Head N Neck Guidelines by Mbbs Cafeteria

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Head & Neck Guidelines by MBBS Cafeteria


HEAD & NECK Guidelines

Made By;

Dr.Hayatullah Khan
Dr.Muhammad Rafay Khan

Strongly recommended book

KLM(Do it from KLM you would be also recommending it to your

juniors next year Insha Allah)

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Head & Neck Guidelines by MBBS Cafeteria

It has total 10 topics

1. Cranium

2. Face and Scalp

3. Cranial Meninges

4. Brain

5. Eye, Orbit, Orbital Region and Eyeball

6. Parotid, Temporal, Infratemporal Regions n TMJ joints

7. Oral Region

8. Pterygo palatine Fossa

9. Nose

10. Ear

Let’s start with the name of Glorious Allah!

Tip: At the very first don’t see any guidelines just read the whole

chapter just read!! Whether you understand it or not!

• Skull is more about lectures or videos rather than theory.

• I would suggest videos of skull in a playlist on YouTube



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• Muscle attachment of mandible is imp!

Now, from KLM

• See all figures! No need to read theory!

• Table 7.1(Names of land marks)

• Table 7.2(v.v.Imp)

• Figure 7.13+7.14

✓ Headaches and Facial Pain

✓ Malar Flush

✓ Fractures of Mandible

✓ Development of Cranium(Imp)

Face and Scalp

Give a read to whole chapter just for concepts

Also do Cranial Nerve 5 & 7 (Trigeminal & Facial Nerves)

from Dr.Najeeb or Ninja Nerd + theory in chapter 9 of KLM

(Just get an overview, you,ll study in detail in Neuroanatomy)

Imp things to do!

• 5 layers of Scalp just names

• Muscles of face&Scalp(no origin, insertion...only nerve supply)

• Origin insertion of orbicularis Oris in detail

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• See fig 7.17

• Nerves and Arteries of Face and Scalp (Just names, origin

and diagram)

• Nerve supplying mainly trigeminal

• Artery mainly supplying is External Carotid Artery (Only 2 br of

Internal Carotid Artery)

• Lymphatic supply of Face and Scalp(only 4 points)

✓ Scalp wounds

✓ Scalp infection (Danger area of scalp, Black eye)

✓ Pararlysis of facial muscles (Bell's palsy)

✓ Infra orbital nerve block

✓ Trigeminal neuralgia

✓ Lesions of trigeminal nerve

✓ Herpes Zooster Infection

✓ Testing sensory function of C.N V

✓ Injuries to facial Nerve

✓ Scalp laceration

✓ Squamous cell carcinoma

Cranial Meninges and Brain

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No need to do from here, Will do from Snell Neuroanatomy

Only do Dural venous sinuses from here fig7.29

✓ Thrombophlebitis of Facial Vein(danger area of face)

Eye, Orbit, Orbital Region and Eyeball

(If you got time, do eye from Dr Najeeb, physio and anatomy both


• Contents of orbit

• Nerve and blood supply of lacrimal gland

• Contents of Lacrimal appratus

• Sensory, sympathetic& parasympathetic supply of lacrimal


• 3 layers of eyeball(names)+give a read

• Involuntary muscles(dilator & sphincter pupillae)

• Choroid responsible for red eye reflection that occurs in flash


• What is optic disc?

• Production and drainage of aqeous humor(for physiology)

• Muscles of eyeball (Table 7.8)Nerve supply and Action (v v

imp). Mnemonic (LR6, SO4 AO4)all other muscles by 3rd

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• Figure 7.58 Cilliary ganglion (sensory, sympathetic &


• Arteries of Orbit Figure 7.61 & Table 7.9(only name &Origin)

• Veins of orbit fig 7.63


✓ Uveitis, Papilledema, Presbyopia &Cataract

✓ Glaucoma

✓ Horner syndrome

✓ Paralysis of extra-ocular muscles(v.imp)

Parotid, Temporal & Infratemporal Regions &

✓ Parotid Region

✓ Relations of various surfaces of parotid gland(v.imp)

✓ 5 Contents of parotid region

✓ Which fascia forms parotid sheath?

✓ Apex of parotid gland..location

✓ Parotid Duct (whole coarse..imp) pierce buccinator, opens at

2nd Upper Molar teeth

✓ Parotid gland nerve supply

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✓ (Sensory, sympathetic, parasympathetic) v.imp

✓ Temporal Region

✓ How pyerion is formed?

✓ Boundaries of temporal fossa

✓ Infratemporal Region (only contents)


✓ 3 Ligaments(lateral, Stylomandibular,Sphenomandibular)

✓ 3 Nerves which supply (Auriculotemporal, Deep temporal,


✓ Table 7.11 ( v.imp)(especially name & nerve supply)

✓ Table 7.12Parts n branches of Maxillary Artery(only names)

✓ Infection of Parotid Gland

✓ Blockage of parotid duct

✓ Dislocation & Arthritis of TMJ

Oral Region
• Give a read

• Teeth not included

• Muscles of soft palate (table 7.14) Innervation and Action

• Tongue very imp

• Fig 7.88 whole

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• Parts of tongue(Apex,Body&Root)

• Pappillae positions

• Fungiform at tip

• Circumvallate at backside near foramen cecum

• Foliate on lateral side

• Filliform fill the rest of dorsum of tongue

• Do lingual papillae from theory

• Lymph drainage of tongue

• Tip...Submental lymph nodes

• Rest .. Submandibular lymph nodes

• Names of extrinsic & intrinsic muscle of tongue

• Innervation of tongue(v.v v.imp)

• Good read to salivary glands and their nerve

supply(scretomotor supply)

✓ Cyanosis of Lips

✓ Gingivitis

✓ Greater Palatine Nerve block

✓ Cleft Palate

✓ GAG Reflex

✓ Paralysis of genioglossus

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✓ Injury to Hypoglossal Nerve

✓ Sublimgual Absorption of Drugs(Deep lingual Vein)

Pterygopalatine Fossa
(whole imp)

First watch some lecturespreferably Dr Najeeb

• Boundaries

• Contents

• Communications

• Pterygopalatine ganglion

• (Sensory root, sympathetic supply,parasympathetic supply)

• How it supplies lacrimal gland

• Branches of Pterygopalatine artery and ganglion

• Give a good read to whole nose

• Skeleton of external nose(Bony & Cartilaginous part)

• Nasal septum part(3 parts.. perpendicular plate of ethmoid,

vomer & septal cartilage)

• Mucosa is absent in vestibule of external nose

• Mark the superior, middle and inferior choncae in fig 7.103

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• Features of Nasal cavities

• Watch lectures of selfless medicose about Nose& paraNasal


• 5 names of arteries supplying nasla septum & their parent

artery names

• What's kiesselbach's area or Little's area?

• ParaNasal sinus ... Do it from some videos n then give a read

for mcqs

✓ Rhinitis

✓ Epistaxis

✓ Sinusitis

✓ Relationship of teeth to maxillary sinus

Just give a good read (inner ear would be done in Guyton .. not

needed in Anatomy)

• Nerve supply of tympanic membrane (v.imp)

• Parts of tympanic membrane

• All 6 wall of middle ear(v.v.imp)

• Contents of middle ear


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✓ Otoscopic examination

✓ Otitis media

✓ Blockage of pharyngeotympani tube

Done with Head Guidelines will share Neck Guidelines soon.

Any suggestions highly appreciated to be the part of guidelines

group text your name and college at 03181432261.

Remember team cafeteria in your prayers.

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