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 Good 

morning everyone, to our Head Teacher I Mam Cristine Mundin, to our Master

teacher Mam Laila Malolos, to our English Coordinator Mam Juanita Lappay and my dear
co-teachers, Welcome to our 1st Day of our LAC Session and Presentation of Video
Lesson (Modular Distance Learning), How are you today? I hope that you are all doing
well, Today is another day of learning. Please sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the
morning. It is my delight to be our emcee for this informative session.
 Today's careers look nothing like they did 20 or even just 10 years ago. Like technology,
the field of education evolves so fast that techniques, skills and technologies become
obsolete within five to 10 years. That is why being a lifelong learner plays an important
role in the educational process. It helps us, educators incorporate new tools and
strategies into the learning process to boost our students' learning development.
 "Lifelong learning is an essential challenge for inventing the future of our societies; it is a
necessity rather than a luxury to be considered … It is a mindset and a habit for people
to acquire," says Gerhard Fischer
 Learning and changes are inevitable despite the situation that we our now facing.
Whether you like or not we are now embracing the new normal set up. . And as part of
this set up, we are also task to think possible ways to alleviate negativities of online and
offline world of learning. So let us all enjoy this new venture through the opening
program via virtual presentation. Join me as we claim our success for this session. To
start, let us have the nationalistic song, followed invocation by Ms.Inah De Mesa Grade
10 English Teacher, then Sto.Tomas Hymn.

 Before we proceed to our webinar proper let me check your presence, please turn your
video on as I call your name and show your big smile.
Grade 7 Teachers:
Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado and
Ian Genovia
Grade 8 Teachers:
Mrs, Laila Malolos, our MT
Mrs. Shiney Bernadette Cueto
Ms. Allyza De Vera
Grade 9 Teachers:
Mrs. Juanita Lappay
Mrs. Rosalina Festijo
Ms. Reinabelle Rasonable yours truly
Ms. Rosel Bernadette A. Bautista
Grade 10 Teachers
Mr. Jan Michael Buenaobra
Ms. Stefanie Tolentino
Ms. Ma Inah De Mesa
Ms. Cristine Mundin, our Head Teacher I

 Before anything else let us commend ourselves. I know that this is not an easy task to
do so, but with our patience, perseverance and burning passion this would be just a
piece of cake.
 Alright before I give the floor to our passionate demonstrators, let us all have an
opening remarks to be given by Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado, Grade 7 English Teacher
 Thank you Maam Klay.
 And now, may I call on our very own master teacher I, Mrs. Laila Malolos for her
welcome remarks.
 Thank you Maam Laila
 Let’s all be motivated through an inspirational message, no other than our Respected
and hardworking Principal III, Mrs. Baby Janet U. Dimailig, Ed.D.
 Thank you Ma’am for your message that really inspires us.
 At this point, for us to become aware of what must be considered during the LAC
Session, let us have Maam Allysa De Vera, Grade 8 English Teacher, as she
provides some house/classroom rules that we must follow in order for us to have
an effective and productive webinar.
 Thank you Ma’am Allysa
 At this juncture, let us have the roll call of participants to be lead by Sir Jan
Michael Buenaobra, Grade 10 English Teacher.
 Thank you so much Sir.
 At this point, may I call Mam Cristine Mundin, our Head Teacher I to discuss the
Rationale and Program Description.
 Thank you Maam Mundin
 So this is it! I believe we are all ready and excited to showcase our teaching skills.
Presentation of Video Lesson will be presented by Grade Level, today we have
Grade 7 teachers followed by Grade 9 Teachers.
 Our first demo teacher would be no other than our very own master teacher I,
Mrs. Laila Malolos.
 Our second demo teacher is Sir Ian Genovia
 Our Third demo teacher is Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado
 We may now proceed with Grade 9, English Teachers
 Our fourth demo teacher is Mrs. Juanita Lappay our English Department Coordinator.
 Our fifth demo teacher is Ms. Rosel Bernadette Bautista, Teacher II
 Our sixth demo teacher is Mrs. Rosalina Festijo
 Our sixth and last demo teacher is yours truly Ms. Reinabelle Rasonable.
 Let us give our demonstrators for today a big round of applause for a job well done!
 Before we end this session, let us all feel the presence of our Lord who has made this
webinar possible. Here is Mrs. Shiney Bernadette Cueto to lead the closing prayer.
 The first day of LAC Session has come to an end. Thank you everyone for a fruitful
day. See you again tomorrow. Thank you all for making time in your busy schedules
to join us here this afternoon. ,I wish you all a pleasant afternoon. This is Reinabelle T.
Rasonable your emcee for the day signing off.

Second Day

 A pleasant  morning everyone, to our Head Teacher I Mam Cristine Mundin, to

our Master teacher Mam Laila Malolos, to our English Coordinator Mam Juanita
Lappay and my dear co-teachers, Welcome to our 2nd Day of our LAC Session and
Presentation of Video Lesson (Modular Distance Learning)
 Yesterday Review
 To formally start, let us have the nationalistic song, followed invocation by Ms. Rosel
Bernadette A. Bautista Grade 9 English Teacher.
 And now, may I call , Mrs. Juanita Lappay our English Department Coordinator for
her opening remarks.
 Thank you Maam Lappay
 This time , for us to become full not by food but by insights let us have Mrs.
Rosalina Festijo Grade 9 English Teacher, as she provides food for thought.
 Thank Maam Lina for your valuable insights
 At this moment, let us have the roll call of participants to be lead by Sir Ian
Genovia, Grade 7 English Teacher.
 Thank you Sir Ian
 So this is it! I believe we are all ready and excited to showcase our teaching skills.
Presentation of Video Lesson will be presented by Grade Level, today we have
Grade 7 teachers followed by Grade 9 Teachers.
 Our first demo teacher would be no other than our very own master teacher I,
Mrs. Laila Malolos.
 Our second demo teacher is Sir Ian Genovia
 Our Third demo teacher is Ms. Klay Ann Maldonado
 We may now proceed with Grade 9, English Teachers
 Our fourth demo teacher is Mrs. Juanita Lappay our English Department Coordinator.
 Our fifth demo teacher is Ms. Rosel Bernadette Bautista, Teacher II
 Our sixth demo teacher is Mrs. Rosalina Festijo
 Our sixth and last demo teacher is yours truly Ms. Reinabelle Rasonable.

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