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A blessed morning to each and every one, to our Head teacher, Mam Lyn Natividad

who are with us today, to my beloved English department headed by Mam Laila Malolos
and Mam Cristine MUndin, as educators we never stop to grow Continuous learning is
our self-motivated persistence in acquiring knowledge and competencies in order to expand our
skillset and develop future opportunities. It forms part of our personal and professional
development in an effort to avoid stagnation and reach our full potential. Learning and changes
are inevitable despite the situation that we our now facing. Whether you like or not we are now
embracing the new normal set up. . And as part of this set up, we are also task to think
possible ways to alleviate negativities of online and offline world of learning. So let us
all enjoy this new venture through the opening program via virtual presentation. Join me
as we claim our success for this webinar. To start, let us have the nationalistic song,
followed by a praise song.

Once again good morning, so before we proceed to ur webinar proper let me check
your presence, please turn your mic and video on as I call your name, and say
something positive attitude that you posses.
Grade 7 Teachers:
Ms. Cristine Mundin, our HT3
Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado and
Yours truly Mr. Ian Genovia
Grade 8 Teachers:
Mrs, Laila Malolos, our MT
Mrs. Shiney Bernadette Cueto
Ms. Allyza De Vera
Grade 9 Teachers:
Mrs. Juanita Lappay
Mrs. Rosalina Festijo
Ms. Reinabelle Rasonable
Grade 10 Teachers
Mr. Jan Michael Buenaobra
Ms. Stefanie Tolentino
Ms. Ma Inah De Mesa
And now let us have the Webinar Policies allow me to read the following:
The purpose of our webinar this morning is to give emphasis on the preparation of
lesson exemplar and how it is being done through a teaching demonstration as we all
know a demonstration lesson is a planned lesson taught to an interview committee or
a group of students to assess our teaching abilities and skills. The process can vary
depending on the school especially at this point in time.

we may be directed to teach a specific topic or a particular skill; or, we may be able to
teach a lesson entirely of our own choosing.

Before anything else let us commend our select demonstrators. I know that this is not
an easy task to do so, but with their brave hearts and burning passion this would be just
a piece of cake. Alright before I give the flour to our passionate presenters, let us all be
motivated through an inspirational message, here our very own master teacher, Mrs.
Laila Malolos.

Thank you mam, HI po mam Lyn you want to say something po before we formally start
our E demonstration? so the time has come, I believe they are all much ready to
showcase their teaching skills,

and our first demo teacher would be Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado, her topic is Idiomatic
expressions and colloquial words

Our second demo teacher is Ms. Allysa De Vera, her topic is Context Clues

Our third demo teacher is Ms. Reinabelle Rasonable, her topic teachers Type of Texts

Our last demonstrator would be Ms. Ma Inah De Mesa, her topic is How Odin lost his eye’
Retold by Catherine F. Sellew

And that ends their demo teaching; let us now hear some constructive criticism from our
colleagues. This portion will give them a piece of advice, commendation, and opinion
based on what they’ve observe. Again demo teachers, accept this creatively and

Let us give our demonstrator a big round of applause for a job well done! And to give us
a synthesis, here is Mr. Jan Michael Buenaobra

Thank you sir, and now mam Nitz will send us a link for end program evaluation this
would be good for 5 minutes,

And finally let us here a thank message from our head teacher, Ms. Cristine Mundin.

Once again a blessed day to each and everyone, this has been your moderator, Mr. Ian
S. Genovia, signing off. God bless everyone.



English Department
July 28,2020

Day Time Activities Involved

Tuesday 8:30- 8:40 Setting –Up of Class Managers
July 28, 2020 Meeting Juanita B. Lappay
Room Laila L. Malolos

8:40-8:45 Signing of attendance All English Teacher

by the Participants
through Google Meet

8:45- 9:00 Opening Program Ian S.Genovia

- National
- Prayer
- Batangas
- Sto. Tomas
- Checking of
- Webinar
- Statement of
9:00-9:05 Inspirational Message Laila L. Malolos

9:05- 11:05 Modular Ms. Klay Ann

Demonstration M.Maldonado
Teaching Grade 7 Teacher

Ms. Allyssa H.De Vera

Grade 8 Teacher

Ms. Reinabelle
Grade 9 Teacher

Ms. Ma. Inah M . De Mesa

Grade 10 Teacher

11:05-11:40 Critiquing of the All English Teachers

11:40-11:45 Synthesis
Jan Michael G. Buenaobra
11:45- 11:50 Words of Thanks Cristine C. Mundin

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