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CFC Singles for Christ Christian Life Program Participants Outline TALK No. 3: WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN Brief Outine, |, Misconceptions or incomplete notions about Christianity. a. Amere religious system. b. mere moral system. A social or humanitarian system, d._ An escape fram the realities of life. |The essence of Christianity is union with God, made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. tis a relationship initiated by God, out of His mercy and love for us. b._ In Christianity, we become a new creation and participate in the very life of Christ. cc. We take on the nature of God, which is holiness. II Practical implications of being a Christian. @. We can trust in God because He is our loving Father. b. We can stop worrying because God knows our needs and will provide for us, ©. Weare brothers and sisters in Christ and are committed to care for one another. d. Since life on earth is temporary, we are to look to things that will enrich us for our eternal lfe rather than for this earthly ie fe. We can have peace and joy in spite of any circumstances. Discussion starter 1, What misconceptions about Christianity do you identify with? 2. Are you experiencing the practical implications of Christianity in your life? Scriptures for Daily Prayer Day 1 Tius3:3-7 Day 8 Luke 12.22.31 2 Galatians 4:4-7 6 Luke 119-13 3 Colossians 3:5-10 7 Romans 8:28-39 4 Jeremiah 29:11-13 The Challenge, God is a loving Father Who cares for us and has a plan for our lives. Will you continue to be ‘open to discover the fullness of God's plan for you? Can you do this in absolute trust in God, ready to place yourself completely in His hands? CFC Singles for Christ Christian Life Program

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