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Ch. – Heredity and Evolution
M.M. – 25 Marks

(2 marks each)
1. Why did Mendel carried out an experiment with two traits.
2. Why are acquired characteristics not inherited.
3. What are the different ways of sex determination.
4. How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the
5. Define (i) Gene (ii) Sex Chromosomes
(3 marks each)
6. The sex of the children is determined by what they inherit from their father and
not their mother. Justify.
7. Design an experiment to show that traits are inherited independently.
8. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive.
9. A cross was carried out between two pea plants one tall having round seeds and
other dwarf having wrinkled seed.

Parents TTRR X ttrr

(Tall, Round) (Dwarf, Wrinkled)

Gametes (i) (ii)

FI Generation ____________________________
(a) Write the genotype of genetic (i) and (ii)
(b) Give the genotype and phenotype of FI Generation
(c) Give the phenotypic ratio of the progeny in F2 Generation

Calculate the number of plants with phenotype

(i) Dwarf and Wrinkled
(ii) Tall and Wrinkled.

If a total of 320 plants are produced in F2 Generation.

10. Refer to the given table regarding results of F2 Generation of Mendelian cross.
Plants with round and yellow-coloured seeds 315
Plants with round and green-coloured seeds 108
Plants with wrinkled and yellow-coloured seeds 101
Plants with wrinkled and green-coloured seeds 32
a. With reference to given data F2 generation, what would be the phenotype and
genotype of:
a. FI Generation
b. Parental generation
b. What are gametes? How many types of gametes can be produced by YYrr?
c. Identify the type of cross carried out and phenotypic ratio of F2.
d. Calculate the percentage of yR gamete produced by YyRR parent.


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