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School Gainza NHS Grade Level X

Teacher Joshua N. Tamon Learning Area Science

Time & Date Quarter IV
May 30, 2021

A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of the cycling of materials
in an ecosystem

B. Learning Competency (MELC-Based)

1. Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials.

Topic: Cycling of Materials in the Ecosystem
Interdisciplinary Integration: Mathematics and English


A. Learner materials
B. Additional Materials from LR portal

A. Elicit
Students will watch video about rain, water movement and clouds.
What is the video all about?
- All about water
Where the rain came from?
- Clouds
How the clouds form?
- Condensed Water Vapor
Why does the water move downward?
- Due to Gravity

B. Engage
Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric
water vapor and then become heavy enough to fall under gravity.
Students will watch video about rain and its formation.
What are the processes of the formation of clouds?
- Evaporation to Condensation
Why we experience raining?
- As the cloud gets heavier and heavier, the gravity pulls the droplets to cause
C. Explore
Exploration - Clouds in the Room

Crack Ice Wate,Salt,Food Color
Stainless Bowl Measuring Tool
Electric Water Heater Activity Sheet

1. Put water with salt to the electric water heater then heat it for a couple of minutes until
vapor arise. Open the lid of the electric heater and place the stainless bowl 5 - 6 inches
above the heater.
2. Observe what happen at the bottom of the bowl and the measurement of the water inside
the heater. (Caution: Always observe safety in handling hot liquids.
3. Write observation on the activity sheet.
4. Repeat procedure 1 and 2 but the stainless bowl contains crack ice.
5. Write observation on the activity sheet.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the activity all about?
- about the droplets to form clouds
2. What are the processes involved in the activity?
- evaporation (heated water to form vapor) and condensation (cooling up the vapor to form
droplets to cloud)
3. How does the activity maintain the quantity of water?
- only water evaporates, the salt and food color remains.
D. Explain
Exploration – Clouds in the room
The water mixture is heated up to the boiling point reaching the evaporation state
of the water. On the first experiment, the water vapor just flew off to the bottom of
the bowl. On the second experiment, the vapor sticks to the cold bowl creating a
droplet and forming a cloud that drops as a rain due to gravity.
E. Elaborate
Show a video entitled The Water Cycle.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
- About the Water Cycle and its processes.
2. What are the processes involved in the cycle?
- Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation
3. How does the water cycle maintain the quantity of water on Earth?
- When solar energy warms the Earth’s surface, water evaporates from the
oceans, rivers, lakes and land. The escape of water through leaf pores (transpiration)
adds water vapor to the atmosphere.
4. Cite evidences that water cycle is important to human beings.
- On land, plant roots absorb water. In tropical rainforest, over 90% of
moisture is cycled through transpiration in plants. Some water seeps downwards
and replenishes the ground water. The excess eventually overflows into the oceans
and the water cycle or hydrologic cycle continues.
F. Extend
A. In your barangay, take a picture in a certain area and layout the water cycle. It
includes the bodies of water and plants, water vapor, clouds and rain.
B. In your barangay, take a picture about the evidences that water cycle is
important in your barangay.
G. Evaluate
Read each question thoroughly and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
A. Plants C. Electric Outlets
B. Animals D. The Sun
2. When water gets warm and changes from liquid to water vapor, what is
the process called?
A. Evaporation C. Precipitation
B. Condensation D. Transpiration
3. A term for plants releasing water from their leaves, which then
A. Evaporation C. Transpiration
B. Precipitation D. Condensation
4. Where does some water from the water cycle collect underground?
A. Aquarium C. Aqueducts
B. Aquifers D. Aquaflask
5. Where is water vapor found?
A. In the air around you C. In the steam from the kettle
B. In your breath D. All of the above
6. What is the correct term for rising water vapor meeting colder air and
turning back to water droplets?
A. Condensation C. Precipitation
B. Dehydration D. Evaporation
7. The term for the moisture that falls to the ground from the clouds?
A. Condensation C. Hibernation
B. Precipitation D. Evaporation
8. What are the three stages of the water cycle?
A. Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation
B. Condensation, Precipitation, Hibernation
C. Precipitation, Dehydration, Evaporation
D. Transpiration, Dehydration, Condensation
9. From where does most water evaporate?
A. Stream (Sapa) C. Lakes (Lawa)
B. River (ilog) D. Ocean (Dagat)
10. Describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the
atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to
the surface as precipitation.
A. Nitrogen Cycle C. Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle
B. Water Cycle D. Bi Cycle


Prepared by:

Teacher Noted:

Principal I

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