Open (BCI) ACT 1

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[C]it is the evening of Victorian England and my hand is laying solemnly against the desk littered
with the smell of woman’s perfume how I wish they will kiss me as they have done in 1760 again
how I wish to hear them again But I know they are old and skeletal now death has approached
and it is no longer knocking it has let itself in forcibly, unexpectedly, angrily there comes a point
where death is tired of waiting and that is the day you know you have truly lived

[C]I hear something now it is urging me it is my silhouette and it whispers my name silently
calling me ever so softly as a dove comforts it’s child “Ma dove Ma Laurent come now follow me
Ma dove Ma ange reap of sorrow of old lovers of grief no more”

[C]and I know I must reach it Yes yes I must know where it is I feel it in my bones if I do not
follow it I fear I will not see tomorrow as greatly as I do now I fear my days will be left dull and




[C]it is the evening of Victorian England and my hand is laying solemnly against the desk littered
with the smell of woman’s perfume how I wish they will kiss me as they have done in 1760 again
how I wish to hear them again But I know they are old and skeletal now death has approached
and it is no longer knocking it has let itself in forcibly, unexpectedly, angrily there comes a point
where death is tired of waiting and that is the day you know you have truly lived

[C]I hear something now it is urging me it is my silhouette and it whispers my name silently
calling me ever so softly as a dove comforts it’s child “Ma dove Ma Laurent come now follow me
Ma dove Ma ange reap of sorrow of old lovers of grief no more”

[C]and I know I must reach it Yes yes I must know where it is Heading I feel it in my bones that if
I do not follow it I fear I will not see tomorrow as greatly as I do now I fear my days will be left dull
and colorless

“O chanting silhouette of enigma: I am sad I am in love with you but O mistake me for no fool O
take my hand and thou shall arrival me at the hands of where you long me to be away from here
where I have not seen sunlight for 7 days straight take me away from my unforgiving mother in
which I have seeked her love for all corners of the world I seek no longer for that woman that
does not care thou shall take my hand and take me away”

[C]The silhouette captures my hand and I think to myself my god hands are beautiful and so
delicate I realize how I longed for the soft aching touch of hands that will not touch me in the
places I did not long for the places my mother did not care to violate I did not realize how much I
needed longing until then

[C]the silhouette makes me follow it at the staircase we are at the door now my brother is
laying on the floor he stares but does not move the plates of that night when my father had
screamed at him lay unchanged the scene is



[C]it is the evening of Victorian England and my hand is laying solemnly against the desk littered
with the smell of woman’s perfume how I wish they will kiss me as they have done in 1760 again
how I wish to hear them again But I know they are old and skeletal now death has approached
and it is no longer knocking it has let itself in forcibly, unexpectedly, angrily there comes a point
where death is tired of waiting and that is the day you know you have truly lived

[C]I hear something now it is urging me it is my silhouette and it whispers my name silently
calling me ever so softly as a dove comforts it’s child “Ma dove Ma Laurent come now follow me
Ma dove Ma ange reap of sorrow of old lovers of grief no more”

[C]and I know I must reach it Yes yes I must know where it is Heading I feel it in my bones that if
I do not follow it I fear I will not see tomorrow as greatly as I do now I fear my days will be left dull
and colorless

“O chanting silhouette of enigma: I am sad I am in love with you but O mistake me for no fool O
take my hand and thou shall arrival me at the hands of where you long me to be away from here
where I have not seen sunlight for 7 days straight take me away from my unforgiving mother in
which I have seeked her love for all corners of the world I seek no longer for that woman that
does not care thou shall take my hand and take me away”

[C]The silhouette captures my hand and I think to myself my god hands are beautiful and so
delicate I realize how I longed for the soft aching touch of hands that will not touch me in the
places I did not long for the places my mother did not care to violate I did not realize how much I
needed longing until then
[C]the silhouette makes me follow it at the staircase we are at the door now my brother is laying
on the floor he stares but does not move I do not make an effort to change him he is a catatonic
man and it is better to leave him that way
[C]PART 1/2


packing my dark brown suitcase l slumped over in the couch grabbing a crystal so l could see
what the humans where doing as usual l decided l wanted to on new york nothing much just
some homeless guy selling drugs and people minding there own business.

Putting the crystal away it immediately turned to black smoke so other demons couldn’t look at it
since it was only for the royalty and only for them.

l forgot to close the suitcase Ah of course shutting the suitcase with a quiet snap l wore a basic
white shirt and then put on a black suit it’s fabric thin against my chest and finally a black tie to
match the outfit along with black leathered shoes l stole from some shoemaker back in the 18th
century it was the first time my dad allowed me on earth for 20 minutes to do as l pleased l didn’t
do that much disaster honestly.

and finally l put on my grey jeans going over too my mirror l dryed my hair and face with a white
towel l looked fresh and new all that was left was to brush my hair.

l sat down in front of my mirror and grabbed the brush gently stroking my hair until it became a
fancy straight line.

well you might be wondering Lucifer what are you doing going out of hell ? My dad banished me
from hell.

he banished me from hell l guess my father doesn’t have morals after all like virile said.

l walked out of the demon kingdom going too the front gates l decided where l wanted to be
“sent me to the bar and inn”

First page of the startet.

[BC]✞Avos pov✞

Avos nodded getting sweat all over his clothes his heart racing and pulse nearly stopping “yes sir
we shall leave in 10 minutes per your command” he calmly spoke with a thick scottish accent he
was facing the prince of hell “scar ambrosia we are leaving in 10 minutes get the plane to earth
ready” l yelled to them both and they nodded looking as nervous as me l couldn’t blame them
but l wished they where more focused on there job as the gate keeper of hell unfortunately that
was a wish that wouldn’t come true because they where after all demons.

they had done had pretty horrible things in there life like bullying someone to there death or
terrorizing a whole nation gosh l remember spying on the demon princes crystal while he was
busy Ambrose looked so defeated when he died but still managed too smile at the end.

The one who had killed him was no other than scar helvet who was seen as a hero killing
Ambrose but was the one who bullied a girl too there death.

And me well abusing my girlfriend domestically back when l had severe anger issues and
couldn’t control them l lashed out on her and banged her head on the wall until l realized what l
had truly done her name was Maria.

l remember how sad she looked at me when she realized l couldn’t be with her in heaven she still
loved me even after death l honestly thought she would simply abandon me for some angel.

But she stayed loyal and l regretted the things l had done but it was in the past now it would not

[BC]!lucifers pov!

l looked at Avos and waved at him l knew what he was thinking about Maria his ex lover l wanted
to help him but there wasn’t any way l could because of the border between heaven and hell it
was impossible even my own father satan wouldn’t forgive you.

l saw avos come back to life quickly and l looked at the small clock hanging up the gates 10
minutes had passed Ambrose and scar prepared the plane “get in”
She said throwing away her cigarette on the ground.
[BC]!Lucifars pov!

Instantly it turned too ice since it was a human object and often sold in drug stores in demon
towns l had no idea how they found it but l didn’t care there were way more important things than

“like getting in this plane for example jeez get in already you have exactly 20 minutes to leave
hell before you are cast into the void” l gulped and nodded Ambrose opened the door of the
plane for me and l gave him a Japanese bow before entering the nicely built plane which had a
sign on it saying “suck satans dick” written by me when l was 5 years old my dad was quite
proud of me for turning out like a little devil instead of my mother

My mother was an angel who fell in love with my father but of course he didn’t care and used her
for her body and his entertainment creating me in the process of course my father didn’t want
me gone saying l had potential but my mother did my father wouldn’t let my mother do anything
but one day my father was going on a mission to earth forgetting to ask the guards to secure her
she sneaked out she was on her 7th month of pregnancy and l was going to be soon conceived.

my mother tried to get rid of me but by some miracle l survived despite the weeks of medicine l
had to take in order to be healthy again.

my mother was a woman with super fair skin and brown curls she had a heart of gold at least
that’s what virile told me the reason she had truly gotten rid of me was because it was forbidden
not because she didn’t want me.

l felt a little better after that at least she wanted me and l was glad l survived but my dad wasn’t
happy when he found out my mother tried to get rid of me lashing out on her and giving her the
most brutal execution in demon history.

How does this sound: A execution so brutal no demon could endure even me the prince of hell
couldn’t it was called hellfire my father stole my mother’s soul and crushed it with his bare hands
watching her lit in flames and turn into ashes in seconds sometimes l would see my father
occasionally visit her grave where he sparkled her ashes and sit there he wouldn’t talk or argue
just sit there and be in a state of Catatonia for a few hours.

the inside of the plane was lit up with red leds and had a red carpet along with black seats
standing up l went too order food since l was hungry.

“How may l help you” the woman had eye bags that seemed to be caused by lack of sleep and
her voice seemed very tired and disinterested like a black cloud was looming over her head she
wore a waitresses dress with a skull in the middle traditional of demon waitresses her skin was
very tan and smooth “oh young master lucifer l am so sorry you can have anything you like” her
voice immediately lit up with joy and l nodded asking her too take some rest in the guest rooms.

Let’s see here sushi rolls for 2 demon silvers and golds and 2 mermaid scale soups costing a
quarter of demon redlins

l ordered the 2 mermaid scale soups and made them myself l was a good cook so it wasn’t that
hard to make.

When l finished my meal l was already full despite not even eating half of it sighing l put the rest
in the planes kitchen sink yes l have a kitchen on a plane.

l washed my dishes and Ambrose and scar stopped the plane indicting we where there grabbing
his suitcase and putting on his fancy black glasses he gets out of the plane the sudden landing
of the plane caused the wind to become windy so his perfectly straight hair was a bit messed up
but he managed to straighten it again.

looking at the register l pulled my glasses down “hello my name is lucifer venitia”

in the years following, I sent letters to Benedict. I spent my last days in Pigalle, near the border of
France and Montmartre. I’d asked him to sign my heritage. As I neared my 299th year of being
alive, Benedict understood well what I had written but he did not respond until a year when I was
dying and Louis palliated me soaking my soft skin in warm water.

In the Morning I am to disappear and as a last wish Louis reads my last letter to Benedict he is
growing old but I remain young and my skin is soft against his hands, I feel and hear his spoken
tongue soft rough and courtier he reads;

"Benedict I know you are in Norway now, far away with your younger brother Nathanissus, but I
fear I am dying now. My skin can no longer hold the powder that I used to pounder all the time in
my face in 1720.

You remember those days? We were at our richest then, but you were never all that happy, even
after the nights in the theaters or those silent days when you would watch me write and I thought
you sleep

Louis is besides me as I write this and he is urging me weeping somewhere to save him “"Ma
lampe, pourquoi me fais-tu ça ? François Laisse-moi sortir. Je veux sortir depuis le début de
cette folie mais tu me refuses. Quand es-tu devenu si froid ?" Says he. his screams are heard but
I refuse to let him out.

He is locked inside the garret. I do not have time for his banter as much as I used to in the first
few years. He started going mad after you took Francois with your own hands. Do not be a fool.
He is silent, but he remembers what he has seen and he remembers what you have done. He
does not forgive. These days he spends his days alone by the window or in the garret staring or
sitting beside the lantern still and unmoving, and I can’t help but think you might be curious
about what he is up to nowadays. He is your blood to leave him here while he is going mad, is
cruel but you’ve always been cruel. That is a part from you.

l watched everything from afar eyes widening over the Hovering tall outer space skies in which
the highly vacant yellow stars glistened miserably l of course, was not to pay attention to this it
wasn't of any significance l was a mere robot a robot that was there to follow orders l guessed l
was given a Dead soul It was implanted by my partner in crime it was very much highly illegal but
when had that vulgar mannered human ever cared the only thing l was sure he had a love for was
his beloved Father and of course His late departed Brother whom he greatly grieved for Plus he
was a criminal he wouldn't care No less.

He had been writing a letter to yet another Soul sometimes l wondered what he was writing for
and the name of whom he was so casually and endlessly wrote down for all these nights "Lennon
Pass me the ink and..stop getting distracted" right l had been concentrating a little too hard
Perhaps it's time l stop thinking so much I'm afraid my brain would one day fry itself with all my
ongoing thoughts.

l walked over too the desk and huddled over opening the 2nd drawer and upon opening it l
grabbed the first half full glass of Füll Halter Tinte ink We had bought at an old German shop
awhile back l went over to his seat standing over him l put the ink on his messy dark oak brown
desk filled with letters and other things l didn't know the name of He rarely thanked me for the
things l did or Rarely noticed my existence but l swore at that time l heard a small thank you
approach his stiff upper lips it was somewhat comforting if l had to say so myself.

"which destination are we heading too now young master Ace?"

He leaned his head onto the chair His poker face showed no emotions As expected he took
awhile longer to answer He didn't think it meant anything to me but it didn't hurt to say after all if
l did remember he could just erase everything 25 years of Discs and up to a point of Time where
memories Where now just nostalgia and No more Laughter and no more the childlike presence of
Ace Oh how l dearly missed The day he had bought me at the now old rundown store We no only
me still reminisced the past How he picked and chose my skin color The smile on his face before
he reached his 20s and by the time he had started investing in crimes at the age of 14 He and l
became strongly distant had he not became a ruthless lawbreaker Maybe we would been The
same as before the 25 years done and over with

But l no longer mattered to him He changed drastically or you could say he grew up after the lose
of his brother from pneumonia. "You know Lennon sometimes monsters aren't created they are
just there they don't have a reason to be evil they just want everyone to be gone and sometimes
just sometimes"

"You just have to be evil in that sense of way"

l gazed over at Ace "is that a quote From your mother?" Young master only bowed his head in a
matter of factly matter he seemed to be surprised to know that l could memorize it had he maybe
forgotten l was a robot l wouldn't be surprised if he did After all who's going take care of a
mechanical machine

"Indeed it is Save that to your memory drive" l inclined "Very well then as you wish." l began to
go through my memory discs Hm not much around here a few photos of a younger teenager Ace
from when we had decided to go too Ennead for a trip He had been drunk and well Kissing a
tanned Amphion woman from the south in which he later called me a self denying untouched

"saved young master ace" l smiled meekly "You forgot to answer my question Sir" l asked him
again implying about the query of me asking where we where going sure l was a robot but l
wasn't a non sentient one l still had a human soul so l would still possess human emotions

"We are going to the city of Gravenham" l examined him "Is that place not of high security
there's a high possibility we wouldn't make it" he played with my hair behind me l rolled my eyes
"Yes but I'm sure you know what to do l designed you to be my partner in crime don't you
remember?" He asked me l nodded "Well We should get going" l turned around and stopped him
from playing with my hair

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