4 Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

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Financial Analysts Journal

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Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Rhodri Preece & Sviatoslav Rosov

To cite this article: Rhodri Preece & Sviatoslav Rosov (2014) Dark Trading and Equity Market
Quality, Financial Analysts Journal, 70:6, 33-48, DOI: 10.2469/faj.v70.n6.2

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.2469/faj.v70.n6.2

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Financial Analysts Journal
Volume 70 Number 6
©2014 CFA Institute

Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Rhodri Preece, CFA, and Sviatoslav Rosov

Off-exchange trading in equity markets, including broker/dealer internalization and dark pools, has grown
in recent years. An examination of the relationship between dark trading and market quality suggests that
as dark trading increases, the marginal benefit from it declines. Beyond a certain threshold, increases in dark
trading may be associated with deteriorating market quality. The level of this threshold is related to the type
of dark trading and the market capitalization of the stock.

ver the past decade, the US equity mar- dominant trading modality for retail orders in the
ket has undergone a significant structural United States. Third, irregular or nonsystematic off-
change driven by the combined forces of exchange transactions may be simply classified as
technology, regulation, globalization, and competi- “other OTC transactions.” A characteristic common
tion. Trading has become increasingly automated, to dark pool transactions, broker/dealer internaliza-
fast paced, competitive, and spatially dispersed. tion, and other OTC transactions is a limited degree
Today, the US equity market is a vast, decentralized of pre-trade transparency; orders are not displayed
electronic network that depends on technology in the public consolidated quotation system prior
to generate and match order flow at great speed. to execution. Consequently, these types of transac-
This evolution has been accompanied by a decrease tions can be considered “dark trading.” In contrast,
in average trade size and a significant increase in on-exchange business is mostly (though not exclu-
overall quote traffic and transaction volumes. sively) pre-trade transparent.
Trading costs (both bid–ask spreads and com- Investors and regulators have raised a num-
missions) have fallen, while liquidity has become ber of concerns about the recent changes in market
increasingly fragmented over multiple venues. In structure. First, many perceive a degradation of
particular, the fragmentation of liquidity has been market transparency arising from the growth in
associated with a significant shift of trading vol- dark trading and the corresponding fall in the mar-
ume away from the primary listing markets and ket share of “lit” venues. Second, an uneven playing
toward undisplayed off-exchange trading venues. field between different types of trading venues and
For example, between January 2009 and April 2014, between different classes of investors in terms of
the market shares of NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ access to markets can distort competition and fair-
OMX declined by approximately one-third and ness. Also, there is a greater potential for systemic
one-quarter, respectively, while off-exchange trad- risk propagation resulting from the market’s depen-
ing volume increased from one-quarter to more dence on automation and its interconnectedness.
than one-third of the market (see Table 1). A more fundamental concern associated with
Off-exchange trading can be broadly catego- the growth in dark trading is that the willingness of
rized into transactions that occur in three ways. First, investors to post displayed limit orders—the build-
transactions can be executed on alternative trading ing blocks of price discovery—could be harmed
systems (ATSs), such as electronic communications if a significant proportion of orders are filled off
networks (ECNs) and dark pools. Second, orders exchange at the expense of the limit order submit-
can be executed via broker/dealer internalization, ter. This scenario could disincentivize investors
which is the systematic internal execution of client from using the lit markets.
orders against the broker/dealer’s own account. To determine whether investors and regulators
Internalization—whereby brokerages route retail are right to be concerned about the developments in
order flow to an off-exchange market maker, typically equity market structure, we examined the relation
under payment for order flow arrangements—is the between dark trading and market quality. We studied
the impact of dark trading on two proxies for market
Rhodri Preece, CFA, is head of capital markets policy, quality: bid–offer spreads and top-of-book market
EMEA, and Sviatoslav Rosov is an analyst in the capital depth. The main innovation of our study is the sepa-
markets policy group at CFA Institute, London. ration of dark trading into two components—dark

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Table 1.  US Trading Venue Market Shares

Off Exchange
Month NYSE Euronext NASDAQ OMX (TRFs)
January 2009 33.3% 27.6% 25.6%
May 2012 24.5 22.6 30.1
April 2014 22.2 20.8 35.5
Notes: This table presents market share as a percentage of consolidated volume. TRFs are
FINRA Trade Reporting Facilities.
Source: Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter.

pools and broker/dealer internalization. Other stud- spread. Another potential benefit is that access
ies on market fragmentation have not differentiated to certain dark pools may be limited to specific
among types of dark trading. Further, we build on counterparties (e.g., clients of the bank that spon-
existing literature, which identifies both positive sors the dark pool or buy-side-only institutions).
and negative associations between dark trading Discrimination among counterparties can make it
and market quality, by examining a nonlinear rela- possible for such clients as institutional investors to
tionship. The results of our analysis suggest that an avoid trading with undesired market participants
increase in dark pool activity and internalization is (e.g., high-frequency trading firms).
initially associated with an improvement in market Several different types of dark pools oper-
quality that persists only up to a certain threshold. If ate in the United States (see, e.g., Zhu 2012), and
the majority of trading occurs in undisplayed ven- they can be classified according to the operator
ues, market quality benefits will disappear and may type (broker/dealer, market maker, or indepen-
actually reverse. dent pool) or by function (block-cross, continuous-
cross, or liquidity-provider platform). Some dark
Market Structure pools match only customer-to-customer order flow,
Equity trading in the United States is currently dis- whereas others allow customer order flow to exe-
persed over 13 exchanges, more than 30 dark pools, cute against the broker’s own account. Some dark
and more than 200 broker/dealers that internalize pool platforms aggregate liquidity from different
order flow. Consolidated trade data published by pools. Data from Rosenblatt Securities show that in
Thomson Reuters show that exchanges account aggregate, dark pools have accounted for between
for approximately two-thirds of consolidated vol- approximately 8% and 13% of the consolidated vol-
ume whereas off-exchange transactions account for ume over a recent three-year period.
approximately one-third. Broker/Dealer  Internalization. Internaliza-
Dark Pools. In contrast to exchanges and tion involves broker/dealers acting as over-the-
ECNs, dark pools operate without pre-trade trans- counter market makers by systematically executing
parency. Orders are not displayed to other market client order flow against their own accounts.
participants and are matched anonymously. Many Internalization represents a form of dark trad-
dark pools do, however, send out indications of ing because OTC market makers are not required
interest (IOIs) to select market participants. These to display quotes prior to execution. Further, like
IOIs may indicate the name of the security, the dark pools, these market makers may discriminate
number of shares, and the direction of trade but among counterparties when accepting orders.
not the price. The lack of pre-trade transparency Broker/dealer internalization represents a sig-
in dark pools allows investors to minimize infor- nificant proportion of overall trading activity and
mation leakage and market impact costs, which is typically driven by the purchase of order flow by
historically made dark pools particularly attractive wholesale OTC market makers from retail broker-
for the execution of large block orders. Today, how- age firms. Retail internalization is also referred to
ever, order and transaction sizes in dark pools are as “preferencing,” reflecting the fact that the OTC
comparable to those on transparent exchanges (see, market maker can discriminate among orders for
for example, Hatheway, Kwan, and Zheng 2013). internal execution. Because retail investors are
Dark pools may also provide the potential for typically less informed than professional or institu-
price improvement and, more generally, reduced tional investors, OTC market makers can internal-
transaction costs. For example, crossing offsetting ize those retail orders that are on the wrong side
orders at the midpoint of the National Best Bid and of the market (that is, against the expected direc-
Offer (NBBO) would save the respective counter- tion of short-term market movements) and route
parties from exchange fees and half the bid–offer unwanted orders elsewhere.

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Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Broker/dealers have to provide best execu- argued that order segmentation by dark venues
tion for their clients, so the prices at which they is damaging to overall market quality (increases
internalize orders must match or beat the NBBO. adverse selection costs) except in the case of exe-
Because there are no quoting obligations for cuting large transactions.
internalization, broker/dealers can provide price Comerton-Forde and Putnins (2012) provided
improvement to their customers in the form of further detail on the cream-skimming hypoth-
sub-penny executions, often at a magnitude of esis and posited that trades that migrate to dark
$0.0001 per share. Although internalization can exchanges are less informed than those left behind
provide nominal price improvement, it carries an on lit exchanges. Therefore, in addition to increased
opportunity cost for liquidity providers. Investors adverse selection costs on lit exchanges, the authors
who submit passive limit orders on exchanges expected a deterioration in price discovery as well.
assume risk by displaying their trading intentions; Their results were consistent with this hypothesis,
this risk may not be rewarded if the interception showing that informational efficiency begins to
of marketable order flow by OTC market makers decline once dark trading exceeds 10% of volume
leaves limit orders unfilled or filled only when in dollar terms.
they are on the wrong side of the market. This situ- Although the cream-skimming hypothesis
ation can affect the incentives for liquidity provid- may be intuitive, Chung, Chuwonganant, and
ers to display quotations. McCormick (2006) noted that brokers are likely to
charge uninformed traders a lower commission as
Trade Reporting. Off-exchange transactions
compensation for the higher spread. If lower com-
are reported to one of two main Trade Reporting
missions reduce the execution costs of uninformed
Facilities (TRFs) that are registered and overseen
traders, the net effect of order preferencing on over-
by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
all execution quality can be positive. Chung et al.
(FINRA). NASDAQ operates the largest TRF, the
(2006) showed that brokers selectively internalize
FINRA/NASDAQ TRF, which accounts for approx-
orders on the basis of their information content
imately 95% of all off-exchange transactions. NYSE
but that this order preferencing is not necessarily
operates the FINRA/NYSE TRF. All transactions
harmful. Hansch, Naik, and Viswanathan (1999)
reported through a TRF are sent to the central data
and Peterson and Sirri (2003) found similarly
consolidator (the Securities Information Processor,
benign impacts, whereas O’Hara and Ye (2011) and
or SIP) for inclusion in the consolidated tape.
Buti, Rindi, and Werner (2010) revealed a positive
relation between dark trading and market quality.
Literature Review O’Hara and Ye (2011) found that more fragmented
Research on the relation between dark trading and stocks with higher levels of off-exchange trading
market quality has yielded mixed conclusions. are associated with lower transaction costs. Buti
Market quality may decline as the level of et al. (2010) investigated a sample of 11 dark pools
undisplayed trading increases. For example, and found that as dark pool activity increases,
Degryse, de Jong, and van Kervel (2011) argued that quoted and effective spreads narrow, price impacts
the quantity of uninformed order flow preferenced decrease, and volatility declines.
in dark markets is positively related to the propor- Significantly, previous researchers (with the
tion of informed order flow on exchanges. This exception of Buti et al. 2010) have not explicitly
phenomenon is known as the “cream-skimming distinguished between different types of off-
effect.” Consequently, the adverse selection com- exchange trading, which limits the usefulness of
ponent of the bid–offer spread on exchanges (and their findings for public policy. Absent an analysis
with it, the spread itself) can increase because mar- of both dark pools and broker/dealer internaliza-
ket participants will need to be compensated for tion within the same sample, it is not clear which
the increased risk of adversely selecting informed type of dark trading drives the observed effects
or “toxic” order flow with which to trade (see also or whether the two trading modalities yield simi-
Bagehot 1971; Easley, Kiefer, and O’Hara 1996; lar effects with regard to liquidity and market
Treepongkaruna, Brailsford, and Gray forthcom- quality. Our sample includes both broker/dealer
ing). The results in Weaver (2011) support this internalization and dark pool data, so we are able
hypothesis; he found larger spreads and lower to provide a more nuanced view on dark trading.
depth with increasing undisplayed trading. Specifically, the literature provides evidence that
Similarly, Hatheway et al. (2013) found evidence dark trading has both positive effects on mar-
consistent with the cream-skimming effect and ket quality (from increased competition or frag-
showed that dark venues segregate order flow on mentation) and negative effects (from increased
the basis of asymmetric information risk. They adverse selection). Therefore, it is possible that

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dark trading has a cost–benefit trade-off that The period under review was a time of rela-
could result in a nonlinear relation with market tive stability in the equity markets, following the
quality. We tested this hypothesis by examining acute phase of the financial crisis in the second
a quadratic relation between the two types of half of 2008. The selection of this time period
dark trading and market quality. We posit that the should have minimized any systemic effects that
competition induced by dark trading is initially may have influenced the data. Furthermore, the
beneficial for market quality but that if it domi- time span also reflects a period when the equity
nates, these benefits are negated by the increased market had already fragmented significantly and
adverse selection risk on exchanges, which may high-frequency trading (HFT) was well estab-
cause liquidity to deteriorate. lished. These considerations should make it less
likely that the results are affected by a structural
change in the review period.
Data Data for the following variables were obtained
Our dataset is a sample of 450 stocks stratified by from NASDAQ for each stock:
listing market and market capitalization. To obtain Quoted spread in dollars,
our sample, we first selected the universe of securi- Relative spread in basis points, and
ties listed on NYSE (including NYSE Arca), NYSE Average quoted depth, calculated as the aver-
MKT, and NASDAQ using data from FactSet. We age of the average ask size and average bid size
then screened for only US common stocks, exclud- at the top of the order book across all venues
ing any inactive securities or secondary listings. displaying quotes at the NBBO (depth is mea-
We also removed significant outliers (following sured in share terms and in dollar terms).
Weaver 2011), including particularly high-priced Duration-weighted averages were then calcu-
stocks (those that closed above $500 in the review lated for day t on the basis of the length of time that
period), low-priced stocks (those that never closed the quote was at the NBBO. The quoted spread,
above $5 in the review period), and low-volume relative spread, and average top-of-book depth are
stocks (those with average daily volume of fewer the market quality measures that we examined.
than 1,000 shares). This screening process resulted We also collected data on other variables,
in a population of 2,350 stocks. including volatility (standard deviation of daily
Next, we classified stocks according to mar- returns and daily range scaled by closing price),
ket capitalization using the following parameters: closing price, market capitalization, number of
small cap < $1 billion, mid-cap ≥ $1 billion but quote updates, number of trades, total consoli-
< $5 billion, and large cap ≥ $5 billion. We then dated volume, total volume reported to the NYSE
sought to obtain a sample of 150 stocks from each TRF, volume reported to the NASDAQ TRF from
market-capitalization category (providing a total firms associated primarily with dark pools, vol-
of 450 stocks). ume reported to the NASDAQ TRF from firms
associated primarily with retail internalization,
For the large-cap sample, there were no large-
volume of other OTC transactions reported to
cap stocks listed on NYSE MKT (formerly the
the NASDAQ TRF, and volume of technical
Amex) in our screened population and only 59 such
trades (nonaddressable liquidity) reported to the
stocks listed on NASDAQ. Therefore, we selected
all 59 large-cap NASDAQ stocks and randomly
As this list suggests, dark trading reported
selected the balance of 91 from the NYSE-listed through the NASDAQ TRF (accounting for
large-cap stocks in the screened population. To approximately 95% of all off-exchange trading
obtain our mid-cap sample, we selected all four in our sample) was subcategorized by NASDAQ
mid-cap stocks listed on NYSE MKT in the screened using information on the identity of the party
population, along with 73 randomly selected mid- reporting a given trade. Several dark pools
cap stocks from NASDAQ and 73 from NYSE. For report trades using their own unique reporting
the small-cap sample, 50 small-cap stocks were identifier, so they can be positively identified
randomly selected from each listing market in the and aggregated. But in cases in which a unique
screened population. reporting identifier is not used, the classification
For each stock, data on market quality measures was based on knowledge of the type of activity
and off-exchange volumes were obtained for the that a given participant’s reporting identifier is
second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Wednesdays of most typically associated with. To validate the
each quarter from the first quarter of 2009 through accuracy of this judgment, we compared the ratio
the second quarter of 2011, resulting in a panel of of dark pool volume to total off-exchange volume
observations on 450 stocks across 50 dates. in our sample with the figures reported in the US

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Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

SEC’s concept release on equity market struc- for which total off-exchange volume exceeded total
ture (SEC 2010). For our total sample, the aver- consolidated volume were removed.
age dark pool volume (7%) accounts for 30% of
total off-exchange volume, which is comparable Descriptive Statistics
with the figure of 31% obtained from the SEC. Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 2,
This similarity suggests that there are no material which shows that the mean dollar quoted spread
classification errors for dark pools and other off- for the total sample is 11 cents. The mean quoted
exchange volume in our data. spread for small-cap stocks (29 cents) is much
A second caveat is that ECNs, which are dis- higher than that for large-cap stocks (2 cents), as
played venues, also report trades through TRFs. one might expect given their relative riskiness.
Consequently, to minimize the presence of dis- The same is true for relative spreads; the mean is
played liquidity within our TRF data, trades from 255 bps for small caps and 5 bps for large caps. The
Direct Edge, the largest ECN prior to its conversion small-cap spread data are skewed; the median rel-
to an exchange in July 2010, have been removed. ative spread is 83 bps. This skew reflects the very
After July 2010, this adjustment is unnecessary. high spreads charged for highly illiquid small-cap
Matched order flow on the remaining ECNs is esti- stocks. To address this issue, we removed several
mated to account for less than 1% of consolidated outliers and took log transformations of the mar-
volume. Consequently, any remaining “lit” volume ket quality variables.
within the TRF data is immaterial and should not Similarly, average top-of-book depth (in shares
affect the results. and in dollars) is significantly higher for large caps
Finally, we removed any clearly erroneous than for small caps. This result reflects the willing-
data, including stocks with quoted spreads or rela- ness of market makers to quote in relatively large
tive spreads that were negative, greater than $10, or sizes for larger, more liquid stocks, which have
greater than 5,000 bps. Similarly, any observations greater breadth of trading interest. Median depth

Table 2.  Descriptive Statistics

Full Sample Small Cap Medium Cap Large Cap
Quoted spread ($)
Mean 0.11 0.29 0.05 0.02
Median 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.01
Standard deviation 0.36 0.6 0.17 0.03

Relative spread (bps)

Mean 79.95 254.59 13.29 5.47
Median 8.67 83.49 9.14 4.11
Standard deviation 243.25 396.9 43.05 48.97

Depth (shares)
Mean 5,362 908 4,207 10,128
Median 818 454 751 1,663
Standard deviation 21,375 1,518 12,956 32,788

Depth ($)
Mean 219,613 8,611 414,561 194,736
Median 24,289 5,964 21,393 66,905
Standard deviation 14,900,000 30,822 24,900,000 1,774,293

Quote updates
Mean 181,816 20,261 120,711 373,933
Median 92,690 3,865 81,321 267,286
Standard deviation 263,139 41,855 128,887 339,013

Number of trades
Mean 16,168 887 8,795 35,939
Median 5,727 84 4,781 20,163
Standard deviation 36,159 2,190 13,395 53,480

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Table 2.  Descriptive Statistics (continued)

Full Sample Small Cap Medium Cap Large Cap
Quote-to-trade ratio
Mean 49.4 108.5 37.4 13.7
Median 16 29.3 16.9 12.4
Standard deviation 1,239.90 2,247.80 479.9 6.3

Average trade size (share volume/number of trades)

Mean 198 213 178 204
Median 167 162 159 178
Standard deviation 270 485 66 96

Proportion of off-exchange volume

Mean 0.23 0.27 0.22 0.22
Median 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.21
Standard deviation 0.14 0.23 0.1 0.08

Proportion of NYSE TRF volume

Mean 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Median 0.01 0 0.01 0.01
Standard deviation 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Proportion of dark pool volume

Mean 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.08
Median 0.06 0.01 0.07 0.07
Standard deviation 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04

Proportion of internalized volume

Mean 0.1 0.19 0.07 0.07
Median 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.06
Standard deviation 0.13 0.21 0.05 0.04

Proportion of other OTC volume

Mean 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05
Median 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.04
Standard deviation 0.08 0.11 0.06 0.05
Notes: This table shows descriptive statistics by market-capitalization subsample. The full sample contains 450 stocks, and
there are 150 stocks in each of the small-cap (< $1 billion), medium-cap ($1 billion–$5 billion), and large-cap (> $5 billion)

for large-cap stocks is 1,663 shares or $66,905, 267,286 for large caps and 3,865 for small caps,
compared with 454 shares or $5,964 for small- which reflects the higher level of trading interest
cap stocks. Both volatility measures have similar in large-cap stocks. However, the quote-to-trade
means and medians. Average volatility is higher ratio is higher for small caps (median of 29) than
among small caps than among large caps, which is for large caps (median of 12). This result is driven
again consistent with expectations. by fewer daily trades for small caps (median
The number of quote updates and the quote- trade count of 84) than for large caps (median
to-trade ratio can be considered proxies for trade count of 20,163).
algorithmic trading intensity. “Algo” trading is We approximated the average trade size for
consistent with a high volume of message traf- each stock by dividing the daily consolidated
fic whereby orders are entered, modified, and share volume by the daily number of trades. The
canceled rapidly in response to changing market average trade size is similar for the three market-
conditions. The median number of quote updates capitalization subsamples. The median average
to the best bid or best offer per stock per day is trade size is 178 shares for large caps and 162

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Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

shares for small caps. These trade sizes are low by It is also important to note the range of dark
historical standards and reflect the pervasive use trading proportions in our sample. The majority
of algos and child orders to execute transactions. of the observations of dark pool and internal-
The average trade size was relatively stable over ized trades lie within the 0%–40% market share
the study period. range (i.e., dark volume for an individual stock
The mean total proportion of off-exchange as a proportion of consolidated volume for that
volume is 23% for the total sample, which seems stock). There are relatively few dark trading
reasonable compared with off-exchange volume observations in excess of 60%; specifically, there
figures commonly reported over the period. There are 163 observations of stocks with internalized
is not much variation among the subsamples, volumes between 60% and 80% and 143 observa-
with off-exchange volume proportions of 27% tions of stocks with dark volumes between 80%
for the small-cap sample and 22% for both the and 100%.
mid- and large-cap samples. In contrast, there is Figure 1 plots the median relative bid–offer
greater variation among the subsamples for the spreads for the respective samples at each date in
proportions of dark pool volume and internalized the review period. The trend is downward sloping
volume. Large- and medium-capitalization com- for each subsample (it is less pronounced for large-
panies experience relatively higher proportions of and mid-cap stocks because of scaling). Relative
dark pool activity (an average 8% of consolidated bid–offer spreads for both large- and small-cap
volume for each, compared with just 3% for small stocks declined by approximately 50% over the
caps), whereas small caps have a relatively higher period. The dollar quoted spread (not shown)
proportion of internalized volume (an average exhibits a similar pattern, albeit with a shallower
of 19%, compared with 7% for large caps and trend than that of the relative spread.
medium caps). Top-of-book depth is illustrated in Figure 2,
It is not surprising that internalization is high- which plots depth in dollars over time for the
est for small-cap stocks. Multiple third-party trad- median stock in the relevant subsample. Dollar
ing interest in small-cap stocks is relatively low; depth is slightly upward sloping in each sub-
thus, investors are relatively more reliant on mar- sample, although the pattern is not consistent
ket makers (dealer capital) to execute transactions over the review period. Depth in shares (not
in these stocks. The likely reason that small-cap shown) is relatively flat over the period for each
stocks trade less in dark pools compared with subsample.
large- and mid-cap stocks is that their probability Figure 3 and Figure 4 plot the median market
of execution is relatively lower (vis-à-vis large and shares of internalization and dark pools for the
medium caps) in dark pools. respective subsamples over the review period.

Figure 1.  Bid–Offer Spread

Basis Points





1/Jan/09 1/Jul/09 1/Jan/10 1/Jul/10 1/Jan/11 1/Jul/11
Large Medium Small

Note: This figure plots the median relative bid–offer spread across the large-, medium-, and small-
cap subsamples over time.

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These figures show growth in undisplayed trading is greater for small-cap stocks than for large- and
for all stocks, which is unchecked except during the medium-cap stocks, whereas the opposite is true
middle of 2010.1 As noted earlier, internalization for dark pools.

Figure 2.  Dollar Depth

Depth ($)



1/Jan/09 1/Jul/09 1/Jan/10 1/Jul/10 1/Jan/11 1/Jul/11
Large Medium Small

Note: This figure plots the median top-of-book dollar depth across the large-, medium-, and small-cap
subsamples over time.

Figure 3.  Proportion of Internalization

Percentage of Total Volume



1/Jan/09 1/Jul/09 1/Jan/10 1/Jul/10 1/Jan/11 1/Jul/11
Large Medium Small

Note: This figure plots the median proportion of internalization (market share) across the large-,
medium-, and small-cap subsamples over time.

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Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Figure 4.  Proportion of Dark Pool Volume

Percentage of Total Volume

1/Jan/09 1/Jul/09 1/Jan/10 1/Jul/10 1/Jan/11 1/Jul/11
Large Medium Small

Note: This figure plots the median proportion of dark pool volume (market share) across the large-,
medium-, and small-cap subsamples over time.

Analysis allowed us to examine the existence of a nonlinear

(quadratic) relationship. The dependent variables
In this section, we test the null hypothesis that there
are three market quality measures: quoted bid–offer
is no relation between the proportions of dark trad-
spread, relative bid–offer spread, and average top-of-
ing and market quality. The regression model con-
book dollar depth. Each variable contains observa-
trols for variables known to affect market quality.
tions for each stock on each date. We took the natural
First, we controlled for information-based volatil- logarithms of the dependent variables (as well as the
ity, which we measured as the natural logarithm control variables) to mitigate the skewness of these
of the standard deviation of daily returns over the variables. Because we used panel data, we estimated
month up to date t. Such information-based volatil- the regression using fixed stock effects to capture
ity is believed to appropriately influence liquidity.2 within-stock variation across time (see, for example,
Stocks with higher volatility are expected to exhibit Palkar and Wilcox 2009 and Quan and Titman 1997).
lower liquidity (wider spreads and lower depth). We We estimated a separate regression model for each
also included as control variables the logarithms of market quality measure as the dependent variable,
market capitalization and price (hereafter, “market with the general form being
capitalization” and “price,” respectively). Market
capitalization controls for the fact that larger com-
panies are more heavily traded and, hence, exhibit ( )
ln MQi ,t = α + β1 ln(σi ,t ) + β2 ln(mkt_capi ,t )
higher liquidity. The price level is a scaling factor + β3 ln(pricei ,t )
and controls for two effects. First, stocks with higher
price levels have higher quoted spreads (to normal- + β4 (%internali ,t ) + β5 (%internali ,t )2 (1)
ize the spread per dollar). Second, the tick size is + β6 (%dark_pooli ,t )
constrained to 1 cent for all stocks priced above $1,
+ β7 (%dark_pooli ,t )2 + εi ,t ,
which includes all stocks in our sample. For some
very liquid, low-priced stocks, the spread often
equates to the minimum tick size. In this case, vari- where for stock i on day t,
ability in the relative spread could be driven mainly     MQi,t  =  the market quality measure (quoted
by changes in the price level (such that the relative        spread, relative spread, or dollar
spread increases as the price level decreases), so we        depth)
must control for this effect.        σi,t =  
the standard deviation of daily
The explanatory variables of interest are the pro-    price changes
portions of dark pool volume and internalized vol- mkt_capi,t =  the market capitalization
ume and their respective squares. This specification  pricei,t =  the closing price

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   %internali,t  =    internalized  volume  as  a  pro- in depth; in other words, larger companies exhibit
   portion of consolidated volume higher liquidity. The price level also exhibits the
%dark_pooli,t =   dark pool volume as a propor- expected relation with respect to bid–offer spreads.
tion of consolidated volume First, a 10% increase in the price level increases the
Results.  The regression results are presented in quoted spread by 7.8%. Second, a 10% decrease in
Tables 3–6. At the outset, we did not expect multi- the price level increases the relative spread by 2.1%,
collinearity to be a problem because the correlations an effect that is likely being driven by the quoted
between the independent and control variables are spread converging to the minimum tick size at low
mostly lower than 0.1, with the highest individual price levels. The price level is not, however, statisti-
correlation being 0.35. For the full sample (Table 3), cally significantly related to dollar depth.
the coefficients for the control variables all exhibit The coefficients for %internal and %dark_pool
the expected signs with respect to quoted bid–offer cannot be so easily interpreted owing to the qua-
spreads, relative bid–offer spreads, and dollar dratic terms in the regression. Table 3 shows that
depth. Because the control variables and dependent the relation between the dark trading variables
variables are log transformed, we can interpret the and the two spread measures is negative, indicat-
coefficients easily in terms of percentage changes. ing that spreads initially decrease as dark trading
Specifically, Table 3 shows that a 10% increase in increases. Analogously, depth initially increases as
volatility will increase spreads by around 2.3% and the proportions of internalization and dark pool
reduce depth (the average dollar size available at the activity increase. However, the squared terms carry
best bid or best offer) by around 2.1%. A 10% increase the opposite signs to their linear counterparts,
in market capitalization is associated with an approx- which suggests that the rate at which dark trading
imately 3.2% decrease in spreads and a 4.1% increase is associated with improving market quality falls

Table 3.  Full Sample Regression Results

ln(Quoted Spread) ln(Relative Spread) ln(Dollar Depth)
Constant 1.88** 11.26*** 0.67
(0.94) (0.96) (2.12)
ln(σ) 0.23*** 0.24*** –0.21***
(0.01) (0.01) (0.02)
ln(mkt_cap) –0.32*** –0.33*** 0.41***
(0.05) (0.05) (0.12)
ln(price) 0.78*** –0.21*** –0.07
(0.05) (0.05) (0.13)
%internal –0.54*** –0.57*** 0.49***
(0.10) (0.10) (0.13)
(%internal)2 0.61*** 0.66*** –0.38**
(0.13) (0.12) (0.16)
%dark_pool –0.55*** –0.56*** 1.54***
(0.15) (0.16) (0.14)
(%dark_pool)2 0.71 0.74 –2.86***
(0.55) (0.56) (0.35)
Observations 19,310 19,328 19,328
Adjusted R2 0.183 0.399 0.169
F-statistic 87.28 257.97 121.66
Notes: This table shows the full sample results of regressing the three market quality variables (quoted bid–offer
spread, relative bid–offer spread, and average top-of-book dollar depth) on the market shares of internalization and
dark pools and their respective squares. The regression also controls for factors known to affect market quality—
specifically, volatility (measured by the log standard deviation of daily returns), market capitalization, and price.
Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation robust standard errors are shown in parentheses.
*Significant at the 10% level.
 **Significant at the 5% level.
***Significant at the 1% level.

42 www.cfapubs.org ©2014 CFA Institute

Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

as the proportion of dark trading increases. The For each subsample regression, the control
diminishing benefit may ultimately reverse, such variables exhibit the same expected relation with
that dark trading may have a negative impact on respect to the dependent variables and are mostly
market quality. However, given the relative lack of statistically significant. The coefficients on the dark
observations of stocks with dark trading in excess trading variables are also mostly statistically sig-
of 60% (as noted previously), it is difficult to make nificant and exhibit the same nonlinear effects as
conclusive inferences about market quality when documented for the total sample. Dark pool activ-
dark trading dominates. We suggest a possible eco- ity (for both the linear and squared terms) is highly
nomic interpretation of these coefficients in the sec- significant for quoted spreads, relative spreads, and
tion “Threshold Effect” and Figures 5 and 6. dollar depth in the large- and medium-cap regres-
To examine the consistency of these find- sions. Internalization (both the linear and squared
ings, we estimated the same regressions for each terms) is statistically significant for relative spreads
market-capitalization subsample. For each sub- in all the market-capitalization subsamples, with
sample, the results (shown in Table 4, Table 5, and the strongest effect in the small-cap regression.
Table 6) are qualitatively similar: Market quality To test the robustness of our findings, we ran
initially improves, but the improvement dimin- a second set of regressions using the general-
ishes as dark trading increases. For large caps and ized method of moments (GMM) approach and
medium caps, dark pool activity has a relatively incorporating lagged values of the dependent
stronger effect on market quality than internaliza- and independent variables as instruments. This
tion has, whereas for small caps, internalization approach is designed to ameliorate any endoge-
has a relatively stronger effect. This result may not neity issues. The results of the GMM regressions
be surprising; as noted previously, dark pools are are qualitatively similar to our previous find-
relatively more active for large- and medium-cap ings, although the statistical significance is less
stocks, whereas internalization is relatively more uniform (significance is strongest for dark pool
intensive among small-cap stocks. activity on quoted and relative spreads but is less

Table 4.  Large-Cap Subsample Regression Results

ln(Quoted Spread) ln(Relative Spread) ln(Dollar Depth)
Constant 0.85 9.99*** –1.19
(1.77) (1.76) (2.64)
ln(σ) 0.17*** 0.18*** –0.37***
(0.02) (0.02) (0.04)
ln(mkt_cap) –0.29*** –0.29*** 0.57***
(0.09) (0.09) (0.13)
ln(price) 0.70*** –0.29*** –0.76***
(0.10) (0.10) (0.16)
%internal –1.51*** –1.47** 3.06***
(0.57) (0.57) (0.76)
(%internal)2 5.91* 5.82* –3.00
(3.22) (3.21) (3.78)
%dark_pool –0.84*** –0.87*** 3.06***
(0.23) (0.23) (0.48)
(%dark_pool)2 2.18*** 2.25*** –7.12***
(0.82) (0.83) (1.92)
Observations 6,829 6,830 6,830
Adjusted R2 0.216 0.533 0.254
F-statistic 18.09 153.41 53.5
Note: See notes to Table 3.
*Significant at the 10% level.
 **Significant at the 5% level.
***Significant at the 1% level.

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Table 5.  Medium-Cap Subsample Regression Results

ln(Quoted Spread) ln(Relative Spread) ln(Dollar Depth)
Constant 3.41* 13.00*** –3.63
(1.80) (1.80) (2.87)
ln(σ) 0.19*** 0.19*** –0.21***
(0.02) (0.02) (0.03)
ln(mkt_cap) –0.42*** –0.43*** 0.65***
(0.10) (0.10) (0.16)
ln(price) 0.80*** –0.19 –0.36*
(0.12) (0.12) (0.18)
%internal –0.52* –0.72** 1.22***
(0.28) (0.29) (0.44)
(%internal)2 1.41 1.90* –1.30
(1.05) (1.08) (1.43)
%dark_pool –0.92*** –0.90*** 1.69***
(0.13) (0.14) (0.25)
(%dark_pool)2 2.03*** 2.00*** –3.46***
(0.37) (0.38) (0.68)
Observations 6,899 6,904 6,904
Adjusted R2 0.236 0.571 0.231
F-statistic 27.02 155.67 48.48
Note: See notes to Table 3.
*Significant at the 10% level.
 **Significant at the 5% level.
***Significant at the 1% level.

consistent among other variables). This result is Figure 5 is based on the regression output for the
perhaps not surprising given the smaller num- total sample in Table 3 and was created by calculating
ber of observations used for GMM estimation. fitted values for the spread for different proportions
Overall, the GMM regressions lend validity to our of internalization activity while holding all other
model specification. variables constant at their sample means. Therefore,
Threshold Effect. As noted previously, the the figure effectively shows a two-dimensional slice
coefficients for %internal and %dark_pool and their through the regression along the internalization
squares imply the possibility of a turning point dimension and thus provides a visual representa-
in the relation between dark trading and market tion of the relation. As noted previously, owing to
quality. That is, market quality initially improves the relative lack of data at high proportions of dark
as dark trading increases but plateaus or declines trading, the focus of this exercise was to identify the
beyond a certain threshold. location of the minimum point, rather than the steep
This effect is illustrated in Figure 5. The figure right tail. Figure 5 enables one to identify the prox-
plots the relative bid–offer spread (in basis points) imity of the point at which the benefits of dark trad-
predicted by the regression equation for different ing are exhausted for the average stock.
proportions of internalization. The relation between The estimated minimum point for the rela-
internalization and the relative spread is the focus tion between internalization and relative bid–offer
for two reasons. First, the regressions with relative spreads predicted by the model is 43%, as shown in
spread as the dependent variable exhibit the strong-​ Figure 5. That is, beyond a market share of approxi-
est explanatory power. Second, the effect of inter- mately 43%, internalization does not appear to
nalization on the relative spread, in both linear and improve market quality and may actually cause dete-
squared terms, is statistically significant throughout rioration. The minimum point lies within our data
all the samples, so it exhibits the most consistency. range, lending validity to the quadratic specification.

44 www.cfapubs.org ©2014 CFA Institute

Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Table 6.  Small-Cap Subsample Regression Results

ln(Quoted Spread) ln(Relative Spread) ln(Dollar Depth)
Constant 1.63 10.90*** 2.89**
(1.14) (1.18) (1.34)
ln(σ) 0.31*** 0.32*** –0.15***
(0.03) (0.03) (0.02)
ln(mkt_cap) –0.25*** –0.25*** 0.23***
(0.07) (0.07) (0.08)
ln(price) 0.79*** –0.19*** 0.39***
(0.05) (0.06) (0.09)
%internal –0.60*** –0.64*** 0.21
(0.12) (0.12) (0.13)
(%internal)2 0.68*** 0.72*** –0.08
(0.15) (0.14) (0.16)
%dark_pool –0.42** –0.46** 0.44**
(0.20) (0.20) (0.19)
(%dark_pool)2 0.30 0.36 –1.04***
(0.57) (0.58) (0.30)
Observations 5,582 5,594 5,594
Adjusted R2 0.173 0.25 0.155
F-statistic 64.4 53.8 57.52
Note: See notes to Table 3.
*Significant at the 10% level.
 **Significant at the 5% level.
***Significant at the 1% level.

Figure 5.  Predicted Bid–Offer Spread and Internalization

Spread (bps)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Proportion of Internalization (%)

Note: This figure plots the fitted values for the relative bid–offer spread (in basis points) for differ-
ent proportions of internalization using the estimated regression model from Table 3.

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Financial Analysts Journal

To check the robustness of these findings, we fol- dark trading and market capitalization segment. For
lowed the same procedure for different subsamples. example, large- and medium-cap stocks have notably
An array of possible values for the minimum point lower thresholds, ranging from 12.6% to 22.5%.
in the relation between dark trading activity (both From a policy perspective, the relation between
internalization and dark pools) and relative spreads is aggregate undisplayed trading and market quality is
shown in Table 7. These values were estimated using also of interest. Accordingly, we estimated a separate
the regression output shown in Tables 3–6. Note that regression (see Table 8) that is analogous to Equation
these values are point estimates predicted by the 1 but that substitutes %internal, %dark_pool, and
model as dark trading activity increases, assuming all their respective squares with a single undisplayed
other variables stay constant at their sample means. trading variable—%undisplayed—and its square,
These points should not, therefore, be considered capturing aggregate dark trading. Varying the pro-
definitive numbers; rather, they are indications of portion of aggregate undisplayed trading while
the approximate levels at which increases in the mar- holding the other parameters constant at their sam-
ket share of dark trading cease to be associated with ple means yields the relation between relative bid–
improvements in market quality. As Table 7 shows, the offer spreads and dark trading shown in Figure 6.
level of the threshold varies according to the type of The figure shows that the estimated minimum point

Table 7.  Market Quality Threshold Points

Full Sample Large Cap Medium Cap Small Cap
Internalization 43.2% 12.6% 18.9% 44.4%
Dark pool 37.8 19.3 22.5 63.9
Notes: This table presents the internalization and dark pool trading market shares (for the full
sample and the large-, medium-, and small-cap subsamples) beyond which market quality
ceases to improve. These market shares were estimated by calculating the turning point of the
parabola implied by the relevant parameter estimates for the linear and squared internalization
and dark pool regressors in Tables 3–6. Figures in bold indicate calculations based on statisti-
cally significant coefficients.

Table 8.  Full Sample Regression Results: Aggregate Undisplayed Trading

ln(Quoted Spread) ln(Relative Spread) ln(Dollar Depth)
Constant 1.83* 11.20*** 0.66
(0.94) (0.97) (2.17)
ln(σ) 0.23*** 0.23*** –0.21***
(0.01) (0.01) (0.02)
ln(mkt_cap) –0.32*** –0.33*** 0.41***
(0.05) (0.05) (0.12)
ln(price) 0.78*** –0.21*** –0.07
(0.05) (0.05) (0.14)
%undisplayed –0.68*** –0.70*** 0.81***
(0.08) (0.08) (0.11)
(%undisplayed)2 0.72*** 0.75*** –0.70***
(0.11) (0.11) (0.15)
Observations 19,310 19,328 19,328
Adjusted R2 0.187 0.401 0.168
F-statistic 116.66 389.15 162.24
Notes: This table shows the full sample results of regressing the three market quality variables (quoted
bid–offer spread, relative bid–offer spread, and average top-of-book dollar depth) on the aggregate market
share of undisplayed trading and its square. The regression also controls for factors known to affect market
quality—specifically, volatility (measured by the log standard deviation of daily returns), market capital-
ization, and price. Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation robust standard errors are shown in parentheses.
*Significant at the 10% level.
 **Significant at the 5% level.
***Significant at the 1% level.

46 www.cfapubs.org ©2014 CFA Institute

Dark Trading and Equity Market Quality

Figure 6.  Predicted Bid–Offer Spread and Undisplayed Trading

Spread (bps)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Proportion of Undisplayed Volume (%)

Notes: This figure plots the fitted values for the relative bid–offer spread (in basis points) for differ-
ent proportions of aggregate undisplayed trading. The estimated regression model used is shown
in Table 8.

in the relation between aggregate undisplayed trad- Conclusion

ing and relative bid–offer spreads is 46%.
US equity market structure has evolved dra-
A conservative summary of these results is that matically over the last decade, with increasing
when the majority of trading in a stock occurs in undis- technological sophistication and fragmentation.
played venues, market quality benefits are exhausted Competition for order flow between displayed and
and any further increase in dark trading may lead to dark trading venues has lowered indirect trading
a deterioration in market quality. As Table 7 shows, costs in the form of bid–offer spreads. Within this
the actual threshold could be significantly lower than fragmented market structure, dark trading—in the
50% and is a function of the type of dark trading and form of broker/dealer internalization and dark
the market capitalization of the stock. pools—has grown significantly. Dark pools have
One possible explanation is that initially, competi- helped reduce information leakage, minimize
tion for order flow among on- and off-exchange ven- market impact, and increase investor choice. The
ues causes more aggressive quoting in the limit order development of algorithmic trading and smart
book. While lit markets dominate, this competition order routing has allowed investors to further
helps reduce bid–offer spreads. But when dark mar- optimize their order execution capabilities.
kets dominate, investors may become disincentivized The results of our analysis suggest that dark
to display orders and may withdraw quotes because trading does not harm market quality at low levels.
of the reduced likelihood of those orders being filled Increases in internalization and dark pool activity
on acceptable terms. That is, the reward from display- were found to initially be associated with lower
ing orders is not commensurate with the risk when bid–offer spreads and higher depth. However, the
dark venues dominate, owing to adverse selection marginal benefit from dark trading declines as
effects (the lit market becomes increasingly “toxic” as dark trading increases, such that beyond a certain
more uninformed order flow is preferenced in dark threshold, increases in dark trading may be asso-
venues). Consequently, limit order submission may ciated with declining market quality. The level of
decline, which would lead to wider displayed spreads this threshold appears to depend on the type of
and lower depth at best prices. In short, competition dark trading and the market capitalization of the
between lit and dark markets is initially beneficial stock. Our results conservatively suggest that if
for market quality, but when dark venues dominate, the majority of trading in a given stock takes place
adverse selection risk negates these benefits. in dark venues, adverse selection risk will negate

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Financial Analysts Journal

or even dominate the benefits of competition. We would like to extend particular thanks to Jeffrey
Investors may become disincentivized from quot- Smith and Frank Hatheway, CFA, at NASDAQ OMX,
ing aggressively in the limit order book, which for the provision of data for this study and for helpful
could lead to a widening of bid–offer spreads and comments on an earlier version. Valued advice was also
a reduction in depth as dark trading increases. provided by Dennis Dick, CFA (Bright Trading LLC),
These findings have relevance for public policy. Larry Harris, CFA (University of Southern California),
Given the current level of dark trading in the stock Baljit Sidhu (University of New South Wales), and Tom
market, regulators should monitor its growth and Smith (University of Queensland).
consider introducing measures that limit the use of
This article qualifies for 1 CE credit,
dark orders and dark trading facilities if such activ-
inclusive of 1 SER credit.
ity becomes excessive.

1. In the quarter following the “flash crash” of 6 May 2010, 2. Longer-term volatility is preferred over intraday volatility
volumes migrated back to exchanges. This migration likely as a control variable; the latter is considered to be directly
reflects a reduction in investor confidence following the proportional to the bid–ask bounce.
event and a perceived lower counterparty risk from trading
on exchanges compared with off-exchange venues.

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