Southern Luzon State University Gumaca Campus

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Gumaca, Quezon
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

PED07 – Assessment in Learning 2

Performance Output 1/Final Exam – Final Term
Topic: Portfolio Assessment

A. Creating a showcase portfolio

a. Create an electronic showcase portfolio.
i. The content of the portfolio are your output from 1st year up to now.
ii. Choose 10 outputs that you think are worth showcasing.
iii. You will explain each output in not less than 20 sentences on what the
output is all about, why did you choose it as part of your best 10, and your
reflection on that particular output.
b. In creating your portfolio, you will first put the picture or screen shot of your chosen 10
in one document with explanation for each.
i. The actual output and the document will be uploaded in the google drive folder
that will serves as your electronic portfolio. Put number to each actual output
then the title that corresponds to its number and title indicated in the
c. Be creative in your document, since it is an electronic document you may utilized other
application other than word file.
i. Format of the electronic document
1. Title Page
2. Table of contents
3. Dedication
4. Introduction
5. The outputs (10) and explanation for each
6. Conclusion and overall reflection
ii. Note: You may add other things such as other pictures that will show the
making of the output or quotations that is connected or relevant to the output

Criteria for grading:

 Creativity
 Organization of the content
 A deep reflection of one’s own achievement and skills/knowledge in accomplishing the outputs
 Following instructions
 Submitted a well-prepared and well-created output

Criteria Points
 Shows artistry and navigates new technological resources and approaches
in creating a creative output.
 Shows resourcefulness and effort to learn new things in the advent of
Creativity 45
technological advances through navigating different applications, internet
sites, etc.
 Utilizes new approaches in creating an electronic Portfolio
 The content are organize
 A deep reflection of one’s own achievement and the skills/knowledge
Content 45
that they acquired and used in accomplishing the outputs
 Correct Usage of Grammar and Spelling
 Following instructions
Technicality 10
 Submitted a well-prepared and well-created output and on-time
Total 100

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