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Module 12




1. The rise of mobile technology and the Internet of Things allows schools to improve the safety of their
campuses, keep track of key resources, and enhance access to information in the learning environment.
Teachers can even use this technology to create smart lesson plans, rather than the traditional stoic
plans of yesteryear.

2. The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded
with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with
other devices and systems over the internet. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by
connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed
or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the
information they get from one another.

3. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving ecosystem of connected devices driving innovation in
all aspects of our lives. Everything from autonomous manufacturing robots to self-driving cars relies on
this interconnected network of things to function.

3.1. Wearable technology

As the capabilities of technology expand to encompass nearly every aspect of our daily lives, we will see
more wearable devices integrated with IoT connectivity. From smart watches to virtual reality headsets,
countless businesses are already taking advantage of this wearable tech trend.

3.2. Advancements in healthcare

Especially during the pandemic, the healthcare industry has been at the forefront of IoT developments,
utilizing wearable technology and telemedicine to diagnose and treat patients. These connected
healthcare devices allow doctors to collect data on and provide medical attention to a greater number
of patients without the risk of potential infection via in-person visits. Wearable medical devices can also
be used to monitor heart rate and blood pressure or deliver insulin to patients with diabetes.

3.3. 5G expansion

Successful IoT solutions require hyperconnectivity and minimal latency – two things that 5G technology
enables. As cell companies and other organizations continue to expand 5G availability, these efforts will
empower businesses to develop services that would have otherwise been uneconomical and logistically
difficult. Looking forward to 2022, the faster data transfers, increased coverage and energy efficiency of
5G networks will become the primary catalyst of IoT growth and advancement, driving the future
developments within the field. However, much like IoT devices themselves, 5G will come with additional
security concerns.

3.4. IoT in Industry and Business

The application of IoT technologies in business, also called the industrial internet, has massive
implications for every aspect of industry, from manufacturing to customer support. In an increasingly
automated world, the widespread use and decreasing costs of IoT technology allow smaller businesses
to upgrade their infrastructure, increase efficiency and streamline operations. Manufacturers can
automate repetitive processes with robotics or utilize machines fitted with IoT sensors to measure
performance and predict optimal times for equipment maintenance. The data analytics provided by
industrial internet technology can also be utilized in a variety of applications.

3.5 Concerns about cybersecurity

In 2022, the networking and telecommunications company Ericsson estimates there will be around 29
billion connected devices distributed globally, 18 billion of which will be directly related to IoT. While
this massive increase in IoT devices will undoubtedly drive innovation within countless industries, it will
also come with new threats and security concerns. In a complex network of connected devices, if one
device is compromised, every other device it communicates with faces potential vulnerability.
Additionally, the physical "things" comprising the IoT can be lost or stolen, requiring another layer of
security to protect against breaches and attacks.


In this module, I learned that IoT is one of the most important technologies of everyday life, and it will
continue to pick up steam as more businesses realize the potential of connected devices to keep them

I felt that IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their businesses and gives them
the tools to improve their business strategies.

I believe that IoT is most abundant in manufacturing, transportation and utility organizations, making
use of sensors and other IoT devices; however, it has also found use cases for organizations within the
agriculture, infrastructure and home automation industries, leading some organizations toward digital

I realized that IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by making their job easier. Sensors can collect data
on rainfall, humidity, temperature and soil content, as well as other factors, that would help automate
farming techniques.
When I become a teacher, I will be able to use this which brings benefits, such as cost saving, saved
time, quality-of-life workflow changes and paperless workflow.

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