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This post covers broad level steps to introduce additional middle/application ti er to accommodate more application users or for resilience.

This document is based on Rapid Clone to add new Application Tier/Node. . Top Level Steps 1. Run Rapid Clone (preclone) on existing middle tier Node; perl appsTier 2. Copy middle tier file system from existing middle tier node to target middle tier - For 11i -> APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP and ORA_TOP - For R12 -> apps and inst from R12_INSTALL_BASE 3. Configure target node you want to add; perl appsTier 4. Add node to target system using adaddnode perl 5. Setup load balancer (Optional) - If load balancer is already in place (using two or more middle tier via load b alancer) then reconfigure load balancer to include new node as target apps node - If this is second middle tier node in your configuration then configure load b alancer for existing and new middle tier (Use Metalink Note 380489.1 for R12 and 217368.1 for 11i). Check more on Load Balancer Here . References * 406982.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone * 230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone * 380489.1 Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 * 384248.1 Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Su ite Release 12 * 233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i * 727171.1 Implementing Load Balancing On Oracle E-Business Suite - Documen tation For Specific Load Balancer Hardware * 217368.1 Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployment s of E-Business Suite 11i Previous in series Related Posts for Apps HA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ) Configure Load Balancer in Oracle Apps 11i , E-Business Suite Configure Hardware Load Balancer at HTTP Server Layer Hardware Load balancing at HTTP Layer in Apps Contd.. Oracle Apps Load Balancer Setup for HTTP Server Add new Application Tier/Node to Oracle Apps/E-Business Suite (11i/R12/12i

Popularity: 14% [?] Share This ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adding an Additional Node to an existing Oracle Applications Instance. Coming to the advanced configurations in ebusiness suite, today my current post will talk about introducing a new node to an already existing ebusiness suite. Current configuration A single node instance of on Linux This is referred as Node A in the r est of the post. Task Plan to introduce a new Linux node (referred as Node B) for the web and the form s server and split the instance into a two node configuration. Node A Configuration Application User: applsam Home Dir: /u02/sam/applsam Oracle User: orasam Home Dir: /u02/sam/orasam Instance SID: SAM The task can be accomplished either by implementing a SHARED APPL_TOP concept or by using rapidclone. I am using rapidclone in my current post here. The brief outline of steps to be performed to accomplish this task are. * * * * * Running Pre Clone on Node A. Copying the Application Tier Files to Node B. Running Post Clone on Node A DB Tier and Apps Tier. Running post clone on Node B Apps Tier. Adding the additional node script on Node A.

Running Rapid Clone on Node A Database Tier and Applications Tier. Pre-Clone on database Tier Of Node A Login to Node A as the database owner and set the environment # su - orasam $ cd samdb $ cd 9.2.0/ $ . ./Sam_Node_A.env $cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/Sam $ perl dbTier Pre-clone on Node A application tier Login to to Node A which is also our source system as the applications user and set the environment. # $ $ $ $ su - applsam cd samappl . ./APPSORA.env cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/sam perl appsTier

Disable security option In Oracle Applications 11.5.10 the SQL*NET restricted security option is enabled by default. As a result your new node Node_B will not be able to connect to the database. You must either disable this security option or the better way is to add Node_B is the list of trusted nodes through OAM. Oracle Applications Manager -> Security ->Disable Restricted Sectrity Option. After this you must run Autoconfig on the database Tier and restart your listene r. # su - orasam $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/SAM_NOde_A $ ./ Restart your listener. $ ./ stop sam $ ./ start sam Preparing the new node (Node B) to copy the application tier file system. On Node B make the following dir structure # cd /u02 # mkdir sam # chmod -R 777 sam Copy the files across to Node B Shutdown on Application and Database services on Node A tar -cf - applsam ssh Node_B tar -xf - -C /u02/sam/ Post Clone on Node A Database Tier Now you must run your post clone ( on the database tier of Node A preserving the original values # su - orasam $ cd samdb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin $ perl dbTier Post Clone on Node A Applications Tier Now you run your post clone ( on Node A applications Tier. you mus t remember to configure the services you require on tiis node in our case the CM and the Admin Node. $ perl appsTier Once completed sucessfully this will start the specified services only in our so urce Node Node A. Running Post clone On Node B Next you run your post clone on the Node B again specifying the services you lik e to configure which in our case were forms server and the web server.

$ perl appsTier Execute the Add Node script on Node A After sourcing your environment file you must run the script on nod e A #su - applsam $ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin $ perl The script will promt you for your APPS user and password and do the required ne w node entries to the database FND tables. You can check the details of this new node and status through Oracle Application s Manager. References. Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i Note Id 217368.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone Note Id 230672.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to Add New Node in Existing Apps Node Here is the step by step of how to convert single node application to multinode by adding a node. Also this is part of our workshop we conduct for Advance level Apps DBA. Here are the steps with explanation Make the primary node as shared appl_top enabled * Run AutoConfig to enable shared file system on the primary node Run the following commands on the primary node where you are enabling shar ed file system support. After performing this step, re-load your environment set tings. * $ cd <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT NAME> $ <APPS user name>/<APPS user password> $ cd <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin $ perl -I <AU_TOP>/perl This section describes how to add a node to a shared application tier file syste m. 1. Prepare existing node 1. Execute Rapid Clone on existing node Log in to the node that is sharing the file system as the APPLMGR us er and execute the following commands: $ cd <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME> $ perl appsTier 2. Make the Applications files accessible to New Node Mount the shared file system disk to the node that you want to add. Change the sqlnet.ora in $TNS_ADMIN on database Comment the following

#tcp.validnode_checking = yes #tcp.invited_nodes=( Configure the node you want to add Log in to the new node that you want to add as the APPLMGR user and execute the following commands: $ cd <AD_TOP>/bin $ perl sharedappltop contextfile=<Applications Context File for th e existing old node> Example: [apptest@app1]$ perl sharedappltop contextfile=/u01/ADD/addappl/ad min/ADD_app2.xml Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file. Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:n Do you want to add admin server node (y/n) [y] ?:y Do you want to add concurrent processing server node (y/n) [y] ?:y Do you want to add forms server node (y/n) [y] ?:y Do you want to add web server node (y/n) [y] ?:y Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory [/u01/ADD/addora/8.0.6]: Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory [/u01/ADD/addora/iAS]: Do you want to preserve the Display set to app2:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n Target system Display [app1:0.0]: Database port is 1561 Do you want the middle-tier services on the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ?:y Web Listener port is 8040 Complete port information available at /u01/ADD/addappl/admin/out/ADD_app1/portp ool.lst APPS password is required to validate database connection using database port 15 61 Enter APPS Password [APPS]:apps UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories. 1. /usr/tmp 2. /usr/tmp 3. /u01/ADD/adddb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/ADD_app2

4. /usr/tmp Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]: Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from : /u01/ADD/addappl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp The new APPL_TOP context file has been created : /u01/ADD/addappl/admin/ADD_app1.xml $ cd <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin $ perl -I <AU_TOP>/perl Example: [apptest@app1 bin]$ perl -I /u01/ADD/addappl/au/11.5.0/perl Absolute path of Application s Context XML file : /u01/ADD/addappl/admin/ADD_app1. xml Type of Instance [primary/secondary] : secondary Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home : /u01/ADD/addora/8.0.6 Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home : /u01/ADD/addora/iAS Absolute path of config top : /u01/ADD/addcomn Oracle Application apps schema password : apps Creating directory /u01/ADD/addcomn/admin/log/ADD_app1 *** USER FEEDBACK *** Absolute path of Application s Context XML file /ADD_app1.xml Type of Instance [primary/secondary] Absolute path of Shared Oracle Home top Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home 0.6 Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home iAS Absolute path of config top /u01/ADD/addcomn Run AutoConfig [y/n] : y Oracle Application apps schema password Absolute path of the log file : /u01/ADD/addcomn/admin/log/ADD_app1/txkSetSOHM.log : apps : : /u01/ADD/addora/8. : /u01/ADD/addora/ : : /u01/ADD/addappl/admin : secondary

Prompt for confirmation [y/n] Absolute path of 8.0.6 config Home ddcomn/8.0.6 Absolute path of iAS config Home /addcomn/iAS Application s Context file Saved as /addappl/admin/ADD_app1.xml.SOH

: n : /u01/ADD/a : /u01/ADD : /u01/ADD

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