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Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Pro

Proposal No:

Name of the Prospect / Policyholder: Ganesh Name of the Product: Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Pro
Tag Line : Unit Linked, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan
Age (yrs) : 48
Unique Identification No.: 110L112V04
Name of the Life Assured: Ganesh
navaneethakrishnan GST Rate: 18.0%

Age (yrs) : 48 Investment Strategy Opted for: NIL

Sum Assured (Rs.): 12,00,000 Funds opted for along with their risk level

Policy Term (yrs): 20 Allocation Risk

Fund Name
Percentage Profile
Premium Payment Term (yrs): 10
Amount of Instalment Premium Large Cap Equity Fund (ULIF 017 07/01/08 TLC 110) 100% High
(Rs.): Whole Life Mid-cap Equity Fund (ULIF 009 04/01/07 WLE 110) 0%
Mode of Payment of Premium : Monthly Whole Life Aggressive Growth Fund (ULIF 010 04/01/07 WLA 110) 0%
Whole Life Stable Growth Fund (ULIF 011 04/01/07 WLS 110) 0%
Whole Life Income Fund (ULIF 012 04/01/07 WLI 110) 0%
Whole Life Short Term Fixed Income Fund (ULIF 013 04/01/07 WLF 110) 0%
Multi Cap Fund (ULIF 060 15/07/14 MCF 110) 0%
India Consumption Fund (ULIF 061 15/07/14 ICF 110) 0%
Super Select Equity Fund (ULIF 035 16/10/09 TSS 110) 0%
Top 50 Fund (ULIF 026 12/01/09 ITF 110) 0%
Top 200 fund (ULIF 027 12/01/09 ITT 110) 0%

Rider Details
Rider Name (Benefit Option) UIN Sum Assured (Rs.) Coverage Term Premium Payment Term Premium without GST (Rs.)

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow over the years of the
policy term if the fund earns a gross return of 8% p.a. or 4% p.a. These rates, i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the
returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the returns under the plan are going to be either 8% p.a. or 4% p.a.
Net Yield mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity charges, underwriting extra, if any,
guarantee charges and cost of riders, if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges and taxes on the net yield. Please note that the mortality
charges per thousand sum assured in general, increases with age.
The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost of riders, etc. The investment risk
in this policy is borne by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read sales literature carefully.
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy
offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked "guaranteed" in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustration on this
page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper
or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependant on a number of factors including future investment performance.
Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy, fund value, surrender value and the death benefit, at two assumed rates
of return. Part B of this statement presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.
Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Pro

Part A
(Amount in Rupees)
At 4% p.a. Gross Investment Return At 8% p.a. Gross Investment Return
Policy Annualized Mortality, Commission
Fund at Surrender Mortality, Other Fund at payable to
Year Premium Morbidity Other Death Surrender Death
Charges* GST End Value Benefit Morbidity Charges* GST End Value Benefit intermediary(Rs.)
Charges of Year Charges of Year
1 1,20,000 3,848 8,793 2,275 1,07,305 1,00,225 12,00,000 3,846 8,803 2,277 1,09,538 1,02,458 12,00,000 0
2 1,20,000 3,881 10,099 2,516 2,17,293 2,11,629 12,00,000 3,863 10,165 2,525 2,26,153 2,20,489 12,00,000 0
3 1,20,000 3,844 10,844 2,644 3,30,832 3,26,584 12,00,000 3,787 11,020 2,665 3,51,150 3,46,902 12,00,000 0
4 1,20,000 3,256 12,231 2,788 4,47,956 4,45,596 12,00,000 3,144 12,579 2,830 4,85,031 4,82,671 12,00,000 0
5 1,20,000 3,056 13,659 3,009 5,68,289 5,68,289 12,00,000 2,848 14,246 3,077 6,27,951 6,27,951 12,00,000 0
6 1,20,000 2,749 13,937 3,003 6,93,477 6,93,477 12,00,000 2,397 14,836 3,102 7,82,147 7,82,147 12,00,000 0
7 1,20,000 2,323 15,465 3,202 8,22,350 8,22,350 12,00,000 1,769 16,757 3,335 9,47,102 9,47,102 12,00,000 0
8 1,20,000 1,765 15,848 3,170 9,56,594 9,56,594 12,00,000 936 17,624 3,341 11,25,229 11,25,229 12,00,000 0
9 1,20,000 1,062 17,488 3,339 10,95,085 10,95,085 12,00,000 89 19,846 3,588 13,15,937 13,15,937 13,15,937 0
10 1,20,000 314 19,181 3,509 12,37,985 12,37,985 12,60,000 0 22,218 3,999 15,19,114 15,19,114 15,19,114 0
11 0 62 15,970 2,886 12,70,776 12,70,776 12,70,776 0 19,779 3,560 16,19,696 16,19,696 16,19,696 0
12 0 0 16,370 2,946 13,04,541 13,04,541 13,04,541 0 21,029 3,785 17,27,011 17,27,011 17,27,011 0
13 0 0 16,781 3,021 13,39,233 13,39,233 13,39,233 0 22,363 4,025 18,41,508 18,41,508 18,41,508 0
14 0 0 17,204 3,097 13,74,875 13,74,875 13,74,875 0 23,787 4,282 19,63,670 19,63,670 19,63,670 0
15 0 0 17,638 3,175 14,11,495 14,11,495 14,11,495 0 25,305 4,555 20,94,008 20,94,008 20,94,008 0
16 0 0 18,084 3,255 14,49,119 14,49,119 14,49,119 0 26,926 4,847 22,33,071 22,33,071 22,33,071 0
17 0 0 18,542 3,337 14,87,774 14,87,774 14,87,774 0 28,655 5,158 23,81,442 23,81,442 23,81,442 0
18 0 0 19,013 3,422 15,27,490 15,27,490 15,27,490 0 30,499 5,490 25,39,744 25,39,744 25,39,744 0
19 0 0 19,496 3,509 15,68,294 15,68,294 15,68,294 0 32,467 5,844 27,08,642 27,08,642 27,08,642 0
20 0 0 19,993 3,599 16,10,217 16,10,217 16,10,217 0 34,567 6,222 28,88,846 28,88,846 28,88,846 0

*Other charges includes Premium Allocation Charge, Policy Admin Charge, Fund Management Charge and Rider Charges, if any. See Part B for details.


I, ................ (name), have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under I,............. (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.

Place :
Date : Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date : Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder
Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Pro
Part B
Gross Yield 8% p.a Net Yield 6.42% Amount in Rupees

Premium Annualized
Annualized Allocation Premium - Mortality Policy Guarantee Rider Additions Fund Fund Surrender Death
Policy Year Premium Charge Premium charge GST Admin Charge Charges to the before FMC at End Value Benefit
(AP) (PAC) Allocation Charge Fund* FMC of Year
1 1,20,000 7,197 1,12,803 3,846 2,277 900 0 0 0 1,09,667 706 1,09,538 1,02,458 12,00,000
2 1,20,000 7,197 1,12,803 3,863 2,525 900 0 0 0 2,26,420 2,067 2,26,153 2,20,489 12,00,000
3 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 3,787 2,665 900 0 0 0 3,51,564 3,522 3,51,150 3,46,902 12,00,000
4 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 3,144 2,830 900 0 0 0 4,85,604 5,081 4,85,031 4,82,671 12,00,000
5 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 2,848 3,077 900 0 0 0 6,28,693 6,748 6,27,951 6,27,951 12,00,000
6 1,20,000 5,398 1,14,602 2,397 3,102 900 0 0 0 7,83,071 8,537 7,82,147 7,82,147 12,00,000
7 1,20,000 5,398 1,14,602 1,769 3,335 900 0 0 0 9,48,221 10,459 9,47,102 9,47,102 12,00,000
8 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 936 3,341 900 0 0 0 11,26,558 12,526 11,25,229 11,25,229 12,00,000
9 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 89 3,588 900 0 0 0 13,17,491 14,747 13,15,937 13,15,937 13,15,937
10 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 0 3,999 900 0 0 0 15,20,909 17,119 15,19,114 15,19,114 15,19,114
11 0 0 0 0 3,560 900 0 0 3,233 16,18,373 18,878 16,19,696 16,19,696 16,19,696
12 0 0 0 0 3,785 900 0 0 3,447 17,25,600 20,129 17,27,011 17,27,011 17,27,011
13 0 0 0 0 4,025 900 0 0 3,676 18,40,004 21,463 18,41,508 18,41,508 18,41,508
14 0 0 0 0 4,282 900 0 0 3,920 19,62,065 22,886 19,63,670 19,63,670 19,63,670
15 0 0 0 0 4,555 900 0 0 4,180 20,92,297 24,405 20,94,008 20,94,008 20,94,008
16 0 0 0 0 4,847 900 0 0 4,457 22,31,246 26,025 22,33,071 22,33,071 22,33,071
17 0 0 0 0 5,158 900 0 0 4,753 23,79,496 27,754 23,81,442 23,81,442 23,81,442
18 0 0 0 0 5,490 900 0 0 5,069 25,37,669 29,599 25,39,744 25,39,744 25,39,744
19 0 0 0 0 5,844 900 0 0 5,406 27,06,429 31,567 27,08,642 27,08,642 27,08,642
20 0 0 0 0 6,222 900 0 0 5,766 28,86,486 33,666 28,88,846 28,88,846 28,88,846
Gross Yield 4% p.a Amount in Rupees

Premium Annualized
Annualized Allocation Premium - Mortality Policy Guarantee Rider Additions Fund Fund Surrender Death
Policy Year Premium Charge Premium charge GST Admin Charge Charges to the before FMC at End Value Benefit
(AP) (PAC) Allocation Charge Fund* FMC of Year
1 1,20,000 7,197 1,12,803 3,848 2,275 900 0 0 0 1,07,432 695 1,07,305 1,00,225 12,00,000
2 1,20,000 7,197 1,12,803 3,881 2,516 900 0 0 0 2,17,549 2,002 2,17,293 2,11,629 12,00,000
3 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 3,844 2,644 900 0 0 0 3,31,223 3,346 3,30,832 3,26,584 12,00,000
4 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 3,256 2,788 900 0 0 0 4,48,485 4,733 4,47,956 4,45,596 12,00,000
5 1,20,000 6,597 1,13,403 3,056 3,009 900 0 0 0 5,68,960 6,161 5,68,289 5,68,289 12,00,000
6 1,20,000 5,398 1,14,602 2,749 3,003 900 0 0 0 6,94,296 7,638 6,93,477 6,93,477 12,00,000
7 1,20,000 5,398 1,14,602 2,323 3,202 900 0 0 0 8,23,321 9,166 8,22,350 8,22,350 12,00,000
8 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 1,765 3,170 900 0 0 0 9,57,724 10,749 9,56,594 9,56,594 12,00,000
9 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 1,062 3,339 900 0 0 0 10,96,379 12,389 10,95,085 10,95,085 12,00,000
10 1,20,000 4,198 1,15,802 314 3,509 900 0 0 0 12,39,448 14,082 12,37,985 12,37,985 12,60,000
11 0 0 0 62 2,886 900 0 0 2,536 12,69,738 15,069 12,70,776 12,70,776 12,70,776
12 0 0 0 0 2,946 900 0 0 2,604 13,03,476 15,469 13,04,541 13,04,541 13,04,541
13 0 0 0 0 3,021 900 0 0 2,673 13,38,139 15,881 13,39,233 13,39,233 13,39,233
14 0 0 0 0 3,097 900 0 0 2,744 13,73,752 16,303 13,74,875 13,74,875 13,74,875
15 0 0 0 0 3,175 900 0 0 2,817 14,10,342 16,737 14,11,495 14,11,495 14,11,495
16 0 0 0 0 3,255 900 0 0 2,892 14,47,935 17,183 14,49,119 14,49,119 14,49,119
17 0 0 0 0 3,337 900 0 0 2,970 14,86,559 17,641 14,87,774 14,87,774 14,87,774
18 0 0 0 0 3,422 900 0 0 3,049 15,26,242 18,112 15,27,490 15,27,490 15,27,490
19 0 0 0 0 3,509 900 0 0 3,130 15,67,013 18,596 15,68,294 15,68,294 15,68,294
20 0 0 0 0 3,599 900 0 0 3,214 16,08,902 19,093 16,10,217 16,10,217 16,10,217

1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund management charge is based on the specific fund option(s) chosen.
3. *Additions to the Fund refers to the Loyalty Additions under the plan.

I, ................ (name), have explained the premiums, charges and benefits I,............. (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
under the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.

Place :
Date : Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date : Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder

Unique Reference Number - L&C/Advt/2021/Feb/0110

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. (IRDA of India Regn No. 110) (CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403)
Registered and Corporate Office: 14th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai- 400013 Trade logo displayed above belongs to Tata
Sons Ltd and AIA Group Ltd. and is used by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a license. For more information, Call the Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd Helpline
number1860-266-9966 (local charges apply) or Visit us at:

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