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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

Unit 2 Genes and Genetic Diversity

Genetic traits or inherited traits  Are the characteristics that are transmitted
from one generation to another generation

Inherited Traits Acquired Traits

 It is Heredity traits that mean it  A physical characteristic of an
transfer from one generation to organisms.
another generation.  Not passed down to offspring
 A characteristic or features of genetically.
one organism that are inherited  Is a learned trait.
(passed from parent to offspring)  It is your personality or identity.
 In human  Freckles, eye/hair  It depends on what you’re like and
color, dimples learn.
 In Animals  Eye/hair or fur  Is a product of the environment ‘s
color and texture, face and shape influence on the organisms.
 In plants  Leaf shape, plant
height, flower color.

Gregor Mendal

 Known as the “father of modern genetics ”

 Born in 1822
 A monk, in Austria Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity through
experiments with pea plants.

How are traits passed ?

 When organisms reproduce traits are passed from parent to offspring.

 It all begins in the organisms cells.
 Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things.

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

 Cell contain the body ‘s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves.


 A small egg-shaped structure inside the cell.

 Acts like the brain of the cell.
 It tells every part of the cell what to do.
 It contains chromosomes and genes.
 Stores the cells hereditary material or DNA.


 Subunit that controlled the genetic traits

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022


 Organelles inside the nucleus which contain fibers that look like twisted
 Each chromosomes is composed of many genes.
 Each gene has its own genetic material that determines how we can grow
 Chromosomes- is a thread like structures in a cell nucleus which carried the
 Chromatin – is a tangled like a mass of tiny thread
 During cell division, chromatin becomes highly coiled and condensed.

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

Haploid number (n)

 Gametes(sex cell) contain half of the diploid number.

Diploid number (2n)

 A cell that contain 2 sets of chromosomes


 A picture of the chromosomes in an organism arranged in homologous pair

according to shape and size.

Autosome  22 pairs of chromosomes

Se Chromosomes  23 pairs chromosomes

XX  female XY  Male

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Human reproduction process

DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid)

 Genetic material composed of many thousand genes.

 Looks like a spiral ladder (a double helix)
 1951  Clear X-ray diffraction images of DNA are captured for the first
time by British researcher Rosalind Franklin.
 Francis Crick and James D.Watson, the two scientist who discovered the
double helix structure of DNA in 1953

DNA Structure

 The side is made up of sugar-phosphate molecules.

 The rungs are made up of nitrogen bases
 A  adenine
 G  guanine

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 T  thymine
 C  Cytosine

How Nucleaus, Chromosomes, gene and DNA are interconnected with each other ?

 Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a
specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body.
 Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person’s genes. Genes
are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleaus.

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 A variant form of a gene located in the same position on homologous

 Homologous chromosomes  A pair of chromosomes which has the same order
of gene.

Types of Allele


 Dominant allele  alleles that can express a genetic trait even though there is
a single allele in the gene.
 Represented by capital letter.

Recessive allele

 An allele that cannot express a genetic trait if there is a single allele in that
gene but it can express a genetic trait if there are 2 allele.
 Represented by small letters.

Effects of Allele pairing on Genetic Traits in Organisms

 The traits of organism can be pared from pairing of a dominant allele and a
recessive allele.

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

Genetic Transmission

Traits appeared in offspring according to Mendel/s experiment

Reason that Mendel chose green pea plants for his Experiments

 Green pea plants ‘s life span is short. They are fruits and easy to cultivate.
 Green pea plants have many species and distinct characteristics.
 Green pea plants are perfect flower they can undergo self pollination.

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Seven Different Traits

Monohybrid Cross

 A method of transmitting genetic traits by crossing between parents involving a

single trait.

Homozygote and Heterozygote

Homozygous Heterozygous
 Single traits such as (BB) or (bb)  The multiply type of alleles (Bb)
 The parents in this cross is  The offspring in this cross are
homozygous dominant (BB) and heterozygous (Bb)
homozygous recessive(bb)  Heterozygous/heterozygote  two
 Homozygous/homozygote  two different alleles for a same trait
alleles that are exactly the same.  A cross between homozygous (BB)
dominant and homozygous
recessive (bb)

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Genotype and Phenotype

 Genotype refers to the alleles that an individual recessive during fertilization.

 Phenotype : refers to physical appearance of an individual.

Genetics Using Punnett Squares

Punnett Squares

 The Punnett square is the standard way of working out what the possible of
two parents will be.
 It is a helpful tool show allelic combination and predict offspring ratio.

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 The parents in this cross is homozygous dominant (BB) and homozygous

recessive (bb).
 Homozygous/ homozygote  two alleles that are exactly the same.
 The offspring in this cross are heterozygous (Bb).
 Heterozygous/heterozygous  Two different alleles for a same trait.
 The physical appearance will be 100% B or dominant because dominant is a
external characteristics one.

Here are some example

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

If parents are : BB and bb

The offspring will be Bb

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

Cell Division

Eventually all cells need to duplicate . There are 2 main methods of replicate

 Mitosis
 Meiosis


Mitosis is the duplicate of a cell and all of its parts

It duplicates its DNA and the 2 daughter cells have the same pieces and genetic

5 Basic Phases in mitosis

1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
5. Interphase


 The cell starts to prepare for the mitotic division.

 Chromatin condenses into chromosomes. The Nucleolus disappears

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 Is a complex of macromolecules found in cells, consisting of DNA, protein and

 RNA stand for ribonucleic acid


 The DNA has now condensed into chromosomes. Two strands of a chromosome
are connected at the center with a centromere

 The DNA lines up along a central axis and the centrioles send out specialized
tubules that connect to the DNA


 It begins when the duplicated centromeres of each pair of sister chromatids

separate and the daughter chromosomes begin moving toward opposite poles of
the cell.
 At the end of anaphase, a complete set of chromosomes has assembled at
each pole of the cell.

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022


 The cell membrane closes in and splits the cell into 2 different bodies.
 Now there are 2 cells with half of the original DNA each.


 It’s also called “resting state ”

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 Actually the cell is not resting, it’s getting prepared for another cell division.


 It ‘s a form of cell division that produces reproductive cells.

 Meiosis occurs when it’s time to reproduce an organism, and it is as simple as
mitosis x 2

Meiosis I

 It’s basically the same as mitosis, the only difference is the DNA crossing -

Crossing-over  Exchange of genes. The genes are mixed up, not resulting in a
perfect duplicate like mitosis.

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Meiosis II- Prophase

The DNA that remains in the cell begins to condense and form short chromosomes.
Each chromosome pair has a centromere.

Meiosis II – Metaphase

All of the chromosomes line up along the center of the cell and the centrioles are in
position for the duplication.

Meiosis II-Anaphase

The chromosomes split and move to opposite sides of the cell. Each one splits into

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Meiosis II-Telophase

The process is done !

Now there are four haploid cells that are called gamestes.

Different and Similarities of Mitosis and Meiosis

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

Genetic Disorders

 Disorder is caused by inheritance of faulty gene.

 Gene mutation can be either inherited from a parent or acquired.

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Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

© Copyright by PJ GARAGE 2022

Science Unit 2 unit test Friday 22 July 2022

© Copyright by PJ GARAGE 2022

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