conversion of inorganic N to organi N; renders trnavatable For plant use happens. when avalable Ns used by sal ritoorganisms and oxsimited int thelr bostes GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) M. Mitriication ‘= the Biological formation of NOx or NO: fram ‘ampounds cotaning reduced nivogen ‘= The most common intl substrate Is Ny and the final produc is NO, = Two separate and ‘tinct steps: 1s is intial ‘nation of ammeniam tonite, 2ie the rte fxdatlon of nezate ‘= The production of NO, is related to soil and saluton pi values. ‘> Optimum pH values may vary from &6 0 80 Rate decreases below pl 6.0 and become reghible below pi 45 ‘= Micerorganisms responsible ‘itrosomones chemoauttrophic, gam negate, non spoce forming, elisoial or ‘rot rods responsbie forthe oxidation of IN’ to NOs = Merobacter:chemoautstrophic, gram-negative, one spore forming, shor ods, urther bnidzes nite to nate ‘= _Nivate can be lost through denitifation and in lesching pareulany in sanay sot uncer Nesry Fantl, of where excessive iigaton. Excess NO} leached fom sol often ends up i ground water, Takes, and streams ead to eater politon sich lsurophicaton or the excess grown of pant 2nd agae, and the heath problem in fants and snimels mevtemogioemeria. Denitrifiation = blochemical reduction of nitrate to gaseous M by Facutaive ansrobic sl orgnisns ‘= Deniieans reduce the NOs" to nite then to gaseous nitrogen forms, merous oxide (NO) and ‘emental trogen (Ni) tet are commonly es the atmosphere ‘= Dentrieaton isa aerobic but nitrate fs used as the elearon aceptor inte absence of = The miceorgerisms invaved: Pseudomonas, ‘Achromobactes,Baclus and Mrocoears ‘= a'major avenue of loss of N in paddy sols and ontnbutes to. the iow efiiency. of applied htragen ferizer = NO, inthe thin serebie surface of paday sis Teaches down tothe reaiced subsou Ammonifcation TrnThe process of ammoniteation isthe rest ofthe breakdown of organic matter such as dead animals and plants or waste materials ike excrement. = Tis breakdown is accomplished _ by| rmigoorganisms which wre dead erganic mate for energy and produce ammonia end related compounds as a byproduct of ther metab, Wi. Symbiotic Biologic N fixation T= renders M avaiable to ples ‘= occurs in Tegumes inthe presence of rhizobia Which are aerobic, gram-neganve, non-spore forming reds which ace typicaly mote with simple ruben requirement = Rhzobia enter and iritates the roothair causing the Formation of rot nodules othe bacteria in root nodules trp atmosphenc N hich is transformed to NH. whieh wil eambine to GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) orgenic compounds to form amino ids ond protens ‘= return, te pant supptes the carbohyarates nd energy for baceria’s metabolism ‘= Wen the Fegumes are plowed into the sol, the fied Nis adced to the so vi. Non symbiotic Wxation {anversion of atmospheric N ameunting to 20 to 100 kg Wiha per yearby microaegaisms without an assooated plant host = the organisms include bactena _(hzotobacter, Bajennekia and Costu pasteuranum) bise- green algae and some fung spaces se Rrotebactere are ait aerobes, mesophes wth {an optimum temperature of 30", gram-negative, large coc. = Members of genus Clstiaum are anaerobes, ‘ran-postive rods, which are found in sols with pM 5.0 and are stil capable of growth a pH 3.0, ‘= Goats proiferte. when organic matter added, and they often are numerous around plant roots © Bue green algee (BGA) are belived to help ‘maintain ft ef lowland rice paddies. ‘= Common BGA'in the Phuippites are Anabaena lusrabils, Gloetictianatans, esto: commune, ‘ostoccarneum, Hepeesophon sp, Anebaenopss 0p. and Toppothrc sp. {Inorganic P solubilization ‘= Genera of Baceie capable of slubizing Calum phosphates 2 « Pseudomonas 2 Myedbacarum o Baas, o Mirecoceus Genera of fungi capable of solubng Caléum phosphates wena o Risarium o Aspergilis Merobilogieal means by which inorganic P is sbiiaed % Prodeton of organi ais 6 Nite aio sure aad production 2 Flooding resuting in the reduction of in Insoluble fri phosphates 2 Myeortizal association (-ltedtoworganic production); Two general types = Ecotrphic + fungus fms» mantle round roct exeners hyphae enters int Spaces between plane cals. hyphae erters into spaces betveen plant els examples (pine, eucalyptis) ~ Endomycorshza: fungus peas the falls of the plants exampes (ted fate, ful vees, ree and corn) "ihe major sufur in-out nthe organic fraction wt “Tow concentration of sulphate, tne form ‘voiabe for plants. Decompostion of organic S compound ‘Mrobial azimlaton or immobilaton ot S {and their inorporaton into mirebial es GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) Oxidation of inorganic compounds. such as sulfides, chiosufaes and elemental 5 Redution of 50,” and ater anions fo sides, In anaerobic condtions, sulfate avalabity may be limite in the so culate reducing bacteria, predominant ofthe (genus Desufoveriand Desufotomaciim Use site as the nyarogen acceptor inthe nergy yeing metabolism, reducing suifate tonite 1p aerated environments, the combined sulfur is utmatey metabotzed to site Members of the genus. Thiobacis ve cape of oxdiang elemental sulfur to sulfate. They fare gram-negative, nor-speruating rods which fre predomianty arabes. ‘The oxidation of element sur leads to the formation of enormous amounts of sue 0d nich decreases soi Trought about a group ef bacteria sometimes termed ast ron bactere These Watsformations can be (a) Ferrous (Orlaation om Fe" to Fe", (0) on Reduction, and (€) Ton precgitaton from organic sa Composts and composting Composting = process of creating humusike organic materials by ping, mang, and storing of organic materals under eonetons favourable for Seroie decomposton Compost : Thised product of composting and led 9 su coneoner o wowreleaze Feriter u ‘ter composing, the CIM ratio of organic rater reduced to about 14-20:1 Pamogenle olgenisms ee —destoyed during themophie Stage (50-75 °C) but Reavy metals (inorganic contaminant) are not destroyed ‘Celulose = one of the mos abundant organic matter m nature "The gener of cellulose decomposing bacte and fung ate the following Sony celle Fung ate represented by Species ofthe genere Spero, CChactorium, Caviar, Fusarium, Memnonicla, Prom, Theta and Trichoderma’ oR bacteral genus that contains eeSesentaves pesting calulose incudes Bac, Celulemonas, Cosrium, Corynebacitenumy ‘Cjtophega, Polyangium, Spereeytophaga. ahd Vir, Baclus: aerobic, spore thing, gram postive rs ~ Cetulomonas : short oram-negave rods that proaices. yelow, wsterinsohible pigments ~ Gasisum: anaerobic, nn-mote,eram negative rod, which does not ferment farbonyaretes ether then close; produces a yetow pigment Gytophaga:”aerodl, long, flecuous rod with pointed ends; abundant in sols Fecehving straw er manure GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) V. PRINCIPLES AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL FERTILITY ‘=the capabilty ofthe soto supply the nutrients in the ight amounts and proportions to meet the ubient requirement of the cop, as affected by sal properties and conation ‘= only among the many fetors that makes the soil productive ‘= fertile sls not necessnly a productive sl ‘= the ablity of the soto support er produce a ‘eared quantity of plant yield = Aproduatve sos necessriy fertile nt Nutrition ‘the SuppV and absorption of chemical elements of compounds required by the plant ‘= foots sbeor> mineral nuvients as ons in sil = Tons can be ready avalble to roots or could be "ted up" by other element o the sol tel f= Many facters influence nutrient uptake for pants. 4+ Nutrients chemical elements or compounds requied by Bnts or norms! groth + Metabolic processes = are mechanisms by whieh ‘lements ae converted to celular mates or a8 sources ‘of energy ota dive reactions + The 17 Essential elements 4 carbon (C) "= mor component of plan’ organic compounds 2. Hyarogen (4) "major component of plan's organic compounds 3. Oxygen (0) ‘= major component of plan's organic compounds 4. Nitrogen (Wi) ‘= Constituent of amino acids, proteins and nile ‘cds (DNA, RNA) Integral pat of chorophyl molecule Assogated with high _photosmindie” vey, ‘agorous vegetative growth, dare green color cf leaves and succulence of tetues 5. Phosphorus). ‘= Energy storage and tranter through ATP —"ROP ‘= Structural component of nucleic acids enzymes, nucleotides, phosphoproteins, phospholPplds and ‘igs phosonates ‘= As constituent of ATP, is involved in metabo processes such as photosytheas, respiration, Synthese of proteins, phosphalipes, nice aces, pias, cellose, nemicetuove, lgnin, pectin ete ‘= Important in seed formation an development of reproductive parts of plants s ASsodated with Increased root growth, early rmatunty particle grain development GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) 6, Potassium (6) ‘= Enzyme activator _Regultes osmotic presse in roots Maintains turgor presure of guard cel. and regulates opening of stomata, thus contrling photosynthesis and tanspracon = Needed in ATP. synthesis which is used in translocation of sugars fom leaves, N uptake and poten sythess ‘= Strengthens eran of grain cops and prolongs the Ite ofthe fg let = Increases pest and eisease resistance, caer (C2) ‘= Ethances NO-N uptake and regulates cation uptake 4 Essel for cll elongation and dvson = calcu pectate in ce wall 8, Wagnesiim (a) ‘= Constituent of chlorophyll molecule Structural component in ibosame which are assocted wth protein synthesis = Associated with energy Vanstr reactions from AP in metabouc processes" ike’ photorynesis, ively, TCA cyte, end respiation suns) ‘= Needed in synthesis of sufurcontaining amino ade, such as cystine, stain and methionine = Needed in syns of coenzyme ct, amin (or temin B1) and lutatnione ‘= Required for sytess of corophy = Oeaurs in volatie compounds responsible for the fharacerisie tase and smel of mustard. and Ennonces ol formation in fax and soybeans 6 40. un. 2 a. 14, 45. 16. w. 18, ‘= _Imoroves quality of forage by narrowing YS ratio ron (Fe) ‘= Chorophyl synthe and in enaymes fr eletron transfer Copper (cu) T= Catalyst for respiration, enzyme constituent ze (zn) T= Th enzyme systems tet regulate vaious metabole aces Manganese (n) wr Contals several oxidation eduction systems, Formation of; m photosythess Boron (8) A beleved important in suger trandocation “and carbohyarate metals oyodanum (Ho) ‘= Tantrogenese needed for nitogen 680n cniesne (3) w= Acivates system for producbon of 0, i potosnthess Nickel ‘= Component of enzymes urease and Wlrogenease; Involved. inthe” mobllzaton of ritrogeneous ‘impound ovat (C2) "= Essential for symbiotic trogen fixation ‘itera of tszentiatty, GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) 4. Pesorm vl tunctions in plant metabolism ie pants cannot complete ther Ife cyde in its absence ‘decency i Needed as integral part of plant structures. and/or pariopates in one or more mexaboic processes in the pint ‘i, No other element can subestute for that element i is sbsent ov decent. The decency can only be corrected by ie adation of that element 4+ Macronutrlents: absorbed by plants in large amounts ‘+ blcronutrients : needed by the pants in rlatvly low ate Fe, Fe in = Hn oar Bn =n" Wo = Woo, 6. B= 1:80, HB0r Ra-d N= Ne, We 2 Conca ‘+ Mobile nutrients: the deficiency can be seen on older ” aN = foows Fete Law ze ‘= most nutents particulary P and Ka re supplied to ak Plant by amuson ra 5m ‘th, Contact exchange (Interception) ‘= the drect exchange of fons between the tots and ‘+ Ammobile nutrients: we detcency cen be seen on sail coloiés as rects come in contact wah the younger leaves fall’ 1 2 tin Zee 4+ Carrier theory of nutrient uptake as ‘= e@plained why ceftan cops &a. sugarcane, root 5. co {Fops, ol crops, etc. ebsord more K than ote 6 Fe cations = proposes tat fons enter an outer space in the foots by tain J? easier energized by plant metabolism pts up the lon and cares to te inner space ofthe ‘+ Mechanisms of nutrient movement, i. Mass flow ‘= ulvents are cated by mass maverent of watat 35 water i absorbed the roots ‘= the amount of nutrients absorbed depend of the frou of water and the rte o wie low tothe foots and the cancentaton of nuttents in the = believed to be the major avenue by which Cap) Zn, Cu, B, and Fe are absorbed lon amount. of nutents are absorbed when absorption and transpiration of water by the plants istow Dirtusion ‘=the movement of fons ftom ozone of high ‘incantation to 8 tone of low concentration CGreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) ‘= after deposting the ion In the inner space, the tare i ready to repeat the process = the 1" stage of diusion is called passive uptake the 2” stage scaled aie uptake wich requres eneiay 1. Passive Uptake = Uptake is by ditusion ond jon exchange, hence controle by concentraton and eleccal gracent = non-seleeve. proces. and. not requiring. energy from metabote reaions inthe cal = occurs) outside the casparian plasmalemma 25 2 barier to difusin and fon exchange W, Active Uptake SMraneport of ions ito the ner cells requiring energy due to the higher concentration of ons beyond the plesmalemme and into the cytoplasm lack is agens an secrochemica racent (= The process is sdletve in that speatc tondlare transported by spec carers + Mitrogen uptake T= TaKeN Up 2s NOs” and for NH." Bt the nitrate is often the pedominant form Nii? is easly ondzed by Daceiain aerobic soto NOY as'soon as NH. appears ‘= NO; ‘uptake occurs against an electrochemical gradent or acovly absorbed (energy requrig). NOs ana Nis uptake ter wth pH o meds ON uptake 1s. optimum at etal pH an Gecreases as pl decreases. NO} uptake creases with decreasing pH and Gereases with ineeasing pl probaby due to ‘competition wit OF, = iy ie tone to plan roots; i can penetrate cll membranes The fertlier Urea winch ts converted toh.’ by urease in sl. can be token arecty by plants tough at slower rte than NO, CGreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) Phosphorus uptake ‘= The active uptake is pHdependent higher P Uptake at low pH (4.0) than at high pH (8.7) = is realy vansocated up and down plant and ‘ely asamiates into ergane compounds, = achvly taken up in high rate by plant tssues ven tothe point of lnury consumption = CIS the only ane essential nutrient cation which fan be transported against an eedrochemical (raient into plant cel = Cin plant very mobile with main transport > K uptake ishigh when plants sufcenty supplied wth My, with Buk of K uptake ding the vegetative {age (increas from Slerng to ear emergence) ‘= uptake and retonton in plants are compesivly affected by H’, Ca", Mgr” and Na" ‘= ants with enough amount of have tower transpiration rate-and! require. relatively lower mounts of water (more ought restant) due to the lowering of the osmotie petenbal ef call sap, fang the tepuaion of stomatal opening by the (guard els wi the presence of K alclum uptake 4. absorption s passive i Cas largely nmoble the plant. Once deposted, iis ‘not moved fram older to younger leaves, but wth the Dreeretil ection isthe shoot apex (activa growing parts). » M. Ca content of legumes i higher in dictvedns than in monocetyladons and also higher in legumes than in ther species 4. Taken up in Tomer amount than Calum i. Compestive relationships: Ni, K, C2, Hn i, tq moves ary a8 Can plant, except that Mg (Uke a) Is mobile in the phloem; passive uptake in the ‘wanspration Sceam, + sulfur uptake 4. Aeave uptake; absorbed as $0," Ii Transacaton t= many upward acropetal), Ii Plane use atmosphere © a= Sy (aude) by absorption through the somata ‘Wv, Sisalso an ipertent component of muster the growth crve is descibed as a Spmod cifve = the cevelopment’ of plants is tba api, ‘exponential of quadratic [wth increasing love ot hubients, then dows down ad tel eves oft = Gop. weld increases a= nutent supply creases but the increment progressiy becomes smaller for each sicczeding mcrease In nutient supp Lol rarer action recess ‘= beyond the manimum ye isthe zane of xury consumption of nutients 4+ Usbla’s Law of minimum ‘= Pant growth is limited by that nutrient present below te minimum requrement CGreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) = "By the deficiency or absence of one necessary constituent al thers being present, te sol is Fengered barten fo all those crops to the ie of whieh that one constituents indispensable” T= Tne equation: DYIDK = (AY}c where! DY= increase yes Dx = inreace in put ‘A= maximum posse yild = cual yea constant depending onthe nature of x = plants were supplied with adequate amounts of al nutients exceot one, the growth is properonal fo te amount of tis iting lament which was =) Pint growth increases as more of the element wes added but not in rect proportion to the Amount ofthe growth factor aad, = The total inzease In_growth becomes les 35 Increments othe growth octor increases. + Growth Factors 1 Temperature ‘= temperature renge for agreutural crops; 159 ~ 000) ‘= has effects on photosynthesis respiration, cll all permeabity, absorpoon of Water and nutrients, transpiration, enzyme ety, protein coogulaton oO = optimum temperature is lower for photosnthess than fer respeation = Ineeasing temperatures, (09-60%) increase sorption of water, nutents and achuity of sa organisms i. Moisture supply water fs Needed to manufacture carbohydrates, Tantain hydration of protoplasm, and fot translocation of carbohydrates and nutrients low moisture feel impats nutrient” absorption thru its effect on mass ow, dTusion and root Interception ‘= excess water impairs nutrient absorption 8 to Fespiration caused by lack of ©; ‘Solr Energy oe ts gow bent sl; Sore ae Stele (eo. sc pepo eso) hoy deaty pan ense aang 2 [Seong npote wth more fe eves ‘n. Sol Propartes pny eure, sre, Dk ean Bats Seer nn copcty, haa conch = henat on,€E,Bie stration ey, oe Ser) toga? (om catet and Kd and amet of mr option) ‘+ Soil Fertility Evaluation 1. Quantitative methods sol anoles CGreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) = Monk wssue anaiysis Ferier Fed Tite Pot experments Qualitative methods ‘= Nutient deficiency symptoms = Quick and precse methods of evaluating sail Ferity tus = Prindple: tie amount of nutrient extracted by ‘hema reegents at any one time isthe amount fyatabe throughout the got period ofthe cop ‘= Const of taking sol samples propery, subjecing Sail" samples” to chemical” analysis, and Interpretation of resus =) In making Interpretations, the folowing we conaderea and of craps gown daring the preceding 25 yeas ‘The crop intended to grow ‘The kind ond omount of fertizer used Wan was the sal ae mee The dope and extent af ecoslon + soilsampling ‘= ain jective is to collet » small amount of sil ample weighing about 05 kg tat wl represent the soln lage aren = mecurecy of sol testing and the erties recommendation depends largely on proper sol Samping = Rooting habe of plants must be considered ‘Shallow rooted Cops: samples. should be ceilected trom the suace ayer (20-302m) a © Deep rooted crops: soll samples must be callected upto the subsoi ‘= Steps in prope si samping: © Make a mep ofthe fm showing the sampling Cole spot sai! samples from each sampling o Take composite sample ne The Mulan contant inthe pant tissue i elated tote avaobe nutrient supply a the sot = chemical laboratory nly ofthe plant tissue Felted tothe avalablenutient status of the sah fon which the plants grown = feruzer recommendations using thiswmethod become more relable when correlited With the Fests of ferier fil rls = assesses the fect of fertivets and ther Interactions with al existing factors acon growth and development n any glen locaton usual In Famers ned = The resuing fertazer recommendations Hae generally more realistic + Potexperiment comparison of several ferter treatments inuding a control using small amount of sol in ots to have a better cotil of enwenmantal = Shot duration under an atl condtion = preimnaryn nature CGreenEMPIRE PH (facebook com/ereenempireph) Requires stl observation because the cautence maybe due to © insufient amount and supply of so nutients ‘Sunavalabsty f forms ofthe nutrients present Sho proper balance ameng sifferennutent ectiizer ‘any substance that is applied tothe soll or tothe Dlantn so, qua, or gaseous form to supply one Cor more ofthe essential nuient elements requed forthe nutiuon and gronth of plants dlassfied broadly into two organic and Inorganic chemical fez the amount of avaiable nutients inthe sl not {enough to meet crop management for high vila ‘Ine nutient im the siz not presen in ready avaiable orm, [teen depletion or oss is contous There Is an increase in crap production and farm any ferzer product of plent andor animal engin 29, animal manures, green. manures, compost that “has. undergone decompostion through ological, chemical and ar any other process Tong” a5 the original mateiis ee mo longer 2 recognizable, salle in texture and fee from Plant or animal pathogens o Pare organt fetzer no chemical has been ‘added to the fished produc to meease hutient content. « Forfind or enriched has been enriched ith Imrebial noculants, hormones or chemical ‘atves to neease utente content o Examples of plant residues Mace saw ie one ofthe most abundant trop residues in the country and say used” wien animal manure In ompost making ~ Corn stover can be composted but nigeds to. be chopped futher for taser ‘tecompostion Ip (Leucoene secogiiha) Bves ‘th their hgh nitrogen conten can also, be used as green manu ~ Kakawate (Ghricdia septup) leaves ive mote than 4% nitrogen eontent ana ean be applied to the sol decty 8s 1 tener ‘esytheszed or are processed from mineral eposts = any feraizer procuct whose properties are Getermined.prenly. by fs content of mineral matter oF sythetic chemical compounds = Contain one or more combination of the three primary elements, Bor K ‘single. mrene Tertiers + frtiiers that Supply “one primary nutrient; also. ced GreenEMPIRE PH (ww facebook com/ereenempireph) stright erzers; Examples: urea, fmmenium state Mulnutrent fartizers : tertizers containing ‘wo oF thee primary nutes; aso known as: omplex, compound and mined. fertiers; ample: Ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) = Complete feraizer ' contans the 3. primary hutients which are histoialy known to be (efit mn mar is ‘+ Conventional units of expressing fertiizer ated in eter pure form or oxide form Nisogen is expressed as pure element N and K arein oxides, PO, and KO ‘The nuvient content in ferizere ie writen a 6M, 56P:05 and %0 In that erder. Urea (45-050): highest N content among the solid Nferaizers (NH)CO; Hygrescopie. and 100% salubie ‘= Anhydrous ammonia: with 82% 1 has the highest ‘mount of N among al fertifers; contained in pressure tanks and Is usually custom-appled by Injecing into the al; Ammonia gee 1 Das, Dungent and colores = Ammonum suate (20-0): hygroscopic and early 100% soluble, contans SuFur (24%), recommend for Sdefcent sols + Common P fertilizers 8 = Ordinary sperhosphete (O5P): contains 20% Pos; Peleted as grayish granules and has a faint 20d odor; About 85% of the Pis water soluble nd contains races of ater nutrient elements ‘= Tie superphosphate (732) ‘menocaloum phosphate monohyerate = Munate of potash or potassium chloride (KC) highly soluble and) contains traces. of other lems ‘+ Esstlizer computations and recommendations 4. Fertiizer grade ‘= weight percentage of the nutents contained in & Feraizer ‘= Guaranteed minimum analysis of se pant ruttent in toms of % total, % avalabla Prosphoric aad (46P.0,) and 8 slubie potash 4KAO) M. Fertizer ratio "= rave proportion of each of the pimalnutints 1 PO; and KO a eter materi = Bhample 144-19 => LT i, General formate Welgnt of tertiizer ~ weight ot eutient tient content ‘= sample problem A Tne fertizer ecommendstion is 0-0-0, How many kg/ha Ammonium sfote, AS (20-0-0) must be applied to meet the recommendation? CGreenEMPIRE PH (sw facebook com/ereenempireph) Solon: Kg ASVha = 80/ 0.20 = 450, Ir we ace going to use urea (45-0-) stead of AS, ag ureayna = 90) 045 = 200 ow many bags AS or urea are needed? Bags AS/na = 450 ka) $0 kobag =9 Bags ureajha = 200g / 50 Kafbag = 4 ‘= sample problem 8 ‘The Fertzer recommendation is 9030-0 ‘The avaliable eters ‘ammonivm site (20-0-0) ‘Ammonium phosphate (16-200) Solon: Sahng frst oP, Xp APJha = 3010.20 = 150, 150 Kg AP contans 30 kg P05 and 24 kg 150x016 = 24 kg W ‘ne remainder Nl come rom AS, ‘9024 66 kg N Kg AS/ha = 6) 0.20 = 330 ‘Broadcast wien tre fere s spree every on the sol surtace; stable for roe erop ance they are dose planted = Band placement: may be appied on the row below the seed level or sigty onthe sce ofthe seeds along the fon; usualy dane for caps ike (rn, sorghum, tobacco, and rut trees ‘= Follar application: mae when quick action of hutvientee desred or when eetan micronutrients ‘re needed to be supped withthe cop; usualy “ ‘mployed in very plontations such a pineaple or banana = In-the-row: rerize sapped along te bottom ‘= Ring. feriizer is appt around the base of the Plant or tee = Hole: erties éropped in holes around the tee Spot terizer is cropped in small amount on the ‘de ofeach hilo plant. ‘= Basat frst of Ferizer apples at panting time % Topdrass: application sometime after plants have emerges = Fertigation- appicaion of rertizer assoivedin irigabon wate ‘Considerations in_choosing method of feritrer Relative mobity of nutrients inte Sil “Type of cop and ts rooting pata soltexure Season of the year ind of fersizer veeea depends on elmate, so, rutient and cop Insondy sl, Nis necessarily spe a wel a8 K = Fer heavy cays, all of Nis Sometimes placed at planting ‘= Pond Kare usualy applied at plating as they are ess mobile, less” subject to leaching and less ‘= Ps ols needed at young age to accelerate root evelopment GreenEMPIRE PH (sw facebook com/ereenempireph) © In alkaline sols, ammeoniom ferizer i necessary deep paced to minmze volabization of armenia, VI. SOIL CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ‘the detachment and subsequent transport of sil materials (inccang rock fragments) by an agent (ater, wind or aavty) te an ares of depostion| = an undesreble "process in ogieaure moinly because of the losses 1 sal'# nutnentt water + water holding capacty @ Water's te mos Important agent of erosion in huis opie! areas and recognized as the major (use of and degradation inthe Phipoines 1. Detachment/dispersiomsrocess by which rainerops ‘splash soll sediments fom the soi surface inte the ru of reqres energy tat Is supplied bythe knee eneray ef raindrops 1 Entrainment: tansprt of suspended sal partiestrom ‘upslope to downhil direction whether i rls, between tis angi sheet How ‘Mk, Deposition process by which sesiment sees out under the action of gravy; a slecve process depending on portise ste, beng rapid for snd and so foray 4s

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