Seminar - Jessica Ardela Putri 2018610035

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BY :
Registration Number (2018610035)



1. Table of Content ...................................................................... 2

2. Chapter I. Introduction 3

A. Background of The Study ..................................................................... 3

B. Statement of The Problem ..................................................................... 5

C. The Objective of the Study ..................................................................... 5

D. Dignificance of the Study .................................................................... 5

E. Definition of Key Terms .................................................................... 6

F. Scope of Limitation .................................................................... 6



A. Background of The Study

In the current state of highly advanced technology, some activities that often

existed in the past have been abandoned. An example is the newspaper pioneer. The

more advanced technology at this time makes people turn to electronic newspapers

which they can get whenever they want and anywhere through their smart devices.

Many of them are also some books that are printed in two versions, namely the

publisher's printed version and also the ebook version which makes it easier for

readers to carry them anywhere without having to worry about where to store and the

possibility of being lost because they are left somewhere.

The genre of a story that is of interest to the public also has quite a lot of

influence on the production of books in the form of print and ebook production.

Sometimes the large number of requests for a story in a particular genre makes

publishers inevitably have to look for a genre that suits the market and causes

publishers to focus too much on the genre they are interested in, no longer on what

stories are dim but still have a special place in the hearts of the fans, especially stories.

fairy tales or old stories that always have their own fans who are still loyal to collect

and read the story every time. fairy tales or old stories that are often underestimated

by our eyes are starting to rarely be found in bookstores, if there were any they would

only be in the corner of the room with thick dust on the shelves. In fact, if the book is

shown more often and gets a good promotion, it will again get its own position in its

new fans.

Unlike most books today, which are interested in sometimes forgetting the

moral element in it, fairy tales and old stories always require moral in every inch of

the story. whether the moral message is intentionally or not written in the story, but in

fact every folklore, fairy tale, and old story the author inserts a lot of moral messages

in it.

In this case, what makes the author feel like doing this research is because the

researcher is curious about the moral message in Robert Louis Stevenson's writing

'Kidnapped' which reaches 317 printed pages, does it also have a moral message in it

in each chapter or is there only a moral message? at the end of the story.

In this study, the author adapts the morality theory from Aristotle's Virtue

Ethics, that is a right and wrong are characterized in terms of acting in accordance

with the traditional virtues -- making the good person.

The most widely discussed is Aristotle's account.Ý For Aristotle, the central concern

is "Ethica" = things to do with character.Ý Of particular concern are excellences of

character -- i.e., the moral virtues.

Aristotle, and most of the ancient Greeks really had nothing to say about moral duty,

ie, modern day moral concepts.Ý Rather, they were concerned with what makes

human beings truly 'happy'.Ý True 'happiness' is called Eudaimonia (flourishing /

well-being / fulfillment / self-actualization).Ý Like Plato, Aristotle wants to show that

there are objective reasons for living in accordance with the traditional virtues

(wisdom, courage, justice and temperance).Ý For Aristotle, this comes from a

particular account of human nature -- ie, the virtuous life is the 'happiest' (most

fulfilling) life.

Three steps to the argument:

(1) The ultimate end of human action is happiness.

(2) Happiness consists in acting in accordance with reason.

(3) Acting in accordance with reason is the distinguishing feature of all the traditional


Aristotle thought that humans had a specific function.Ý This function is to lead a life

of true flourishing as a human, which required abiding by the dictates of rationality

and so acting in accordance with the traditional virtues.

B. Statements of the Problem

Based on the background of study, the author formulated the problem by making

the research question below:

1. That is ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis Steveson have Virtue Ethics Morality?

2. which parts are there Virtue Ethics in ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis Stevenson

and why??

C. Objectives of the Research

Based on the statements of the problems, the objectives of this research are to find:

1. To identify the types of Morality in the book ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis


2. To analyze the reason of the types of morality in the book ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert

Louis Stevenson and is used there.

D. Significances of the Research

This research is aimed at finding out whether the moral message in writing

this old book which has a very long story and tends to be heavy also has a moral

message in it like fairy tales and other short old stories or not. Especially in the book

'Kidnapped' By Robert Louis Stevenson.

E. Keys to Specific Terms

In order to have some ideas and concepts to understand this study, the writer tries to

clarify the terms as used in this study.

a) Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, poet and travel

writer. He is best known for works such as Treasure Island, Strange Case of

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Kidnapped and A Child's Garden of Verses.

b) Kidnapped

Kidnapped is a historical fiction adventure novel by Scottish author Robert

Louis Stevenson, written as a boys' novel and first published in the magazine

Young Folks from May to July 1886. The novel has attracted the praise and

admiration of writers as diverse as Henry James, Jorge Luis Borges, and

Hilary Mantel.

c) Morality

 is the system through which we determine right and wrong conduct -- i.e., the
guide to good or right conduct.

F. Scope of Limitation

The author focuses on analyzing the types of morality in ‘Kidnapped’ by

Robert Louis Stevenson it such as Virtue Ethnics. In addition, the author also focuses

on analyzing the reason for the morality on the book ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis

Stevenson. For the limitations of this study, the researcher limited to examining the

words, sentences and phrases used in the the book ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis

Stevenson. In addition, the researcher will not analyze the background of the writer

but will analyze every sentence in the book ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis Stevenson

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