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IIT-JEE 2006-MA-1 IITJEE-2006 Mathematics Time: 2 hours Note: Question number 1 to 12 carries (3, -1) marks each, 13 to 20 carries (5, -1) marks ezch, 21 to 32 carries (5, -2) marks each and 33 to 40 carries (6, 0) marks each. Section — A (Single Option Correct) For s>0, Fim ((sinx)!* 1 (/sxy™*) is wo (B)-1 Ol D)2 Jer iscequatto xov2x* Given an isosceles triangle, whose ore ang! units is (A) 7+ 123 (8) 12-73 (12+ 7V5 wyan 120° and radius of its incircle = V3. The the area of the triangle in sq, IIT-JEE 2006-MA-2 1f0<6 ~ 2n, then the intervals of values of 8 for which 2 sin’® ~ 5 sind + 2> x), (5m (n Se cay (0. 2)(3. 25) @ ee Tiw= a + if, where B #0 and z+ I, satisfies the condition that ( Ate: w=} Biz (C) fa: 24) (D) fa: Let a, b, ¢ be the sides 07a triangle. No two of them are equal and A € R. Ifthe roots of the equation x7 + 24+ bee) x 194 (ab } be ea} =0 ate real, wis! ® ws (ke i, 10 IT-JEE 2006-MA-3 y) and given that F(3) = IEPs) == fh) and gOx) = P(x) and Eis} = then F(10) is equal to ays (B) 10 ©o (py is If. s, (are prime numbers and p, q are the positive integers such that the LCM of p.q is PCS then the number of ordered pair (p.q) is (A) 252 (B) 254 (©) 225 (D) 224 Let Oe (0.3) and t= (tan), t (coi) and L = (cot), then Aurt=bat Burg rh Owrnrnry (Dba bah at The axis of a parahola is aloag the line y =x and the distance ofits vertex from origin is ¥2 and that from its focus is ay? Iverex and hoth lie in the first quadrant, thea the equation of the parahola is A) (+P y~2) (Bye -yP= + y=2) (Chix-yP 4x ty-2) Bixty-2) A plane passes through (|, - 2, 1) and is perpendicular to two planes 2x = 2y + 2=Oand x—y + 22=4, The distance of the plane from the paint (1, 2, 2) is ao (BI ©) v2 waa IIT-JEE 2006-MA-4 Let @={-2)48B=i- jek andé=i4! kA vectorin the plane of a and B whose projection on tee is (ay 4i-j=4k (B) 31+]-3k (C) 2i-j-2k (D) 4i-j—ak Section ~ 8 (Mlay have more than one option correct) The equations of the common tangents to the parabola y = x7 and y =~ (x — 2)? is/are (Ay =4- 1) (By =O (Chy--4@- (D) y= 30-50 Wis) = min (1,37. 2}. then (A) fx) is continuous ¥ x © R (B)PO)>0.Yx>1 (C) A(x) is not differentiable but continuous Vx = R_——_(D) fA) is not differentiable for two values of x , A tangent drawa to the curve y = f(x) al PGs, y) outs the xeanis an 1, given thet £(1) = 1. then yraxis at A and B respectively such that BP ; AP = 3 (A) equation of curve is xiaosy =o (B) normal ot (1, 1) iex+3y=4 (C) curve passes through (2, 1/8) (D) equation of curve is x°% 4 3 dx. IIT-JEE 2006-MA-5 16, Wa hyperbola passes through the fovus oF the ellipse += =1 and its wansverse and conjugate axes coincide with wor axcs of the ellipse, and the product of eccente the major and m is 1, then (Ap she equation ot hyperbola is > —F=1 {B) the equation hyperbola is (C) focus of hyperbola is ( (D) focus of yperbola is (53, 0) 17, Infernal bisector of ZA of triangle ABC meets side BC at D. A line drawn through D perpendicular to AD intersects the side AC at E ard the side AB at F. Ifa, b, c represent sides of ABC then. 2be (A) AB is HM of bande (8) AB bre 2 (C) BF (D) the tiangle AEF is isosceles 19. 20. IIT-JEE 2006-MA-6 {{x) is eubie polynomial whieh has local meximum at x =~ 1. then (A) the distance between (-1, 2) and (c, fla), where x (B) fx) is incr forx € [l,2V5] (C) f(x) has local minima at x1 (D) the value of (0) =5 18, £1) =I and f(x) bas local minima ar x = 0, is the point of local minima is 2V3 Let A. be vector parallel to line of intersection of planes P, and P. through origin. P, is parallel to the vectors 2j+ 3k enxt:4}_3K ond Pie parallel o°}=£ ond 31-03] then thecangle between vectors Asad 2b49 =a te A) B) = “ 4 «) ala via Bn ww) = a es os aaa ape Froaawelogn merger exe} o (A) local maxima atx = 1+ In 2 and Incal minime at x (B) local maxima at x= | and Ineal minima at x= 2 (C) no Jocal maxima (D) no local minima IT-JEE 2006-CH-1 IITJEE-2006 Chemistry Time: 2 hours Note: Question number 1 to 12 carnes (3, -1) marks each, 13 to 20 carries (6, -1) marks cach, 21 to 32 carries (5, -2) marks each and 33 to 40 carries (6, 0) marks each. Section — A (Single Option Correet) (OH), + NaOH = NaBO, + NalB/OH) 1+ 0) How can this reaction is made to preeced in forward direction? (A) addition of eis 1, 2 diol (B) addition of borsx (C) addition of trans 1, 2 diol (D) addition of NasHPOs A solution when diluted vith HzO end boiled, it gives a white precipitate, On adition of exvess NICINEOHL. the volume of precipitate decreases leaving behind a white gelatinous precipitate, Identify the precipitate waich dissolves in NHyOH/NHQC! (A) 71 OH)s (3) Al(OH) (C) Mg OH); (D) CaOk)s When bervene sullonie acid and p-nitrophenol are trealed with NaHCO), the yases released respectively are (A) 80 NO; (B} SO, NO (C) SOx. CO; (D) COs. COs +10 ‘A monatom'¢ ideal gas undergoes a process in which the ratio of P to Vat any instant is constant and equals t0 1. What is the molar heat carecity o* the pas? wit = (eC) SR/2 (D0 (ILD 1 4dihydroxy benzene ([V) Hydroxy benzene (A) 1<11 P enti the adduct (Ay CH) CECH, (a) CH,—CH—CH, cl NO No a o NO () CH,—CH,-CH, CHj—CH)-CH No. 4 ‘The TUPAC name of C,HsCOCI is (A) Benzoyl chloride (B) Benzere eilore ketone (©) Benzene carbonyl enloride (D) Choro pheny! keione Ag’ + NH, ==/AQ(NH,)" J; k, 3.5107 [Ag(NHa 1 + NH == [Ag(NHy 1 ky = 1.710 then the formation constant of [Ag(NU la) is (A) 608 10° (B) 6.08 « 10° (C) 6.08 > (D) None ig eompound + KC! + H-O, Nitrogen containing compound is (B) CH,-NE-CH, {C) CH (D) CHN=C ‘CuSO, decolourises on addition of KCN, the product is, . (A) [CuCCN) (B) Cu® get reduced to fem [CuCN)P? {C) CuiCN)s (D) CLeN cult, henee it is carried out by the following shown path: AS in) =20 6 where en is entropy uni then AS. a) I8 (A) #100 eu. (B) 460 ew {C) 100 eu, (D} Ge. 12, 14, IIT-JEE 2006-CH-3 N, 3H, 32H, Which is coreet staten (A) The equilibrium will shift to forward direction because according to 11" law of thermody namics the entropy must increases in the direction of spenianeous react on. (B) The condi¢on for equilibrium is Gy, -3G.,, =2G y,, where G is Gibbs free energy per mole of the gaseous is aided at equilibrium condition? species measured ul thal partial pressure, The condition of equilibrium is unalTeeted by the use of ealalyst hich inereases the rate o* both the forward and heckward react (C)_ The catalyst will inerease the rate of forward reaction by ce and that of backward reaction by B. (D) Cavalyst will not alter the cate of cither ef the reaction, 1 to the same extent Section — B (May have mare than one option correct) Ifthe bond lengt of CO bond in earbon monoxide is 1,128 A, then whet is the value of CO bond length in Fe(CO),? (A) LISA (B) L1a8A «cy ima (Dy Lg A ‘The species present in solution when CO> is dissolved in water ure (A) CO;, H,CO;, HCO;, COE iB) H,CO,, COE (©) COP, HED; (D) COs, HCO: Which 0° the following reactants on ceaction with cone, NeOH followed by acidicstion gives the following Isetone as the only sroduct? i I \ ‘0 £ CH a coocHy, @) uO ‘COOH CHO a) CHO (Dy COOK CHO ‘COOK IIT-JEE 2006-CH-4 16, +C1- CH,CH, ~ CH, 9 P2880) + Phenol The major products Pand (Q are a and CHCH CHO @y and CH,COCHS Sy A © nd CH,COCH, o CH.CH,CHO 17, ‘The iver: graph represents the variation of Zeompresiiiy factor = TY) versus P, foe heb real gases 4, 1 and C i Identify the only ineorreet statemen A cal es B t -¢ z P (aut) ———+ (A) For the gas 4, a= @and its dependence on P is linear at all pressure. (B) For the gas B, b = 0 and its dependence on P is linear at ell pressure, (C) For the gas C. whieh is typical real gas for which neither a nor = 0. By knowing the minima and the point of interseetion, with 2 = |, aand b can be caleulsted (D) thigh pressure, he slope is positive far all real gases So. TS. The snialles! ketone cnn iis next homologue are reacted with NHOH Lo fox exinne (A) Two different oximes are formed (8). Three different oximes are formed (©) Two onimes are opticelly active (D) All oximes are optically active HON) nam wae moe eae ety 20, so, one nh NIH ad Naa forms aoa: rss Wh oma Gi ano, ‘or MedPOo. fo Meats. ‘by Mes, IIT-JEE2006-PH-4 UTJEE-2006 Physics Time: 2 hours Note: The marking Scheme is (+3, -1) for question numbers 1 t0 12. (5, ~1i fer question numbers 13 10 20. (5, ~2i for question numbers 24 10 32 and (46, 0) for question numbers 33 t0 40. Given, fi R,=10 C= KF C= 4yP 27 4a = Rs Ye ap ‘The time constants (in 18) for the eireuits |, II, IIL are cespectively (A) 18, 89.4 (B) 18, 4,8/9 (C) 4.89, 18 (0) 89. 18,4 Two blocks A and B of masses 2m and m, respectively. are connected by ‘a massless and inextensible siring, ‘The whole system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in the re. The magnitudes of acceleration of A and B, immediately afler the string is cut, are respectively Weg (B)e2e Wee (D) e282 A point object is placed at a distance of 20 em from a thin plano-eonvex lens of fecal length 15 cm, ifthe plane surface is silvered, The image will form at (A) 60 em left of AB (B) 30 em left of AB (C) em left of AB (D) 60 om right of AB 6. lIT-JEE2006-PH-2 A biconvex lens of focal length f forms a cireular image of sun of radius (Ayreet (Ba x # focal plane, Then (C) if lower half patt is covered by black sheet, then area of the image is equal to a (D) if Fis doubled, imersity will increase Given a sample of Radium-226 heving halflife of 4 days. Find the probability, a nucleus disintegrates alter 2 half lives wi (B) 12 cos (D) 34 Graph of position of imi. +» position of point abject from a convex lens is shown, Thea, focal length of the lens is (A) 0.50 1.0.05 em (B) 0.504 0.10.em (C) 5.00 + 0.05 em (D) 5.00 £0.10 em A nrassless rod is susgerided by Lwu identical stings AB and CD of equal suspended Irom point such that BO is equal to ‘x’. Further, it is observed that the frequeney of 1" harmonic (iandamental frequency) hen, length of BO is (NLS (BALI «C) BLA (DL length. A block of mass m AB is equal to 2" harmonic syucney in CD, 10, u IIT-JEE2006-PH-3 AS tem of binary stars of masses ma and my are moving in circular orbits oF radii ry and rg respectively. IP I, and Ty are the time periods of masses m, ard mp respectively, then w Tp (if'ty> te) (C) Ta > Tp (ifm, > mp) [3-11 A solid sphere of mass M, radius 2 a, . cor con eos pases wardugh the centre of ‘mass as I, is recast into a dise of thickness t, whose moment of inertia zhout an axis passing through its edge and perpendicular to its plane remains 1. Then, cadis of the disc will be oR 2 ‘ B) R, Os © Rs oe ot [3.-1] vis ane A stucent pesforms an experiment for determination of { }: 4% Im, and be commits an error of A For T he takes the time of n oscillations with the siop watch of least count AT and he commits a tuman error of 0.1see, For whieh of the Following data, the measurement of g will be most accurate? At aT n Amplitude of oscillation (A Smm 02sec 10 Simm (@) Smm —0.2see 20 Simm (©) Smm — O.tsec 20 1mm (D) Imm OL see 50 1mm. ‘The circular divisions of shown screw gauge ate 50. It moves 0.5 mm on main scale in one rotation, The diameter of the ball is (412.25 mm (B) 2.20 mm (C) 1.20 mm, (D) 1.25 mm IIT-JEE2006-PH-4 12 Consider a eylindrieal element as shown in the figure, Current flowing the through element is [and resis Choose the correct option out the following. (A) Power loss in first hal (B) Voltage drop in first halt is twice of voltage drop in second half, (C) Current density sn both halves are equal (D) Electric field in both halves is equal of material of the cylinder four times the power lass in second half, More than One Choice may be correct (+5, -I) 13. In the given diggram, a live of force of a particular forve fielé is shown. Out of the following options, i ean never represent (A) an electrostatic tield (B)_ a megnetostatic field (C) a gravitational field off a mass at rest (D) an induced electri 14, The electrostatic potential (b,) of a spherical symmetric system, kept at origin, is shown in the adjacent figure, and given as at TER, Fer BRO) _—_ am eR) Which of the following option(s) is/are correct? (A) For spherieal region r Ry, total electrostatic ene-gy stored is zero (B)_ Within r= 2Ro, wotal charge is (C) There will be no charge anywhere except (D) Blectrie field is discontinuous at r~ Ry. cr 15, 16. 17. IIT-JEE2006-PH-5 A solid cylinder of mass m and radius r is rolling 01 a rough inclined plane of inclination 9. The coefficient of friczion between the cylinder and cline is p. Then (A) frictional force is always umg cos 6 (B) friction is a dissipative force (C)_ by decreasing 9, frictional foree decreases (D) friction opposes translation and supporis rotation Function x— A sin? et | B cos? ot C sin et cos ot represents SIM % (B)ifA=-B; C= 2B, amplitude = [BV2| (A) for any value oF A, B and € (exeep: C (C)if A =B; C=0 (D)ifA= B:C = 2B, amplitude = |B} In @ dark room with ambient tempersture T,, a block body is kept at a temperature T. Keeping the teinperature of the black body curistant (at T), suimays ere allowed to fall on the blees body trough « hele in the root at the dark rom. Assuiming that there is no change in the amhient temperatire of the mam, which of the following statement(s) ivare comeet? (A) The quantity of radiation absorbed by the black body in unit time will merease (8) Since emissivity = absomptivity, hence the quantity of radiation emitted by black body in unit time will increase, (C)_ Black body radiates more energy in unit rime in the visible spectrum, (D) The reflected energy in unit time by the black body remains same. ‘The graph hetween 1/3 and stopping potential (V) of shree metals having ¥ work Actions $). 4: and 6, in an experiment of photo electric effect is oil’ plotted as shown in the figure. Which of the following starement(s) is‘are metal correct? [Here >. is the wavelengih of the incident ray | (A) Ratio of work funetions $4 : bs ss 1:24 EOOTO NEO. gan (B) Ratio of work fhnetions 64 : b> 5 (C) tan 8 is ditectly proportional to he/e, where h is Planck's constant and c is the speed af light (D) The violet colour light ean eject photoelectrons from metals 2 and 3, 1. 20. IIT-JEE2006-PH-6 An infinite current carrying wire passes through point O end in perperdicular to the plane containing a curren: carrying loop ABCD as shown in the figure. Choose the eorreet option (3) (A) Net forze on the loop is zero. (B) Net torque on the loop is zer0, (C) As seen from O, the loop retates clockwise. (D) As seen from ©, the loop rotates anticlockwise A ball moves over a fixed track as shown in the figure. From A to B the ball rolls without slipping. Surface BC is frictionless. Ka, Kn and Ke are kinctic energies of the ball at 4, A. Band (respectively. ‘Then (Ayha = hes Kn > Ke (B)lia* lies Ke* Ka, (C)tashe: Ke= Ke (D) hia < hie: Ku Ke

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