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(Week 3)
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn

This module was designed and written to help you describe various contemporary art
forms and their practices from the various regions.

This module is about:

● The Philippine Contemporary Art, divided into seven major art forms
namely: visual arts, literature, music, theater, dance, architecture
and film
● The evolution and characteristics of the various art forms as they
developed from the American Colonial period up to the present

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. classify various art forms in the Philippines;
2. identify the different contemporary art forms and practices or initiatives
from the regions; and
3. appreciate contemporary art forms and practices.

Let’s Try

Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This music is characterized as Western-derived with English lyrics but
with pure Filipino spirit.

A. Pinoy pop C. Alternative Music

B. Original Filipino Music D. Folk Songs

2. Who is not included as the Triumvirate of Modernism in the Philippines?

A. Diosdado Lorenzo C. Juan Arellano

B. Victorio Edades D. Fernando Amorsolo

3. It is a kind of cubism showing fragmented figures in larger planes , color

harmonies, and texture.

A. Paris Cubism C. Spanish Cubism

B. American Cubism D. Chinese Cubism

4. An example of “bagay” poetry , written by Rolando Tinio which employs

the use of Taglish ( Tagalog and English ).

A. Valediction sa Hillcrest C. Venice sa Italy

B. Valedictory Address D. Von Voyage

5. The visual artist who introduced dull and dark hues in his artworks which
shocked many Filipino audience.

A. Victorio Edades C. Ben Cab

B. Vicente Manansala D. Romeo Tabuena

6. The rise of the nationalistic poetry discussing poverty, inequality, political

turmoil, and other social problems started during the _________.

A. Macapagal Government C. Estrada Administration

B. Marcos Era D. all of the above

7. This refers to the style in painting showing minute details of subjects

highlighting their texture and color.

A. Magic Realism C. Surrealism

B. Expressionistic Style D. Abstractionism

8. It is the stage show introduced by the Americans.

A. Dula-dulaan C. Bodabil

B. Melodrama D. Senakulo

9. The first Filipino who produced a film and was tagged as the “Father of
Philippine Movies”.

A. Jose Nepomuceno C. Lamberto Avellana

B. Fernando Poe Jr D. Napoleon Abueva

10. During the Marcos Era, new directors rose and started the so-called

A. Amphitheater C. New Cinema

B. Bayanihan D. Indi Films

11. The " World Is An Apple" by Alberto Florentino is an example of _____.

A.. Psychological Realism C. Theatrical Style

B. Social Realism D. Melodrama

12. The three dances introduced by the Americans were bodabil, ballet and

A. polka C. modern

B. valse D. rigaudon

13. Sinulog: Cebu; Sayaw sa Obando: __________

A. Bulacan C. Zambales

B. Novaliches D. Masbate

14. Heber Bartolome: Tayo’y Mga Pinoy; Freddie Aguilar: _________

A. Ako’y Pilipino C. Tatsulok

B. Anak D. Blue Jeans

15. N.V.M Gonzales: Literature; H.R. Ocampo:


A. Film C. Visual Arts

B. Architecture D. Dance



Let’s Recall

What are the three major art traditions in the Philippines? Differentiate each of

Let’s Explore

Activity 1 – Song Analysis

Bahay Kubo is a folk song written in 1997 by Felipe Padilla De Leon, a National
Artisit for Music. The song is about a house made of bamboo with a roof of nipa
leaves, surrounded with different kinds of vegetables.

Bahay-kubo, kahit munti
Ang halaman doon ay sari-sari
Singkamas at talong
Sigarilyas at mani
Sitaw, bataw, patani

Kundol, patola, upo't kalabasa

At tsaka mayro'n pang
Labanos, mustasa
Sibuyas, kamatis, bawang at luya
Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng linga

Bahay-kubo, kahit munti

Ang halaman doon ay sari-sari
Singkamas at talong
Sigarilyas at mani
Sitaw, bataw, patani

Kundol, patola, upo't kalabasa
At tsaka mayro'n pang
Labanos, mustasa
Sibuyas, kamatis, bawang at luya
Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng linga
Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng linga

Directions: Answer the following questions about the song “Bahay Kubo”. Write
your answer on the space provided.
1. Who was the composer of the folk song Bahay Kubo?
2. How many different kinds of vegetables was mentioned in the song?
3. Name five (5) vegetables included in the song and describe the healthy
benefits that we can get from them?
4. Would you like to live in a Bahay Kubo? Why or Why not?
5. Sing the song Bahay Kubo together with someone and post your song
performance in your own fb account.

Let’s Elaborate

Activity 1. Focusing and Learning

The Philippine Contemporary Art is divided into seven major art forms: visual arts,
literature, music, theater, dance, architecture, and film. Each contemporary art form
in the region has developed characteristics that are seemingly distinct and original
due to the onset of the different factors such as colonization of the West, the kind of
government and leadership in the past, and other prevailing situations that contribute
to the uniqueness of the artmaking in our country. Initiatives were undertaken by
advocates and organizations to continue the tradition of artmaking in our country.

Major Art Forms Characteristics and Initiatives

● Filipinos studied abroad and introduced modern art in
the country, they were Victorio Edades, Juan Arellano
Visual Arts
and Diosdado Lorenzo.
● Victorio Edades introduced the use of dull colors and

dark hues in his works which surprised the Filipino
audience at that time.
● In the American period, the subjects of artworks
shifted from rural to urban themes.
● After WWII artists started creating proletarian art which
depicts the life after the war.
● Paris Cubism took the scene, it is a kind of cubism
showing fragmented figures in larger planes, color
harmonies and texture (e.g Nipa Hut of Vicente
● H.R. Ocampo is a well known abstractionist.
● Magic Realism is a style in painting showing minute
details of the subject and highlighting their color and
● The use of indigenous materials became a trend in
sculpture to promote environmental awareness.
● Initiatives were done by the National Commission for
Culture and the Arts to encourage young artists to take
part in enriching the country’s visual art.

● The bond between the Philippines and the Americans

continued even after the Independence in 1946, with
the continual flourishment of modernism in the art.
● The “Bagay” movement takes in a kind of poetry which
uses colloquial language and is built in concrete
images which tend to describe experiences.
● Different themes such as nationalism,oppression and
fighting for human rights, social protest and social
realism became evident in the poem, narratives, prose
and poetry of the artists in Literature.
● Short story writing after WWII focused on self
consciousness and self expression of the writer.
● The rise of the nationalistic poetry discussing poverty,
inequality, political turmoil and other social problems
started during the Marcos Era.
● During the contemporary period, there are also short
stories which use the vernacular language.
● The Contemporary Philippine Literature was a mixture

of a variety of subjects. It is also a product of different
innovative techniques of writers.

● In the early American period, the music was mostly

classical due to the influence of the European.
● Avant-garde music emerged in the ‘60s.
● Philippine music continuously evolved and Pinoy pop
or Filipino pop music sets in, that covers different
forms like jazz, dance hits, folk songs, revival, rock
and roll, rap and other more.
● Manila sound was born, which is characterized as
Western-derived with English lyrics but with pure
Filipino spirit.
● Original Pilipino Music( OPM ) became popular and
this kind of music is composed and sung by Filipino
composers and singers.
● The OPM was followed by another form of popular
music called “Alternative Music” with themes like
Filipino values, political and environmental concerns,
and other societal issues.
● The music of Freddie Aguilar “Anak”, “Tayo’y Mga
Pinoy” by Heber Bartolome are examples of alternative
● The establishment of the Cultural Center of the
Philippines in Pasay City paves the way for the Filipino
music to flourish. There were provincial art councils
that were built to preserve the traditional music and
local composers continuously create vernacular songs.
Local festivals like Las Pinas Bamboo Organ Festival,
were given importance.

● The American introduced the bodabil or stage show in

the country, it was not a form of stage play since it was
Theater Arts
composed of songs, dances and skits.
● Bodabil in the Japanese times included melodrama.
● In the early stage of Philippine theater, Western
culture greatly influenced theater production, thus the
theater was called Americanized.
● Exposure to different theatrical styles and dramatic

theories, the Filipinos in the field of theater started to
experiment on traditional theater forms like the
sarswela, komedya, and senakulo.
● National artists Lamberto Avellana, Severino Montano
and Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero made a significant
contribution in the progress of Philippine theater.
● Musicals with contemporary themes, dance dramas
employing ethnic music and choreography are
examples of different theater art forms today.
● The establishments of theater groups from Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao are regional initiatives to
develop the theater arts in the country.
Dance ● In the American period, vaudeville or bodabil dancing
became popular.
● Ballet dance groups went to the Philippines to perform
and influenced Filipinas like Remedios de Oteyza and
Leonor Orosa to the field of ballet.
● Modern dance sets are revolutionary in nature
because they do not conform to the rules of classical
● Folk and social dances followed the rise of modern
● Dance forms are still alive in contemporary settings,
and traditional folk dances are a special treat to
audience during fiestas and festivals. The Sinulog
Festival in Cebu, Ati-Atihan in Aklan, Sayaw sa
Obando in Bulacan are few of the tourist attractions
that add to the merriment of the Filipino occasion.
● Many dance groups were established like the
Integrated Performing Arts Guild in the Mindanao
State University, Teatro Amakan in Iloilo, and an art
school in Laguna, the Philippine High School for the
Arts are few of the performing groups founded to
develop, promote and preserve Philippine dance.
Architecture ● In the American colonial and Contemporary Period,
the Philippine architecture adopted the Modern and
western architectural design while taking into
considerations the physical and socio-cultural situation
of the country.
● The Philipine architecture was characterized as

simple, rational and functional.
● Young Filipinos studied in American universities and
brought changes in the Philippine architecture.
● Juan Arellano designed the Metropolitan Theater,
experimented on romanticism, incorporating native
plants and variety of colors to the building.
● It was in the early 20th century when the “tsalet” was
developed, this is a type of house on stilts with a front
porch made of wood and concrete.
● Architecture in the country departed from traditional
tradition after WWII, real estate development started to
take place, two storey houses were introduced.
Tenement houses, urban housing and government
housing projects emerged due to the increasing
population and decreasing land availability.
● During the Marcos era, there had been construction of
expressways, convention centers, hospitals, hotels,
high rise buildings etc.
● In the regional set up, architectural design of buildings
was almost similar to urban architecture.
● Heritage towns like Vigan, Intramuros, Dapitan were
given special attention by the government.
Film ● The film industry in the Philippines started in 1897.
● The film became popular in 1912 when
foreignersEdward Gross and Harry Brown produced
the film about the life of Jose Rizal.
● The first Filipino who produced a film was Jose
Nepomuceno and his work was entitled “Dalagang
Bukid”. He was named the “Father of Philippine
● During the Japanese occupation, they brought their
kind of films, but hollywood films were more appealing
to the Filipinos.
● Movie production resumed after the war and four film
studios became prominent and considered the Big
Four. These are LVN, Sampaguita, Lebran and
● Award giving bodies like Filipino Academy of Movie
Arts and Sciences and Maria Clara Awards were

instituted to appreciate outstanding performances.
● Filipino films started to be recognized not just locally
but internationally like “Ifugao” of Gerardo de Leon and
“Anak Dalita” of Lamberto Avellana.
● Regulated film making happened in the Marcos Era
and the establishment of the board of Censorship for
Motion Pictures gave birth to the new cinema.
● Directors of the new cinema were Lino Brocka, Celso
Ad Castillo and Ismael Bernal.
● In the contemporary period, Philippine film revolved
around a variety of subjects and themes like martyr
wife, superhero, melodramas, comedies and other
more. Among all the art forms, the film has the largest

Let’s Dig In

Activity 1 Gaining Insights.

Use a separate sheet of paper to answer the following questions.
⮚ In your own understanding, give the characteristics of different art
⮚ Enumerate the different initiatives in preserving and promoting various
art forms from the regions.

Activity 2 Enhancing the Arts

⮚ Study and analyze the visual artwork of Vicente Manansala the “Nipa
Hut” via google. Identify the use of cubism in the art piece.
⮚ Look up on the internet, the artwork of Nestor Leynes “Bigas”. Why is
the artwork considered as Magic Realism?
⮚ Download a copy of the Valediction sa Hillcrest by Antonio Tinio. Take
a closer look at the language used in the poem. What is the poem

Let’s Remember
Fill in the blanks.
I have learned that various art forms in the regions have ________________.
I realized that __________________________________________________.
From now on I commit to _________________________________________.

Let’s Apply

Take a virtual tour to the Museums of Taguig/Pateros! Open your cell phones or
laptop, type museums/heritage structures in Taguig/Pateros…… there you go!

- The Mind Museum in Bonifacio Global City

- Philippine Veterans Museum in Western Bicutan, Taguig
- Philippine Army Museum Library and Archives in Nichols Air Base
- Manggahan and Dulong Bayan Shrine
- Balut making/ Alfombra footwear industries

Things to ponder:

1. How was your trip?

2. Who was with you, during the tour?
3. How are you going to promote the pride of your place?

Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. It is a kind of cubism showing fragmented figures in larger planes, color

harmonies, and texture.
A. Paris Cubism C. Spanish Cubism
B. American Cubism D. Chinese Cubism

2. The visual artist who introduced dull and dark hues in his artworks which

shocked many Filipino audience.
A. Victorio Edades C. Ben Cab
B. Vicente Manansala D. Romeo Tabuena

3. The rise of the nationalistic poetry discussing poverty, inequality, political

turmoil, and other social problems started during the _________.
A.Macapagal Government C. Estrada Administration
B. Marcos Era D. all of the above

4. During the Marcos Era, new directors rose and started the so-called _____.
A. Amphitheater C. New Cinema
B. Bayanihan D. Indi Films

5. This music is characterized as Western-derived with English lyrics but with pure
Filipino spirit.
A. Pinoy Pop C. Alternative Music
B. Original Filipino Music D. Folk Songs

6. Among all the art forms, it is said that it has the biggest audience.
A. Architecture C. Visual Arts
B. Film D. Dance

7. Who is not included as the Triumvirate of Modernism in the Philippines?

a. Diosdado Lorenzo C. Juan Arellano
B. Victorio Edades D. Fernando Amorsolo

8. This is another term for Filipino pop music.

A. Jazz C. Pinoy pop
B. OPM D. Songhits

9. An example of “bagay” poetry, written by Rolando Tinio which employs the use

of Taglish ( Tagalog and English ).
A. Valediction sa Hillcrest C. Venice sa Italy
B. Valedictory Address D. Von Voyage

10. The visual artist who introduced dull and dark hues in his artworks which
shocked many Filipino audience.
A. Victorio Edades C. Ben Cab
B. Vicente Manansala D. Romeo Tabuena

11. It is a type of house on stilts, with a front yard made of wood and concrete.
A. Condominium C. Tenement
B. Bungalow D. Tsalet

12. This refers to the style in painting showing minute details of subjects
highlighting their texture and color.
A. Magic Realism C. Surrealism
B. Expressionistic Style D. Abstractionism

13. It is the stage show introduced by the Americans.

A. Dula-dulaan C. Bodabil
B. Melodrama D. Senakulo

14. The first Filipino who produced a film and was tagged as the “Father of
Philippine Movies”.
A. Jose Nepomuceno C. Lamberto Avellana
B. Fernando Poe Jr. D. Napoleon Abueva

15. Four film studies became prominent and considered as the Big Four. These are
LVN, Lebran, Sampaguita and _____________.
A. Premiere C. New Cinema

B. Regal Films. D. Star Magic

16. The three dances introduced by the Americans were bodabil, ballet and _____.
A. Polka C. Modern
B. Valse D. Rigaudon

17. Sinulog: Cebu; Sayaw sa Obando: __________

A. Bulacan C. Zambales
B. Novaliches. D. Masbate

18. Heber Bartolome: Tayo’y Mga Pinoy; Freddie Aguilar: _________

A. Ako’y Pilipino C. Tatsulok
B. Anak D. Blue Jeans

19. N.V.M Gonzales: Literature; H.R. Ocampo: ________________

A. Film C. Visual Art
B. Architecture D. Dance

20. Bagay Movement: Literature; Cultural Center of the Philippines: ______

A. Film C. Theater
B. Dance D. Music

Let’s Extend

Make an inventory of the cultural treasure of Taguig and Pateros and explain its
significance to its tourism industry.


Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions, by Luzviminda D.

Sandangan and Ayesha H. Sayseng


Development Team of the Module


Language Evaluator: ANGELUS B. SALESPARA
Layout Artist: MARIVIE B. SANTOS
FERDINAND PAGGAO, EPS-Araling Panlipunan

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address:


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