Premature Baby Hats 2N

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Premature Baby Hats

a set of hats for premature babies

Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Robin Bonny Babe 4 ply
Shade: 1361 pink
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and pink, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times.
Continue in stocking stitch until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches.
(72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Robin Bonny Babe 4 ply
Shade: 1362 blue
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
A pair of 4 mm (US 6) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 4 mm (US 3) needles.

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and blue, cast on 72 sts.
1st row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times, increasing 1 st on last row. (73 sts)
Change to 4 mm (US 6) needles.
Continue in honeycomb stitch pattern as follows.
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, * s1 purlwise, k1, repeat from * to end
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches,
decreasing 1 st on last row. (72 sts)
Shape crown
Change to 3¼ mm (US 3) needles.
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Garter Ridge
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Wendy Bambino 4 ply
Shade: 1452 buttercup
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and buttercup, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times.
Now work garter ridge stitch pattern as follows.
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: Knit.
4th row: Knit.
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches. (72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Broken Rib
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Wendy Bambino 4 ply
Shade: 1455 peach
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles.

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and peach, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times, increasing 2 sts on last row. (74 sts)
Continue in broken rib pattern as follows.
1st row: * K3, p1; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2.
2nd row: P1, * k3, p1; repeat from * to last st, k1.
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches,
decreasing 2 sts on last row. (72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Little Shell
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Robin Bonny Babe 4 ply
Shade 1361 pink
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and pink, cast on 72 sts.
1st row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times.
Continue in little shell pattern as follows.
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K2, * yfrn, p1, p3tog, p1, yon, k2; repeat from * to end.
4th row: Purl.
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches. (72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Robin Bonny Babe 4 ply
Shade: 1361 pink
Shade: 1362 blue
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and blue, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times.
Continue in stocking stitch, and work 2 rows in blue and 2 rows in pink,
until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches. (72 sts)
Shape crown
Continue in blue.
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Feather Stitch
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Wendy Bambino 4 ply
Shade: 1452 buttercup
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and buttercup, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times.
Continue in feather stitch pattern as follows:
1st row: K1, * p4, p2tog, m1, k1, m1, p2tog, p1; repeat from * to last st,
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: Knit.
4th row: Purl.
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches. (72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
Premature Baby Hat

To fit premature baby
Circumference: 27.5 cm or 11 inches
Wendy Bambino 4 ply
Shade: 1455 peach
15 g for one hat
A pair of 3¼ mm (US 3) knitting needles
Tension / Gauge
26 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over stocking stitch using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles
Pattern note
C4F: cable 4 front = slip the next 2 stitches on the left-hand needle to the
cable needle and hold the cable needle to the front of the work, k2 from the
left-hand needle, k2 from the cable needle.

To knit hat
Using 3¼ mm (US 3) needles and peach, cast on 72 sts.
Next row: * K2, p2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat this row 4 more times, increasing 2 sts on last row. (74 sts)
Continue in cable patterns as follows:
1st row: * K1, * k4, p2; repeat from * to last st, k1.
2nd row: P1, * k2, p4; repeat from * to last st, p1.
3rd row: K1, * C4F, p2; repeat from * to last st. k1.
4th row: P1, * k2, p4; repeat from * to last st, p1.
Continue in pattern as set until work measures 9 cm or 3½ inches,
decreasing 2 sts on last row. (72 sts)
Shape crown
1st row: * K4, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (60 sts)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: * K3, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
4th row: Purl.
5th row: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (36 sts)
6th row: Purl.
7th row: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * to end. (24 sts)
8th row: Purl.
9th row: * K2tog; repeat from * to end. (12 sts)
Cut yarn and draw the end through remaining sts. Fasten off.

To make up / Finishing
Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
© Esther Kate Designs 2015

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