Test 1-Business Mathematics-QUESTION-STUDENT

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Test 1

Business Mathematics

Submission Date: 23 july 2022;12 pm

Submission Mode: TEAMS CHAT-
thilages@iumw.edu.my and TURNITIN(please
organise and zip the file)
1. Complete Part A, B and C
2. Type and written format acceptable
3. For questions on excel application, submit excel doc.
4. This test carries 100 marks

PART A -Basic Functions (20 marks)

Each question carries 2 marks. Marks awarded based on working and answer.

Add the following fractions.

1. 1/6 + 4/6

2. 2/7 + 3/7 + 4/7

3. Simplify: 42/3 – 31/4 + 2 1/6

4. 23/5 + 4/5 + 12/5

5. 11/4 + 23/4 + 71/4
6. Subtract 3/10 from 8/10

7. Compute: 5/12 – 7/12 + 11/12

8. Simplify: 42/3 + 1/3 – 41/3

9. Subtract 3737 from 5757.

10. If 20% of x = y, what is the value of y% of 20 in terms of x?

PART B (60 Marks)
Each question carries 3 marks.

1. A person multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3, What is the

percentage error in the calculation?

2. Three students contested an election and received 1000, 5000 and 10000
votes, respectively. What is the percentage of the total votes the winning
student gets?

3. If the price of a product is first decreased by 25% and then increased by

20%, then what is the percentage change in the price?

4. The value of a washing machine depreciates at the rate of 10% every year.
If its present value is RM 8748, then what was the price of the washing
machine three years ago?

5. For a student to clear an examination, he must score 55% marks. If he gets

120 and fails by 78 marks, what is the total marks for the examination?

6. A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number

so obtained is 10 less than the original number. What was the original

7. What is the percentage of ratio 5:4?

8. Aisyah rode her bike for one-fifth of a km on Monday and two-fifths of a

km on Tuesday. How many miles did she ride altogether?

9. Stefanie swam four-fifths of a lap in the morning and seven-fifteenths of

a lap in the evening. How much farther did Stefanie swim in the morning
than in the evening?
10.It took Nick five-thirds of an hour to complete his math homework on
Monday, three-fourths of an hour on Tuesday, and five-sixths of an hour
on Wednesday. How many hours did he take to complete his homework

11.Dina added five-sixths of a bag of soil to her garden. Her neighbor Natasha
added eleven-eighths bags of soil to her garden. How much more soil did
Natasha add than Dina?

12.At a pizza party, Diego and his friends ate three and one-fourth cheese
pizzas and two and three-fourths pepperoni pizzas. How much pizza did
they eat in all?

13. Mike needs 30% to pass. If he scored 212 marks and falls short by 13
marks, what was the maximum marks he could have got?

14. A number is increased by 40 % and then decreased by 40 %. Find the net

increase or decrease per cent.

15. Max scored 6 marks more than what he did in the previous examination
in which he scored 30. Maria scored 30 marks more than she did in the
previous examination in which she scored 60. Who showed less

16. In an election, candidate A got 70 % of the total valid votes. 20 % of the

total votes were declared invalid. If the total number of votes is 600000, find
the number of valid votes polled in favour of the candidate.

17. Mother's weight is 25 % more than that of daughter. What percent is

daughter's weight less than mother's weight?

18. Kelly requires 36 % to pass. She gets 196 marks and falls short by 20
marks. Find the maximum numbers she could have got.

19. In an examination, 460 students appeared. Out of these students; 23 %

got first division, 62 % got second division and the remaining just passed.
Assuming that no student failed; find the number of students who just
20. Andrea has a packet of 20 biscuits. She gives 1/2 of them to Andy and 1/4
of them to Sally. The rest she keeps.
(i) How many biscuits does Andy get?
(ii) How many biscuits does Sally get?
(iii) How many biscuits does Andrea keep?

PART C (20 marks)
You are required to use the excel to tabulate the data:

1. Refer to the below Table. Solve the equation and find the Total Sum,
Average value, Std Deviation

Sree (45-21) x 2
Aidil (99+22)-13 x 3
Chew (62X2)-41
Malik (66-42) x 4
Diana (78/4 x 22)+15

(5 marks)
2. Analyse a database of cars sold by :

i) (Car model and sum of Final Price) by creating a Pivot Table for the

ii) (Car model and Agency) by creating a Pivot Table for the below

Note: To create a new Pivot Table, we first need to select the data range which
we would like to analyze, then click on one of the desired cells in our data range,
then click Insert tab, then Pivot Table.

(5 marks)
b. Create a suitable graph to reflect the data based on the filter of (i) and (ii)
and provide your interpretation.

(5 marks)

3. Using the SUMIF syntax, filter, the tourist flying to Manila only. (5 marks)
Tourist City
1 Brunei
2 Kuala Lumpur
3 New Dehli
4 Manila
5 Auckland
6 South Korea
7 Manilla
8 Kuala Lumpur
9 Manila
10 Kuala Lumpur
11 South Korea
12 Dubai
13 Manila
14 London
15 Manila

------------------END OF TEST------------------

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