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 Among the bands assembled were the ITAZIPCHO or the without-bows.

 Anne Dudley married Simon Bradstreet, a graduate of Cambridge University, at
the age sixteen.
 Author’s Purpose is to inform, entertain, and to persuade the readers.
 Colossians 3:18 ‘Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as is becoming in the
 Edward Taylor is known as the finest verse writer of the colonial period.
 Ellie Crystal is the author of the folklore ‘White Buffalo Calf Woman.’
 Ephesians 6:12 ‘We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the world rulers, of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.’
 HANBLECHEYAPI is known as Lakota Tribes vision quest.
 Henrik Ibsen quotes ‘It is not by spectacular achievements that man can be
transformed, but by will.’
 Hunkapi is known as Lakota Tribes as making relatives.
 Inipi is known as Lakota Tribes as the sweat lodge ceremony or rite of
 Ishnata Awicalowan is known as Lakota Tribes as the preparation of a girl for
 Nagi Gluhapi is the Lakota tribes tradition as the keeping of the soul.
 Naturalism aims at an even more faithful, unselective representation of reality, a
veritable “slice of life,” presented without moral judgment.
 Oral Tradition is the preservation of personal and cultural history in word of
 OWANKA WAKAN is known as the sacred altar made of red earth.
 Puritans remained the dominant religious force in New England throughout the
17th and 18th centuries.
 Remember to have this Pipe or chunumpa, as a very sacred item from the gods.
 Spotted Tail speaks that ‘War did not spring up on our land but was brought upon
them by the children of the great father who came to take our land without a
 TAPA WANKA YAP is known as Lakota Tribes throwing the ball.
 The Sacred Woman was of supernatural origin who gave the Lakota their ‘seven
sacred rituals.’
 This wakan stranger was Ptesan-Wi or white Buffalo Calf Woman.
 To the native Americans the birth of a white buffalo is a symbol of rebirth and
world harmony.
 Wiwanyag Wachipi is known as Lakota Tribes as the sun dance ceremony.
 WOHPE is attributed to the Lakota tribe as a goddess.
 Affection = Emotion
 Alumna = Graduate
 Annex = Extension
 Blessed Theantropy = human characteristics
 Colony = Settlement
 Compendium = Collection
 Complex = Complicated
 Esoteric = Mysterious
 Minister = clergyman
 Ordinances = Sacraments
 Passion = Obsession
 Pinked = Decorated
 Psychic = Sensitive
 Quills = Spindles
 Sedentary = Inactive
 Skeptic = Doubter
 Theantropy = Characteristics

George Kendall Characterization on the Journal of John Smith

1. In 1607 he was shot for mutiny or insurrection.

2. Arrived with the first supply and was sworn to the council on 13th of May 1607.
3. Was removed from the council and imprisoned aboard a ship sometime between
July and September 1607.

Contributions of John Smith in his Journal

1. English Colonizer who helped establish Jamestown, Virginia as their settlement.

2. Was captured by the native Americans and was saved from being put to death by
the chief’s daughter.
3. Was chosen President of the colony in 1608.

Pocahontas Characterization on the Journal of John Smith

1. She was captured and held for ransom by English Colonists during hostilities in 1613.
2. Story has been romanticized over the years, with some aspects which are probably
3. Was presented as a civilized savage in hopes of stimulating investments in the
Jamestown settlement.
4. Powhatan Is referred to as one of the leaders of the people. Father of Pocahontas

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