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71" You are studyingthe binding of proteinsto the cytoplasmicface of culturedliver cells and have found a rnethodthat gives a good yield of inside-outvesiclesfrom the plasma membrane.Unfortunately,your preparationsare contaminatedwith variable amountsof right-side-outvesicles.Nothing you have tried avoids this that you pass the vesicles over an afhnity contamination.Somebodysuggests beads.What is the rational of this column made of lectin coupled to Sepharose suggestion? (1) (2) (3) (4) will Right-side-out-vesicies be lysedby lectin coupledto Sepharose beads. will Right-side-out-vesicles simply bind to the lectin coupled Sepharose beads. residuespresentonly on the insideLectin will bind to the carbohydrate out vesicles. and glycolipidspresenton the l,ectin will bind to only gl]'coprcteins inside-or.rt vesicles.


from the doublingtime of a The overall length of the celi cycle can be measured proliferatingcells.The doublingtirne of a population populationof exponentially cf the by mcuseL ceilswas determined counting numberof cellsin samples of in cultureat varioustimes.What is the overalllengthof tirecell cy'cie mouseL cells?
I o






Tlme (houF)

(i) 30h

(2) 20h

(3) 10h

(4) 40 h


Using molecular clock, it was estimatedthat two speciesA and B must have diverged from their common ancestorabout 9 x 10o years ago. If the rate of divergenceper base pair is estimatedto be 0.0015 per million years,what is the now? proportionof basepairs that differ betweenthe two species

GJ 0.0270

(2) 0.013s (3) 0.00017

(4) 0.0035

74' A protein in 100 mM KCI soiution r'vas heatedand the obsened T* (midpoint of unfolding) v,zas 60'c. when the same protein solution in 500 mM KCI was heated,the.observedT. was 65oC. What is the most probable reasonfbr this rncrease Tr? in (1) (2) Hydrophobicinteractionis increased electrostatrc ancl repulsionis decreased. Hydrophobicinteractionisdecreaseci andelectrostatrcrepulsionis increased. I{ydrogen-bonding increased. is van der Waalsinteractionis increased

(3) (4) 75.

During receptor-mediatecl endocl'tosis, apolipoprotein on the surfaceof a LDL B particlebinds to the LDi.-receptorp.*r*nt irrcoated pits containing clathrin.The receptor-LDl complexis-internalized endocltosii, by trafflckedto lysosomes and the LDl-receptor is finally recycled.A patientreports with familial hypercholesterolemia. could be due to This

(1) (2) (3) (1) 76.

mutationin the LDL molecule. defectin LDl-receptorrecycling. mutationin the LDL-receptor. defectin cholesterol bindingrvith its receptor.

Budding yeastcells that are deficientfor l\{ad2, a component of the spindle_ attachment-check point. are killed by treatment with benomyl,which causes microtubles depolymerise. the absence benomyl. to In of hou,ever, cellsare the r'iable.whichexpranation of the foilou,in! is abre justif.v our to this T:fjll n 'a tton'/ oo se (1) {2) (3) (4) In the absence benomyl,the majorityof spindles of form normaiivandthe spindle-attachment checkpoint1l.lad:)plays no role. In the presence benomyl,the majority oi spinoles of form normally.and Mad2 playscriticalrole in cell suru.ival. other than'therole in cell survival,microtubledepolyrnerization affects oxidativephosphorylation the absence Madj. in of Benomyl alscr affectsprotein slnthesisin the absence Mad2. of


alternate andright derk bands. dark rhe banos obtainJd by ff:19:::"^r1!:i-d Inlsprocess mailrly are
(1) (2) (3) (4) AT-rich and generich regions" AT-rich and genedesertresions" GC-rich and generich regiins. GC-rich and genedesertregions.

Eukaryoticgenornes organized are into chromosomes can be visualizedat and mltosls by stainingrvith specificilyes.Heat clenaturation followed by staining

13 sidechain(R)' It is titratedfrom no 78. An aminoacidcontains ionizable during the stateis noi observed 0 to t+. Wtrictr of the foffowini ionizable pH entiretitrationin thepH range0 - 14?
R *l H3N - CH



*.fi - cl',R I H2N - CH -


\. ,l





R I - CH HzN


79 .

Aresearcherhasisolatedarestrictionendonucleasethatcleavesatonlyone specific 10 basePair site' A) B) viral infections' be Would this enzvrne useful in protecting::]lii:,T x l0{ basepairs long? given that a typitat viral genomeis 5 of r" rlo* enzymeswith turnover number Restriction;il;i;;;: was fasterwith turnover isolated endonuclease i s-,. suppo-seJhe anhydrase(106tt), would this numberssimilar to those ror curuottlc the fast enzymes benefrcialto host ceils, assumingthat increased;;; have similar levels of sPecificitY?

is The correctcombinationof answer (1) (3) (A) : No (A): Yes (B) : Yes (B) : No Q) (4) (A) : No (A) : Yes (B) : No (B) : Yes

S0.La cr epressorinhibitsexpres s io n o f g e n e s in la c -o p e ro n rv h e re 3la/oidentical aspunne reprrrir. The two proteins have by biosynthesisis repressed ttre.r,$ structures' The gene regulatory sequencesana tiarre simiiar three-dimensional to ptop"tti.s of theseproteins differ in relation A) B) Ci D) binding of small molecuiesto the repressor' genome' pr.,tt'it of recognition sites on the bligomeric nature of the repressor' DNA binding ProPertY'

are The correct statements

(1) A andB

(2) A, B andC

(3) A and C

(4) B, C andD



An *-helix in a peptide or protein is characteri zed,byhydrogenbonds and characteristicdihedral angles.choose the right .o*uirrution. (1) (2) (3) {4) Hydrogenbondingbetweenthe amide co of residuei and amideNH of residuez + 4_Dihedral anglesin the region 0_ _S0., V_ _60". Hydrogen bonding betweenihe amide Nfr of residuei and amide co of residueI * 4. Dihedral anglesi",lg region of $_-_5g", V_ _60". Hydrogenbondingbetureeithe amide co of residuei and amide NH of residuei + 4. Dihedralanglesin the region ofg_ _5i.,1_ *OO" Hydrogen bonding betweenthe amioe co or.Jriaue r ano amide NH of residuei + 3. Dihedral anglesin the region of $_ 50o, _60o. V

82. Mouse bonemarrow cells were fractionated

to derive stemcell antigen-1*(Sca-1*) ceils. Theseceils were culturedwith interleukin-:, o. gru;urocfe_macrophage colony stimulating or.macrophagecolony riirnuTuiingfactor, or granulocyte ?:l:t colony stimulating factor' Most numerJus and varied coronieswere obtainedin the culture stimulatedwith Interleukin-3. $"11ul1fte-macrophage colony stimulatingfactor. M acrophage-colony stimulatingfactor. uranutoc)de-colony stimulatingfactor.

(1) {2) (3) (4) 83.

Precursors the atomsin the purine of skeletonare o cF7


1 N 2 \3 zN

(1 )

/ ?- N /

ir \u
Arg; C4,C5

Nl, Asp; C2 and, formate;N3 and CB, N9, guanidineof and N7, Gly; C6, CO2.


Ni, Asp; C2 and'cg,citrate;N3 and N9, amidenitrogenof Gln; c4, c5 andN7; Gly; C6, CO2. Nl, Asp; c2 and c8' formate;N3 and N9, amidenitrogenof Gln, c4, c5 and N7, Gly; C6, COz. Nl, Glu; C and C8, acetate; and N3 N9, amidenitrogenof Asn; C4, C5 and N7, Gly; C6, CO2.



15 84. Two E. coli culfixesA and B are taken. Culture A was earlier grown in the presenceof optimum concentrationof gratuitous inducer IPTG. Both the cultures are now used to inoculate fresh mediurn containing sub-optimal concentrationof that gratuitousinducer. It was obserr,'ed culture B was unable to utilize lactose, whereas cultureA did so efficiently. The reasonbehind this is (1) (2) (3) (4) pretreatment with IPTG hasresuitedin a mutationas a resuit of which /ac operon is constitutively expressed more porousto small moleculesand so IPTG has madethe cell rnembrane lactoseis takenup more efficiently by A as comparedto B. was in cultureA, lactoseperrnease inducedto a high level, during prewhich allowed the preferential uptake of lactose. treatmentwith IPTG, in culture A, IPTG activateda receptorwhich bound lactosemore efficiently, thereby triggering a signal.


Cancer causing genescan be functionally classified into mainly three types: (i) genes that induce cellular proliferation, (ii) tumor suppressorgenes,(iii) genes that regulate apoptotic pathway. Epstein-Barrvirus that causes cancerby modulatingapoptoticpathway,containsa genehavingsequence homologyrvith u'hichof tire foilorvinggenes?

(l) bax

(2) bct-z

(3) ps3

(4) caspase-3


It hasbeenobserved that in 5-10% of the eukaryoticmRNAs with multiple the AUGs,thefirst AUG is not the initiation site. In suchcases, ribosorneskips the over one or more AUGs beforeencountering favourableone and initiating of This is postulated be due to the presence the following consensus to translation. (s): sequence

A) B) C) D)


postulations correct sets is ? Whichof the followingsequence relatedto theabove

( 1 ) AandB

(2) A andC

(3 ) Ca n d D

(4 ) B a n d D

16 87. values of T* (midpoint of denaturation), AH* (enthalpychangeat T*) and aco (constant-pressure heat capacity change) of a protein are measured in a differential scanningcalorimeter.AGD(T), the Gibbs free energy changeat any temperatureT(K) can be estimatedusing the following form of the Gibbs_ Helmholtz equationwith the valuesobtainedfrom these*Jurrr"*"nt, , /r r\ g) =au^ _aco | [r.-r+r ln(rrr,)]. ^cD iu The stability curve for the protein simulatedusing the observedthermodynamic valuesis givenbeiow:


The shapeof the stability curl e is due to (1) (2) (3) (4) 88. hydrogen-bonding an<lelectrostatic interactionsonll.. van der Waalsand electrostatic interactions onlv. onlyelectrostaticinteractions. only hydrophobicinteraction.

Toll-like receptor4 is associated rvith responsiveness LpS. an endotoxrn to that causeslethal endotoxicshock. The mice deficient in Toll-like recepror.l and BALB/c mice were injectedwith Escherichia coli.ln addition.someBALB b mice were alsoinjectedwith the samebacteria aloneor with anti-interleukin-10 (iL-lo) antibody. The mice resistant the lethal effect of the bacteriawere: to (1) (2) (3) (4) BALB/b mice receivingthe bacteria. BALB/b mice receivingthe bacteria and the anti-L-10 antibodv. Mice deficientin Toll-like receptor BALB/c mice receivingthe bacteria.

89. Presence circularmRNAs for a specificprotein in an eukaryoticcell reflectsa of

rapid rate of synthesis that protein.Following of mechanisms suggested: are eIF-4G and PABP promotethis process through 5'-3'interactionof mRNA. ribosomes lessactivein recognizingcircularmRNA. are PABP and eIF-4A promotethis process. ribosomes can reinitiatetranslation without being disassembled. A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is correct?

(1) A andD

(2) B and D

(3) A and C

(4) B and C

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