Sowmiya Raman 21BBAR0702 2BBA-B BBA Corporate: General English - Graphic Narratives

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Sowmiya Raman
BBA Corporate


“Now I hand over this presentation !” .. called a sharp stern
voice handovering the ‘ English presentation’ to me . After two
night’s of preparation and multiple rehearsals , I came to
‘ Good morning, to one and all present here’ … a long
presentation came to an end with a parching throat of thirst.

How nice times go , when we were small now that there are
always presentations growing up is weird isn’t it ?

Living in this busy city , the buzz of vehicles , chaos of people she
felt quite disturbing.

A monotonous routine , a coffee and a rough hour of sleep was

the life of a student , she was always one determined student but
lacking energy mentally was the one concern.
One night, the moonlight shone through the clean window glasses, like
the sun's reflection through a mirror , sitting beside the window on a
breezy night

She takes her guitar and plays her favourite string

" Give me some sunshine … give me some rain "
" give me another chance , I want to grow up again”

Her mind in utter peace of life, wanting to go back to her past , a

beautiful childhood that has been a reminiscent reminder.

The sounds of merrily playing , the usual games , the sound of screaming and
running around behind her to catch her friend to win over the game. The
sound of laughter after catching holdover her friend.

Now she could never catch up on , " ten , ten whole years.. I don't know
where she is, I wanted to always see her, ask how's life been , how well have
we enjoyed our childhood times"
She sleeps the following night, her dream-
Rustling winds blowing through the neems trees, The smell of fresh
smelling spring jasmine tingling the spring senses into me. The calls of
sparrows talking from one corner of the pomegranate tree to the other; sweet
sounding birds as they were , just like those times
The smell of fresh watered soil always reminded
me of the divine place, grapevine farm, mango
trees with the tempting treats grown all over
Sounds of mischievous laughters around those
grapevine yards of her and her close friend
climbing and taking away the treats of grapes for
the relief of the scorching summer.

" kanna mithali .. look what I've made, I've

made your favourite aam Panna and aam
papad.. run run , all of you all take some "
Waking up from these , proceeded her restless
mind to pick up the phone , rings later -
" ajja , mithali here , I don't know why I've been
dreaming and missing our home , I will come
this Saturday! I want to see you and ajji "

She happily takes her laptop , opens the website to book a ticket for
herself , she does it and feels happy
" After the long wait of two years denying this pandemic , I am
finally going to step on a train ! To my native! "
Packing her bag , in joy to meet her grandparents after such a long
gap ,
She is hit by nostalgia ,
" attention please, train number 175278 " Her lips in chorus with
the train number , the same train , the same chaos , she boards the
She felt the same happiness of the five year old her, who waited the
mighty " forty minutes " for the train to arrive , for the beautiful
magical moments
With the same memory , arriving at the beautiful summer eve of
the town city, with those same smell of tropical soil
" ah the same , the very same " She thinks to herself

With those bags and gifts for ajji , she observes the view from the slow
approaching train , to this Alluring view , the orangish pink sunset ,
the same calls of sparrows , she felt that these sparrows were
welcoming her arrival .

" attention please , train number 175 .... " hearing these wordings in
the happy notion and remembering those great memories of her
coming with her parents , she takes all the special gifts she brought
for ajja and ajji.
She gets down the train and keeps her bags down , takes the fresh
breath of the city, a happy sigh , " finally, oh finally I'm Here!!" . She turns to drink some water for
her long trip .

She drinks water , quenches her long thirst, when a

hand approached her shoulder, when she turned to
her right, there was none , she was taken aback , by
who had done this , she felt an immediate other stroke
, when she turned all front with her curiousness , to
her surprise
" mithuu!!!! , Yami heerrree"
" Oh my God! I am so surprised , yami , that - you-so
I- am am so happy! My god i seriously am I seeing this actually or all these a dream? "
Mithali in her overwhelmed emotional state , gives a warm hug to her long lost childhood friend,
Mithali and Yamini , go together in the auto , discussing their beautiful times
and how she missed her from the past ten years, how time flew , how both of
them changed , how beautiful the town had changed .

They reach home , mithali with her biggest smile , rings the old
calling bell, the same tune , which her lips automatically sing
through the song of the calling bell , she sees her friend also singing
with her and they both laugh in their disguised childhood memory
both of them singing to the same bell.

The door opens , the magical doorway to her happiness.

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