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Kalinga State University

Social Studies
The topic discusses the meaning and definition of measurement. According to
Chambers Dictionary the term 'measure' means `to find out the size or amount of
something'. "Measurement" in the International Dictionary of Education (by G Terry Page &
J.B. Thomas) means "the act of finding the dimension of any object and the quantity found
by such an act. It also presents the steps of measurement and the differences between
evaluation and measurement as well as the importance and functions of measurement.


1. Determine the meaning of educational measurement;

2. Identify the steps in the process of educational measurement;
3. Point out the differences between evaluation and measurement; and
4. Determine the importance and functions of measurement.


Literally the verb measure means to find or determine the 'size', `quantity' or 'quality'
of anything. The 'Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary defines `measurement' as the
'standard or system used in stating the size, quantity or degree of something.' It is the way of
assessing something quantitatively. It answers the question "How much?" In other words we
can say that measurement is the quantitative aspect of evaluation. With the help of
measurement we can easily describe students' achievement by telling their scores. These
definitions show that 'measurement' is the quantitative assessment of something. Now let's
see how the term is defined specifically in education. L. R. Gay, (1985) defines
measurement as "a process of quantifying the degree to which someone or something
possesses a given trait, i.e. quality, characteristics or features."

Educational Measurement
(The concept of measurement in education)
In Education, the term 'measurement' is used in its specific meanings. It is the
quantitative assessment of the performance of a student, teacher, curriculum or an
educational program. We can say that the quantitative score used for educational evaluation
is called measurement. The term is used for the data collected about student or teacher
performance by using a measuring instrument in a given learning situation. It shows the


Kalinga State University
Social Studies
exact quantity or degree of the performance, traits or character of the person or thing to be
measured. For example instead of saying that Hamid is underweight for his age and height,
we can say that Hamid is 18 years old, 5' 8" tall, and weight only 85 pounds. Similarly,
instead of saying that Hamid is a more intelligent than Zahid, we can say that Hamid has a
measured. IQ of 125 and Zahid has a measured IQ of 88. In each of the above cases, the
numerical statement is more precise, more objective and less open to interpretation than the
corresponding verbal statement.

Steps of measurement
There are two steps used for in the process of measurement. The first step is to
devise a set of operations to isolate the attribute and make it apparent to us. Just a standard
is used for judging the durability of a thing, in the same way educators and psychologists use
various methods for testing the behaviour or performance of a student. For this purpose they
often use Stanford-Binet Tests or other tests that include operations for eliciting behaviour
that we lake to be indicative of intelligence.
The second step in measurement is to express the results of the operations
established in the first step in numerical or quantitative terms. This involves an answer to the
questions, how many or how much? Just millimetre is used as a unit for indicating the
thickness of a thing, in the same way educators and psychologists use some numerical units
for gauging intelligence, emotional maturity and other attributes. Thus each step in
measurement rests on human- fashioned definitions. In the first step, we define the attribute
that interests us. In the second step, we define the set of operations that will allow us to
identify the attribute, and express the result of our operations.

Between Evaluation and Measurement

Some people use 'evaluation' and 'measurement' in the same meaning. Both the
terms are used for the process of assessing the performance of the student and collecting
information about an educational objective. Both tell how effective the school programme
has been and refer to the collection of information, appraisal of students, and assessment of
programme. Some recognize that measurement is one of the essential components of
evaluation. But there is difference between the two terms. Roughly speaking, `measurement'
is the quantitative assessment whereas 'evaluation' is the quantitative as well as qualitative
assessment of the performance of a student or an educational objective. Measurement is a
limited process used for the assessment of limited and specific educational objectives. On
the other hand, evaluation is much more comprehensive term used for all kinds of
educational objectives. Moreover, for measurement Evaluation is the continuous inspection


Kalinga State University
Social Studies
of all available information concerning the student, teacher, educational programme and the
teaching- learning process to ascertain the degree of change in students and form valid
judgements about the students and the effectiveness of the programme. On the other hand
'measurement' is the collection of data about the performance of a student, teacher or
curriculum etc.
However, both 'evaluation' and 'measurement' are closed closely related. We cannot
separate one from the other. Both are used for assessing the effectiveness of a programme
of the appraisal of student. Measurement collects data directly from the objects of concern of
the students. Other information is collected from students by non-testing procedures.
Information provided by testing and nontesting is the best thought of material to be used in
the evaluation process.

The Importance of Measurement in Education

Measurement plays very important role in the teaching-learning process. Without
measurement we cannot assess the effectiveness of an educational programme, the school
or its personnel. For effective teaching, it is necessary for the teacher to be aware of the
strengths and weaknesses of his teaching method. Similarly, for an effective learning, it is
necessary for the student to be aware of the possible outcomes of all the alternatives. He
should also be informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the respective
outcomes. All this is impossible without measurement. Without measurement, how can a
teacher be aware his method of teaching or how a student can be informed about the
outcomes of the alternatives. Without measurement, evaluation is impossible and without
evaluation we cannot get knowledge of the effectiveness of an educational programme.
Measurement tells us about the characteristics of students, their progress in studies and
their achievements in various subjects. It also tells how much or to what extent the
instructional objectives of the school and the individual classroom teacher being achieved?
Measurement serves as a guideline for students to develop their educational and vocational
plans for the future. With the help of measurement, information is gathered about school
programmes, policies, and objectives. This information is conveyed to parents and other
members of the community. Similarly, measurement data are used by employers and
educational institutions in making the selection by decision. With the help of standardized
tests, the administrators collect information about every applicant. The information provided
by the tests increases the accuracy and objectivity of administrators & decision makers. In
this way measurement data are employed by school officials in making curricular decisions.
In short, measurement occupies the central place in the process of teaching and
learning. It is the only mean through which the educational condition can be improved.


Kalinga State University
Social Studies

The Function of Measurement and Evaluation

Measurement' and 'evaluation' are interdependent ("N. We cannot separate one from
the other just as we cannot separate the two sides of a coin. Evaluation is the qualitative
aspect of anything, which is based on the quantitative value (measurement) of that thing.
Without measurement we cannot make an exact evaluation of a thing.
In this respect evaluation and measurement perform the same functions in the
Cron Back, in his book "Essentials of psychological testing" has discussed the
following functions of measurement and evaluation.
(1) Effectiveness of Educational Programme
In education, the concerned people and personnel must be aware of the
effectiveness of an educational programme. This is possible only by making an evaluation of
that programme. By evaluation a teacher is able to know as to what extent the method of
teaching is effective. He is also able to know as to what extent the equipment of laboratory is
effective. This will enable him to improve his method of teaching make learning process
(2) Prediction
After evaluation it is possible to predict the performance of students in future. By
evaluation we know the aptitude and interest etc. with the help of which we guide them to
take admission in institution which is according to his aptitude and interest. So, on the basis
of evaluation we can plan for the future.
(3) Selection
Measurement and evaluation is used during the selection of suitable persons for
different jobs in Govt. as well as semi Govt. departments.
(4) Classification
Evaluation is helpful in the classification in all educational institutions. At the end of
every year, some tests are given to students to check their ability and make classification on
the basis of results obtained from these tests.
Another educational psychologist, Camp, adds that evaluation plays important
function in making maladjusted students, students as useful members of the society by
finding their interests and attitudes. Students suffering from inferiority complex can also be
treated after their proper evaluation.
In short, evaluation and measurement have important functions in education. They
serve as guidelines for students, teachers, ' counsellors and administrators.


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