Paper 3 - Analogies, Synonyms, Antonyms & Sentence Completion

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A. Careful : Measurement
B. Quick : Importance
C. Formless : Shape
D. Large : Body
E. Colorful : Hue

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
Anonymous describes the lack of a name in the same way as formless describes the lack of shape.
Hue: a particular shade or tint of a given color


A. Inform : Supply
B. Mutter : Listen
C. Nuzzle : Feel
D. Ramble : Play
E. Stagger : Walk

Given Answer: A Correct Answer E    
Scribbling is a bad kind of writing and Staggering is a bad kind of walking.
to speak in low, indistinct tones without much movement of the lips, as in complaining
or in speaking to oneself
to move unsteadily, as though about to collapse; totter, sway, or reel, as from a blow,
fatigue, drunkenness, etc


A. Release : Drop
B. Oppress : Swelter
C. Drench : Moisten
D. Stir : Respond
E. Conceive : Imagine

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
Infuriate: to cause to become very angry; enrage
Swelter: to be or feel uncomfortably hot; sweat, feel weak
Stir: to move, shake, agitate, etc., esp. slightly
Conceive: to become pregnant with; cause to begin life


A. Receive : Radio
B. Splash : Wave
C. Blossom : Flower
D. Wane : Moon
E. Hibernate : Bear

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
When the Tide Ebbs, the waters recede or diminish. When the Moon Wanes, it appears to diminish,
decreasing in phase or intensity.
the alternate rise and fall of the surface of oceans, seas, and the bays, rivers, etc.
connected with them, caused by the attraction of the
moon and it may occur twice in each period of 24 hours and 50 minutes, which is the time of
sun: one rotation of the earth with respect to the moon
Ebb: the flow of water back toward the sea, as the tide falls
Hibernate: to spend the winter in a dormant state


A. Pilot : Plane
B. Judge : Courtroom
C. Water : Reservoir
D. Clock : Time
E. Automobile : Highway
Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
A Silo is a place where you would find grain a Reservoir is a place where water is stored.
Silo: an airtight pit or tower in which green fodder is preserved


A. Tail : Dog
B. Paw : Cat
C. Bumper : Car
D. Rain : Umbrella
E. Head : Hat

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
Using the sentence "Hand is a part of a man" eliminates choices D and E, but is not specific enough to
get the right answer. Choice A “Tail is part of a dog," choice B “Paw is a part of a cat," and choice C
“Bumper is a part of a car," are all possibilities with this general sentence. But if you make the
sentence more specific, such as: “Hand is a part of a man that is used for grasping," then choices A
and C can be eliminated.


A. Shirk : Malingerers
B. Elicit : Response
C. Parry : Blow
D. Feint : Thrust

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
One evades a question; one parries a blow.
Malingerers: to pretend to be ill or otherwise incapacitated in order to escape duty or work;
Feint: a pretended blow or attack intended to take the opponent off his guard, as in
boxing or warfare

A. Determined : Hesitate
B. Authoritarian : Heed
C. Persistent : Persevere
D. Abandoned : Neglect
E. Restrained : Rebel

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
By definition, a perceptive person is someone who discerns. In the same way, by definition, a
persistent person is someone who perseveres.
Perceptive: able to perceive quickly and easily; having keen insight or intuition
Heed: to pay close attention to; take careful notice of
Rebel: one who engages in armed resistance against the established government of one‘s


A. Prototype : Design
B. Variation : Change
C. Decoy : Lure
D. Riddle : Solve
E. Charade : Guess

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
Stratagem: a trick, scheme, or plan for deceiving an enemy in war
Outwit: to overcome, or get the better of, by cunning or cleverness
Lure: a device consisting of a bunch of feathers on the end of a long cord
Charade: a word or phrase acted out or described as in verse, for others to guess

A. Distance
B. Altitude
C. Smog
D. Wind Speed

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
The Best Answer is D.
ANEMOMETER: a gauge for determining the force or speed of the wind
Distance: the extent or amount of space between two things, points
Altitude: height; esp., the height of a thing above the earth‘s surface or above sea level
a high place or region
Smog: smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy or
irritating mixture


A. Preservation
B. Vacuum
C. Bully
D. Pollution Control

Given Answer: E Correct Answer A    
The Best Answer is A.
ANTI-OXIDANT: any substance that inhibits oxidation
Preservation: to keep alive or in existence; make lasting
Vacuum: a space entirely devoid of matter
Bully: a blustering, quarrelsome

A. Reach
B. Anoint
C. Increase
D. Make Noble

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
The Best Answer is C.
AUGMENT: to make greater, as in size, quantity
Reach: to get to or get as far as in moving, going
Anoint: to rub oil or ointment on
Increase: to make greater, as in number, size


A. Take Apart
B. Put Together
C. File Claim
D. All Or Distribute

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
The Best Answer is D.
ALLOCATE: to set apart for a particular purpose
Distribute: to divide and give out in shares; deal out


A. Transform
B. Turn Away
C. Entertain
D. Displease

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
The Best Answer is B.
AVERT: to turn away !to avert one‘s glance from an ugly sight"
Transform: to change in form, appearance
Entertain: to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably
Displease: to incur the dissatisfaction, dislike
Turn away: to move or cause to move in a different direction so as not to face something


A. State
B. Describe
C. Love
D. Obligation

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
The Best Answer is D.
ALLEGIANCE: the duty that was owed by a vassal to his feudal lord
State: the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or
Describe: to tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account of
Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
Obligation: something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things

A. Renovate
B. Vitiate
C. Trite
D. Streak
E. Uphold

Given Answer: A Correct Answer E    
The best answer is E.
To Impugn means to assail to attack. To Uphold means to defend and is the antonym.
To Renovate means to restore something to better condition.
To Vitiate is to weaken the strength.
Trite is not new.
To Streak means to move very fast.


A. Subsume
B. Validate
C. Pertain
D. Obtain
E. Inveigh

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
The best answer is B.
To Rescind means to retract, to cancel. To Validate is the antonym.
To Subsume is to include under a rule.
To pertain is to belong as a part.
To Obtain is to get hold of something.
To inveigh means to attack verbally.

A. Nonobligatory
B. Compulsory
C. Frugal
D. Evasive
E. Dubious

Given Answer: E Correct Answer A    
The best answer is A.
Imperative means essential. The antonym is Nonobligatory.
Compulsory is a synonym.
Frugal is careful, economical.
Evasive means tending to evade.
Dubious means feeling doubt.


A. Vulnerable
B. Perilous
C. Dependable
D. Ecclesiastic
E. Preplanned

Given Answer: E Correct Answer C    
The best answer is C
Precarious means uncertain, unsafe, while Dependable is the antonym.
Vulnerable means not protected. 
Perilous means dangerous and is more of a synonym. 
Ecclesiastic means a priest.
Preplanned in not an antonym of unsafe.


A. Disinclination
B. Predisposition
C. Plight
D. Impetuousness
E. Augmentation

Given Answer: E Correct Answer A    
The best answer is A.
Predilection means special liking, mental preference, Disinclination is the antonym. 
Predisposition is a synonym. 
Plight means misfortune. 
Impetuousness means hastiness.
Augmentation means growth.


A. Uphold– Right
B. Brook
C. Steadfast
D. Recantation
E. Abrogation

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
The best answer is B.
Abjure means deny, while Uphold is the antonym. 
Brook means to endure, which is second best here. 
Steadfast means steady. 
Recantation means denial and could be used as a far synonym.
Abrogation means termination and is no antonym.


A. Painstaking
B. Negligent
C. Acarpous
D. Castigation
E. Fracas

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
The best answer is B.
Meticulous is precise or Painstaking.
Negligent is an antonym.
Acarpous means worn out.
Castigation means severe punishment.
Fracas is a noisy quarrel.
Sentence Completion
If you listen carefully, you can hear this simple _______ throughout the entire score.

A. Metaphor
B. Paean
C. Banality
D. Motif
E. Trilogy

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
Metaphor a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase
: ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another
Paean : a song of joy, triumph, praise, etc
Banality : dull or stale as because of overuse; trite; hackneyed; commonplace
Motif : a main element, idea, feature, etc

Her position in the agency authorized her to award contracts and to _________ obligations
for payment of expenses.

A. Rescind
B. Incur
C. Procure
D. Recur
E. Resume

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
A position that provides authority to award contracts is also likely to allow the holder to incur (take
on) obligations to pay bills.
Rescind : to revoke, repeal, or cancel (a law, order, etc.)
Recur : to return, as in thought, talk, or memory
incur : to come into or acquire (some consequence, usually undesirable or injurious
procure : to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means: to procure evidence.

The day will come when our ________ will look back upon us and our time with a sense of

A. Antecedents
B. Descendants
C. Predecessors
D. Ancestors
E. Contemporaries

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
Of the choices, the only one that could “look back upon us and our time” is our descendants.
Antecedents: going or coming before in time, order, or logic; prior; previous; preceding
Ancestors : any person from whom one is descended, esp. one earlier in a family line than a
grandparent; forefather

A judgment made before all the facts are known must be called ________.

A. Harsh
B. Deliberate
C. Sensible
D. Premature
E. Fair

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
Getting the correct answer to this question depends almost entirely on your knowing the definitions of
the five words you must choose from. Which of the choices describes a judgment made before all the
facts are known? Such a judgment, by definitions, is not deliberate, and the sentence doesn’t tell us
whether the judgment was harsh or lenient, sensible or dumb, fair or unfair. Premature means hasty
or early. It fits the blank perfectly.
Harsh: unpleasantly sharp or rough; specif., a) grating to the ear; discordant b) too bright or
vivid to the eye; glaring c) too strong to the taste; bitter d) not smooth to the touch;

Surfing was once a sociable pastime, but now joining another surfer on a wave is _______
as heinous as cutting off another driver on the highway.
A. An Occasion
B. An Offense
C. An Adage
D. A Discourtesy
E. An Amenity

Given Answer: E Correct Answer B    
The first clause of the sentence contrasts a time when surfing was sociable with the present, so the
last half of the sentence must describe an antisocial action. The word but tips off the contrast. Choices
B an offense and D a discourtesy are the only two that contrast with sociable. An offense is the better
choice, because a discourtesy is not strong enough to fit well with heinous (shockingly evil).
Heinous: outrageously evil or wicked; abominable
Adage: an old saying that has been popularly accepted as a truth

For some time now, _______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that
everybody, has an angle is considered wisdom.

A. Rationality
B. Flexibility
C. Diffidence
D. Disinterestedness
E. Insincerity

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
"Disinterestedness" means lack of self-interest.
Cynical: believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness; denying
the sincerity of people‘s motives and actions, or the value of living
Rationality: the quality or condition of being rational; reasonableness or the possession or use of
Either the surfing at Maui is _______, or I went there on an off day.

A. Consistent
B. Thrilling
C. Invigorating
D. Overrated
E. Scenic

Given Answer: E Correct Answer D    
Maui: an island of Hawaii, southeast of Oahu: 728 sq. mi. (1,896 sq. km); pop. 91,000
Invigorating: to give vigor to; fill with energy; enliven
Scenic: a) of the stage; dramatic; theatrical b) relating to stage effects or stage scenery

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