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Embryology Notes Gastrulation: Movement of the blastomeres of

the embryo relative to one another resulting in

Lecture 1 the formation of the 3 germ layer of embryo
How many bps are there in a typical Gene? Gastrula: Stage of embryo following
•1 Mb = 1 000 000 bp gastrulation that contains 3 germ layers that
•1 KB = 1 000 will interact with the organs of the body
•5000bp total 3bp per AA is approx..1667
Blastomere  Gastrulation ( movement to form
What’s Wrong with Calculation: You don’t take 3 germ layers  Gastrula
into account splicing  introns begone
•transcript needs poly A tail/ 5” modification Germ Layer
•UTR: Untranslated Reg. Cis elm= enhancer • 1 of 3 layers of vertebrate embryo will
•URR: Upstream, Regulate Region form tissues of body except the germ cells
•Eukaryote 3.2 GB Genome size of animals •Triploblastic: To have 3 germ layers
•More splicing (alternative)  leads to less 1.Ectoderm: Nervous system, Neurons, pigment
genes needed  1 gene functions as 2 or 3 2. Mesoderm: Muscles & Skeleton, Connective
Tissue; Reproductive organs; kidney; blood
Dev Bio: Adaption how germline maintained 3. Endoderm: Respiratory, Digestive track, Skin
Embryology: How single cell form entire •Organogenesis: Interact between and
organism  only about 200 diff cell types rearrang. of the 3 layers Produce tissues
Morphogenesis: Formation of structures • Metamorphosis: Changing form 1  another
Evolution: How much change & still function? •Germline Cells: Not somatic  gonad cells 
Regen: How use stem cells  to reform shit Undergo meitotic division  to generate eggs
ENV Integration: Genotype env.  Gives •Somatic Cells: Cells that form body ( not germ)
different phenotype. Ex: turtle sex/catpillar diet
*Separation of germline cells from somatic cells
often one of 1st differentiation in animal dev*
Lecture 2
Dev. Biology: Basic Concepts Gametogenesis : Production of gametes
Development: Creating more complex •2ndary spermatocyte/oocyte1 spermatocyte
organism via embryogenesis going into adult /ootid  Differenation & maturation = sperm
form and aging through senescence
Embryology: Study of animal development from Aristotle: Recognized 2 dif types of cleavage
fertilization to hatching or birth
1. Holoblastic: Cell 2. Meroblastic : Cell
Fertilization: When mommy meets a daddy
divison pattern in divison pattern in
Gamete: Specialized reproductive cell
embryo containing zygotes containing 1.
Genome: Complete DNA sequence of indiv. Org. entire egg-> divided Large Yolk 2. Portion
Cleavage Rapid mitotic cell division following into smaller cells of cytoplasm Cleaved
fertilization  WITHOUT increasing mass Holo = complete Mero= part
Blastomere: A cleavage- stage cell resulting
from mitosis
Blastula(membrane): Early stage of embryo
consisting of a sphere of cells surrounding an
inner fluid- filled cavity, the blastocoel
William Harvey: All animals from egg & sperms
1. Blood Tissue formed B4 Heart
2. Observed blastoderm in chick
Marcello Malpighi: 1st microscopic chick dev
•Epigensis vs Preformation: Made from scratch Morphogenesis: Organization of cells in body
(undivided stems) vs Homunculus theory into a functional structure & coordinate such as:
(organs always present in miniature form)  Cell movement; growth ( smaller cells & big)
---------------------------------------------------------------- egg x sperm ; death (programmed); division
Kaspur Fredrich Wolf: Argues against preforma. ( direction & amount); shape changes ( change
•Essential life force creates embryos in character from epithelial to mesenchymal) ;
• Supports epigenesis but w/o the concept of change in composition or secreted products
cells and the Cell doctrine (all plants and ( ECM influence whether neighbor cells migrate)
animals tissue are aggregates of cells emerged)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Karl Ernst von Baer (1828’s): Cells do Fate maps Map of developmental fate of a
gastrulation & found mammalian egg •found zygote or early embryo  Shows what organs
NOTOCHORD (Transient mesodermal rod in will develop given position on the embryo
dorsal of embryo  role in inducting & •In olden days we marked indiv. cell positions
patterning in nervous sys.) on embryo to see where it would grow later
•Showing flaw viewed of Recapitulation: As •Do a thousand and even dumbasses can do <3
embryo you were initially fish  newt  lizard
Details on fate Map Construction
 Chicken  small racoon  then human
1. ~Some embryos have few cells & obvious diff
in cytoplasmic pigmentation of early blastomere
Schwann and schleiden (1839)
•Fate map can be constructed by removal~~
•Cell Theory  Virchow added 1858 prexist cell
2. ~Vital dye used on living cells w/o killing
3.~ Fluorescent dyes  much better  injected
Cell are either  Epithelial & Mesenchymal
& then photo-activated using a laser small
Epithelial Mesenchymal group of cells to be tagged  track movement
Form Sheets Loose organized & ----------------------------------------------------------------
connected by loosely attached Following Cell fate- Chimeric embryos
junctional complexes cells (bold indiv.) 1. 1920’s- Hilde Mangold and Hans Spemman
Sheets act like barrier Migrate as indv. Cell •Transplanted embryonic tissues from one
Move in Harmony Adhere in 3D clump species of newt to another distinguish from
Clear polar character the natural pigmentation
Basal Lamina is Basal lamina may 2. 1969. Le Douarins Quail Eggs
foundation contacts surround the cells
•Took nucleus from quail  drive by chick nuc.
only 1 surface of cell ( muscle or fat cells)
•Quail and chicken aspects in embryo
3.Transgenic Chrimer Embryo’s
•Embryo GFP protein  in wild type host= glow
Homologous Structure Common anc.
Structure ( our arms and bat wings)
Analogous structuresame function (wings)
Malformation: Underlying cause is genetic
Piebald Syndrome: Homo gene mutation
Disruption: Abnormality caused by tetragons
Tetratogens: Agent disrupting embryo dev.
(chemical, virus, irradiation, hypothermia)
Syndactyly= Malformation bc its genetic

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