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Issue Date.: 03.01.2019
Rev.No.: 00
Aspect - Impact Analysis Eff.Date.: 03.01.2020

Legends :
D= Direct Nature Impact Business Concerns Integrated Management
I= Indirect N= Normal AP = Air Pollution L= Legal Concern Programme
A= Abnormal WP = Water Pollution B= Buisness Concern OCP = Operational Control Procedures
E= Emergency LC = Land Contamination WI = Work Instructions
NP = Noise Pollution
DNR = Depletion of Natural Resources

Scoring Legends :
Quantity (A) Score Occurrence (B) Score Impact (C) Score Detection (D) Score Control (E) Score
Excessive (10 & Absent or no
5 Continuous 5 Resource depletion 5 More than 24 hours 5 5
Above) effective control
Mechanism in place
High (7 to below 10) 4 Several times a day 4 Global Issue 4 Within 24 hours 4 4
but not reliable
Moderate (4 to below Affects flora / fauna or marine Control needs human
3 Once a day 3 3 Within 8 hours 3 3
7) life intervention
Has in-built
Low ( 1 to below 4) 2 Once a month or less 2 Causes discomfort or nuisance 2 Within 1 hour 2 2
secondary control
Negligible ( 0 to Very rare within 3 months or 6 Available & effective
1 1 Negligible visual impact 1 Immediately 1 1
below 1) months) at source

Calculation of Risk Level :

F (Risk Level) = A x B x C x D x E ( If scores is more than 36 or identify as a Legal concern, than impact is significant )

Guidelines for Material Balance :

1. Divide the whole plant in to small process where input and output quantities are measurable.
2. Ensure that measuring instruments calibration is ok.
3. Measure quantities of all inputs / outputs including recycled streams and their contents for each small process, input / output streams should include liquid, solid, gases,
products, by – products, leakages, spillages, discharges etc. wherever measurement facility is not available, approximations may be made based upon pump capacity, tank
levels, bucket filling etc.
4. Assemble material balance across small process to get material balance across the whole plant.
5. Material balance may also be carried out across the whole plant for water and other valuable input materials.
6. Estimate over all consumption of resources based on above material balance and past best achieved industry norms, expert opinion, experience and theoretical

Prepared By Approved By

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