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Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 1 : Look and write.

brush the teeth go to the library cook dinner watch TV

ride a bicycle to school go fishing study with a partner do morning exercise

a) ………………….. b) ………………….. c) ………………….. d) …………………..

e) ………………….. f) ………………….. g) ………………….. h) …………………..

Exercise 2 : Read and complete the sentence.

a) What do you ........... in the morning?

b) I usually ........... morning exercise.
c) What ........... your sister do after school?
d) She often ........... to the library.
e) What does your sister do ...........the afternoon?
f) He often ......... football after doing his homework.
h) I often school every day.
i) What do they often do ......... the weekend?
j) My brother ........ fishing once a week.
k) They ......... with their partner every Thursday afternoon.
l) Mary often cooks and help ......... mother after school.

pg. 1
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 3 : Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them.

zoo dinner a school grandparents

football library homework Saturday

a)Some of the animals that you can see at this place are in cages.

b) You can read book here or take them home to read.

c) You kick a ball with your feet to play this sport.

d) Children learn and have lessons here.

e) Teachers give students this to do at home.

g) They are parent’s parents.

h) This is one of the days of the weekend.

i) This is a meal we eat in the evening.

pg. 2
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 4 : Look and write about Peter, Mary and Linda.

: always : sometimes : never

Pete Linda
Tony Mary

0. Tony always plays basketball. She sometimes plays tennis. She never plays


1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Exercise 5 : Read and select the best answer from the given choices.
- What do you do ............ (in/ on / after ) school, Nam?

- I often ............ (go/play/do )to the library and read some books.

What about you, Peter?

- I sometimes go to the school ............ ( room /gym/class) and play basketball

with my friends. Would you like to join us one day?

- Thanks Peter. I’d love too.

pg. 3
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 6 : Read and answer for question.

Linda is ten years old and she lives in London. Every day she gets up at six

o'clock. She always has a shower, gets dressed and goes to school with her

mother at seven o'clock. Her classes start at half past seven. Linda often has

lunch at school with her friends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she practices

volleyball at the school gym. Friday is Linda's favorite day because she has

dancing and singing classes. She has dinner with her grandparents once a

week on Friday nights. At the weekend, she often helps her mother do the

housework, which makes her mother very happy.

a. How old is Linda ?


b. Where does Linda live ?


c. What time does Linda get up?


d. What does she do on Tuesdays and Thursdays?


e. How often does she have dinner with her grandparents?


f. What does she do at the weekend?


pg. 4
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 7 : Read and match.

1. Do you always get up early ? a. He goes fishing twice a week. 1.

2. What does Mary do in the afternoon? b. Yes, I do. 2.

3. How often do you play tennis? c. I usually read comic books. 3.

4. What do you do after dinner ? d. She cooks dinner. 4.

5. How often does your brother go fishing ? e. I play tennis once a week. 5.

6. What does your sister do in the morning ? f. My address is 70 Hai Ba Trung Street. 6.

7. What is your address ? g. She goes to school in the morning. 7.

8. What's the city like? h. He studies with his partner every day. 8.

9. How often does he study with his partner? i. It's big and crowded. 9.

Exercise 8: Read and write a question word to complete each sentence.

What Where Who How often How

a) …………… is Peter from ? He is from America.

b) ……………does your mother work? She works in a hospital.
c) ……………old is your sister ? She’s eleven years old.
d) …………… do you go to school with? I go to school with my sister.
e) …………… do you live ? I live on Hai Ba Trung Street.
f) …………… are your best friends? Peter and Toby are my best friends.
g) …………… do you do in the morning ? I go to school in the morning.
h) …………… do you visit your grandmother? I usually visit my grandmother
once a week.
i) …………… is your village like? It's small and quiet.
j) …………….do you go shopping ? I go shopping twice a week.
k) …………… does your father do in the evening ? He usually watches TV.
l) …………… do you live with ? I live with my grandparents.

pg. 5
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 9 : Find and correct the mistakes.

a) She live in Flat 10 on the fifth floor of An Lac Tower.

b) What do your sister do every morning? She goes to school every morning
c) My father go fishing once a week.
d) He wash his face every morning.
e) My uncle lives in 15 Ly Thuong Kiet Street.
f) My parents visits my grandparents once a week .
g) My brother always do exercise in the morning .
h) Does she play badminton every day? Yes, she doesn’t.
i) What does he study after school? He study in the library.
j) He brushes her teeth every morning.
k) How does you go to school ? I go to school by bus.
l) My mother usually go shopping at the weekend.
m) I always gets up early in the morning.
n) My grandparents live in an island.

pg. 6
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 10 : Read and complete the sentences.

Sunday is Mary’s favorite day. She usually (1) ……………(get) up at ten

o’clock, then she (2) ……………( have ) a big breakfast with her family.

After that, she always (3) …………… ( go ) for a long walk in the park.

She usually (4) ……………(meet) her friends there and they sometimes(5)

…………… (play) tennis

In the afternoon, Mary (6) …………… (watch ) TV or (7) ……………

(listen ) to music. Then, in the evening, she always (8) …………… (visit )

her grandparents and they usually (9)……………(have) dinner together.

Mary always look forward to Sundays!

Exercise 11 : Make questions for the underlined

a) I study with my partner every day.
b) My brother usually goes swimming three times a week.
c) My sister rides the bicycle to school twice a week.
d) I live on the second floor of City Tower.
e) My father goes fishing once a month.
f) I sometimes watch TV in the evening.
g) I usually go shopping with my mother.

pg. 7
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 12 : Put the words in order to make sentences.

a) She/ a/ goes / the / library/ to/once/ week.

b) often/ watch / My/ in / TV/ evening./ the/parents./
c) How/ you/ often / ride a bicycle / do / to /school ?
d) What/ in / afternoon ?/ you / do / the/do/
e) does/ often / go to / How / the/ cinema ?/ she /

f) sometimes /reads/She/comic/books./

e) My / sometimes/ rides / his/brother/ bike / the park./in/

f) surf / the / I / Internet/ three time / week ./ a
g) breakfast/have/I/always/big/a.
h) you/shopping/Who/with/do/go/?
i) do/What/after/she/does/school/?
j) likes/Tim/badminton/playing/.
j) My/goes/fishing/father/a week./once/

pg. 8
Unit 2 I always get up early? How about you?

Exercise 13 : Read, then choose True or False

In the morning, Mai often gets up early and does morning exercise. After that,

she brushes her teeth, washes her face, and gets dressed. Her mother always

makes good food for her. After breakfast, she rides her bike to school. Her class

finishes at 11.30. She often goes to the library with her friends to do homework

three times a week. She likes doing project work because she can search for

the information and learn a lot from that. She usually meets her friends at the

weekend and plays games with them. They often have a lot of fun together.

A. Mai often gets up late in the morning. True False

B. She makes breakfast for her mother. True False

C. She rides her bike to school after breakfast. True False

D. She goes to the library three times a month. True False

E. She usually meets her friends at the weekend. True False

Exercise 14 : Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced
differences from that of the others.

1. A. early B. my C.usually D. city

2. A. always B. play C. have D. face

3. A. like B. evening C. dinner D. film

4. A. study B. surf C.up D. bus

5. A. kind B. ride C. twice D. fishing

6. A. Come B.bicycle C. once D.centre

pg. 9

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