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Table of

Mental health challenges in India

Behavioural change is a
mental health symptom

How to talk to kids about

mental health: The do’s


How to talk to kids about

mental health: The don’ts


Socialisation & getting

along with peers


Lack of concentration and

fear of failing


Identifying a child with

mental health issues


Emotional changes and mood swings


Lethargy and lack of interest 11



Champions are built, not born. It is our approach to parenting

that helps parents prepare their kids to realise their true potential

despite the constant pressure that they will face.

Our aim is to help parents prepare their children to overcome the

challenges that they will encounter in their path to success by

building their physical and mental strength and inculcating the

values of perseverance, resilience and endurance. We’re here to

help you put your best foot forward! 

Success goes beyond the conventional norms of the society

and parents are moving towards progressive styles of parenting

where they focus on their children’s ability. We are evolving with

them, constantly updating our knowledge banks with new

outlooks, methods, hacks, innovative learnings and so on.

We aim to inspire progressive thinking and partner moms to help

build, prepare and encourage kids to be strong from within and

pursue their own path to success 

We partner with parents to prepare their kids to realise their true


Mental health
challenges in India

More than 14% of the Indian That’s roughly 182 million people
There is only 1 psychiatrist per
population has been diagnosed with who struggle with mental health 100,000 citizens in India, so many
mental health disorders since 2017. issues. remain undiagnosed.

From 2013-2020, 1.03 trillion

USD was lost in economic
productivity in India due to
mental health conditions.

Suicide is the 3rd "The accumulation of experiences a child

receives shapes the outcomes and choices
leading cause of they will make as adults." -

death amongst

15 to 19-year-olds. Dr. Raghu Appasani, Psychiatrist and

Founder/CEO of MINDS Foundation

Common reasons why Indians struggle

with access to mental healthcare:

Shame and Fear Stigma and Accessibility


Financial Means Lack of Awareness

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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Behavioural change
is a mental health
Children can be challenging and misbehave
sometimes. However, when these behaviours
develop to be disruptive or dangerous, they
need to be addressed. Several behavioural
disorders can occur in young children,
including attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, conduct disorder, and oppositional
defiant disorder.

Emotionally Reactive Defiant Behavior

Frequent Fighting and Abuse of Drugs

Arguing with Authority and Alcohol

Lack of Focus Hyperactivity

Children are expected to have certain behavioural and mood changes.

However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to

your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or
trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer
you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

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at In Partnership with

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How to talk to kids

about mental health :
the do’s
If you notice a change in your child’s behaviour
or that they seem to be struggling, there are
many ways you can offer support. Here are
some ways you can do that.

Offer Support
Let your child know that you’re there

for them. Allow them to express

themselves without fear of repercussions.

Validate Their

Tell them that it’s normal to feel sad,
angry, scared, and stressed, and that
you feel that way too sometimes.
Empathise with them by saying things
like, “That sounds really difficult”.

Express Your

Tell your child that you have noticed
them feeling sad or acting differently,
and let them know that you are

there to help.

Start the

Conversation Early
Give your child opportunities to open

up to you by creating space for healthy

discussions from a young age. Start by
asking open-ended questions like, “Did
you talk to your friends today?”.

Model Conversations
About Mental Health
Encourage your child to talk about their
feelings, by sharing yours. Do not share
age-inappropriate information with
them, but share that you—for example
—do yoga because it keeps you
mentally fit.

Seek Help
If you are struggling to connect with
your child, reach out to a mental health
professional. Sometimes children feel
more comfortable speaking to external
parties. Your family doctor can refer you
to a mental health professional.

Conversation Starters:
Don't worry. It's normal
to feel sad/angry/scared
sometimes. How can I
I’m here to listen to you anytime help?
you need, no matter what.

I’ve noticed you’ve seemed to be

I know what you're struggling recently. Do you want to
going through is really talk about it?
difficult, and you're so

I love you no matter what!

When I am upset, I like to

practise yoga/write in my
journal/talk to a friend because it Sometimes it's easier to
helps me feel better. talk to someone outside of
the family. Would you be
comfortable talking to
[insert name]?

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How to talk to kids

about mental health :
the dont’s
If you notice a change in your child’s behaviour
or that they seem to be struggling, there are
many ways you can offer support. Here are
things to avoid when talking to them

Don’t Take It

It can be difficult for children to share
their feelings with you. They may be
scared of an adverse reaction or

unsure how to talk about difficult

subject matters.

Don’t Pressure
Them Into Talking
If you create a comfortable and safe
environment for your child, they will
open up to you in time. Pressuring
them will not help.

Don’t Judge Them

or Punish Them
When your child trusts you enough to
talk about their mental health, do not
judge or punish them.
This will discourage them from opening
up to you again, making it difficult for
them to get the help they need.

Don’t Doubt Their

A common reaction for parents is to tell
their children that their issues are “not
a big deal”, and that childhood and
adolescence are the easiest stages of
life. This invalidates their struggle.

Don’t Ignore
Small Issues
It is easy to feel that small issues will
pass in time, but sometimes they are
indicators of underlying issues. Look out
for recurring problems.

Don’t Try To ‘Fix’

It Yourself
If a child is struggling with school or
their peers, parents often try to solve
the issue by inserting themselves in the
This is usually counterproductive as
children are more likely to address the
issue when allowed to think of the
solution independently.

What not to say :

If someone is bothering you, I’m your parent, you have to

just tell me. I’ll handle them for tell me what the problem is
you. right now.

Just wait until you’re

You’re lying, I don’t think that’s

an adult - that’s when

what really happened.

the real problems start.

If you keep acting like this, I

will punish you. You’re just a kid, these issues
aren’t a big deal. Your
childhood is the best time of
your life! Just enjoy it.
Just relax!

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Socialisation and
getting along with
Childhood is vital in developing interpersonal
skills and learning the acceptable values
within the child’s community of family and
friends. However, if a child suffers from mental
health, they may act inappropriately in certain
situations. These are some indicators to
identify if your child is suffering with

Refusing to Attend Social Fighting in School


Poor Confidence Having Trouble Getting

Along with Peers

Extreme Nervousness Before Physical Symptoms

School/Skipping School (stomach ache, headache)

Children are expected to have behavioural and mood changes.

However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to

your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or
trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer
you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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at In Partnership with
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Lack of concentration
and fear of failing
Children often feel pressure to succeed in
school. For some, issues with peers or family
can affect their school experience. For others,
underlying disorders such as ADHD or anxiety
can make school a difficult experience if not

Decline in Performance Poor Grades Even with

Hard Work

Refusal to Attend School Skipping School or Class

or Complete Homework Without Your Knowledge

Extreme Nervousness Lack of Interest in

Before School Extracurricular Activities

Children are expected to have behavioural and mood changes.

However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to

your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or
trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer
you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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at In Partnership with

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Identifying a child
with mental health
It can be difficult to recognise the symptoms of
mental illness in children. Parents often assume
that their child’s behavioural changes have been
caused by mood swings, temper tantrums or
hormones. We’ve realised that childhood is
when most lifelong mental health issues surface
and must thus offer support.

Symptoms to look out for:


Concentrating Sadness

Changes in Weight or Talking About Death or

Eating Habits Suicide

Drastic Changes in Mood, Heightened

Behaviour, or Personality Irritability

Tiredness & Fatigue Problems Making


Feelings of Guilt Difficulty Sleeping

Self-harm or Injury Feeling Anxious, Isolated

or Hopeless

Frequent Headaches or
Refusing to Go to School
Stomach Aches

These symptoms can also be caused by other situational factors and are not a
definite indicator that your child is struggling with mental health issues.

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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at In Partnership with

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Emotional changes &

mood swings
Mood disorders are a common group of mental
health disorders that affects a person’s
emotional state causing them to be sad,
anxious, angry etc. Examples of mood
disorders include depression, bipolar disorder
and more.

Drastic Changes in Mood, Changes in Eating or

Personality, and Behaviour Sleeping Patterns

Feeling Isolates, Sad, Hopeless, Fatigue and Having No

Worthless or Guilty Energy to Care

Anxiety or Irritability Thoughts or Talking About

Dying or Self-harm

Children are expected to have behavioural and mood changes.

However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to

your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or
trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer
you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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at In Partnership with
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Lethargy & lack

of interest
Childhood is pivotal in establishing the
baseline of an individual’s mental health. While
we often assume that these issues present as
exaggerated emotions (deep sadness etc.).

It’s also common for mental health issues to

present as lack of emotion, low energy and
reduced interest in everyday life. Here are
some symptoms to look out for.

Feeling Tired All

Lack of Interest in

the Time Prior Hobbies

Lack of Emotion or Difficulty in Completing

Feeling Indifferent Everyday Tasks

Trouble Meeting Goals

Decreased Social
or Deadlines Involvement

Children are expected to have behavioural and mood changes.

However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to

your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or
trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer
you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

Cuellar, A. (2015). Preventing and Treating Child Mental Health Problems. The Future of Children, 25(1), 111-134. Retrieved 11
August, 2021, from

Children’s Mental Health. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

NIMH » Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?. (2021). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. World Journal Of
Clinical Pediatrics, 7(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i1.9

Tolan, P. H., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support
and service. The American psychologist, 60(6), 601–614.

Worried about your child's mental health?. (2021). Retrieved 5 August 2021, from

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at In Partnership with
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