Solutions To Homework 3

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Modern Crytpography Oct 23, 2018

Solutions to Homework 3
Lecturer: Krzysztof Pietrzak, TA: Michael Walter

To get credit for this homework it must be submitted no later than Wednesday, October 31 via
email to, please use “MC18 Homework 3” as subject.
Please put your solutions into a single pdf file1 and name this file Yourlastname HW3.pdf, e.g.
Turing HW3.pdf

1. Recall that f : N → R≥0 is negligible if for all positive polynomials p(·) there exists an N s.t.
for all n > N we have f (n) < 1/p(n).
A function f : N → R≥0 is noticeable if there exists a positive polynomial p(·) and an N s.t.
for all n > N we have f (n) ≥ 1/p(n).

Construct a function that is neither neglibile nor noticeable.

Solution: Define f : N → R≥0 as f (n) = n mod 2. We claim that f is neither negligible nor
In order to show that f is not negligible, we need to show that there is a positive polynomial
p such that for any N ∈ N there exists an n > N with f (n) ≥ 1/p(n). We simply consider
the constant polynomial p(x) = 1/2. Note that for any N ∈ N we have either f (N + 1) = 1
or f (N + 2) = 1. Since 1 > 1/2 = p(N + 1) = p(N + 2), f is not negligible.
Now we show that f is not noticeable. For this we need to show that for any positive
polynomial p and N ∈ N, there exist some n > N with f (n) < 1/p(n). Note that for any
N ∈ N we have either f (N + 1) = 0 or f (N + 2) = 0. Furthermore, for every positive
polynomial p it holds that 1/p(n) > 0, which shows that either for n = N + 1 > N or
n = N + 2 > N we have f (n) < 1/p(n).

2. (a) Let G : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}3n be a pseudorandom generator. In each of the cases below,
say whether G0 is necessarily a PRG. If yes, give a proof; if not, show a counterexample.
We assume G0 is only defined for even n (so n/2 is an integer), let S = s1 . . . sn denote
the seed and SL = s1 . . . sn/2 , SR = sn/2+1 . . . sn denote the left and right half of S.
i. G0 (S) = G(SL ) ⊕ G(SR )
Solution: G0 is a PRG. To see this, first consider its output length: `0 (n) = `(n/2) =
3n/2 > n, which shows that G0 is expanding. Now assume for constradiction that
G is a PRG but G0 is not, i.e. there exists a PPT distinguisher D0 such that

| Pr [D0 (G0 (s)) = 1] − Pr [D0 (r) = 1]| = δ(n)

s←{0,1}n r←{0,1}3n/2

If you don’t know how to do it, you can use e.g.

for some function δ that is not negligible. Consider the following algorithm D,
which on input r ∈ {0, 1}3n/2 chooses a uniform string s0 ∈ {0, 1}n/2 , computes
r0 = r ⊕ G(s0 ) and outputs D0 (r0 ). Clearly, D is also a PPT algorithm. We analyze
the distribution of r0 : if r was chosen uniformly at random, then r0 is also uniformly
random (cf. One-time Pad). On the other hand, if r = G(s) for some s chosen
uniformly at random from {0, 1}n/2 , then r0 = G(s) ⊕ G(s0 ) = G0 (sks0 ) for uniformly
chosen (sks0 ) ∈ {0, 1}n . It follows that
| Prs←{0,1}n/2 [D(G(s)) = 1] − Pr [D(r) = 1]|

=| Pr [D0 (G0 (sks0 )) = 1] − Pr [D0 (r) = 1]| = δ(n) = δ 0 (n/2)

(sks0 )←{0,1}n r←{0,1}3n/2

where δ 0 (n) = δ(2n). Since δ(n) is not negligible, δ 0 (n) is also not negligible. This
is a contradiction to the assumption that G is a PRG.
ii. G0 (S) = SL kG(SL ⊕ SR , SR )
Solution: G0 is not necessarily a PRG. To see this, consider G(S) = G1 (SL ⊕ SR ),
where G1 is a PRG with output length `1 (n) > 6n (so G has output length `(n) =
3n). Clearly, if S is chosen uniformly at random, then SL ⊕ SR is also uniformly
random, so G is a PRG if G1 is. On the other hand,
G0 (S) = SL kG(SL ⊕ SR , SR ) = SL kG1 (SL ⊕ SR ⊕ SR ) = SL kG1 (SL ).
This shows that G0 can clearly be distinguished from the uniform distribution, since
it consists of input/output pairs of G1 .
(b) A cryptographic combiner takes two candidate constructions of some primitive, and
outputs a construction that is secure if at least one of the candidate constructions
is secure, in this question you are asked to construct a combiner for PRGs: given
two functions G1 : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}`(n) , G2 : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}`(n) , give a construction
G : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}` (n) s.t. G is a PRG if at least one of G1 , G2 is a PRG. You can
assume that `(n) = 3n.

E.g. G(S) = G1 (S)kG2 (S) is not a good combiner, as if G1 is a PRG but G2 simply
outputs `(n) 0’s, then G(S) can trivially be distinguished from random by checking
whether the last `(n) bits are 0.
Solution: One might be tempted to consider the combiner G(S) = G1 (S) ⊕ G2 (S).
However, there is a simple counterexample showing that this cannot be a good combiner:
consider the case when G1 and G2 are the same PRG G0 (which is secure). Then
G(S) = G0 (S) ⊕ G0 (S) = 0` (n) , which is clearly distinguishable from uniform.
But a simple modification works: G(SL kSR ) = G1 (SL ) ⊕ G2 (SR ). This resembles the
construction in 2. a) i. with the same output length, so G is expanding.
We show that G is a PRG if G1 is (independently of whether G2 is a secure PRG or
not). The proof for showing that G is a PRG if G2 is, is symmetrical.
Assume that G1 is a PRG but G0 is not, i.e. there exists a distinguisher D0 such that
| Pr [D0 (G0 (s)) = 1] − Pr [D0 (r) = 1]| > δ(n)
s←{0,1}n r←{0,1}3n/2

for some function δ that is not negligible. Consider the following algorithm D, which on
input r ∈ {0, 1}3n/2 chooses a uniform string s0 ∈ {0, 1}n/2 , computes r0 = r ⊕ G2 (s0 )
and outputs D0 (r0 ). Clearly, D is also a PPT algorithm. We analyze the distribution of
r0 : if r was chosen uniformly at random, then r0 is also uniformly random (cf. One-time
Pad). On the other hand, if r = G1 (s) for some s chosen uniformly at random from
{0, 1}n/2 , then r0 = G1 (s) ⊕ G2 (s0 ) = G0 (sks0 ) for uniformly chosen (sks0 ) ∈ {0, 1}n . It
follows that

| Prs←{0,1}n/2 [D(G1 (s)) = 1] − Pr [D(r) = 1]|


=| Pr [D0 (G0 (sks0 )) = 1] − Pr [D0 (r) = 1]| = δ(n) = δ 0 (n/2)

(sks0 )←{0,1}n r←{0,1}3n/2

where δ 0 (n) = δ(2n). This is a contradiction to the assumption that G1 is a PRG.


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