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Kalamasig National High School

Kalmansig, Sultan Kudarat

S.Y. 2020-2021

Detailed lesson plan in Grade 7 health (4rth Quarter)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
A. Discuss the nature of non-communicable diseases.
B. Identify the cause and effect and signs and symptoms of non-communicable
C. Create a commitment that expresses ideas on how to prevent and control
non-communicable diseases.

A. Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of non-communicable diseases for healthy life.
B. Performance Standard
Consistently demonstrates personal responsibility and healthful practices in
the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Discusses the nature of non-communicable diseases (H7DD-IVa-24)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Non-Communicable Diseases
 Common types of non-communicable diseases
 Ways how to prevent non-communicable diseases
B. Reference:
Naida C. Pabelico., Physical education and health learner’s Material for
Grade 7, First Edition, 2017

III. Materials
Learner’s Material
Teacher’s guide

IV. Procedure
A. Engage

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good morning class” “Good morning, ma’am”

“Requesting everyone to please stand for (One student will lead the prayer)
our opening prayer, who wants to lead the
“Before you take your seats arrange your (Students will tell)
chair, pick up the pieces of paper.
Students at the back please check, ok
that’s good you may now take your seats.
“Class, may I know who are the absent for
“ok class how are you doing today?
“Okay before we proceed to the
discussion allow me to read our class
“Yes ma’am”
“Observe Social distancing”
“Do not take off your mask”
“Listen attentively and follow direction”
“Be respectful in asking a question”
“Work quietly and do not disturb others”
“Do the task properly”
“Do you understand?”
B. Opening Activity
(Some students will respond) “Yes!
“Alright! Let’s move on to our activity. Do Ma’am!”
you want a game? “

“The game is called “WORD QUEST”

For the mechanics of the game, look for
the hidden words in the scramble letters
and try to unlock the words. The pictures “Can you repeat the instruction ma’am?”
will give you hints. Do you understand?”

“You’re going to do is to identify the (Some student will nod their heads)
images that I’m going to show you using
the scramble letters. Raise your hand if
you have an answer. “ “Yes ma’am!”
“Are you ready? “
(Students will raise their hands)
“Okay let’s start (the teacher will show
images with a scramble letters)
What is it?” “Ma’am Diabetes”
(The teacher will pick 1 student)
(Some students raise their hands)
“Very good, the correct answer is Diabetes
How about this?” “Allergy Ma’am”
“Yes_____? (The teacher will mention the
student that first raise a hand)”

“Very good the correct answer is Allergy “Ma’am Asthma”

Another one.”

“Yes, Asthma is the correct answer very

“Cancer” (One student will tell)
“How about this?”

Okay very good, the correct answer is

cancer (Students will raise their hands)
And for the last one? “Blindness ma’am”
Alright, very good the correct answer is
That is all class good job and thank you
for your active participation.

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

“Have you enjoyed the activity?” “Yes Ma’am” (some students will
“Are the words in the activity familiar to
you?” “Some of them ma’am”
“What do you think is our lesson for (Students will quiet for a moment)
Diseases Ma’am?
“Using this abbreviation (NCD) what do “Non-Communicable Diseases Ma’am?
you think is our lesson for today?” (One student will guess the lesson)”

“Diseases? What else?”

“Okay very well said our lesson for today

is all about non-Communicable

“For our lesson objectives kindly read (One student will read) “Discuss the
the first _______” nature of non-communicable diseases”

“Okay we will discuss the nature of

communicable diseases. Another one “Identify the cause and effect, signs and
please read_______” symptoms of non-communicable
diseases.” (Another student will read)
“Alright, we will identify the cause and
effect, signs and symptoms of non-
“Practice ways to prevent and control
communicable diseases.”
non-communicable diseases
“And for the last one_____”

“Okay we are going Practice ways to

prevent and control non-communicable

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

“When you hear the word non- (Students raise their hands)
Communicable diseases what comes in to
your mind? Anyone?”
(The teacher will pick one from them) (One student will answer)
“It is not transferable ma’am”

“Yes, correct it is not transferable

what else?” (Someone will tell)
“It will not cause harm to other people”

“Okay very good! so non-communicable

diseases… (the teacher will present the
meaning of non-communicable diseases)
Who wants to read?” (Students will raise their hands)

(The teacher will pick one) “Non-communicable diseases are not

caused by pathogens or disease-
causing organisms such as bacteria or
viruses, but rather, by how people live,
by the conditions with which they are
born or by the hazards around them.”
“What is your idea about this class?” (One student will answer)

“Okay what else?” (Another student will tell)

“Non-communicable diseases are those “Students will nod their heads)

diseases that are not cause by micro-
organisms. It is not transmissible directly
from one person to another. NDCs are not
contagious like Diabetes, cancer, asthma,
chronic kidney diseases and other
diseases that is not cause by the bacteria
or viruses” “Communicable Disease Ma’am”
(Students will tell)
“What do you think is covid -19? Non-
Communicable Disease or Communicable
Disease?” (One student will tell the reason)
“Why? You can use Filipino for your

“Excellent! Because it is caused by a

corona virus, Covid-19 is an infectious
disease that has the potential to become a
pandemic. As you may have noticed, the
entire world proclaimed lockdowns and
instituted health protocols in order to
prevent the spread of the viruses, which
(One student will read)
are transmissible from one person to the
another." “Non- Communicable diseases also
includes diseases caused by a
“NCDs also please read______?” breakdown of the body tissues, poor
diet, environmental and occupational
hazards, stress and tension.”
(Students will raise their hands)

“Who have an idea about this?” (Some students will share their ideas)
(The teacher will allow them to share their

“Okay, stress, eating too little and too

much, and not properly caring for the
body, such as sleeping late or
oversleeping, cigarette smoking,
consuming liquors or alcoholic drinks, and
being overly exposed to electronics, are all
factors of NCD. It will result in NCDs; thus,
we must take good care of our bodies “Yes Ma’am”
physically, psychologically, and “None, Ma’am”
emotionally to avoid them.
Do you grasp what's going on in class?
Have a question for us?
“Alright, if none, I’m going to divide you
into four. Each group will discuss one non-
communicable disease. you will identify “Yes Ma’am
the cause and effect and signs and
symptoms of the particular disease.
Somebody in the group will report. Do you

“Write it in a one whole sheet of colored

paper and paste it on the board. You can
use Google or internet for your resources.
“Yes Ma’am”
Pick a secretary to write your answers and
choose a presenter to present your output.
Discuss it with your group just observe
social distancing and do not take off your “None Ma’am”
mask. Are we clear?” “None Ma’am”
“I will give you five minutes to discuss it
with your groupmates.
Any question?”

If none let’s begin.”

(The teacher will present pictures of non-
communicable diseases and assign each
group the diseases that they are going to

You are now free to begin. I'll give you five

minutes to do the task. (The timer will be (Students will tell)
started by the teacher.)

Time is up! Are you done?

(Other group will raise their hands)
‘Okay, those who haven't finished yet may
continue to answer, while those who have (One group will present)
finished may now present their work.”

“Who wants to report first?”

“Okay I will give the floor to group____ “Yes ma’am”

“Very good group____okay class, give a (Another group will present)
very good clap to group____.”

“How about the group____are you done?”

(Last group will present)
Please present it.

“Good job group____class give them Aling

Dionesia clap.”
(Students will give an angel clap)

“Class Give a mosquito clap to (Students will do a barangay clap)

“And Angel clap to group_____”

“Thank you so much everyone you did a

great job, give yourself a barangay clap”

These are some methods for preventing

noncommunicable diseases.
Eat a balanced diet and avoid eating too
much or too little. Consume nutritious
foods such as vegetables and low-
carbohydrate dishes.
Physical Activities, such as running,
stretching, and Zumba, are recommended.
Get adequate sleep, don't sleep too late,
and don't oversleep.
Avoid alcoholic beverages and liquors;
they are harmful to our health. (Students will tell)
“None, ma’am”
Smoking causes lung cancer and is
extremely detrimental to our bodies.
Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses
each day) and get frequent checkups at a
health center or hospital.
Have you practiced those ways?
“Do you have any question?”

“Alright if none let’s have an activity”


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

“Let's go on to activity 2: My Commitment,
you’re going to do is to trace your hand on the
sheets of paper. Inside the outline of your
hand, write a self-contract stating your
commitment to prevent and control diseases.
Do you follow me? “ “Yes ma’am”

Here is the rubrics of the activity: (The teacher

will present the rubrics to the class)

“Okay I will give you five minutes to do your (The activity will be started by the
task” students.)
“Time is up! are you done? please raise your (The students will raise their paper)
papers up?
“Ok good job everyone! Just keep it with you “Yes ma’am”
and before you go home put it to the box over

Test I: Enumeration

1-6 enumerate 6 ways how to prevent non-communicable diseases

6-10 give at least 4 non-communicable diseases (NCDs)


Direction: Explain the question for at least 2-3 sentences:

1.How can you encourage people with NCD’s to feel good about themselves?

ASSIGNMENT (50 points)

Direction: Using your first name or other words that is meaningful to you create a bookmark
that expresses ideas on how to prevent and control non-communicable diseases. Make it
creative as possible.

Prepared by:
Pre-service teacher

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