L-2 and P-2 (PT2 - Revision)

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Name of the Unit/Lesson: L-2 & P-2 Name of the student: ____________

Subject: English Literature & Grammar Grade: VIII Sec: ___________


RICH – LEARNING TOOLS compliment in measuring the learning outcomes. It is conceptualized

on Bloom’s Taxonomy and gives an insight on the learning cycle.
The acronym of RICH: R-Rigour, I-Inquiry, C-Connections, H-Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)]

Reading Comprehension
I. Read the following passage.
The Mokoko tribe lived on one side of an island with two faces. Both the banks, separated by a great cliff,
were like night and day. The good surface was watered by rivers and filled with trees, flowers, birds and
easy and abundant food, while on the other bank where the tribe inhabited there were hardly any water or
plants, and wild beasts crowded together. The Mokoko had the misfortune ofhaving no way to cross to the
other side. Life for them was hard and difficult. They hardly had food and drink for everyone and were easy
prey to the man-eater animals.
Legends said that some of their ancestors had been able to
cross the river with the help of a small pole. But they had no
source of wood to make one. After many years of drought,
suddenly a tree came up on their side. They were excited to
make two long polesusing parts of it. Then it was time to
choose who would cross first. The two favoured persons
among them were the great chief and the witch doctor.
But while making the jump the two of them felt so afraid that
they didn’t dare to finish it. They thought that the pole could
break or itwould not be long enough, or something would go wrong during their attempt. When they
realized that could lead them to being teased and taunted, they invented some old stories and legends about
failed jumps to the other side. Listening to them, most of the tribe people gave up the idea of crossing to the
other side.
But there were exceptions. Naru and Ariki, a pair of young hearts, truly sought a different life. One day they
decided to cross the riverusing the poles. Nobody stopped them, but everyone did try to discourage them in
many ways.
“And what if what they say is true?” wondered the young Naru.
“Don’t worry. Why do they talk so much about a leap they’ve never done? I am a bit scared too, but it
doesn’t look so difficult,” replied a determined Ariki. “Staying forever on this side of the island surely
won’t work out. We have to reach the other bank as soonas possible. A better life awaits us there.”
“You’re right, Ariki. Let's do it now.”
So they jumped together. While taking their run-up with the pole, the fear hardly allowed them to breathe.
When they were flying through the air, they felt that something surely must have gone wrong, and certain
death awaited them. But they landed on the otherside of the island quite safely and ran away to discover
their new lives.

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1. Put a tick (√) against the correct answer. (2)

a. Naru and Ariki were different from the other people in the tribe because they were more
i. encouraged by their positive strength of love instead of getting discouraged by the negative energy of
ii. courageous than the other people in the tribe.
b. Naru and Ariki knew that they had to take the decision quickly because
i. people would discourage them with negative vibes if they were late.
ii. some other person would jump using the poles.

2. State whether the following sentences are True or False.

a.The two sides of the cliff were totally opposite each other because one of them was always dark like night
while the sun alwaysshone on the other bank.
b. The doctor witch and the great chief were probably the most important people of the Mokoko tribe.
c. The story exemplifies how our fears restrict us from doing better.
d. The Mokoko tribe lived a difficult life because they were not safe.
3. Answer the following questions.

a. The Mokoko tribe lived a very difficult life. Could they have changed it?
b. How did fear restrict the Mokoko tribe to transform their lives?

II. WRITING SKILLS: Picture Composition

Imagine you are saving the little boy in the picture. Write how
you saved him having learnt
swimming only


You are the class monitor. Your school is organizing a five day educational tour to Ooty for Classes VI to
VIII. Write a notice inviting interested students to register their names for the tour. Give relevant details
about the tour, including the dates, accommodation facilities and expenses.

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V. Use the given words in sentences of your own. Make sure that the sentences clarify two different
meanings(both as a noun and a verb)
1.pack 2. book 3. water
VI. What is the SYNONYM of the word PECULIAR?
a. strange
b. similar
c. ordinary
Which of the following is another word for beggar?
a. crusade
b. ruse
c. medicant
d. tenet
Choose the answer that best replaces the word(s) in parentheses.
Robbie was often the (one blamed) for his brothers' misbehavior.
a. tart
b. scapegoat
c. prohibitive
Which word is the SYNONYM of SQUANDER?
a. borrow
b. steal
c. waste
d. collect

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A. Reference to context
1) What light is that near the bank?
a. Who said this to whom?
b. What were they doing then?
c. What happened after this?
2) You can’t find faces in Rome.
a. Who said this to whom?
b. Why did he say so?
c. Since how many years was he trying to find faces in Rome?

B. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words.

1. Why was the work assigned to Michelangelo taking so long?
2. Why was Bramante not chosen for the job?
3. Where did he find the inspiration for the Virgin Mary?
4. How did Michelangelo find his Judas?

The Hero
1. Why was the poet's mother scared?
2. How did the poet fight with those villains?
3. Name the people who were surprised by the heroic efforts of the poet? What do the villagers say
about the speaker?
4. What does Mother do when the dacoits attack?
5. What do the palanquin bearers do when they see the dacoits coming?
6. What does the Mother feel after the fight?
7. Describe the fight between the dacoits and the speaker.

C. Long Answer Questions (100-120 words)

1. Why do you think the speaker dreams about being a hero? Is this something he can do in real life?
2. Have you ever imagined a hypothetical situation? Describe in detail.
D. HOTS/Critical Thinking Questions (100-120 words)
1.What would have happened if the boy had experienced fear and trauma instead of feeling brave?
2. We all have within us loads of potential and excess thoughts. All we need is to shed that what is
redundant excess and chisel ourselves into what we aspire to be.

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