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Go Cat!

by Ly nn Trepicchio
illustrated by Da ve Jonason
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Copyright © by Harcourt, Inc.

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ISBN 0-15-322940-3

Ordering Options
ISBN 0-15-325510-2 (Grade 1 Below-Level Collection)
ISBN 0-15-326790-9 (package of 5)

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RNL01AIN1X_INB2_1-12 5/8/01 10:31 PM Page 1

Go Cat!
by Ly nn Trepicchio
illustrated by Da ve Jonason

Orlando Boston Dallas Chicago San Diego

Visit The Learning Site!
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C a t ra n a n d ra n.
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C a t ra n in t h e b a g.
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C a t ra n a n d ra n.
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C a t ra n in t h e h a t.
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C a t ra n a n d ra n.
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C a t ra n in t h e b ox.
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Go C a t!
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Think and Respond

1 What does this cat like to do?
2 What do you think the cat will do next?
3 What would you do if you had a cat like
this one?

Cat Care How would you take care of a cat?

What special needs do cats have? Draw a picture
to show how you would take care of a cat.

School-Home Connection After you finish

reading, have your child find the words in and
and in the story.

Word Count: 31

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