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1. Email to a friend that doesn’t respect animal rights.

2. Introduction: Ask him about his current life. Introduce the topic.
3. Body 1: Define animal right, and why should we respect them.
4.Body 2: State and explain why we should respect animals rights
5. Conclusion: Give advice.

Dear Raed,
It has been a long time since I last saw you; we should hang out together more often. I really miss our
gatherings. I know you are well aware of animal rights; especially because you own a dog for 7 years
now; I am writing you this email of concern of the awareness of animal rights in Amman; a big portion
citizens in Amman are not well aware of the volition animals in their streets and zoos, so I have decided
to make an Instagram account to capture animal cruelty in Amman whether it is on streets or in private
institution that doesn’t respect animal rights; I’m doing this to put an end to this phenomenon in our city
and I need your help to promote awareness to people; I need you to record any violations and upload them
to our account.

I’m thinking of explaining to people the definition of animal rights and the cause of the movement in the
account description; we can write a phrase like “the greatness of a nation and its moral is judged by the
way it’s animals are treated” or we can use “Animal protection is education for humanity” this one is
more abbreviated and sends the message; I would like to read some phrases like that from you when you
send me a replay; as long as the phrase defines and explains the cause of the activity we’re doing in the
account it’s fine.

We must explain clearly why should we respect animal rights in our city in the Instagram account; people
of Amman must be aware that animals feel like us; they feel pain just like humans do; sometimes animals
get depressed; animals also sense fear towards someone or something; and even could feel lonely and
need a companion. Animals are not machines they are sensitive and humans are morally obligated to take
animal rights into account, but this may seem silly for some people of our city so we need to relate the
issue with religion and beliefs this way people of Amman take it seriously and we need to capture violent
accuracies so that it sticks to the viewer mind, and the next time the viewer sees an animal whether it’s on
the street or in a zoo it will be in his consideration to respect its rights, he won’t stay silent if the animal is
suffering this is our goal that we are going to reach together.

In the end, I advise you to take careful care of your dog; I know you will never hurt him in any way but
your dog can suffer in different ways other than physical pain; before we start changing our city, we must
change ourselves. I wish you great times; looking forward to a replay from you.

Best wishes,
Yazan Jadallah.

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