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On Load Balancing for a Virtual and

Distributed MME in the 5G Core

Van-Giang Nguyen, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Javid Taheri, Anna Brunstrom
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden
Email: giang.nguyen, karl-johan.grinnemo, javid.taheri,

Abstract—In this paper, we aim at tackling the scalability HSS PCRF

problem of the Mobility Management Entity (MME), which VM VM
plays a crucial role of handling control plane traffic in S6a
the current 4G Evolved Packet Core as well as the next MME S11 SGW-C PGW-C
generation mobile core, 5G. One of the solutions to this VM VM VM
problem is to virtualize the MME by applying Network
Function Virtualization principles and then deploy it as a S1-C
SDN Controllers
cluster of multiple virtual MME instances (vMMEs) with a OF+
front-end load balancer. Although several designs have been
proposed, most of them assume the use of simple algorithms SGW-U
such as random and round-robin to balance the incoming eNB S1-U PGW-U
traffic without any performance assessment. To this end,
we implemented a weighted round robin algorithm which UEs SGW-U
takes into account the heterogeneity of resources such as
the capacity of vMMEs. We compare this algorithm with a
random and a round-robin algorithm under two different Fig. 1. An SDN/NFV-based EPC architecture [2].
system settings. Experimental results suggest that carefully
selected load balancing algorithms can significantly reduce
the control plane latency as compared to simple random
or round-robin schemes. the growth in data traffic and the MME is exposed
to much more signaling than other EPC elements. As
I. I NTRODUCTION the number of mobile devices keeps increasing at an
In recent years, the development of the next genera- unprecedented rate and with the dense deployment of
tion of mobile network system, 5G, has been actively small cells, the amount of signaling load the MME
carried out around the world. Many proposals and many needs to handle increases significantly, thus resulting in
technology candidates have been considered [1]. Among a scalability issue. Moreover, any congestion or overload
these technologies, Software Defined Networking (SDN) happening at the MME also has a severe impact on
and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) have been the performance of the user plane [6]. Therefore, it is
widely considered as key enablers for the development necessary to investigate a new design of the control plane
of 5G, especially the mobile packet core [2]. The archi- architecture, and then in particular the MME, so that it
tecture of 5G core is being standardized by the 3rd Gen- can be scaled dynamically according to any changes in
eration Partnership Project (3GPP) as a service-based the network, e.g., the number of connected devices.
architecture [3]. However, one of the most practical ap- One of the solutions is to deploy Virtual Network
proaches currently adopted is to re-design the current 4G Functions (VNF) in a clustered fashion instead of a
Evolved Packet Core (EPC) [4] architecture using SDN single virtualized server, which can not only improve the
and NFV and let it serve as the core of 5G. In that way, scalability, but also provides resiliency. This goes back to
the control and data planes are completely decoupled as the concept of VNF pooling, which has been discussed in
prescribed by the SDN principle while the EPC’s ele- the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) [14]. Having
ments are virtualized as dictated by the NFV principle. a pool of VNFs requires a load balancer in front of the
Fig. 1 shows an SDN/NFV-based EPC architecture. In VNFs to distribute the incoming traffic among them. This
this new SDN/NFV-based EPC architecture, the Mobile way of designing the MME entails a cluster of virtual
Management Entity (MME) - one of the EPC’s key MME instances (vMMEs) and a front-end Load Balancer
control elements - remains unchanged but virtualized. (LB). Although several designs have been proposed, they
It is still responsible for processing and handling of can be categorized into two main approaches: a stateful
all signaling events coming from mobile devices such and a stateless approach. In the stateful approach, the
as attachment, detachment, handover, location update, user-related states are associated with vMMEs within the
etc. According to a white paper from Nokia [5], the cluster. We call an MME architecture that follows this
signaling traffic is estimated to grow 50% faster than approach a two-tier vMME architecture. In the stateless

Approaches Architecture MME Type LB Policy Mapping Alg. Mapping ID Eval. Method
DMME [7] 2-Tier Stateless N/A N/A N/A Analy. Model.
Yusuke et al. [8] 3-Tier Stateless RR DHT Group of IMSI Prototype
Gopika et al. [9] 3-Tier Stateless RR DHT eNodeB UE S1AP ID Prototype
SCALE [10] 2-Tier Stateful Least Loaded CH GUTI Prototype
vMME [11] 3-Tier Stateless RR N/A N/A Analy. Model.
Yousaf et al. [12] 2-Tier Stateful RR N/A N/A Analy. Model.
Varudu [13] 2-Tier Stateful RD/RR DHT eNodeB UE S1AP ID Prototype
RD = Random; RR = Round Robin; DHT = Distributed Hash Table; CH = Consistent Hashing

MME VNF SDB. Moreover, the state retrieval happens so often

MME that the central database could become a bottleneck.
LB We conducted experiments using the Open5GCore plat-
MMP form [15], which is a standards-compliant implemen-
UE eNodeB tation of the mobile packet core for 4G and 5G. We
consider three different types of signaling events: attach-
(a) Two-tier vMME architecture
ment, detachment, and handover. These signaling events
generated by the Open5GCore’s benchmarking tool fol-
MMP low a realistic signaling traffic pattern. The experimental
S1 MME SDB results show that having multiple instances of vMME
MMP not only improves the scalability but also helps reduce
the latency for the control plane processing. Moreover,
UE eNodeB
this reduction of control plane latency can be further
(b) Three-tier vMME architecture improved by employing a specifically chosen load bal-
Fig. 2. Two types of vMME architecture. ancing algorithm, something which is demonstrated in
two different scenarios. The first scenario entails using
homogeneous vMMEs and asymmetric links between the
approach, the user related states are no longer associ- LB and vMMEs. When the load is low in this scenario,
ated with vMMEs but stored in a separate centralized the WRR performs significantly better than the RD and
database called the State Database (SDB). An MME RR schemes. In the second scenario, the vMMEs were
architecture that adheres to this approach is called a heterogeneous and links between the LB and vMMEs
three-tier vMME architecture. These two types of vMME were symmetric. When the load is high in this scenario,
architectures are illustrated in Fig.2. the WRR outperforms the other two schemes. The ob-
Despite the fact that several designs have been pro- tained results provide insights for further improvement
posed and proved their benefits, they pay less attention to of the load balancing in the vMME architecture.
the load balancing aspect, which we found is one of the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
most important aspects of a distributed system. Indeed, tion II presents an overview of related works. Section III
most of the existing works assume the use of simple describes the three studied methods to do load balancing
algorithms such as Random (RD) [13] and Round-Robin of the MME. Section IV introduces the experimental
(RR) [8] without any performance assessment. To the scenarios and results. Finally, Section V concludes the
best of our knowledge, there has been no performance paper and outlines future work.
comparison of different load balancing algorithms used
in these vMME architectures. In this paper, we propose
using a Weighted Round-Robin (WRR) algorithm which As previously discussed, there are two main ap-
takes into account the heterogeneity of resources such proaches to improve the scalability of the MME, namely
as link latency between the LB and vMMEs and the a stateful and a stateless approach. Table I summarizes
CPU capacity of vMMEs. We aim at comparing the all the existing proposals. They are compared in terms
performance of this WRR algorithm with a RD and a of architecture type, load balancing policy, mapping
RR algorithm in a two-tier vMME architecture under algorithm, user identifier (ID) used for mapping, and
different load conditions and different system settings. evaluation method. Since the MME is now deployed as a
We focus on the two-tier vMME architecture since distributed system, it is important to maintain a mapping
the three-tier vMME architecture introduces an extra between the UE and its corresponding vMME so that the
delay when user-related states are acquired from the LB knows to which vMME it should forward incoming
rate of 10 requests/s. The rate is increased every 30
1 MME 140 seconds, and the experiment stops when 10000 UEs
2 MMEs
Attachment Delay in Logarithm (ms) 4 MMEs
are attached at an ending rate of 100 requests/s. The

Request Rate (Requests/s)

104 Request Rate 110 experiment results are shown in Fig. 3. This figure
90 shows the attachment delay of the three setups over
80 time as the request rate increases in a ladder manner.
60 From this figure, we can see that at a low attachment
rate (less than 30 requests/s) the 1-MME setup has less
30 attachment delay than the other setups. The reason to
10 this is that adding a load balancer introduces an extra
101 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 delay. However, when the rate increases, the 1-MME
Experiment Time (s)
setup performs worse and the attachment delay jumps up
Fig. 3. Comparison of the attachment delay between the 1-MME, when the rate is about 50 requests/s while the 2-MME
2-MME, and 4-MME setups. and 4-MME still perform well. At a rate of 80 requests/s,
the 2-MME setup starts performing worse than the 4-
MME. Therefore, it is obvious that when we have more
requests. Different types of mapping algorithms and type MMEs, the attachment delay is significantly reduced. In
of IDs are used. For example, a normal distributed hash addition, during the experiments, we did see that the
table is used by Yusuke et al. [8], Gopika et al. [9], CPU utilization increases as the request rate increases
and Varudu [13], while the authors of SCALE [10] while the memory level keeps unchanged. It illustrates
use consistent hashing to do the mapping. Regarding that the MME is a CPU-intensive element. It should be
the load balancing policy, as we can see from Table I, noted that the load balancer used in all three setups
most of them rely on the simple load balancing mecha- distributes the incoming requests in a random manner.
nism, RR, due to its simplicity of implementation. In Therefore, one remaining question is if the reduction
SCALE [10], state information of a UE is replicated of the control plane latency can be further achieved by
twice using a consistent hashing algorithm and, a least having better load balancing solutions. This question will
loaded policy is used to balance the load among the two be answered in Section IV. In the following, we review
replicas which have UE states. Analytical modeling and some of the most commonly used methods to balance
prototyping are the two main methods used to evaluate the control traffic in the MME.
the performance of the existing proposals. However,
none of them reveals any performance evaluation of B. Traditional approach
the load balancing algorithms. In contrast, we focus on In some deployments, multiple MMEs can be formed
evaluating the performance of different load balancing as a pool and the S1-flex mechanism [16] is introduced
algorithms and their effect on the control plane latency to allow an eNodeB to connect to those MMEs within
under different load conditions and system settings. the pool. Such deployments provide support for network
redundancy and load sharing of control signaling traffic.
Load balancing in this case is achieved by setting a
In this section, we present the motivation behind this weight factor for each MME so that the probability of the
work and MME load balancing approaches. eNodeB selecting an MME is proportional to its weight
factor. The weight factor is typically set according to
A. Motivation
the capacity of an MME node relative to other MME
It is well known that a clustered vMME architecture nodes, and it is sent from the MME to the eNodeB via
can improve the scalability and provide control plane S1 Application Protocol (S1-AP) messages. According
resiliency in the SDN/NFV-based EPC. However, we to 3GPP, however, it is intended that the weight factor is
would like to see the impact of this design on the control not changed frequently [4]. In addition, since an eNodeB
plane latency in comparison to a single vMME. To this connects directly to multiple MMEs, any changes in the
end, we conducted an experiment using the Open5GCore MME pool such as adding or removing a MME, must
platform with three different system settings: 1-MME, be informed to the eNodeB, thus reducing the flexibility
2-MME, and 4-MME, which consists of 1, 2, and 4 of the pooling concept. Therefore, it is required to have
vMME instances, respectively. In the 2-MME and the a load balancer which is transparent to the radio access
4-MME setups, the load balancer randomly distributes network (i.e., eNodeBs) and that can hide the operation
the incoming requests among the vMME instances. All of MMEs in the pool.
instances have the same capacity (2 CPUs, and an
internal memory size of 4GB). More information about C. vMME approaches
the experimental environment is provided in Section IV. As summarized in Table I, load balancing in the
We start generating attachment requests with a starting vMME architectures relies on a front-end load balancer
which distributes incoming UE requests to the back-end TABLE II
vMMEs (either in a stateful or a stateless approach) E XPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS
based on different policies. So far, most of the existing Values
approaches tend to use simple RD and RR algorithms Scenario 1 Scenario 2
and there has been no performance evaluation and Number of UEs 10000 20000
Number of MMEs 4 4
comparison regarding these load balancing algorithms. Pre-Attach (UEs) 100 100
However, we argue that the RD and RR algorithms 10, 30, 50, 80, 50, 80, 100, 150,
can only work well when the back-end servers are Rate (Request/s) 100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300,
200, 250, 300 350, 400, 450
homogeneous and they also perform worse when there Attach delay, Attach delay,
is asymmetry on the link latency between the LB and Metrics
CPU utilization CPU utilization
the back-end servers. To illustrate this, we implemented
a WRR algorithm at the LB and carried out an extensive
performance evaluation and comparison of the RD, RR, 2 CPUs 1 CPUs
and WRR schemes. In the following, the basic concepts w=1 w=1
40ms 1ms
of these three algorithms are summarized.
2 CPUs 2 CPUs
1) RD Algorithm: As its name suggests, the RD 20ms w=2 1ms
load balancing algorithm randomly distributes incoming 10ms 1ms
2 CPUs 3 CPUs
requests to the back-end servers. With a uniform RD MME3 4GRAM MME3 4GRAM
w=4 w=3
algorithm, the LB treats all back-end servers the same 5ms 1ms

regardless of their capacities and locations. When the 2 CPUs 4 CPUs

number of requests is small, the difference in the number w=8 w=4

of requests being handled by each back-end server is (a) Scenario 1 (b) Scenario 2
significant. However, when the load balancer receives a
Fig. 4. Detailed configuration of experimental scenarios.
large number of requests, the RD algorithm will be able
to evenly distribute the requests. The RD algorithm is
easy to implement, but it only performs well for clusters the LB and the vMME servers. The weight assigned
of servers with a similar configuration in terms of CPU, in this vMME system should not be confused with the
memory, etc. A uniform RD algorithm is considered in weight factor used in the traditional approach. In fact,
this paper. the weight in the vMME system can be recomputed
2) RR Algorithm: Similar to the RD load balancing adaptively based on the load of each vMME instance
algorithm, the RR load balancing is one of the easiest or other factors.
load balancing algorithms to implement. The RR al-
gorithm distributes incoming requests to the back-end IV. E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION
servers in a round-robin manner. Like the uniform RD This section first describes our experiment setup fo-
algorithm, the RR works irrespective of the resource cusing on two different scenarios: a link latency based
capabilities and location of the back-end servers. It is load balancing (Scenario 1) and a CPU capacity based
sufficient for clusters consisting of servers with identical load balancing (Scenario 2). Then, results from our
specifications. The RR algorithm implemented in this experiments are provided.
paper is similar to the RR scheduling algorithm used in
the Linux Virtual Server [17]. A. Experiment Setup
3) WRR Algorithm: In contrast to the RD and RR We use the Open5GCore platform, which is a
algorithms, the WRR algorithm assigns each back-end standards-compliant implementation of the mobile
server a value called “weight” (w), which is in propor- packet core system for 4G and 5G, for conducting our
tional to the actual resource capabilities (e.g., CPU and experiments. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) [19]
RAM) of the server or can be proportional to the speed is used as the virtualization base. In the Open5GCore,
of the link from the LB to each server. In this way, the MME is implemented according to the two-tier
the incoming requests are proportionally distributed to approach, and the load balancer randomly distributes
the weight of each server. For example, the server with the user requests. The Benchmarking Tool (BT) VM
a weight of two will receive two times more requests provides the emulation of the Long Term Evolution
than the one with a weight of one. The way WRR is (LTE) radio access network including emulated UEs
used in this paper is inspired from how it is employed connecting to emulated eNodeBs. We consider two types
for load balancing in cloud web services [18]. In our of scenarios and the settings for these two scenarios are
current implementation, the weight is set to a fixed value detailed in Table II. The attachment delay measures the
according to two factors: the number of CPUs allocated time from when the UE sends an attachment request to
to the vMME servers, and the latency of links between the network until it receives back the attachment accept
1200 1600
RR 1400 RR
1000 WRR WRR
Average attachment delay [ms]

Average attachment delay [ms]


600 800


0 0
10 30 50 80 100 150 180 200 250 300 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Request Rate [Requests/s] Request Rate [Requests/s]

Fig. 5. Comparison of the attachment delay of the RD, RR, and WRR Fig. 6. Comparison of the attachment delay of the RD, RR, and WRR
schemes in Scenario 1. schemes in Scenario 2.

and a default bearer (i.e., the data plane) for the UE is stances are allocated with the same amount of memory
established. In order to have a more realistic scenario, we but different number of CPUs, as shown in Fig. 4 b). In
take into account the heterogeneity of signaling load by addition, the link latency from the LB to each MME is
considering the mix of three different signaling events: kept the same. The weight (w) of each MME instance in
attachment, detachment, and handover. It has been shown the WRR load balancing scheme is assigned correspond-
in [20] and [21] that the number of attachment requests ing to their CPU capacity. To make it possible to have an
is similar to the number of detachment requests. And the overload situation, the total number of UEs configured
number of S1-based handover requests is often a third to in this scenario is 20000. We run the experiment with
a half of the number of attachment requests. Based on different overall request rates: 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250,
this observation on signaling usage pattern in the LTE 300, 350, 400, and 450 requests/s.
network, we use the following ratio in all our experiment
scenarios: 40% attachment, 40% detachment, and 20% B. Experimental Results
handover. All experiments start by pre-attaching 100 UEs In the following, we present the results obtained from
to the system and then the request pattern is executed the two experiment scenarios. The attachment delay and
under different request rates until all pre-configured UEs CPU utilization of each MME are measured to compare
finish performing their operations (i.e., generating attach- the three load balancing schemes.
ment, detachment, and handover requests). Each time 1) Scenario 1: The experimental results for this sce-
requests are generated, we measure the attachment delay nario are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 7. The bar graphs
and the number of successfully attached UEs. Finally, we in Fig. 5 show the mean of the attachment delay for
compute the weighted average of the attachment delay the three load balancing schemes in Scenario 1; the
for each UE at each request rate. error bars in the graphs illustrate the 95% confidence
1) Scenario 1: In this scenario, we compare the intervals. As observed from Fig. 5, the attachment delay
performance of three load balancing schemes when the increases as the request rate increases for all three load
link latency from the LB to the MME instances are balancing schemes. We observe that when the overall
different while the resource capacities, i.e., CPU and request rate is less than 200 request/s which is equivalent
memory capacities, of the MME instances are the same. to 80 attachment requests/s, the attachment delay in the
The detailed configuration of the experimental Scenario WRR scheme is up to 38% lower than that in the RD and
1 is shown in Fig. 4 a). The link latency is emulated the RR schemes. The reason is that in the WRR scheme,
using the Netem traffic control tool in Linux [22]. The according to the weight assignment, there is eight times
weight (w) of each MME in the WRR scheme is assigned more requests being handled by the fourth MME, which
according to the link latency, as shown in Fig. 4 a). The has the lowest link latency to the LB, than what is being
number of UEs used in this scenario is 10000. We run handled by the first MME, which has the highest link
the experiment with different overall request rates: 10, latency to the LB. The requests are distributed evenly
30, 50, 80, 100, 150, 180, 200, 250, and 300 requests/s. in RR or almost evenly in RD among the four MMEs.
2) Scenario 2: In this scenario, we let the cluster of Therefore, the number of requests traversed through
MME instances be heterogeneous by allocating MMEs the long-delay links is higher than that in the WRR
with different resources. In particular, the MME in- scheme, leading to a higher attachment delay. When the
70 70 100
60 60
50 50
CPU Utilization [%]

CPU Utilization [%]

CPU Utilization [%]

40 40

30 30

20 20
10 10

0 0 0
10 30 50 80 100 150 180 200 250 300 10 30 50 80 100 150 180 200 250 300 10 30 50 80 100 150 180 200 250 300
Request Rate [Requests/s] Request Rate [Requests/s] Request Rate [Requests/s]

(a) Random (b) Round-Robin (c) Weighted Round-Robin

Fig. 7. CPU utilization of each MME instances in Scenario 1.

100 100 60
80 80
CPU Utilization [%]

CPU Utilization [%]

CPU Utilization [%]

60 60
40 40

20 20

0 0 0
50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Request Rate [Requests/s] Request Rate [Requests/s] Request Rate [Requests/s]

(a) Random (b) Round-Robin (c) Weighted Round-Robin

Fig. 8. CPU utilization of each MME instances Scenario 2.

overall rate is about 250 requests/s or more, the WRR delay in the three schemes is almost the same. However,
scheme performs worse. Due to its large weight, the when the overall rate is higher, the WRR starts out-
fourth MME has to process a large number of UEs at a performing the other two schemes. For example, at the
high rate, which exceeds its capacity, thus resulting in a overall rate of 450 requests/s, which corresponds to 180
higher attachment delay than that in the RD and the RR attachment requests/s, the attachment delay for the WRR
schemes. scheme is about 40% lower than that for the RD scheme.
the queue is filling up quickly, and the CPU utilization The reason is that the number of requests that needs
of the MME going up, thus resulting in a higher attach- to be handled by MME1, which has the lowest CPU
ment delay than that of the RD and the RR schemes. resource, in the RD and the RR schemes is higher than
By observing the CPU utilization of each MME in its maximum capacity, leading to a saturation of CPU
Fig. 7, it is clear that when the request rate increases, resources. Consequently, the attachment delay goes up.
the CPU utilization of each MME also increases for all However, since we know the amount of CPU resource
three schemes. The CPU utilization of the 4 MMEs in allocated to each MME and we assign the weights
the RD and the RR schemes are almost the same for accordingly, the number of requests being handled by
each request rate. Whereas, the CPU utilization of the 4 each MME will be proportional to the assigned weight.
MMEs in the WRR scheme is proportional to the weight Therefore, contrary to the RD and RR schemes, no
assigned to each MME (as shown in Fig. 4 a)). Since overload happens, and the MMEs are able to process
the fourth MME is assigned with the highest weight, it more requests than in these schemes.
has the largest CPU utilization.
2) Scenario 2: The experimental results for this sce- As seen in Fig. 8, the CPU utilization of each MME
nario are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 8. The bar graphs also increases when the request rate increases. In the RD
in Fig. 6 show the mean of the attachment delay under and the RR schemes, the distribution of CPU utilization
the three load balancing schemes in Scenario 2; the error of each MME corresponds to their allocated capacity.
bars in the graphs illustrate the 95% confidence intervals. When the overall rate increases and becomes higher than
We observe that when the request rate increases, the 350 requests/s, we can see that the CPU utilization of
attachment delay also increases in all three schemes. MME1 goes up to approximately 100% utilization. That
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