PG 017

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?a‘?apunán roosting place, especially a roost for domestic chickens, but

also any perch upon which birds rest at night, Cf. ?apunan. (< ?ápun, q.v,)

?ába, ?ába? length; long. Note: Reference is to space, not time.

?arába long (plural),
? araba?arába rather long (plural),

?abá an exclamation of surprise, admiration, wonder; the more commonly

used form is ^aba^abá, q.v. (= ?abáw, q.v.)

^aba^ába oval. (< ?ába, q.v.)

^aba^abá an exclamation of surprise, admiration, wonder, (= *?abáw, q.v.)

?abá*?un Abáon, a man's name.

^abába*? ^ababá*? low, short, as of persons or objects.

?abábaw shallow. Cf. bábaw.

?abága? stomach; this word is especially common in certain urúkay chants.

Cf. suruksurúkan.

?abágat (1) southwest monsoon; or, indefinitely, any very strong wind.

?abágat (2) year; e.g., sa ?iisa ka *?abágat 'one year hence.' (< ?abágat (i),
in the first sense),

?abágat babáyi west; or, specifically, the west wind.

?abágat laláki north; or, specifically, the north wind,

*?abaká (B) Manila hemp, abacá (Musa textilis Nee).

?abala (1) molestation, bother.

ma^abála be bothered, be molested.

*?abála (2) Abála, a person's name, probably female.

?abalá come herel (used only in the imperative); e.g., 'í^abalá sitáyl 'come
right herel' ^abalá dápl 'come here a second 1'

*?abán in the end, eventually, in the future; always; e.g., bantá? mibyuQ yi
?abán 'perhaps eventually (he, she, it) will die.'

*^‘?ábag a type of basket form or shape [? ]. See ?agábag,

*^abág leaving behind.

mag?arabágan leave behind, depart from.
?inabagán left behind.


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