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Immaculate Conception

k Archdiocesan School
Senior High School Department
Tetuan, Zamboanga City

Practical Research 1

2nd Semester, SY 2021 -2022

Week 1

Name: _______________________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _____________________
Address: _____________________________________
Contact Number: ____________________________

Amicor C. Guerrero
Subject Teacher
TOPIC: The Nature and Importance of Research Week: 1 Learning Sheet: 1
At the end of the lesson, the learners can:
I.1 Share research experiences and knowledge
I.2 Explain the importance of research in daily life
1.1 Summary of Essential Concept

What comes first to your mind when you encounter the word research ? Experiment ? Investigation ?
Inquiry ? Product Development?

Many students are overwhelmed when asked to do research .This is probably due to the misconception that
research is a job for scientist or a requirements for students who want to earn a college or postgraduate
degree . As a senior high school students ,you might have your own(mis) conception of research ; this module
helps you understand the nature and importance of research in daily life.

What is Research ?
Research is a systematic inquiry that explains or describes a phenomenon ,predicts an outcome ,and poses
questions for further studies . It involves looking into a phenomenon which has not been investigated yet or is
underexplored ,gathering data to address and answer problems ,and reporting results to an audience . The two
main purposes of research are to gather evidence and to gain knowledge .

Research may be done inductively or deductively . Research is done inductively if it starts with analyzing a
phenomenon and ends with identifying its underlying principles ,theories ,or processes .On the other hand, the
deductive approach begins with specifying hypotheses and continues with verifying these through evidence or

Effective Research Possesses the following characteristics:

1. Research is recursive because it involves performing steps in cyclical and non-linear way. This means
that you can go back to earlier stages of writing to ensure that your ideas are aligned with one another.
2. Research is empirical because it is based on verifiable evidence ,observation ,or experiences.
3. Research is logical because it is based on sound principles and a systematic procedure .
4. Research requires higher order thinking skills .It involves interpreting data and drawing conclusions
from the gathered data.
5. Research is replicable .This means that it can be repeated by other researches as long as its methodolog
is sufficiently detailed .
6. Research is solution- oriented because it aims to address a particular problem.
7. Research is objective because it requires accurate recording of data through observation ,
interviews ,experiments and other means.
8. Research requires sufficient sources of data.

The Importance of Research

Research: Whether you love it or hate it, you need to do it. Finding out the facts about your assignments, your
job, or your life will allow you to make better decisions and gain more knowledge. In fact, the more research
you do, the more you can do with your life.
Learning basic research skills is something that is lost in many educational systems. While students are often
told how to find information, the Internet has become the place most people go first in order to find the facts
they need.

Though the Internet is a valuable tool, it is not the only research skill a person needs in order to find the facts.
Using basic research methods can help you not only find the information you need, but also find information
that you can trust

1.2 Testing of Knowledge

Why is there a need to conduct research?
What practical benefits can you get from research?
1.3.Knowledge Scanning

Write your knowledge and experiences in research.


1.4 Integration of Learning

Instructions: Write your essential learning from the exit ticket below.

List six benefits (three personal benefits and three academic) that you can get from doing research . Write your
answers on the table.

Personal Benefits Academic Benefits


Instructions: Read and answer the question.

As a Senior high school student , explain the importance of research to your life.

Jessie S. Barrot ,Ph.D. Practical Research For Senior High School.893 EDSA ,South Triangle , Quezon
City:Published by C& E Publishing ,Inc.

DIWA Senior High School Series : Practical Research 1 .120 Thailand corner Legazpi Streets : DIWA
The characteristic ,processes and ethics
TOPIC: Week: 1 Learning Sheet: 1
of research
At the end of the lesson, the learners can:
1.1. Describe the characteristics ,processes ,and ethics of research


1.1 Summary of Essential Concept

Characteristics of Good research

1. Research is empirical .It uses facts and data that are obtained through a thorough

2. Research is analytical .The researcher carefully analyzes and interprets the gathered data
before arriving at a conclusion.

3. Research is a systematic .It follows a certain method or procedure in order to obtain

objectives results.

4. Research is cyclical. It begins with a problem and ends with the resolution or tentative
research process is vital to the success of the research.

5. Research is original. Ii is expected that any research output is a product of novel ideas and
shows originality.

Ethics in Research

Research ethics refers to the moral principles and code of conduct that define what good and
acceptable research practice is. When conducting research you have to conform to ethical
standards to uphold integrity and maintain the good reputation of your name and your school

Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate,
falsify, or misrepresent data.
Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personne
decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research.
Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought and action.
Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of
your peers. Keep good records of research activities.
Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.
Respect for Intellectual Property:
Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. Do not use unpublished data,
methods, or results without permission. Give credit where credit is due. Never plagiarize.
Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel
records, trade or military secrets, and patient records.
Responsible Publication:
Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance just your own career. Avoid
wasteful and duplicative publication.
Responsible Mentoring:
Help to educate, mentor, and advise students. Promote their welfare and allow them to make their
own decisions.
Respect for Colleagues:
Respect your colleagues and treat them fairly.
Social Responsibility:
Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social harms through research, public
education, and advocacy.
Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other
factors that are not related to their scientific competence and integrity.
Maintain and improve your own professional competence and expertise through lifelong education
and learning; take steps to promote competence in science as a whole.
Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies.
Animal Care:
Show proper respect and care for animals when using them in research. Do not conduct unnecessary
or poorly designed animal experiments.
Human Subjects Protection:
When conducting research on human subjects, minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits;
respect human dignity, privacy, and autonomy.
Research Process

1.2 Testing of Knowledge

Instructions: Read and answer the following questions .

1. What makes a good research?


2. What is a research process?


3. Explain at least 2 characteristics of a qualitative research.


1.3 knowledge Scanning

Why it is important to observe the ethics of research ?


1.4 Integration of Learning

Instructions: Write your essential learning on the ethics of research in the exit ticket below.


Give at least two reasons in observing ethics in ethics of a research .

A. ___________________________________________________________________________________

B. ___________________________________________________________________________________

How does ethics affect your research paper?



Qualitative versus Quantitative

TOPIC: Week: 1 Learning Sheet: 1
At the end of the lesson, the learners can:
1.1. Differentiates quantitative from qualitative
1.2. Provide examples of research in areas of interest .


1.1 Summary of Essential Concept

Observation is a good tool in research . This can be quantitative and qualitative . Quantitative observation deals
with numerical characteristics ,whereas qualitative observation represents verbal description . Both
observations give meanings .

The following summarizes the differences between qualitative and quantitative research .
Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Various Areas of Interest

Areas of Interest Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Domestic abuse Experiences of Assessing the level of Domestic
Filipino Woman abuse among Filipino Woman
Common Anxieties Experienced The Effects of Anxiety on the
by public School Student during Speaking Performance of Students
Public Speaking

Being Obese in today’s World:The The relationship between Obesity

Lived Experiences of Obese and the length of TV Viewing
Science Woman in the Philipines among Filipino Women

Health Beliefs about the use of The Effect of Mobile Phone

mobile Radiation on Brain cells

Phone : A Qualitative Study

What Motivates Entrepreneurs to Investigating the extent of
use Social Networking Sites as a Entrepreneurs ‘ Usage of Social
Business marketing Platform ? A Networking Sites in Business
Quantitative study Activities

Exploring the Behavior Associated The Relationship Between Sales

with Business Success and and the Emotional Quotient of
Business Failure sales Representatives

1.2 Testing of Knowledge

Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false on the space provided for.
__________1. Research is limited only to the academic setting .
__________2. Research has an impact on people’s lives.
__________3. The main purpose of research is to earn income.
__________4. A good research topic is one that has not been explored yet.
__________5. Editing is an important stage in writing a research paper.

1.3 . Knowledge Scanning

Why is there a need to determine the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?


1.4 Integration of Learning

What Skills have you learned from this lesson?



Directions : What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research in term of the following :
1. Aim of research

2. Role of the Researcher


3. Can a research be done using both qualitative and quantitative data? Why or Why not?



If you were to choose between qualitative and quantitative research , which would you choose ? Why?



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