Solubility Activities

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Example Solvent Solute Type of Solution

(solid, liquid or gas)

1. sulfur dioxide in air Gas Gas Gas

2. vinegar Liquid Solid Liquid

3. naphthalene in air Gas Solid Gas

4. brine solution Liquid Solid Liquid

5. 18-carat gold Solid Solid Solid

6. ruby gemstones Solid Solid Solid

7. honey Liquid Solid Liquid

ACTIVITY 1. Just Complete Me!

Direction: Complete the table below by giving the solvent, solute and types of solution (solid, liquid or gas) of
each example.

ACTIVITY 2. Questions to the Max!

Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. Sodium chloride dissolves more than 25 times better in water than in methanol. Explain the difference,
referring to the structure and properties of water, methanol and sodium chloride.
- Sodium chloride or salt dissolves better in water because it has a higher charge that is why it attracts the
sodium chloride more and dissolves it better unlike the methanol which has a lower charge.
2. Suppose you are climbing a very tall mountain. During your hike, you come across two lakes; one at the foot
of the mountain and one at the summit. You observed that the same species of fish live in both likes and the
environment of the lakes are the same. However, fewer fish live at the top of lake than the bottom lake. Can you
explain this observation?
- The lake which was placed in a higher area has lesser fish than the lake at the bottom and this is because of the
lower pressure on that higher area. The dissolved oxygen turns into gas in an area with lower pressure and tends
to break loose. The oxygen level is lesser on elevated areas because they focus more at the bottom or lower
3. There is a practice in some areas around the country where “compressors” are used by miners and fishermen
to be able to breathe under mine shafts and during deep-sea diving. How will you convince these people that the
practice is dangerous?
- The air that we breathe is not only composed of oxygen but also small amount of other gases like nitrogen.
Using compressors are dangerous because the gas that will come through the compressor will dissolve due to
the high pressure in it but it will eventually return to its original phase and may form some bubbles that will
clog our blood vessels. This can result to serious health problems or death if the situation worsens.
4. During hot days, fish stay at the deeper cooler part of a body of water. Can you explain the behavior using
what you know about solubility of gasses?
- The fishes stay at the deeper cooler part of a body of water when the weather is hot because the dissolved
oxygen that they need in order to survive is easier for them to get there for the movement of the molecules are
slower compared to the movement of the dissolved oxygen molecules in hotter parts of the body of water. This
is because the hot temperature cause the molecules to move faster and eventually escape.

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