A Brief Biography of Hazrat Shah Zaher Hyderabad

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A brief biography of Hazrat Shah Zaher of Hyderabad

Hazrat's name was Syed Shah Zaheruddin and his patronymic
name was Zaher. And he belongs to the same genealogical
family as Syed. And he was among the progeny of Shaikh Abdul
Quader Jilani. And he obtained a pledge on the hands of his
father, Hazrat Syed Shah Habib Allah, and from his brother,
Syed Shah Walih Allah, he obtained the caliphate. And upon the
death of his father, whose name is mentioned above, he became
his father's heir.
Hazrat used to engage in hard worship and abstinence , and was
a person of piety and a follower of the Islamic law of Shariat. He
was the best calligrapher of Arabic script and running hand as
form of Urdu language and he was expert in the knowledge of
His other habit was waking up at night to go to worship. On
Friday, he used to visit Makkah mosque by walking from his
house . Siraj Dowla, NawabWala Jah China Petni, who was his
true disciple of the Hazrat. When Hazrat would sit in the
palanquin, then Wala Jah used to carry Hazrat’s sandals in his
hand to obtain felicity.
Such a holy person and disciple had never been seen before.
which are extremely rare in world history records
He left this mortal world on the 18th of Safar in the year 1210
Hijiri during the rule period of Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur
Asif Jah second. He was buried near the old mosque of Musa
Quaderi on the Hussaini Alam road. There were six sons of
Hazrat, and the details are as follows.
1. Shah Qutbi 2. Shah Sarwar 3.Shah Haji, 4. Shah Wali, 5.
Shah Ashraf, 6. Shah Noor.
And his elder son, Shah Qutbi, became the successor of the
Hazrat. (See Gulzar Asifia 286, Hadiqa Rahmani 782, Auliya
Deccan, part one, page 428).
Hazrat’s tomb was located on the road from Charminar to
Hussaini Alam locality on the left side in the locality of Musa
Bowli on the wide platform. And the tomb is in a square design.
And its square area is 28 feet and 3 inches. On every side, there
are six arches in the design of net work. And with each door,
And the condition of the tomb is in worse condition. And it was
becoming damaged day by day. And doors were damaged by
ants. And the inside floor is made of soil on which there is grass.
And even though his sons are found in the city, no one is paying
attention or caring about this matter.
The Tomb: In the tomb there are two rows, and in the first row
there are 3 male graves and 1 female grave, and in the second
row there are 7 graves. In the upper row, in between them, there
are two graves, and among them, a male grave belongs to the
Hazrat and a female grave belongs to the wife of the Hazrat.
And the dimensions of the Hazrat’s grave are as follows:
In length, it is 5 feet and 2 inches, and in width, it is 3 feet and
one inch, and its height is 2 feet and 2 inches. It is made of
mortar and, due to the negligence of the maintenance, it is worse
in condition.
Urs or annual death anniversary used to be held in the month of
Rabbil awwal, but it has been discontinued for many years.In the
whole area of the compound, there is not a single tablet.
Syed Murad Ali Talah's Tazkera-Auliya-E-Hyderabad Part 3
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator 'Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar).
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

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