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17 90. siRNAs and miRNAs are used for achieving gene silencing.

Although, major stepsare similar there are distinct differencesin the key players of the two relate to some characteristicfeatures processingpathways. Following statements , of genesilencing. A) B) C) D) by Both siRNAs and miRNAs are processed cytoplasmic endonuclease Dicer. miRNAs andprecursorsiRNAs. 'Drosha'is neededfor processing Both siRNAs and miRNAs show associationwith Argonaute protein. pathways involveRISC complex. Both the processing

is Which of the following combinations NOT correct? (1)A and C (2) C and D (3) A and B (4) D and A


activatesG..s.In an experiment Glucoseis mobilized in musclewhen epinephrine glucosemobilizationwas in which musclecells were stimulatedwith epinephrine, This could be of epinephrine. observedeven after withdrawal ( l) (2) (3) (4) inhibitor. of due to the presence a cAMP phosphodiesterase very low ratesof cyclic AMP formation. . activator. of due to the presence a cAMP phosphodiesterase of due to the absence protein kinaseA'


In eukaryotic chromatin, 30 nm fiber (solenoid) can open up to give rise to two kinds of chromatin. In one type (A), the promoter of a genewithin the open whereasin the other (B), the pr'omoteris chromatin is occupiedby a nuclesonne Hl. by occupied histone The following possibilitiesare suggested. A) B) C) D) The genein (A) is repressed. The genein (B) is repressed. The genoin (A) is active. The genein (B) is active.

Which of the following setsis correct? ( 1 ) Aan dD (2)A andB (3 )B a n d D (4 )Ca n d D

S/10 Tele/1{-3AE-2

18 andListeritt Leishmania acteriu,Srtlmonellu, pathogens M1'cob like 93. IntracellLrlar

In hostcellularmachinery. orderto study by.modulating survivein rnacrophages with cells in pathogens rnacrophages, were labelled the fateof theseintracellular organisms.After 2 hoursat 37oC. with GFP-labelled Red and infected lysotracker antibodyandprobedrvith receptor with anti-transferrin cellsrverefixed, stained dyes.Cellswereviervedundercotlfocal conjugated-blue antibody secondary microscope. in were localizeci SalntonellaandListerir,t Mt,cohucterin, Obsen'ation:GFP-iabelled GFP-l,eishmtutitt with blue dyes,u'hereas labelled compaftment tlre sanre is Which of the follorvingstateulent true comparlnrent. with recllabelled colocalize basecl theseobsen,ations? on (1) (2) (3) (4) an'J Saln'tonellu Listeriaresidein the lysosonles. M.t,cobucteria, like compartment residein lysosome Leishnrcmia of whicirbearscharacteristics earlv residein a comparlment Leishnrunia ytic endoc colnpartment. tllerrtbrtrtle and Salntonella Listerialyse the phagosomal lVh,cobut:terict, andresidein cytosol.

llticc. CD86were collectedfront BALBic nrice, CD4O-deficient 9.1. Macrophages \\ere go-cttllttr.'d nrice.Tltesetnacrophages ileficientmice and ICAM-1-deficient of the LCMV peptidetbr three T rvith LCMV peptide-specific ceils in presence The iells were recovered and co-cultured with BALB/c-derivecl days. hour of 1hecopracrophages presence the peptide.During the last tr,r.'elve of in rIJtfi-rfry-iJi". rvasaddedto the cultures. and The cells n'cre harvcsted ;ffi;; c.d u,rs The was thymidineincorporation assessed. highestirtcorporatioll obs.-t'r itl

(1) (2) (3) (4) 95.

cell BALB/c macrophage-T co-culture. CD40-deficientmacrophage-Tceilco-culture. CD86-deficientmacrophage-Tceilco-culture. ICAM-1-deficientmacrophage-Tcellco-culture.

are that d'emonstrated TBP mutantcell extracts deficientin Gencticstudies viz. classI,II and IIL Follori'ing threepromoters from all tralscriptionof genes of features TBP. characteristic describe statentents A) B) C) D) as TBP is considered an universalbasaltranscriptionfactor. genes' of for TBP is not required transcription archaeal TATA box' TBP is involvedin recognizing of regardless their TATA content. at TBP operates all pronloters

is Which of the lbllowins cornbinations NOT correct? ( 1) A a n dD (2) C andD (3) B and D (4) A arrd C

96. and differentiation CAMP signallingplSysa very importantrole in the development by different adenyl of Dictyostetiui'diicoideum. This morphogenis synthesized (Astatements of at expressed different stages its life cycle' The following cyclases genes: O; refer to ihe effect of mutationsin different adenylcyclase A) by cells canbe allowedto aggregate exposingthem to aca deficient of Pulses cAMP. qcb deficientcells would form normal fruiting bodies and the spores B) ,ca n g erminatewhenexposed t o f a v o u ra b le c o n d it io n s ' in acg ieficient cells deveiop normally and the sporesgerminate C) headitself. the sPore .por", formed from the acg deficientcells will germinateirrespective D) of the osmoticconditions' are Which of the abovestatements conect? (1)A andD. (2)A only. (3)A andB.

(a)C andD.


with a proper Fill in the blanlis(a, b, c and d) in the following statements combinationof m, n, o and P. \&herein m represents longer n rePresents shorter -Prevents o rePresents rePresents induces P critical dark Short day (sD) plants flower when night lengths are a than a flowering period. tntemrption of the dark period by a brief light treatment-bc than a in SD plants. Long day (LD) plants flower when night length is d treatment critical period. Stio.tettitrg of- the night with a brief light flowering in LD Plants.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

monp npmo nomp mpno


can character be split into two cornponents in Thetotal variance a phenotypic of (Vr). Theheritability a phenotft: llTl:T9t (Vc) andenuironmentai genetic as (h2) whichis calculated h' : coefficient heritability !*pr.rr.d quantitativell,as
(1) Vc - VE

(2) VElvc



Sl10 Tete/l1-3AE-3A

99. Mutations in CONSTAffS (CO) of Arabidopsis thaliana results in late flowerins phenotype' Transcript revels ao;;r" determined in long day and short dai seedlings.Which of the followin! "l *ouiO fitefv representthe transcript profiie of

Long-day seedlings (1)

Short-day seedlings




100' Following are somestatements for synthesis secondary of metabolites planis. in A) Terpeaesare synthesized,byshikimic acid pathway and - r*. mevalonic acidpathway. c) D)

compounds'are synthes ized.byshikimicacid pathway and mevaionic acidpathwav. Both arkalord-r-yj terplnesare synthesized mevaronicacid by pathway and MEp putlrro,uy.

; ntaini compoundsar ynthesized ng and es by fitt?f i: :ffi ;;t,fffl " phenolic

srhich one of the foilowing combinations of the abovesraiement true? is (1) A andD (2) A and C (3) B and C (4) B and D

101' During earry creavageof caeno.rabtlitis eregansembryos,each asl,rnmetricar divisionproduces foundercelJone which pr"&;;; d"ifferentiated descendants one stem celr' The very first ceil and division t;J;;; one anteriorfoundercell, namelyAB and ont pottt'ior stem cell, namelypi. wrr"n these blastomeres are

;"#i wi eve ent,e f l'"Jil:ll1'ff :ffii'j"3;g,:lg:i,::, *nn". thd ropm on

tt r"'l::rld dwelop autonomousry whire theAB wourd show conditionaldevelopment. p1 cells would show conditionar development while AB wourd show autonomous development. Both wourd show autono*"u, specification and resurtin mosaic development.

(r) (2) (3)


conditional specification resulr regurative and in }JJil"J:Xshow


102. of ln caseof seaurchin, which of the following is the eorrectsequence events taking place duing the interaction of sperm and egg? (1) of Chernoattracticn sperrnto the egg by solublemoleculessecreted its vesicleto release by the egg-'exooytosisof the spermacrosomal of enzymes---rbinding the spenn to the extracellularmatrix of the of egg-+passage spermthrough this extracellularmatrix-+fusion of egg and spermcell membranes. by to Chemcattraciionof speryn ihe egg by soluble molecules secreted the extracellularrnatrix of the egg-> egg+binding of the spermto the its vesicleto release enzymes-+passage exocytcsisof the spermacrosomal of spermthrough this extracellularmatrix->fusion of egg and sperm cell rnembranes by of Chemoattraction spermto the egg by solublemolectilessecreted the of the egg->passage egg-+binding of the spenn to the extracellularmatrix of sperm through this extracellular matrix-+exocytosis of ihe spefin acrcsarnalvesicle'to releaseits enzymes-+fusionof egg and sperm cell rnembranss. by of Chemoattraction spennto the egg by solublemoleculessecreted the this extracellular matrix-+biriding of the of egg-+passage sperm through spemr tc the extracellularmatrix of the egg-'xocytosis of the sperrn acrosomalvesicle to releaseits enzlmes-+fusion of egg and sperm cell membranes.





The time taken for atrial systoleand diastolein a normal heart are tu, and t.o the caiculate If respectively. ventricularsystoletakestu, seconds, seccnds, (seconds). ventriculardiastolictime

(1) (t"r* tua)-tu' (3) (1"6-tur)-to,

(2) (tur-1"6)+tu, (4,


104. A patient undergoesliver transplantationand during the course of post-operative treatment, becomes susceptible to infection. The patient can be treated in two different modes and can have alternative outcomes. Which of the following is statements correct?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

dmgsreducing infectionbut the with immunostimulatory Treatrnent rejectingthetransplant. the with immunostimulatorydrugsreducing infectionand Treatrnent retaining transplant. the
Treatmeni with antibiotics reducing the infeetion but retaining the transplant. Treairvls$twirh antibictics reducing the infesttcn but rejecting the tra:lspia:tt.

105' The dependence the rate of of sucrose uptake.withrespectto sucrose concentration in plant cell was studied and data ar. ,ho*n in the foitowing graph.

E o.
o J (t)



Sucrce concentration

From the abovedata it can be inferred that (1) the sucroseuptake is energyiridependent and no specialcarrier is involved. the sucrose uptake is energydependentand a specialcarrier is involved. at lower concentration sucrose of ttreup1at. of;;"rgy dependentand carrier mediated. at higher concentrationofsucrose the uptake is energy dependentand carriermediated.

(2) (3) (4)

105' Druing episodes of pymvateproduced glycolysisis in Ao*i." in plants, initially fermented to.lactat'e' During laterstage, thereis an increase the fermentation in to ethmoranddecrease the-fermr.ntulrgn in to lactatea ph"no_"na whichhelps plarsssurviveanoxia'which of the followingsi"t".mu is correctabout this change fermentation from ractate of flux towards ethanor? (l) (2) (3) (4) Thecytosolic increases, activating pH thus bothlactate dehydrogenase andpynrvate decarboxylase activity. Thecytosolic inc.eales, pH thusinhibiting ractate dehydrogenase activitya1{.actlyajing pymvate decarboxilase activity. Thecytosoric orrirur"r, thus.activatirig-i"fi, pH -----ractatedehydrogenase andpynrvate decarboxylase activity. Thecytosolic decrea"ses, inhibiting pH thus lactate dehydrogenase and activating pyruvate decarboxyrase activitv]

107. Bacteria often

a is 40%.Gene ortrus organism'contains A 1000bases with 225 and 215c. Another G gene-B rength bur.r.onr*n.160 of soo G andr40 c. whichone of thefollowing wouldbe thelnost acceptable hypothesis (given thatx2: 3.g41 0.05significance at level)?
(1) A: native,B: foreign (3) A: foreign,B: foreicn (2) A: foreign,B: native (a) A: native,B: native

,foreign,*;;;,::Hili:ffi *f.ffiT:,rT#i;itt content, compared 'native' genes. "rL:::,Tli,F:;,;:"fi contentof as to Suppose genomicGC the bacterium

of frog completely 108. lnjection of nogginmRNA into a l-cell, uV-irradiated embryos "dirr"lop*ent and allows the formation of a complete embryo' Some rescuesdorsal (A-D) could possibly explain this observation. of the following statements A) to Noggin is a secretedprotein which induces fursal ec'to'derm form neural tissue and it dorsalizes the mesoderm cells which worild otherwise contribute to ventral mesoderm' Noggrn binds directly to BMP4 and BMP2 thrs prerrenting complex formation witr their recePtors' Noggin along with other molecules prevent BMP from binding to an{d inducing ectodermand mesodermcells near the organizer. Noggin-is a secretedprotein which induces ftle dorsal ectoderm to form the epidermisand it ventralizesthe mesodermcells which would otherwisecontribute to dorsal mesoderm'

B) C) D)

are Which of the abovestatements correct? (1) 109. A, B and C.

(2) A andB.

(3) B andC.

(a) A andD

l2C and Ahnospheric COz csrtains the naturally occurring stablecarbon isotopes Following are some of the 'rC in ilre proportion of 98.9% and l.lYo,respectively. regarding COz assimilation: statements A) B) Ci Di r2COz' 13COz than less Both Cl and C+plantsassimilate l3COz' l2-COz dran Both C: and C+plants assimilateless t'CO, than l2COzas connpared C4plants' to C3plants assimilatelesser t'COr than r2COz:15 comparedto C: plants. Ca plants assimilatelesser

is Which onq of the following combinationsof above statements true ? (1) A and B

(2) A andC

(3) C and D

(a) A andD

110. Spinal cord of an animal was transectedatCllC2level. The respirationof the animal stoppedand it neededartificial respiration. However, the heart continued to beat although at a slower rate. Someof the explanations given were: A) B) C) D) regulatorycentreis locatedin the medulla. respiration respirationregulatorycentreis locatedabovethe Cl/C2 cut' heartregulatorycentreis abovethe C1lC2 cut' hearthas autoregulation.

? Which one of the following is most appropriate

(1)A only. (3) A. B andD only.

(2 )B a n d Co n ly . (4) B, C and D only.

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