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Gumaca, Quezon
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

Subject: SSE27 – Social Networking for Social Integration

Activity 1 - Prelim
Topic: The Social Networking and Explosion of Online Social Networking

Name: Edaño, Glydel D.

Course/Year: BSED-SS III

A. Answer accurately all the questions/statements below. You may search for other information on
the internet
1. Discuss the concept of social networking, how can it be used in education, and what are the
functions especially in e-learning. (10 points)
Social networking is the way people use the social media that is internet-based to
interact, connect and to stay connected with those people that they love and important to
them such as family, clients, friends, and partners in life. It has a lot of purposes like
business, social purpose, and educational purpose through the use of the different social
media platforms such as, twitter, instagram, and facebook. Social networking has a big
role especially nowadays when it comes to personal needs and even to education because
it can be used to make and organize an event that may be used to inform and educate the
people all over the world.
Through the use of different social media we can use social networking in
education. For instance, we can create a facebook group in which we conduct live
lectures to our students and we can respond immediately for their concern. Also we can
use it to post an update or some reminders about the student’s school activity or other
concern. Another use of facebook is creating a facebook page which is public. By this
anyone who wants to share information or anyone who has a concern can post it on a
page and because it is a public page there are a lot of people who can see it and respond.
Like for example, those people who share a reviewer about the bar exam or any reviewer
and files that may help the students on their study. Another social media that we can use
is twitter. By using the specific hashtag, the teacher can make and create discussions.
Also they can use it to post some reminders to the students or post some motivational and
inspirational quotes or some links to practice the learning of the students. Another social
media that is based on social networking is tumblr. Using this we can create a blog post to
educate and inspire the people. Also we can ask the students to make their own blog post
or any short form of writing that may apply their learning.
Social media and social networking has a big help in e-learning. With the help of
social networking every individual can feel the belongingness and it may encourage the
students to interact with the other people. Another function of social networking is we
can easily contact and update our students or instructors and we become more flexible.
Social networking sites have different ways that will be helpful in education. It makes our
life easier to communicate with other people and raise our concerns and we can learn
whenever and wherever we want because of the different social networking sites.
2. What is a World Wide Web (www)? (2 points)
WWW or the World Wide Web is different from the internet. WWW or what we call the
web is those pages that we can see when we are online such as, Google, and Wikipedia.
While the internet is the way on how we are going to access the WWW. The World Wide
Web is the site/pages where we can access files such as documents, PDF, and videos that we
need. Through the WWW we can share our works to other people in a different country and it
becomes easier for us to get the information that we need because of the WWW.

3. What is HTML? (2points)

HTML or the Hypertext Markup Language was used to describe the web pages styles and
the web pages content. This is a piece of text that will refer to other text using tags and some
elements or a set of symbols that will inform the data center about the style and framework of
something such as a document.

4. What is URL? (2 points)

The URL or the uniform resource locator or sometimes called as a web address which
commonly start with “http://" or "https://" is the address where we get the information we
need in some websites. URL will help the researcher to find and locate other resources that
we use such as, PDF, Images, and videos. It is like a house address which will help us to find
and locate the person that we are finding.

5. What is the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0? Give examples for each (10 points)
Web 1.0 is the first edition of the web page however Web 2.0 is the product of the Web
1.0 evolution. Web 1.0 only consists of readable and written data like the live journals. While
the Web 2.0 contains dynamic information and instead of just reading it we can make and also
share our opinions. Web 2.0 is more interactive than the Web 1.0, an example of this is
Facebook, Instagram, and other social media.
WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0
1.We only read it. 1.We can write, read, and collaborate.
2.Static HTML 2.Dynamic HTML
3.Text Based and Restricted Collaboration 3.Collaborative
4.Home Pages 4.Wikis and Blogs
5.Broadcast 5.Interactive

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