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ISSN 1068-798X, Russian Engineering Research, 2007, Vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 686–688. © Allerton Press, Inc.

, 2007.
Original Russian Text © V.V. Tochilkin, 2007, published in Vestnik Mashinostroeniya, 2007, No. 10, pp. 42–44.

Pneumatic Manipulators for Interrupting Converter-Slag Flow

V. V. Tochilkin
Nosov State Technological University, Magnitogorsk
DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X07100073

Various methods of stopping slag flow are used to The manipulator operates as follows. During oxy-
ensure the required metal quality when casting con- gen injection into the steel in the converter, lever 6 with
verter steel. One of the most effective is to use manipu- nozzle 7 moves to its initial position A. Converter out-
lators mounted next to the converter that cut off the slag put vent 5 is open. The converter’s output vent is closed
flow by means of a ball plug [1]. In the oxygen-con- as follows. After injection ends, the working gas is sup-
verter shop at Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Works, the plied to elastic shell 19 at some pressure. Shell 19 acts
manipulator used for this purpose takes the form of a on flexible link 17, which becomes bowed. As a result,
parallelogram-type mechanism, with a hydraulically the longitudinal linear dimension between the addi-
driven arm. The mechanism for releasing the ball plug tional pins 11 and 12 is reduced, and so lever 6 with
is mounted at the front of the arm. The plug is released nozzle 7 moves through a certain angle, to working
above the steel-discharge vent, about 30–60 s before the position B. When nozzle 7 approaches the converter’s
end of steel discharge from the converter to the ladle. output vent 5, aperture 3 in shaft 2 and aperture 10 in
The arm is in the converter for 7 s; the working cycle bearing 4 begin to overlap, and the shutoff gas (nitro-
lasts 25 s. This manipulator occupies a considerable gen) passes through pipe 8 and hence through nozzle 7
area and requires manual operations when loading the to vent 5. Nozzle 7 forms a nitrogen jet. The converter
ball plug in its clamp. The manipulator may only oper- begins to turn to the discharge position, and the shutoff
ate in manual mode, since its positional accuracy gas cuts off the primary slag supplied to the discharge
depends on the operator’s skill. vent on tipping. Lever 6 with nozzle 7 returns to its ini-
A promising means of cutting off the converter slag tial position A.
is to use a pneumatic manipulator in the form of a slag As steel discharge continues and slag appears in dis-
stopper mounted directly ahead of the discharge vent. charge vent 5, the lever returns to working position B,
This manipulator employs flexible drive elements with and a jet of nitrogen is sent to vent 5. After the slag sup-
no sealed moving parts (pistons, plungers). The basic ply is cut off, the converter returns to its original verti-
drive element is a flexible steel strip, whose changing cal position, and lever 6 returns to its original posi-
curvature ensures motion of the slag stopper. Com- tion A. The lack of moving parts (coupling rods, pis-
pressed air is supplied to an enclosed corrugated cush- tons, seals) ensures stable operation of the device. The
ion between the strip and the base. The manipulator system is characterized by stable supply of nitrogen at
may operate either manually or automatically. The the instant when the slag supply is cut off, reduced slag
stopper is moved manually from the control board. Spe- delivery to the casting ladle, and improved quality of
cial information systems permit automatic operation. the cast steel.
A manipulator for closing the converter’s discharge Possible pneumatic drives of the manipulator are
vent is shown in Fig. 1 [2]. It includes gas-supply mech- shown in Fig. 2. In the drive in Fig. 2a, compressed gas
anism 1, mounted on shaft 2 with aperture 3, and lever is supplied at some working pressure to one of the drive
6, mounted on bearing 4 close to output vent 5 of the elements during manipulator operation. At the same
converter. Lever 6, which culminates in nozzle 7, takes time, the gas leaves the other drive element through dis-
the form of a gas-supply pipe 8. Lever 6 is equipped tributor 1. Controllable chokes 2 are employed. The
with drive 9 and a system for supplying the drive’s drive in Fig. 2b employs pressure valves 1, which are
working gas. Aperture 10 in the bearing aligns with the normally closed, and three-line distributors 2. The drive
aperture in shaft 2 when nozzle 7 enters the discharge in Fig. 2c employs geared pneumatic valves 1 and two-
vent 5 of the converter. Additional pins 11–14 on lever line distributors. In the drives in Figs. 2b and 2c, some
6 and bearing 4 permit the attachment of elements 15 specified pressure is maintained in one drive element
and 16 of drive 9. These drive elements consist of flex- while compressed gas is supplied to the other.
ible links 17 and 18 (hinged at additional pins 11, 12
and 13, 14, respectively) and elastic shells 19 and 20, One of the most important problems in manipulator
which take the form of bellows, for example, and are operation is gas-jet injection in the melt.
connected to the system supplying the drive’s working During injection by a gas that cannot be assimilated
gas. (nitrogen or inert gas), the gas–melt interaction changes


11 5


16 12

6 8

Fig. 1. Manipulator for interrupting slag supply.

1 1

2 1

Fig. 2. Pneumatic drive for manipulator.



(a) (b)
Zone B
Zone A

Zone A


Fig. 3. Interaction of gas jet from manipulator nozzle with

melt. 4

with increase in gas supply from the manipulator’s noz-

Fig. 4. Flexible drive element of manipulator.
zle. Two stages are observed: turbulent mixing of the gas
and melt (Fig. 3a); and breakup of the bath (Fig. 3b).
The primary parameter determining the course of lem. The drive element (Fig. 4) contains opposing flex-
injection with constant parameters of the manipulator ible strips 1 and 2, separated by working cushion 3 [4].
nozzle is assumed to be the gas flow rate, reduced to The flexible links (strips) are attached to rotary anchors
normal conditions [3]. The presence of interfaces of 4 and 5. The use of rotary anchors with opposing strips
two types is assumed: gas–melt (zone A) and melt–gas ensures self-stabilization of the strips.
(zone B). In zone A, the high-speed gas jet breaks up the
melt into small droplets, forming an emulsion with a
predominance of gas. CONCLUSIONS
In manipulator operation, it is important to analyze
the instant of transition from turbulent flow to breakup In view of the current requirements on metal quality
in the melt bath. The critical bath depth at which and the rigorous operating conditions in steel casting,
breakup is observed may be analyzed on the basis of automatic manipulators must be developed for auxil-
[3]. In modeling, the expansion angle of the jet at iary operations. Such manipulators reduce the quantity
breakup is assumed to be 22°–25°. Further increase in of slag entering the ladle, with corresponding savings in
jet intensity has practically no influence on this angle. the aluminum, silicon, and manganese required for
Breakup of the bath is observed if the calculated reduction and with increase in steel purity and decrease
breakup depth exceeds the specified bath depth. The in the content of nonmetallic inclusions.
interaction is shown in Fig. 3b. On account of its con-
siderable momentum, the jet crosses the entire bath. In REFERENCES
this case, there is little mixing of the bath, and little
gas–melt emulsion is observed. 1. Tochilkin, V.V. and Kol’ga, A.D., Automatic Manipula-
Effective use of the elastic drive element is deter- tor for Cutting Off Converter-Slag Supply, Izv. Vyssh.
mined by the number of flexible links (strips) Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall., 1995, no. 10, pp. 68, 69.
employed. With more links, the possible force exerted 2. Russian Patent 41017.
by the drive element is greater. This is very important 3. Gulyaev, A.V., Kominov, S.V., Okorokov, B.N., and
when using the given manipulator, especially if buildup Bakuma, S.S., Mathematical Model of the Interaction of
appears. Gas Jets with Liquid-Metal Bath, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn.
When using two or more strips in a flexible drive Zaved., Chern. Metall., 2000, no. 7, pp. 20–23.
element, ensuring the same strip length may be a prob- 4. Russian Patent 2005063.


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