Unit 10: People And Society Phần 1: Vocabulary In Contrast Words English Meaning Example Vietnamese Meaning

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1. Relationship the way in which two - The relationship (n)Mối quan hệ (giữa
people, groups or between the police and hai người, nhóm hay
countries behave the local community has đất nước)
towards each other or improved.
deal with each other

2. Connection something that connects - Scientists have (n) Mối liên hệ, liên
/kəˈnekʃn/ two facts, ideas, etc. established a connection quan
between cholesterol
SYNONYM link (dữ liệu, ý tưởng…)
levels and heart disease.

3. Blame responsibility for doing - Why do I always get (n) việc đổ lỗi, chịu
something badly or the blame for everything trách nhiệm
wrongly; saying that that goes wrong?
somebody is
responsible for
- Why is he blaming
(v) to think or say that (v) đổ lỗi
others for his problems?
sb/sth is responsible for
something bad

4. Fault the responsibility for - Why should I say sorry (n) Lỗi
something wrong that when it's not my fault?
has happened or been

5. Old having lived for a long - She was a woman (adj) Già, cũ
time; no longer young grown old before her
time (= who looked older
than she was).
6. Ancient very old; having existed - Archaeologists are (adj) Cổ, xưa
/ˈeɪnʃənt/ for a very long time excavating the ruined
temples of this ancient

7. Crowd large number of people - A small crowd had (n) Đám đông
/kraʊd/ gathered together in a gathered outside the
public place, for church.
example in the streets
or at a sports game

8. Audience the group of people - The audience was/were (n) Khán giả
who have gathered to clapping for 10 minutes.
/ˈɔːdiəns/ (trong rạp)
watch or listen to
something (a play,
concert, somebody
speaking, etc.)

9. Enjoy to get pleasure from - We thoroughly enjoyed (v) Thích thú

something our time in New York.

10. Please to make somebody - Children are usually (v) Làm ai đó hài lòng
happy easy to please.

11. Support to help or encourage - The majority of (v) Hổ trợ, giúp đỡ, ủng
somebody/something ordinary citizens did not hộ, nuôi
by saying or showing support the war. (gia đình)
that you agree with - He struggles to support
them/it his family.
SYNONYM back ( ủng

12. Assist to help somebody to do - Anyone willing to assist (v) Giúp đỡ

something can contact this number.

13. Kind caring about others; - He was kind enough to (adj) Tử tế, tốt bụng
gentle, friendly and take time out of his busy
/kaɪnd/ generous schedule to come here

14. Polite having or showing good - Our waiter was very (adj) Lịch sự
manners and respect for polite and helpful.
the feelings of others

SYNONYM courteous

15.Sympathetic kind to somebody who - She was very (adj) Thông cảm, cảm
is hurt or sad; showing sympathetic when I was thông
that you understand and sick.
care about their

16. Likeable pleasant and easy to - She’s warm, friendly (adj) Dễ mến, dễ chịu
like and likeable.

17. Nervous anxious about - I felt really nervous Hồi hộp, lo lắng
something or afraid of before the interview.

18. often angry; in an angry - She gets very bad- (adj) Nóng tính
mood tempered when she's
/ˌbæd ˈtempəd/

19. Sensitive aware of and able to - She is very sensitive to (adj) Nhạy cảm
understand other people other people's feelings.
and their feelings

20. Sensible able to make good - She's a sensible sort of (adj) Sáng suốt, lí trí,
judgements based on person. thực tế
reason and experience
rather than emotion;

21. Company the fact of being with - He's very good (n)sự đồng hành, bạn
somebody else and not company. đồng hành

22. Group a number of people or - A group of us are going (n) Nhóm

things that are together to the theatre this
in the same place or evening.
that are connected in
some way

23. Popular liked or enjoyed by a - This is one of our most (adj) Được yêu thích
large number of people popular designs.

24. Famous known about by many - The actor was one of (adj) Nổi tiếng
people many famous faces at the

25. typical having the usual - This meal is typical of (adj) Điển hình, tiêu
/ˈtɪpɪkl/ qualities or features of a local cookery. biểu
particular type of
person, thing or group


26. usual that happens or is done - This is the usual way of (adj) Bình thường, như
most of the time or in doing it. thường lệ
most cases .
SYNONYM normal

27. ordinary not unusual or different - She was a perfectly (adj) Bình thường
in any way ordinary little girl.

28. close knowing somebody - She is very close to her (adj) Gần gũi
very well and liking father.
them very much

29. near at a short distance away - Do you live near here? (prep) Gần
/nɪə(r)/ (khoảng cách)
30. unknown not known or identified - The man's identity (adj) Chưa được biết
remains unknown. đến, chưa được xác

31. infamous well known for being - The list included the (adj) Khét tiếng
bad or evil infamous George Drake,
a double murderer.
SYNONYM notorious




1. ask for Ask for news about Tell your father I was Hỏi thông tin về
asking after him.

2. bring up Look after a child until She brought up five Nuôi dưỡng
he/ she becomes an children.

3. fall for Fall in love with; They fell for each other Yêu// tin vào 1 trò đùa,
believe instantly. 1 lời nói dối

( a trick, a lie….)

4. fall out with Have an argument with Apparently, Gina fell out Tranh cãi với ai, cãi
and stop being friends. with Dave last week, and nhau
now they're not talking to
each other at all.
She's never really got on
5. get on (with) Have a good Có mối quan hệ tốt
with her sister.
relationship with

6. grow up Become older Their children have all Trưởng thành

grown up and left home

7. look down on Think what you are She looks down on Coi thường
better than people who haven't been
to college.

8. look up to Admire ans respect He'd always looked up to Tôn trọng

his uncle.

9. make up - Become friends again - Has he made it up with - Làm hòa

after an agurment. her yet?

- to put powder, - trang điểm

lipstick, etc. on
your/somebody’s face
to make it more
attractive - bịa (chuyện…)
- to invent a story, etc., - He made up some
especially in order to excuse about his
trick or entertain daughter being sick.

10. pass away Die - His mother passed Mất, qua đời
away last year.

11. pick on Keep treating someone - She was picked on by Đối xử tệ, k công bằng
badly or unfairly the other girls because of
her size.

12. put down - Criticise, - The boss is always - Phê bình ai,

- make someone feel putting me down in front - làm ai cảm thấy ngu
of everyone in the office. ngốc,

- to kill an animal, - giết nhân đạo

usually by giving it a
drug, because it is old - We had to have our cat
or sick put down.

13. settle down Become calm after - When are you going to Bình tĩnh, ổn định, định
being upset…; stay in get married and settle cư
one place or get married
and live quitely down?

14. stand up for Support in an argument - You must stand up for ủng hộ
or fight your rights.

15. take aback Surprise ( passive - Brendan was taken Làm cho ai ngạc nhiên
voice) aback by her sudden (thường chia ở dạng bị
question. động)




Approval 1. show/ give ( your) - The IMF is unlikely to give Bày tỏ sự tán thành
approval of/ for sth its approval.

2. meet with sb's - Does the wine meet with Có được sự tán thành
approval your approval? (= Do you của ai
like the wine?)

Argument 3. have an argument - We had an argument with Tranh cãi với ai về vấn
with sb ( about sth) the waiter about the bill. đề gì

4. win/ lose an - The party hopes to win the Thắng / thua trong cuộc
argument argument about how to tranh luận
reform the health system.
- The first one who resorts to
violence is usually the one
who’s lost the argument.

Care 5. take care of sb/ sth - Who’s taking care of the Chăm sóc ai/ cái gì
dog while you’re away?

6. care for - He thanked the nurses who Chăm sóc

had cared for him.

7. care about - It is good to know that there Thích hoặc yêu ai, lo
is someone who cares. lắng cho người đó
Courage 8. have the courage to - They had the courage to Có can đảm làm gì
do stand up and fight for what
they believed in.

9. It takes courage to - It takes courage to sing in Lấy hết can đảm làm gì
do public.

Disguise 10. in disguise - The star travelled in Trong tình trạng hóa
disguise (= wearing a trang

11. wear a disguise - She was wearing a disguise Hóa trang

of a blonde wig and glasses.

12. disguise yourself - She disguised herself as a Hóa trang bản thân
13. disguised as sth/ boy. Hóa trang như là
sb - She was cleverly disguised
as a policewoman.

Dream 14. have a dream - I had a really weird dream Mơ về cái gì

(about st/ sb/ doing) last night.

15. daydream - She stared out of the Mơ giữa ban ngày

window, lost in a daydream.

16. dream of - he film is an exploration of - mong muốn cái gì

dream about a young boy's dream of a - Mơ về
better life
- a vivid dream about my old

Family 17. have/ start a - Do they plan to start a Lập gia đình, có con
family family (= have children)?

18. nuclear family - Not everybody nowadays Gia đình hạt nhân
lives in the conventional gia đình gồm ba mẹ và
nuclear family. con cái)
19. one-parent/single- - Henry liked the idea of Gia đình gồm 1 cha/ mẹ
parent family being a single-parent family.

20. extended family - She grew up surrounded by Gia đình nhiều thế hệ
a large extended family.

Favour 21. do/ owe sb a - Could you do me a favour ủng hộ, giúp đỡ/nợ ai
favour and pick up Sam from school đó 1 ân huệ
- I'll ask Steve to take it. He
owes me a favour

22. be in favour of - She's not in favour with (= ủng hộ

supported or liked by) the
media just now.

Friend 23. make/ become/ be/ - Simon finds it hard to make Làm bạn
stay friends (with sb) friends with other children.

24. best friend - There were a few occasions Bạn thân/ bạn tốt nhất
of participants wanting to
choose the same as their best

Love 25. be/ fall in love - They fell in love with each Yêu ai
with sb other.

Mood 26. in a good/ bad - She's in a good mood today Tâm trạng tốt/ xấu
mood (= happy and friendly).

27. in the wrong/ right - She sat humbly in the cold Tâm trạng xấu/ tốt
mood church, making some effort to
get into the right mood for the

28. in the mood for sth - I'm just not in the mood for Có tâm trạng làm gì
a party tonight.

Pity 29. pity sb - He pitied people who were Cảm thấy đáng tiếc cho
stuck in dead-end jobs. ai
30. take a pity on sb - I took pity on her and lent Thương hại ai
her the money.

31. feel pity for sb - I could only feel pity for Cảm thấy tiếc cho ai
what they were enduring.

32. it's a pity that - It's a pity that you can't stay Thật đáng tiếc

Promise 33. promise to do - The college principal Hứa làm gì

promised to look into the

34. give/ make sb a - I try not to make promises Hứa với ai

promise that I can't keep.

35. break a/ your - He simply broke every Thất hứa

promise single promise he ever made



1. Agree with/ on/ - You can't expect them to agree on Đồng ý về điều gì
to sth everything.

2. agree with sb - He agreed with them about the need for Đồng ý với ai

3. agree to do sth - He reluctantly agreed to pay for the Đồng ý làm gì


4. agree that - She agreed (that) I could go early. Đồng ý rằng

5. allow sb to do - His parents won't allow him to stay out Cho phép ai làm gì

6. allow sth - We do not allow eating in the Cho phép cái gì


7. approve of sth - Do you approve of my idea? Tán thanh

8. approve sth - The committee unanimously approved Chính thức đồng ý, tán thành
the plan.

9. ask sb sth - She asked the students their names. Hỏi/ yêu cầu ai điều gì

10. ask sb to do sth - Anyone with information is asked to Yêu cầu ai làm gì
(for you) contact the police.

11. ask about/ for - He asked about her family. Hỏi về/ hỏi xin
sth - Don't be afraid to ask for help.

12. ask if/ whether - I'll ask if it's all right to park here. Hỏi liệu rằng

13. attack sth - Terrorists attacked several targets across Tấn công
the city.

14. attack sb for - He was publicly attacked for his Tấn công ai vì điều gì
sth/ doing political views.

15. an attack on - The recent series of deadly terrorist 1 cuộc công ai/ cái gì
sth/ sb attacks on European cities

16. ban sb from - a campaign to ban sugary drinks from Cấm ai làm gì
sth/ doing schools

17. ban sth - The law effectively bans smoking in all Cấm cái gì
public places.

18. convince sb of - You'll need to convince them of your Thuyết phục ai về điều gì
(sth) enthusiasm for the job. Thuyết phục ai làm gì
19. convince sb to - I've been trying to convince him to see a
do doctor.

20. convince sb - I’d convinced myself (that) I was right. Thuyết phục ai rằng

21. force sb to do - She forced herself to be polite to them. Ép buộc ai làm gì


22. force sb into - Ill health forced him into early Ép buộc ai vào việc gì
sth/ doing retirement.

23. independent of/ - It was important to me to be financially Độc lập

from doing independent of my parents.
- The country became fully independent
from France in 1960.

24. let sb do sth - Let me help you with that. Cho phép ai làm gì

25. object to sth/ - I really object to being charged for Phản đối ai làm gì
doing parking.

26. pretend to be - I pretended to be asleep. Giả vờ

27. pretend to do - He pretended not to notice. Giả vờ làm gì

28. pretend that - We pretended (that) nothing had Giả vờ rằng


29. rely on sth/ sb - They had to rely entirely on volunteer Phụ thuộc ai


1. able /ˈeɪbl/ (adj) có thể

2. unable /ʌnˈeɪbl/ (adj) không thể

3. ability /əˈbɪləti/ (n) khả năng

4. inability /ˌɪnəˈbɪləti/ (n) không có khả năng

5. disabled /dɪsˈeɪbld/ (adj) khuyết tật

6. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ (n) sự khuyết tật

7. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ (v) đạt được

8. achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ (n) thành tựu

9. argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ (v) tranh luận

10. argument /ˈɑːɡjumənt/ (n) sự tranh luận

11. argumentative /ˌɑːɡjuˈmentətɪv/ (adj) mang tính chất tranh luận

12. care /keə(r)/ (n) sự quan tâm

(v) quan tâm
13. careful /ˈkeəfl/ (adj) cẩn thận

14. carefully /ˈkeəfəli/ (adv) một cách cẩn thận

15. careless /ˈkeələs/ (adj) bất cẩn

16. carelessly /ˈkeələsli/ (adv) một cách bất cẩn

17. caring /ˈkeərɪŋ/ (adj) quan tâm, lo lắng

18. uncaring /ʌnˈkeərɪŋ/ (adj) không quan tâm

19. correspond /ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd/ (v) tương tự, tương thích, viết thư

20. /ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns/ (n) lá thư, hành động viết thư


21. friend /frend/ (n) bạn

22. friendship /ˈfrendʃɪp/ (n) tình bạn

23. friendly /ˈfrendli/ (adj) thân thiện

24. unfriendly /ʌnˈfrendli/ (adj) không thân thiện

25. happy /ˈhæpi/ (adj) hạnh phúc

26. unhappy /ʌnˈhæpi/ (adj) không hạnh phúc

27. happiness /ˈhæpinəs/ (n) sự hạnh phúc

28. unhappiness /ʌnˈhæpinəs/ (n) sự không hạnh phúc

29. happily /ˈhæpɪli/ (adv) một cách hạnh phúc

30. unhappily /ʌnˈhæpɪli/ (adv) 1 cách không hạnh phúc

31. jealous /ˈdʒeləs/ (adj) ghen tị

32. jealousy /ˈdʒeləsi/ (n) sự ghen tị

33. jealously /ˈdʒeləsli/ (adv) một cách ghen tị

34. kind /kaɪnd/ (adj) tử tế, tốt bụng

35. unkind /ˌʌnˈkaɪnd/ (adj) không tử tế

36. kindness /ˈkaɪndnəs/ (n) sự tốt bụng

37. unkindness /ˌʌnˈkaɪndnəs/ (n) sự không tử tế, tốt bụng

38. kindly /ˈkaɪndli/ (adv) một cách tử tế, tốt bụng

39. marry /ˈmæri/ (v) kết hôn

40. marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/ (n) hôn nhân

41. married /ˈmærid/ (adj) đã kết hôn

42. unmarried /ˌʌnˈmærid/ (adj) độc thân

43. nerve /nɜːv/ (n) thần kinh

44. nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ (adj) thuộc về thần kinh// hồi hộp

45. nervously /ˈnɜːvəsli/ (adv) 1 cách hồi hộp

46. nervousness /ˈnɜːvəsnəs/ (n) sự hồi hộp

47. obey /əˈbeɪ/ (v) vâng lời, tuân theo

48. disobey /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/ (v) không vâng lời

49. obedient /əˈbiːdiənt/ (adj) vâng lời

50. disobedient /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiənt/ (adj) không vâng lời

51. obediently /əˈbiːdiəntli/ (adv) 1 cách vâng lời

52. disobediently /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəntli/ (adv) 1 cách không vâng lời

53. obedience /əˈbiːdiəns/ (n) sự vâng lời

54. disobedience /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəns/ (n) sự không vâng lời

55. person /ˈpɜːsn/ (n) 1 người

56. personal /ˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) thuộc về cá nhân

57. impersonal /ɪmˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) không có tính người

58. personally /ˈpɜːsənəli/ (adv) cá nhân

59. impersonally /ɪmˈpɜːsənəli/ (adv) không có tính người

60. personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/ (n) tính cách

61. polite /pəˈlaɪt/ (adj) lịch sự

62. impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ (adj) bất lịch sự

63. politely /pəˈlaɪtli/ (adv) một cách lịch sự

64. impolitely /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪtli/ (adv) một cách bất lịch sự

65. politeness /pəˈlaɪtnəs/ (n) lịch sự

66. impoliteness /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪtnəs/ (n) bất lịch sự

67. relate /rɪˈleɪt/ (v) liên quan

68. relative /ˈrelətɪv/ (adj) tương đối (n) họ hàng

69. relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/ (adv) một cách tương đối

70. relation /rɪˈleɪʃn/ (n) mối liên hệ

71. relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ (n) mối quan hệ

72. willing /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ (adj) sẵn sàng

73. unwilling /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ/ (adj) không sẵn sàng

74. willingness /ˈwɪlɪŋnəs/ (n) sự sẵn sàng

75. unwillingness /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋnəs/ (n) sự không sẵn sàng

76. willingly /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ (adv) một cách sẵn sàng

77. unwillingly /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋli/ (adv) một cách không sẵn sàng



A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Everyone said they had _________ themselves at the wedding.

A. enjoyed В. impressed С. pleased D. excited

2. Mary seems to go out with a different _________ of friends almost every night.

A. group В. band С. company D. collection

3. People can become very _________ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

A. nervous В. bad-tempered С. stressful D. pressed

4. More and more people are living into _________ age and it's a serious social problem.

A. high В. ancient С. far D. old

5. Stephanie seems to be very _________ with her classmates.

A. likeable В. famous С. known D. popular

6. Most _________ people have no idea what it's like to be famous.

A. usual В. ordinary С. typical D. medium

7. When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very _________ and listened to all
my problems.

A. likeable В. amusing С. sympathetic D. enjoyable

8. Rita's very _________ and easily gets upset when people criticise her.

A. level-headed В. sensitive С. sensible D. open-winded

9. Police were called in when the _________ of people began to get violent.

A. crowd В. company С. audience D. herd

10. My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still _________.

A. unknown В. hidden С. infamous D. unrelated

B. Circle the correct word.

1. These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.

2. Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.

3. My grandma doesn't have any close / near family her own age left.

4. In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.

5. Who was to blame / fault for the argument?

6. Don't you know it's kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?

7. Nathan's parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.

8. I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.

C. Complete using the words below. You need to use one word twice.
get make put look bring fall grow


Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to (1) ___look___ down on
everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others (2) _make__ up and
forgive easily. As we (3) _grow_ up, our personality develops and we find that we (4) __get__
on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but
is also influenced by those who (5) __bring_ us up. If we (6) __look__ up to our parents or other
family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to (7)
___look__(put)____ us down all the time and we (8) __fall__ out with them a lot, then perhaps
we will develop quite different personalities.

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any
other words you need.

1. The doctor said that the old woman had died _passed away__ peacefully in her sleep.

2. I always support _stand up for___ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3. Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ___fallen for___ Vanessa.

4. Mark is such a bully and treats badly __looked down on____ the younger boys at

5. I was surprised __took aback_ when Michaela said I'd hurt her feelings.

6. Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live
quietly __settle down___ in Australia.

7. I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about __asked after__

E. Write one word in each gap.

1. Could you__do___ me a favour and ask Oliver to see me in my office?

2. I don't have many ambitions, but I'd like to graduate and then _have___ a family.

3. As we walked down the street, Helen ___took_____________ pity on the beggar and
gave him some money.
4. Nadia's hair looked awful, but I didn't __had____ the courage to tell her.

5. My dad can't stand _loosing_ an argument and always has to have the last word.

6. The new law seemed to meet with everyone's approval.

7. Can you __take__ care of your little sister for a minute while I go to the shop?

8. When you first __fall___ in love, the whole world seems a beautiful place.

9. I don't really ____make____ friends very easily because I'm quite shy.

10. I didn't recognize Ed when I saw him because he was __in___ disguise.

11. You're in a very good ____mood____________ Why are you so happy?

12. If you keep ___breaking_____________ your promises, people won't trust you

13. I _had___ a really strange dream last night about my best friend.

F. Choose the correct answer.

1. The government is trying to convince people ________ the need for higher taxes.

A. with B. of С. that D. for

2. I believe that judges should be independent ________ the government.

A. to B. from С. with D. on

3. Local residents object ________ the new power station in their area.

A. to have B. having С of having D. to having

4. Do you think they should ban people ________ smoking in public places?

A. from B. that С in D. of

5. The MP asked ________ the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem.

A. that B. him С. if D. what

6. Most people seem to agree ________ the newspapers'criticism of the government.

A. on B. to С. with D. that

7. I don't think people should rely ________ the state, even if they are unemployed.
A. to B. with С on D. by

8. The mayor was attacked ________ public money.

A for wasting B. to waste С he waste D. of wasting

G. Find the extra word in each line.

Living together in society

1 Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you agree with

2 or not, we are all have to learn to live together. We may not always

3 approve of that other people's behaviour, but we do have to live with it.

4 It is impossible to force other people in to behave exactly how we think

5 they should behave. Of course, the law bans from all kinds of behaviour

6 and if you can convince to enough people, you might be able to get the

7 government to pass a new law. Mostly, though, you have to let off people

8 live their own lives, in the same way you expect them to allow you for to

9 live your life.You don't have to pretend it that you like how some other

10 people live, but letting them to be themselves is often the only choice .

H. Word formation

I had a really stupid (1. argue) ____argument______ with my best friend the other day. It
all started because we were talking about a (2. marry) ___marriage_________ and
having a family. I said that (3. polite) __politeness___________ is important when you are
married and she said that she thought (4. kind) ____kindness___________ is much more
important. Well, we were (5. able) ____unnable_____________ to agree and, in the end,
she left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our (6. friend)
I. Word formation

1. My best friend has a great ____personality______________ (PERSON) and everyone

likes her.

2. I have a good ____relationship_______________ (RELATE) with my mum and I can

talk to her about anything.

3. They’ve just published a book of George Bush’s

____corresponding_(correspondence)________ (CORRESPOND) and it looks really

4. Jenny seemed _________unwilling_____ (WILLING) to talk about her argument

with Nancy, but I eventually got the facts.

5. As I waited for Kelly to arrive at the cinema, I bit my nails ____nervously_________


6. Ignore what Sharon says about you. It's just ____jealousy________ (JEALOUS).

7. In the past, children were expected to be very _____obedient_________ (OBEY).

8. Brenda blames her __unhappiness______ (HAPPY) on being single, but I'm not so

9. Tom knew that being chosen as class president was a real _____achievement______

10. Kevin's so sensitive that you have to be very ___careful_ (CARE) what you say to

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