Design For Manufacturing and Assembly For Sustainable Quick and Cost Effective Prefabricated Construction A Review

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International Journal of Construction Management

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Design for manufacturing and assembly for

sustainable, quick and cost-effective prefabricated
construction – a review

Muhammad Wasim , Paulo Vaz Serra & Tuan Duc Ngo

To cite this article: Muhammad Wasim , Paulo Vaz Serra & Tuan Duc Ngo (2020): Design for
manufacturing and assembly for sustainable, quick and cost-effective prefabricated construction – a
review, International Journal of Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2020.1837720

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Design for manufacturing and assembly for sustainable, quick and cost-effective
prefabricated construction – a review
Muhammad Wasima, Paulo Vaz Serrab and Tuan Duc Ngoa,c
School of Engineering, Infrastructure Department, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia; bFaculty of Architecture, Building and
Planning, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia; cAdvanced Protective Technologies and Engineering Service (APTES)

Recently, researchers have reported that by the amalgamation of concepts of design for manufacturing Construction; cost-effective;
and assembly (DfMA), construction practices and technologies can be further improved. As DfMA is based design for construction
on the principles of optimization of materials and coordination. The optimization and coordination (DfC) and prefabrication;
design for manufacturing
achieved through DfMA at the early design stage can significantly contribute best practices, reduce time and assembly (DfMA);
and delays and improve safety, and thereby enhance the overall productivity of the prefabricated con- sustainability;
struction project. However, the literature on DfMA is limited in prefabricated construction. This paper time reduction
presents an updated and comprehensive review of DfMA approaches and their applications in manufac-
turing and prefabrication. The review is based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews
and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines with a slight modification. Scopus database was used to obtain
relevant articles from the literature, and three search attempts were taken to ensure that the identified
publications thoroughly cover the focus of this review. Prefabrication and manufacturing processes are
compared and discussed with examples. The findings of this paper show practical analogies between pre-
fabrication and manufacturing. Finally, the review is concluded with recommendations for future works
and the potential opportunities for the application of DfMA in construction.

Introduction with the consideration of the sustainability of the materials.

Nyemba et al. (2017) applied modified DfMA principles for the
The elements of a structure that are manufactured at the factory production and supply of ethanol storage tanks. Kim et al.
or off-site and transported to the construction site for installa- (2016) performed the suitability analysis of precast components
tion are known as prefabricated products/parts, and the structure for conventional bridge construction to improve the traditional
to which they are installed is commonly referred as a prefabri- procedure of construction of bridges. However, the most recent
cated structure (Navaratnam et al. 2019). The ease of installation works rarely present the true DfMA based structural design of
reduced construction time, and safety of the prefabricated build- prefabricated buildings and their elements (Liew et al. 2019;
ings/structures have caused a rapid growth of them throughout Lozano et al. 2019; Teodosio et al. 2019; Orlowski 2020). Some
the world in the last few years. Since the concept of the prefabri- exceptions were highlighted in a recent publication by Wasim
cation has entered in construction, there is a continuous et al. (2020), which presented DfMA based design of prefabri-
enhancement in the knowledge related to the methods of design cated non-structural components of residential buildings. Tan
and fabrication. This led to the recent application of design for et al. (2020) also proposed novel guidelines for the application of
manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) approach in prefabrication, DfMA in construction.
which is a well-established approach for reducing time, materials Off-site prefabrication/manufacturing or modular construc-
and costs of products (Malleswari et al. 2020). tion without considering DfMA has been thoroughly reviewed
Recently, Gao et al. (2018) studied the factors influencing the from various perspectives by other researchers (Li et al. 2014; Jin
adoption of DfMA in Singapore construction projects and identi- et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2019; Hu and Chong 2019; Wuni and Shen
fied the key factors by doing the questionnaire survey. Various 2019; Yin et al. 2019; Jin et al. 2020). However, the review
stake holders participated in this survey admitted that DfMA in articles on DfMA concepts, its understanding and application in
construction could result in overall time and cost-saving of the construction, especially for off-site prefabrication are very limited
construction projects in Singapore. In another recent study, in the literature (Gao et al. 2020; Alfieri et al. 2020). This became
Chen and Lu (2018) applied DfMA for the design of curtain wall evident upon searching for keywords ‘DfMA in construction’,
system (CWS) for a commercial building in China. They intro- which displayed 40 documents with only one review paper
duced DfMA into prefabricated building design and developed published in 2019 on this topic (searched on 3rd Sep 2020).
its concept and process in parametric design incorporating Moreover, there are limitations in a previous review on DfMA as
DfMA oriented building information modelling (BIM). it contained articles published prior to 2017. It lacks recent
Ros Garcia and Sanglier Contreras (2017) used DfMA for the articles that demonstrate the application of the main concept of
reduction of the environmental impact of the Prototype Unit of DfMA in prefabrication. Therefore, to address this limitation,
Emergency Housing using life cycle assessment (Cavalcanti 2003) this review paper presents a detailed discussion on DfMA and its

CONTACT Muhammad Wasim

ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. The trend of published documents in English with keyword DfMA (graph source from Scopus taken on 3 Sep 2020).

updated application in prefabrication, the analogies and anoma- The articles presented in this review are based on the
lies associated with the construction and manufacturing, as well Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
as the comparison between DfMA and DfC. Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines with modifications. The articles
were systematically organized and divided into various sections.
The background knowledge of DfMA is presented under heading
Methodology ‘Background Knowledge of DfMA’. The main concepts of DfMA
are introduced in this section with their brief history of origin.
A systematic approach was adopted in reviewing the literature The section ‘DfMA Concepts For Manufacturing’ of this paper
on DfMA and its application in prefabricated construction. First, presents the articles on the application of DfMA concepts in
a search using keywords DfMA in Scopus (all fields) was per- various fields of engineering excluding civil. The ‘DfMA in
formed, which produced 8,830 documents published between Prefabricated Construction’ section highlights the research stud-
years 1955 and 2020. After carefully analysing and screening the ies undertaken in the construction field incorporating DfMA
list of documents produced by this search, thousands of docu- approaches. It covers the similarities between DfMA and DfC
ments were found to be irrelevant, where only a few were and provides a comparison between the two methods. Moreover,
selected for obtaining the background history of DfMA. Then, the section ‘BIM in DfMA based prefabrication’ discusses the
the acronym ‘DfMA’ was used as a keyword in another search in role of BIM in enhancing DfMA-based prefabrication.
Scopus to ensure that articles covered the application of Furthermore, ‘DfMA for Onsite Construction or Offsite
Boothroyd’s method and its concepts. The trend of published Manufacturing’ section contains a philosophical discussion and
articles between 1985 and 2020 on DfMA is shown in Figure 1. arguments between the similarities and dissimilarities of con-
Refining the Scopus search on DfMA by excluding all other lan- struction and manufacturing. The last section of this paper is
guages except English and limiting the search to engineering ‘Conclusions and Recommendations’.
yielded 130 articles.
The very refined and simple search in Scopus is men-
tioned below: Background knowledge of DfMA
From the searched 130 articles, DfMA concepts, i.e. design DfMA is a combination of two terms, i.e. design for manufacture
for assembly (DfA), design for manufacturing (DfM) and design (DfM) and DfA (Boothroyd et al. 2001). DfM is defined as ‘the
for construction (DfC) were selected for review. Further refine- design for ease of manufacture of the collection of parts that will
ment of the search to the application of DfMA in construction form the product after assembly’ and DfA as ‘the design of the
yielded 26 journal articles in SCOPUS. The selected latest papers product for ease of assembly’.
on DfMA in construction with their author’s names and the The concepts of DfM and DfA were developed in the late
journals in which they were published are shown in Table 1. 1960s and early 1970s, with the pioneering research that led to
Acronym ‘DfMA’ was used as the main keyword in SCOPUS to the initial development of DfMA being carried out on the orien-
find its application in the whole ‘Construction Industry’ (another tation of assembly parts (Boothroyd et al. 1970). The first stand-
keyword) to cover off-site construction/prefabrication as well. ard with the title ‘The Management of Design for Economic
The network of the keywords related to DfMA in construction is Production’ that provided the basis of DfMA concepts was pub-
shown in Figure 2. While the methodology of literature review lished in the United Kingdom in 1975 (Plant et al. 2010; Bogue
adopted in the current research is shown in Figure 3. 2012). Then, the coding systems for small parts manual handling
ALL (dfma) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE, ‘English’)) were developed (Boothroyd and Ho 1976). Geoff Boothroyd,
AND (LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA, ‘ENGI’)) AND (LIMIT-TO working at the University of Massachusetts USA, developed a
(EXACT KEYWORD, ‘Construction Industry’) OR LIMIT-TO DfA method for estimating the time required for the assembly of
(EXACTKEYWORD, ‘Construction’)) a product manually and its associated cost on an automated

Table 1. Number of journal articles with titles on DfMA and construction between 2001 and 2020 (search performed on 25th June 2020).
Authors Title Year Source title
Wasim M, Han TM, Huang H, An approach for sustainable, cost-effective and optimized 2020 Journal of Building Engineering
Madiyev M, Ngo TD material design for the prefabricated non-structural
components of residential buildings
Tan T, Lu W, Tan G, Xue F, Chen K, Construction-oriented design for manufacture and 2020 Journal of Construction Engineering
Xu J, Wang J, Gao S assembly guidelines and Management
Castle H Disrupting from the inside: UK archipreneurs 2020 Architectural Design
Gao S, Jin R, Lu W Design for manufacture and assembly in construction: a review 2020 Building Research and Information
Orlowski K, Antoniou F, Marinelli M Verified and validated design curves and strength reduction 2020 Engineering Structures
factors for post-tensioned composite steel-timber stiffened
wall systems
Proposal for the promotion of standardization of precast beams 2020 Frontiers in Built Environment
in highway concrete bridges
Lu W, Tan T, Xu J, Wang J, Chen K, Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) in construction: 2020 Architectural Engineering and
Gao S, Xue F the old and the new Design Management
Alfieri E, Seghezzi E, Sauchelli M, Di A BIM-based approach for DfMA in building construction: 2020 Architectural Engineering and
Giuda GM, Masera G framework and first results on an Italian case study Design Management
Liew JYR, Chua YS, Dai Z Steel concrete composite systems for modular construction of 2019 Structures
high-rise buildings
Gbadamosi A-Q, Mahamadu A-M, Off-site construction: developing a BIM-based optimizer 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production
Oyedele LO, Akinade OO, Manu P, for assembly
Mahdjoubi L, Aigbavboa C
Tik LB, Jhun, KK, Tatt SL, Lin AF, Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) for Malaysia 2019 Malaysian Construction
Min TS construction industry Research Journal
Oktavianus Y, Kristombu Baduge KS, Structural behaviour of prefabricated load bearing braced 2018 Engineering Structures
Orlowski K, Mendis P composite timber wall system
Gao S, Low SP, Nair K Design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA): a preliminary 2018 Architectural Engineering and
study of factors influencing its adoption in Singapore Design Management
Orlowski K, Shanaka K, Mendis P Design and development of weatherproof seals for 2018 Buildings
prefabricated construction: a methodological approach
Matthews S, Leminen V, Eskelinen H, Formulation of novel DFMA rules for the advancement of 2018 International Journal of Computer
Toghyani A, Varis J ergonomic factors in nonlinear iterative prototype assembly Integrated Manufacturing
Chen K, Lu W Design for manufacture and assembly-oriented design 2018 Sustainability (Switzerland)
approach to a curtain wall system: a case study of a
commercial building in Wuhan, China
Yuan Z, Sun C, Wang Y Design for manufacture and assembly-oriented parametric 2018 Automation in Construction
design of prefabricated buildings
Trinder L, Browne J, Brocklebank K A client’s perspective of design for manufacture and assembly 2018 Proceedings of Institution of Civil
in the UK water industry Engineers: Management,
Procurement and Law
Banks C, Kotecha R, Curtis J, Dee C, Enhancing high-rise residential construction through design for 2018 Proceedings of Institution of Civil
Pitt N, Papworth R manufacture and assembly – A UK case study Engineers: Management,
Procurement and Law
Said HM, Chalasani T, Logan S Exterior prefabricated panelized walls platform optimization 2017 Automation in Construction
Martınez S, Jardon A, Vıctores JG, Flexible field factory for construction industry 2013 Assembly Automation
Balaguer C
Omigbodun A Value engineering and optimal building projects 2001 Journal of Architectural Engineering

Figure 2. A network of most frequently used keywords for DfMA in construction.


Figure 3. The methodology for carrying out a literature survey in the current research.

machine (Boothroyd et al. 2001). Boothroyd published DfA: A et al. 2017) by maintaining technological needs and economics
Designer’s Handbook in 1980; and in 1981; Boothroyd and Peter (Martinez et al. 2013).
Dewhurst developed a software package of the DfA method,
founding the company Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc. (BDI) in 1983
to promote and sell the solution. The software and company DfA
became famous and is now world-renowned for its business The complex assembly procedures of products incurring 50%
(Bogue 2012). Stoll (1988) presented Group Technology to higher cost in design were replaced by DfA based design in the
reduce manufacturing system information content by using codes late 20th century (Boothroyd and Dewhurst 1983a, 1983b;
to identify similar parts. This technology simplified the DfMA Miyakawa and Ohashi 1986). Tests on the effect of geometry,
task without using functional analysis and DfA Handbook symmetry, weight and flexibility on manual handling time were
(Boothroyd and Dewhurst 1983a, 1983b). performed (Yoosufani and Boothroyd 1978; Boothroyd 1979; Ho
The three main principles or criteria for the application of and Boothroyd 1979a, 1979b; Seth and Boothroyd 1979; Yang
DfMA on products are rephrased as follows (Boothroyd and Boothroyd 1981; Fujita and Boothroyd 1982; Yoosufani et al.
et al. 2001): 1983). A classification and coding system for manual handling,
 The design team simplifies the product structure such insertion and fastening processes based on time for estimating
that it incurs minimum costs in manufacturing and manual assembly times were developed (De Lisser and
assembly. Moreover, the improvements in the product Boothroyd 1982; Dvorak and Boothroyd 1982).
structure are quantified. In the 1980s, the main principles of DfA were nearly estab-
 A tool was developed for studying products which numerically lished (Swift and Redford 1980; Boothroyd and Dewhurst 1983a,
quantifies difficulties in their manufacturing and assembly. 1983b), which were little enhanced in the 1990s (Boothroyd and
 A tool was develop for assisting with the reduction of costs Alting 1992; Miles and Swift 1998). Since then, DfA principles
and negotiating contracts with suppliers. are well established (Appleton and Garside 2000). The key stages
and factors of the DfA are shown in Table 2 (Barnes et al. 1998;
Dalgliesh et al. 2000; Moultrie and Maier 2014).
DfMA concepts The use of DfA for the 3D printing (Oh et al. 2018) focusing
on part decomposition and assembly-based re-design for additive
DfMA combines two designs stages, a first required for manufac- manufacturing and the reduction in assembly reorientation and
ture (DfM) and a second for assembly (DfA) (Martinez et al. the number of parts by developing an automatic DfA method
2013; El-Nounu et al. 2018). High levels of ‘manufacturability’ (Samadhi et al. 2018). Anyfantis et al. (2019) used computer-
are intended to be achieved in DfM, while DfA focuses on aided DfA and DfM both for designing multi-material mechan-
achieving the requirements for assembly of the products (Rausch ical components. Robinson et al. (2018) parameterized a model

Table 2. Key factors of the DfA.

Factors Description
Functional analysis In this analysis, if any material not qualifying factors such as relative movement need for different material, and the need for
adjustment, it is eliminated from the system.
Manufacturing process Involves careful selection of materials and their quantities and complexity, process and cost evaluation for improved
Handling/feeding analysis It is seen whether a part is easy to manipulate manually by hand or with assembly equipment automatically (termed as feeding).
Assembly/fixing analysis Involves the details of the individual parts and their operations including the identification and scoring of insertion, fixing and
gripping process. In this analysis, the ease and simplicity of inserting a part into the assembly and joining to other parts are
examined. Fasteners are avoided.
Product group Similar parts or components, common assembly sequence and standard feedings features are grouped together in a product to
distinguish it from other products.
Product structure Provides detailed information about the manufacturing process description, materials selection, process variation suiting to
manufacturing, economics, design aspects and size configurations and process capability for tolerance and surface finish
are structured.
Component design Information regarding the assembly process for insertion and fastening, process capability data and models for component
manufacture and cost of assembly are made available for the designer.
General DfA heuristics These are most of the times presented in the pairs of illustrations in which examples of ‘good practice’ and ‘bad practice’ are
presented. These heuristic illustrations are straightforward to understand as they are presented graphically (Beitz et al. 1996;
Appleton and Garside 2000).
Systematic approach Swift and Redford (1980) gave two methods which are still in use to reduce the overall number of components followed by a
for evaluating thorough analysis of the fitting, handling/feeding and fixing of each component/part. Scores are allocated to each component/
assemblies part and assembly process to show the complexity of the assembly.

that employs DfA/DfM. Urban and Manlig (2018) evaluated the manufactured in the factory and then delivered to the projects
relationship between product development, material flow and sites where these components are installed. Therefore, more
design life cycles of the specific product using DfA and other research studies focusing on the critical strategies and technologies
design approaches. El-Nounu et al. (2018) used DfA for re- for executing DfMA based design in construction projects are
designing mechanical assembly. Also, an early cost estimation of emerging (Banks et al. 2018; Vaz Serra et al. 2019; Tan
a hand pressure mop was conducted by using both DfA and et al. 2020).
DfM (Gokul Kumar and Naiju 2017). Similarly, an approach for DfMA relates the design, construction and manufacturing of
the cost-efficient design (Claudio et al. 2017) and integration of the projects to reduce cost, time and enhances quality, and also
DfA and design for disassembly (DfD) was systematically per- minimises the environmental hazards associated with construction.
formed to reduce the complexity of the products and constraints Recently, studies have contributed knowledge related to the appli-
in manufacturing (Soh et al. 2016). cation of DfA in a variety of engineering fields. Wasim et al.
(2020) quantified the efficiencies of prefabricated non-structural
components of residential buildings using DfA. The findings of
this case study showed that DfA manufacturing of the timber
DfM concepts are optimized with time (Meyer 1992; Bralla 1999; frame and drain system would be 9.8% and 10.244% efficient. In
Dalgliesh et al. 2000). DfM is applied in the various design contrast, only 2.7% and 3.44% efficiency can be achieved through
stages, such as conceptual and detailed design stage. DfM in con- conventional manufacturing of these components, respectively.
ceptual design develops multiple functional approaches and Similarly, in another case study, DfMA based flat-pack walls for
propagates them through further design stages and eliminates or the bathrooms of high-rise buildings in Australia showed 27% sav-
revises candidates who are substandard. A framework for dis- ings due to efficient design (Vaz Serra et al. 2019). Thus, the effi-
carding design candidates is provided by Decision-based design. ciency of modular construction projects can be increased if DfMA
Several software systems have been developed with time to principles are applied. Some of the recent studies where DfMA
support material and process selection during design (Smith was applied are summarized in Table 3 with the authors, and the
1999; Ashby and Esawi 1999; Gupta et al. 2003). For detailed criteria of DfMA implemented for structural components and
design, DfM techniques are applied to overcome the mistakes facilities in construction projects.
and downstream changes. Moreover, there are some specific It can be seen in Table 3 that DfMA was effectively used in
areas of DfM that have been developed with time such as design structural and non-structural components such as curtain walls,
for production (DfP), design for quality system (DfQ), design for structural connections, superstructure and substructural components
life cycle cost, and design for environment (DfE). of bridges, cabled stayed towers, building façades, and mechanical
Finally, DfM/DfA techniques can significantly reduce cost electrical and plumbing (MEP). Moreover, DfMA was applied to
such that the local manufacture remains economical. the timber frame wall, flat-pack wall and the plumbing drain system
Considering the benefits of domestic manufacture, it secures for the buildings which resulted in several benefits, including reduc-
intellectual property, favours in-depth manufacturing and pro- tions in construction time and costs, as well as labours savings.
cess knowledge, promotes supply chain, maintains low inven-
tory levels, reduces transportation costs and assists in
accelerated production. DfMA and DfC
Gerth et al. (2013) introduced the conceptual terminology ‘DfC’,
centred on the same principles as that of DfMA (explained ear-
DfMA in prefabricated construction
lier), i.e. to minimize components and materials that are needed
DfMA based designed in the form of modular and prefabricated for construction on-site (Ulrich and Eppinger 2008). The similar-
construction projects are gaining attention among researchers and ities and repetitiveness of operations in many individual housing
owners. In these projects, components of the buildings are projects lead to the basis of DfC (Winch 2003; Gerth et al.

Table 3. Implementation of DfMA in various construction projects.

Types of structural
Author components or facilities Implementation of DfMA principles and criteria
Fox et al. (2002) 1. WC panels 1. Framing section reduced
2. Wall vinyl 2. Weld moved from the corner for design improvement
3. Floor screed 3. Specific batch recipe defined for designed improved.
4. Wall penetrations 4. Use of neoprene gaskets for design improvement.
Peterseim Cable stayed solar tower 1. Use of pre-assembled modules to reduce manufacturing cost.
et al. (2016) 2. Minimizing the cost of assembly and transport of products resulting
in a reduction of construction time.
Kim et al. (2016) Precast components 1. Reduction in the number of parts.
of superstructure and 2. Simplification of steps involves in the fabrication and assembly.
substructure of a bridge 3. Use of standard and common materials and components.
for standardized 4. Adjustment in weight and size of components for the ease in handling.
bridge construction 5. Reduction in steps involves or simply ease of jointing and fastening.
Mara and Connections between 1. The multidisciplinary collaboration of owner, designer, manufacturer
Kliger (2016) fibre-reinforced polymer and contractor for DfMA based design.
bridge decks 2. Avoiding tolerance tight connections.
3. Reducing on-site fasteners and bonded connections.
4. Decreasing the number of parts to assemble.
5. Reduction in rotation and movement of the connection.
6. Allowing repetition and standardization to the maximum possible.
Banks et al. (2018) Seventy-two percent 1. Decreasing the number of unique fragments.
of the facade and frame 2. Use of standard prefabricated modules and elements.
of a housing building, 3. Simplification in components joints.
MEP components and 4. Reducing short-term structure.
bathroom pods. 5. DfMA-led structural design.
6. DfMA approach was contractor-led.
7. Manufacturing meeting special construction requirements.
8. Application of site logistics and assembly.
9. Advanced digital engineering and building information was used for DfMA.
Chen and Curtain wall design 1. Reduction in on-site assembly time, and enhanced quality.
Lu (2018) 2. Reduction in transportation cost.
Vas Serra et al. (2019) DfMA based plumbing 1. Higher efficiencies achieved.
of bathroom wet area for 2. Quick installation of the wall.
high rise buildings. 3. Elimination of unnecessary parts before installing on site.
4. One labour did the cutting and assembly; hence the labour force and overall cost is reduced.
5. DfA computations were performed as per Boothroyd procedures.
Wasim DfMA based prefabrication 1. Manufacturing times of timber frame on site and factory were compared with DfMA.
et al. (2020) for timber frame wall and 2. Manufacturing times of prefabricated drain system on site and factory were compared with DfMA.
plumbing drain system 3. A tool was developed to compute the efficiency of prefabricated component by DfMA.
for residential buildings. 4. DfMA based prefabrication resulted in significant savings in terms of materials, labours and time.

2013). The similarity of projects due to customers values, type of a set of standardized DfMA elements. This will accelerate the
building and its quality, structural design and production strat- adoption of the BIM-generated DfMA system approach
egy enhances repetitiveness. DfC indicates problems from similar (Building and Construction Authority 2016).
construction projects of buildings, and by using the knowledge BIM technology along with DfMA is used in the parametric
that supports in the design of the new project with a minimum design of prefabricated structures. Computer aided BIM can gen-
occurrence of previous problems. erate architectural drawings, as well as detailed sections of all
Besides, DfMA advises determining an assembly index for components of prefabricated structures. The visual model can be
each part of the product to evaluate production time, cost, and developed by following the typical component creation process
quality which are difficult to obtain in numbers in construction according to the family template and DfMA in BIM based soft-
accurately. While, in DfC, the design construction performance ware (Yuan et al. 2018). First, DfMA analysis is carried out to
is evaluated to make clear the adequacy of design in achieving integrate the information for fabrication and assembly which
the predefined criteria comprising of desired, acceptable or includes geometry, structure, connection, manufacturing process,
unacceptable (Gerth et al. 2013). assembly process and mechanical equipment. Then, planning
and creating the prefabricated components’ family is based on
required parameters, similar to a traditional workflow.
BIM in DfMA based prefabrication The visual modelling is critical in the prefabrication industry
for timely data exchange. The information of BIM model can be
DfMA makes BIM more suitable for prefabricated structures shared throughout the project life cycle. This enables the key
(Yuan et al. 2018). Coupling BIM with DfMA project activities stakeholders to make informed decisions about design changes
on site, such as procurement, fabrication, transportation and and the production of components of prefabricated construction.
installation can be linked to the briefing, options assessment Moreover, level of development (LOD) as a detailing description
and concept design. Therefore, the integrated application of BIM standard is also essential for creating a model. It defines specific
and DfMA significantly increases the common understanding of content requirements, and authorises the use of the model and
the stakeholders on the project. Moreover, digital models assist specific purpose of the model related to the phase of a project.
the DfMA analysis for simplifying the manufacturing and assem- In off-site manufacturing, LOD depends on the level of informa-
bly process. The knowledge learned from adopting the DfMA tion required by the factory and the extent of prefabrication in
approach can be embedded in a structured data-rich model with the project.

Figure 4. Proposed framework for the application of DfMA procedure for the prefabricated structure.

Discussion on DfMA based on-site construction or DfMA manufacturing rules to civil structures in design as it is
off-site manufacturing difficult to change the well-established codes of practice for a
structural design until and unless there is a flaw or an area of
The significance of DfMA based manufacturing and prefabri- improvement in design (Gunawardena et al. 2016a, 2016b;
cated construction is evident from recent works (Gao et al. 2020; Wasim et al. 2020). Moreover, these codes suggest minimum
Vaz Serra et al. 2019; Wasim et al. 2020). However, it also raises thickness design criteria for a structural element to be used at
a question: why not carry out DfMA based prefabrication on-site the site, which cannot be changed. In contrast, DfMA
for construction components rather than limit it to off-site approaches reduce materials and costs without considering the
manufacturing? minimum thickness criteria, and usually these products (manu-
The product of an assembly plant built at a construction site factured using DfMA) are not as large as civil structures (see
can be comparatively large and fixed (immobile) compared to ‘DfMA Concepts’ section).
the industrial manufactured product or products. It is an It is also very interesting and notable concerning the manu-
extremely difficult and very challenging task to manufacture a facturing of the DfMA based prefabricated components (non-
construction product as large as prefabricated tall building in the structural) when they are only assembled at the industry, and the
industry and bring it to the site of interest. Although a cable- parts of the components to be manufactured are imported. In
stayed solar tower was manufactured and then transported to the this case, it is perhaps arguable, why to manufacture in the
site successfully (Peterseim et al. 2016), a solar tower is not com- industry if the same thing can be done on-site (assembly). For
parable to the building in terms of its volume and other require- example, simultaneous or parallel manufacture and assembly on
ments. Further, a flexible mobile factory, as attempted earlier by site are possible instead assembling of the components at indus-
Martinez et al. (2013) for the manufacturing of some compo- try and transporting them to the site. There remains the possibil-
nents of construction, is not suitable for tall buildings. Moreover, ity of the construction products to be fabricated on-site when
the space restriction of the nearby localities is again a further their only assembly is required. There is a likelihood that the
hurdle for the manufacture of the prefabricated products (com- money and labour savings obtained from manufacturing in the
ponents/elements/modules) for construction. industry may prove to be same on construction sites.
Besides, from the volume or nature of the prefabricated con- Nevertheless, the obvious benefits of the prefabricated construc-
struction product (component), it is also very difficult to apply tion are undeniable in overcoming the delays, space limitations

and wastages of the conventional construction. These benefits References

can be further enhanced by coupling prefabrication with DfMA
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