Salapare Et Al 2015 Zambales

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Geophysical Journal International

Geophys. J. Int. (2015) 201, 1522–1533 doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv094

GJI Geodynamics and tectonics

Upper crustal structure beneath the Zambales Ophiolite Complex,

Luzon, Philippines inferred from integrated gravity, magnetic and
geological data

Ricky C. Salapare,1 Carla B. Dimalanta,1 Noelynna T. Ramos,1 Pearlyn C. Manalo,1

Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava,2 Karlo L. Queaño3 and Graciano P. Yumul Jr.3,4
1 Rushurgent Working Group – Tectonics and Geodynamics Academic Group, National Institute of Geological Sciences, College of Science, University of the

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Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines. E-mail:
2 School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines – Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
3 Monte Oro Resources and Energy Inc., Makati City, Philippines
4 Apex Mining Company Inc., Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines

Accepted 2015 February 23. Received 2015 January 15; in original form 2014 August 09

The Zambales Ophiolite Complex (ZOC) in the western portion of Luzon Island, Philip-
pines represents a typical exposure of an emplaced crust-upper mantle section of an ancient
lithosphere. The ZOC is divided into the Acoje and Coto Blocks based on petrological, geo-
chemical and age disparities, thus implying diverse and complex origins for the archipelago’s
lithospheric sources. We used gravity and magnetic data to reveal differences in the subsurface
characteristics of the two ophiolite blocks for the first time. Low Bouguer gravity (<135 mGal)
and magnetic (<69 nT) anomalies characterize the ophiolitic units in the Acoje Block whereas
high Bouguer gravity (>150 mGal) and magnetic (>110 nT) anomalies typify the Coto Block.
Such contrasting signatures further extend at greater depths which reflect the disparities in the
crustal density, the basement structure, and the depth to Moho. Petrophysical characteristics
such as density, magnetic susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensi-
ties correlate well with the interpreted Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomalies. Densities of
gabbros and peridotites from the Acoje and Coto Blocks reveal mean values ranging from
2640 to 2810 kg m–3 and 2570 to 2690 kg m–3 , respectively. Magnetic susceptibility (>4.43
× 10−3 SI) and NRM (>0.69 A m–1 ) data are also generally higher over the Coto Block.
Both Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomaly maps reveal a prominent steep gradient that
potentially marks the structural contact between Acoje and Coto Blocks. We further infer that
the steep anomaly gradient validates the presence of the Lawis Fault Zone which separates the
two ophiolite blocks in the Masinloc Massif. Recent field evidence from rock exposures in
Coto reveals both right lateral and vertical displacements along the fault zone.
Key words: Gravity anomalies and Earth structure; Magnetic anomalies: modelling and
interpretation; Crustal structure.

Romblon Island Group (e.g. Dimalanta et al. 2009; Gabo et al. 2014;
1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
Manalo et al. 2014).
Geophysical data, coupled with geological information, have sig- The Zambales Ophiolite Complex (ZOC) represents one of the
nificantly contributed in understanding the tectonic history and evo- best exposed crust-upper mantle sequences in the world and, there-
lution of many known ophiolites in the world (e.g. Manghnani & fore, has been the subject of several geological investigations. De-
Coleman 1981; Ricci et al. 1985; Godfrey et al. 1997; Zaigham & spite numerous studies on the stratigraphy, structure, petrochemistry
Mallick 2000). In particular, gravity and magnetic data have been and resource potential of the ZOC, its tectonic evolution and em-
utilized to constrain the thickness, growth, subsurface geometry, placement history remain difficult to constrain. The evolution of
and mineralization potential of emplaced lithospheric fragments. the ZOC is further complicated by the juxtaposition of two ophi-
In the Philippines, geophysical data have been used to model the olite blocks, namely Acoje and Coto which differ in petrological
subsurface structure and geometry of emplaced ophiolites and jux- and geochemical characteristics, and age (Hawkins & Evans 1983;
taposed arc-continent fragments, particularly in Mindoro, Panay and Yumul et al. 1998a; Queaño et al. 2014). Previous investigations

C The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
Upper crustal structure beneath the ZOC 1523

involving petrological and geochemical data identified the forma- ment and sedimentation. Episodes of arc magmatism and formation
tion of the Acoje and Coto Blocks in two different magmatic origin of volcanic chain are primarily attributed to subduction along the
and tectonic events. The Acoje Block shows resemblance to an is- east dipping Manila–Negros–Sulu–Cotabato trench system and the
land arc tholeiite (IAT) composition whereas a source related to west-dipping East Luzon Trough–Philippine Trench system. Hence,
a transitional mid-oceanic-ridge-basalt/island arc (MORB-IA) was the collision of different lithospheres consequently led to the jux-
recognized for the Coto Block (Hawkins & Evans 1983; Geary taposition of island arc and continental fragments that comprise
et al. 1989; Yumul 1989; 1996; Yumul et al. 1998b). The Eocene the Philippine archipelago. Geological evidence of arc-arc and arc-
age of the Coto Block was determined by paleontological dating continent collision are widely recognized along the northern margin
of pelagic limestone of Aksitero Formation (Amato 1965; Garrison of Luzon Island, in west central Philippines (e.g. Palawan, Mindoro,
et al. 1979; Schweller et al. 1984) and by radiometric and isotopic Panay, Romblon Island Group; e.g. Dimalanta et al. 2009; Yumul
dating of intermediate to silicic intrusive bodies piercing cumu- et al. 2009; Concepcion et al. 2012), and on the southwestern margin
late rocks of the Coto Block (De Boer et al. 1980; Fuller et al. of Mindanao (Yumul et al. 2003, 2009; Lester et al. 2013).
1989; Encarnacion et al. 1993). On the other hand, Queaño et al. Ophiolites and ophiolitic complexes in the Philippines have sig-

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(2014) reported a Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age for the nificantly contributed to our understanding of how the archipelago
Acoje Block based on their study of the radiolarian assemblages evolved through time. Fragments of crust-upper mantle sequences
of chert olistoliths which are believed to be related to other Meso- are widely recognized and often serve as the basement rocks of
zoic ophiolites in western Luzon Island. This study, therefore, aims the islands. In Luzon Island, a number of ophiolites and ophiolitic
to constrain the subsurface structure and complexities of the ZOC units comprise the basement of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg)
by interpreting the gravity and magnetic anomalies over the Acoje formations (e.g. Ilocos, Lepanto, Pugo, Zambales, Angat, Casigu-
and Coto Blocks. These new geophysical data, combined with ge- ran, Isabela, Camarines Norte, Lagonoy and Rapu-rapu; e.g. Karig
ological and geomorphologic information, offer additional insights 1983; Tamayo et al. 2004; Morishita et al. 2006; Yumul et al. 2006;
on the juxtaposition of these two petrologically and geochemically Fig. 1a). Among the most investigated ophiolites in the Philippines
contrasting terranes. Integrated interpretation of gravity, magnetic and probably one of the best exposed crust-upper mantle suites in
and geological data further enables the delineation of the Lawis the world is the ZOC. As early as the 1970s, studies on the ZOC
Fault Zone which represents the structural boundary that physically have been focused on the petrologic, geochemical, palaeontologic
separates the two ophiolite blocks. We also propose an idealized and palaeomagnetic characteristics in explaining its diverse ori-
model of the subsurface structure beneath the ZOC based on field, gin, formation and tectonic setting. Fuller et al. (1989), based on
geophysical and petrophysical data. palaeomagnetic data, proposed the pre-Cenozoic northward trans-
lation of the ZOC with counter-clockwise motion along with other
terranes (e.g. Sabah, Palawan and Mindoro). Three massifs were
2 G E O L O G Y A N D S T RU C T U R E O F T H E identified by Bacuta (1978 in Hock and Friedrich 1985) composite
ZOC of the ZOC: Masinloc, Cabangan and San Antonio (Fig. 1b). These
The formation of the Philippine island arc results from the interplay ophiolite massifs are separated and cut by faults such as the Lawis
of processes involving collision, subduction, ophiolite emplace- Fault, Iba Fault and Subic Bay Fault Zone (Rossman et al. 1989;

Figure 1. The Zambales Ophiolite Complex (ZOC). (a) Cretaceous ophiolites and ophiolitic complexes (black shaded areas) comprise the basement rocks (e.g.
Tamayo et al. 2004) in Luzon and nearby islands. Boxed region is the ZOC. (b) Map showing the three massifs that comprise the Zambales Ophiolite Complex
(from north to south) – Masinloc, Cabangan and San Antonio. Distribution of ophiolite blocks (Acoje and Coto) are adopted from Yumul et al. (1998b). The
location of the Aksitero Formation is marked by a star. (c) Lithologic map of the northern portion of the ZOC showing the distribution of ophiolite units and
overlying sedimentary rocks. Distribution of ophiolite units to the east is adapted from the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences (1981). This is the area covered
by the gravity and magnetic surveys. Refer to Fig. 4 for the locations of gravity and magnetic stations.
1524 R.C. Salapare et al.

Yumul et al. 1998a) (Fig. 1b). Using magnetic and gravity data, Di- complex history of the ZOC which suggests that the Acoje Block
malanta (1994, 1996) and Yumul and Dimalanta (1997) delineated was formed earlier than the Eocene Coto Block.
the Subic Bay Fault Zone that separates the Cabangan (Coto Block) Field evidence of a prominent tectonic structure, the Lawis Fault,
and San Antonio (Acoje Block) Massifs. separating the Acoje from the Coto Block along Lawis River, has
Exposures of complete ophiolite sequences can be found in both been reported by Hawkins and Evans (1983) and Rossman et al.
the Acoje and Coto Blocks of the Masinloc Massif (Fig. 1b). (1989). Hawkins and Evans (1983) noted the differences in petro-
Hawkins and Evans (1983) and Yumul (1996) suggest an ap- logical characteristics and crustal thickness between the two ophi-
proximately 18–20-km-thick ophiolite stratigraphy for the Acoje olite blocks as the primary basis for delineating the Lawis Fault.
Block. The peridotite section is roughly 10–12 km thick whereas They further described this presumed tectonic boundary between
the ultramafic-mafic cumulate section comprises the remaining 8 the Acoje and Coto Blocks as a large NNE–SSW high angle shear
km segment (Hawkins and Evans 1983; Yumul 1994; 1996). On zone that is characterized by sinistral slip with significant vertical
the other hand, the Coto Block, located in the southern portion of displacement. Subsequent studies on the geology and structure of
the Masinloc Massif, has an 8–10-km–thick peridotite section and the ZOC further provided constraints on the general characteris-
∼3.5-km-thick dunite-gabbro section (Hawkins and Evans 1983;

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tics of faults that cut through the ophiolite massifs. Rossman et al.
Yumul 1994, 1996; Yumul et al. 1998b). (1989) reported the Lawis Fault to be a hinge fault with vertical
The Acoje Block is composed of harzburgites-lherzolites with displacement that increases eastward of Mt Lanat. The structural
dunite pods, layered wehrlites with podiform chromites, transition relationships between the Acoje and Coto Blocks, however, have
zone dunites cut by pyroxenite and gabbro dykes, layered pyrox- not been clearly defined due to limited accessibility of outcrops
enites and dunites, layered and massive gabbronorites, diabase and along the contact (Evans et al. 1991). Recent field observations of
diorite dykes and pillow basalts with massive sulfides (Hawkins rock exposures along Coto Road/Mine and in Acoje Mine reveal sig-
and Evans 1983; Yumul 1994, 1996; Yumul et al. 1998b). Ophiolite nificant observations on the Lawis Fault which led to a re-evaluation
units of the Acoje Block are best exposed in the northern part of of the tectonic structure.
Zambales and Pangasinan, particularly in the areas of Masinloc,
Candelaria, Sta. Cruz (Zambales), Dasol and Sual (Pangasinan). In
the Coto Block, the ultramafic section consists of harzburgites with 3 M E T H O D S A N D D ATA S O U R C E S
podiform chromites, microgabbro and diabase dykes, dunite pods
and transition zone dunites (Hawkins and Evans 1983; Yumul 1994, 3.1 Geology and geomorphology
1996, 2004; Yumul et al. 1998b). Over the mafic cumulate section,
The trace of the Lawis Fault and other lineaments were delineated
a layered troctolite-gabbro unit with thin dunite-anorthosite layers
by visual observation and interpretation of digital elevation models
grading into isotropic gabbros, and an upper volcanic hypabyssal
and topographic maps. A hillshade map was generated and derived
suite can be observed (Hawkins and Evans 1983; Yumul 1994, 1996,
from the 30-m resolution Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission
2004; Yumul et al. 1998b). Rock exposures from the Coto Block
and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model Version
of the Masinloc Massif are located in the Coto Mines in Masin-
2 (ASTER GDEM V2; Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center
loc and along the national road in Botolan and Palauig, Zambales.
2011). Faults and joints were also adopted from existing geologi-
Geochemical data from the ZOC reveal formation of the Acoje and
cal maps (e.g. BMG 1981; Fig. 2). Changes in topographic con-
Coto Blocks in different tectonic settings; the former was gener-
tour expressions were also observed from 1:50 000-scale maps of
ated in an island arc tholeiite setting while the latter was formed in
the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAM-
a transitional mid-oceanic-ridge-basalt/island arc setting (Hawkins
RIA). To validate the Lawis Fault, rock exposures along the Coto
and Evans 1983; Geary et al. 1989; Yumul 1989).
Road/Mine, Lawis River and in Acoje Mine were examined for
Studies focusing on the mineralization in both regions reveal met-
evidence of faulting.
allurgical chromites (chromian spinel with spinel XCr [Cr/(Cr+Al)]
≥ 0.6) in the Acoje Block and refractory chromites (aluminian
spinel with spinel XCr ≤ 0.6) in the Coto Block (Rossman 1964;
3.2 Geophysics
Hock and Friedrich 1985; Hock et al. 1986; Yumul 1992; Zhou et al.
2000). In addition, the Acoje Block hosts Cyprus-type volcanogenic Gravity and magnetic surveys across the Acoje and Coto Blocks of
massive sulphides which can be associated with seafloor spreading the Masinloc Massif in the northern part of the ZOC were carried
centre (Nicolas and Violette 1982). out (Fig. 1c). Stations were occupied at intervals varying between
An Eocene age had been assigned previously to the ZOC on the 0.5 and 3 km along major and secondary roads from Santa Cruz
basis of the foraminiferal age of the pelagic limestone of the Ak- in the north (∼15◦ 50’N) to Iba in the south (∼15◦ 25’N). A Scin-
sitero Formation (Amato 1965; Garrison et al. 1979; Schweller et al. trex CG-5 gravimeter with an accuracy of 0.001 mGal and Scintrex
1984). This sedimentary unit which overlies the pillow basalts is ex- EnviMag proton precession magnetometer with an accuracy of 0.1
posed in the southeastern part of the ZOC (Coto Block; Fig. 1b). The nT were used during the surveys. Magnetic susceptibilities of rocks
upper Eocene age provided by the fossil assemblage and supported were measured using a handheld KT-9 kappa meter. Station loca-
by radiometric K–Ar dating of diabase and granodiorite dykes and tions were determined using a handheld global positioning system
isotopic U-Pb dating of tonalite and hornblende quartz diorite is (GPS) unit with a lateral and horizontal accuracy of ±3 m. Eleva-
deemed to provide the minimum age for the Coto Block (De Boer tion data were extracted from Google Earth and were cross-checked
et al. 1980; Fuller et al. 1989; Encarnacion et al. 1993). However, with the 1:50 000-scale topographic maps and available GPS sta-
recent palaeontologic studies by Queaño et al. (2014) yielded a tions of the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age of radiolarian assemblages (NAMRIA) to limit the maximum elevation error to ±20 m. Base
from chert blocks considered to cap the Acoje Block post-dating its stations were periodically reoccupied within each survey day. Grav-
formation. Thus, an older age is now being assigned to the Acoje ity and magnetic anomaly maps were generated using filters in the
Block. This provided another important constraint on the origin and Geosoft Oasis Montaj software. The gravimeter readings were tied
Upper crustal structure beneath the ZOC 1525

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Figure 2. Hillshade map showing lineament traces and probable extent of the Lawis Fault Zone. Digital elevation map is from Earth Remote Sensing Data
Analysis Center (2011) while structural orientations are adopted from the geological map of the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences (1981). Also shown are
locations of outcrops observed in Acoje (solid star) and Coto blocks (solid circle; Fig. 3).

to the International Gravity Standardization Network using the base The gravity measurements were subjected to a series of correc-
station located in Cubi Point, Subic (14◦ 48’N, 120◦ 16’E). Gravity tions (e.g. drift, latitude, free-air and Bouguer correction) to elim-
data for the eastern side of the Zambales Range were extracted from inate variations that are not caused by the underlying lithologies.
the database of the Bureau Gravimetrique Internationale. Bouguer Absolute Bouguer anomalies were subsequently computed utiliz-
anomaly from the grid file EGM08_CBA_global_2190_2.5m ing the method of Holom and Oldow (2007; and references therein)
with grid limits of 117◦ 5’–126◦ 36’ (longitude) and 4◦ 48 –18◦ which follows and complies to the standards set by the USGS and
(latitude) was utilized to provide 52 additional data points Standards/Format Working Group of the North American Gravity
for the eastern portion of the ZOC. No available magnetic Database Committee. A limit of 4 mGal (1 mGal per 5 m of error
anomaly data sources were found for the eastern side of in the elevations) was established to constrain the error in Bouguer
the ZOC. anomaly values. The maximum anomaly contributions from the
1526 R.C. Salapare et al.

undulating terrain of the Acoje and Coto blocks were manually Rock samples from different ophiolitic units and sedimentary
computed utilizing the method of Hammer (1939) with the aid of formations were collected for density, magnetic susceptibility and
a Hammer Chart and 1:50 000-scale topographic maps. Compu- natural remanent magnetization (NRM) measurements. The water
tations of terrain corrections up to Zone I of the Hammer Chart displacement method modified from Sanger and Glen (2003) was
from two stations located in Acoje Road and Coto Road with the utilized to measure the densities of the dry rock samples. Magnetic
highest degrees of topographic relief reveal maximum values of susceptibility measurements using a hand-held KT-9 kappameter
0.0536 and 0.0295 mGal, respectively. Such contributions of error were done in stations where there are rock exposures. NRM of
from elevations and topographic relief were found to be insignifi- cored samples was measured using the JR-6A AGICO dual spinner
cant, especially in the interpretation of regional Bouguer anomalies. magnetometer. Density, magnetic susceptibility and NRM values of
Filtering by upward continuation through the 2D-FFT MAGMAP collected samples are summarized in Table 2.
extension of the Geosoft Oasis Montaj software was done to obtain
the regional anomaly. This process enhances the long wavelength
component of the anomalies which correspond from shallow and 4 R E S U LT S A N D D I S C U S S I O N

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deep sources.
The magnetic measurements were subjected to corrections to 4.1 Geology and geomorphology
remove the effects of diurnal variations by establishing base sta- Throughout the different geological expeditions conducted in the
tions at preferred accessible locations considerably distant from ZOC, the structural boundary, the Lawis Fault, separating the Acoje
possible sources of cultural noises (e.g. power lines, metal fences, and Coto Blocks was proposed based on field evidence. Hawkins
cars and houses, etc.) (e.g. Milsom and Eriksen 2011; Reynolds and Evans (1983) reported a northeast trending sinistral fault (with
2011). Base stations were re-occupied with at most three-hour minor vertical slip) that traverses between the tectonized ultramafic
intervals. The corrections were done by manual computation us- rocks of the Coto Block and the mafic cumulate rocks of the Acoje
ing linear distributions of the difference between the readings in Block (Fig. 1c). However, Rossman et al. (1989) believed that the
the base stations based on the elapsed time of measurements be- Lawis Fault does not physically separate the two blocks but is rather
tween the base station and the succeeding observation points within associated with the exhumation of Mt Lanat resulting to the crystal-
each survey loop (e.g. Milsom and Eriksen 2011; Reynolds 2011). lization of cumulate rocks containing significant amounts of horn-
The resulting values were subsequently reduced with respect to the blende and plagioclase.
11th generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field Analysis of structural data revealed variably trending linear fea-
(IGRF11; International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeron- tures in the Acoje and Coto Blocks (Fig. 2). Fractures are generally
omy 2010) and gridded using the Kriging algorithm in the Geosoft NW-trending in the Acoje Block while linear features in the Coto
Oasis Montaj software to generate a total magnetic field anomaly Block are dominantly ENE-striking. The same observations of the
map. Reduction to equator (RTE) was carried out using the fol- general trend of lineaments were observed in the accessible outcrops
lowing parameters to define the Earth’s magnetic field within the proximal to the trace of the Lawis Fault Zone (Fig. 3). Unparallel
survey area: IGRF 11, inclination = 19.2◦ and declination = –1.86◦ relationship of locally prominent linear features found in the Acoje
( For magnetic data and Coto Blocks is related to the major structural boundary that
acquired at low magnetic latitudes (–20◦ to 20◦ ) or at the equator, separates them. Recognition of this general trend may be used to
the solution of RTE is preferred to reduction to the pole (RTP; Jain constrain possibly different stress regimes experienced by the two
1988; Li and Oldenburg 2001; Yao et al. 2003). This data reduction blocks.
aids in the interpretation of magnetic anomalies by eliminating er- Recent geophysical surveys and field investigations of rock ex-
rors from amplified N–S amplitude signals that generally occurs in posures in the Acoje Mine and along the Coto Road enabled further
RTP operation (Geosoft 2014). Upward continuation was applied to characterization of the Lawis Fault. Based on our field observa-
the RTE magnetic anomalies to eliminate signals emanating from tions, rocks from both blocks were found to exhibit evidence of
shallow sources. Gravity and magnetic anomaly values for the dif- large-scale faulting, displacements, and deformations. In the Acoje
ferent lithologic units are summarized in Table 1. Block, reverse and right-lateral displacement is observed in the

Table 1. Range of gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Acoje and Coto Blocks of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex.
Sedimentary rocks Acoje Block Coto Block

Gabbro Peridotite Gabbro Peridotite

Gravity anomaly (mGal) 104.4–133.3 130.0–140.5 106.7–130.7 128.5–137.1 135.6–159.8
Magnetic anomaly – RTE (nT) –114.9–28.0 –13.7–95.0 –49.2–74.8 95.0–132.0 143.0–367.0

Table 2. Physical properties of lithologic units comprising the Acoje and Coto Blocks of the Zambales Ophiolite
Complex. Numbers written inside the parentheses indicate the number of samples measured.
Sedimentary rocks
(e.g. fine to coarse
grained sandstones) Acoje Block Coto Block

Gabbro Peridotite Gabbro Peridotite

Density (kg m–3 ) 1970 (61) 2640 (9) 2690 (12) 2810 (7) 2570 (3)
Magnetic susceptibility (×10−3 SI) 0.33 (48) 23.1 (12) 4.28 (26) 4.43 (6) 9.36 (2)
Natural remanent magnetization (A m–1 ) 0.16 (10) 0.28 (4) 0.48 (7) 0.74 (4) 0.69 (3)
Upper crustal structure beneath the ZOC 1527

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Figure 3. Representative outcrop photos exhibiting structural features related to the Lawis Fault Zone in the Acoje Mine (a–c) and along Coto Road (d–f).
(a) Normal and right-lateral displacement along a fault that strikes N10◦ W and dips 85◦ NE in the layered gabbros. (b) and (c) Intensely fractured and highly
serpentinized harzburgites and dunites. (d) Displacement of basaltic dykes (dashed lines) and gabbros reveal both reverse and dextral movement along a fault
plane that is N40◦ –60◦ E striking and 45◦ –70◦ NW dipping. (e) Slickenlines (almost vertical) observed on surfaces of peridotites. (f) Dextral displacement of
silica veins within peridotites as seen along Lawis River with fault orientation of N54◦ E strike and 64◦ SE dip.

layered gabbros (Fig. 3a). Harzburgites and dunites were also found layers are sometimes observed. Along the Lawis River, peridotites
to be heavily fractured and highly serpentinized (Figs 3b and c). In of the Coto Block are densely jointed, intensely sheared and serpen-
the Coto Block, highly deformed gabbros were found to be in con- tinized. In a few outcrops, displaced rock units exhibit both dextral
tact with serpentinized harzburgites. Slickenlines and chatter marks and reverse slip (Figs 3d and f). The variable slickenline orientations
are prevalent on rock surfaces while fault gouges and displaced rock further indicate a complex displacement history involving vertical
1528 R.C. Salapare et al.

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Figure 4. Gravity and magnetic anomaly maps depicting the Lawis Fault Zone in the northern portion of the Zambales Range. Survey stations are marked by
black dots while black triangles correspond to data extracted from the database of the Bureau Gravimetrique Internationale. Refer to Fig. 1(c) for localities.
Black dashed line shows the trace of the Lawis Fault Zone delineated from geological data, white dashed lines define the general distribution of the peridotite
and gabbro units in the Acoje and Coto Blocks (Fig. 1c). The abrupt gradient changes in the anomaly maps are used as further evidence to delineate the Lawis
Fault Zone: (a) Bouguer anomaly; (b) reduced to equator (RTE) magnetic anomaly; (c) regional gravity anomaly; (d) regional RTE magnetic anomaly.

and lateral movements along faults (Fig. 3e). Due to the extent of mGal) in the southern part of the study area where harzburgites and
sheared rock units observed from previous and recent field obser- gabbros of the Coto Block are exposed. The northern Acoje Block,
vations, this study suggests that the wide area of deformation be on the other hand, is characterized by lower Bouguer anomalies
referred to as the Lawis Fault Zone. (<135 mGal). A pronounced gravity low is centered over the highly
serpentinized peridotites as seen along the Acoje Road (Fig. 4a).
Density measurements further complement the gravity anomalies
observed over the ophiolite blocks. The gabbros of the Coto Block
4.2 Gravity and magnetic signatures
yielded higher densities (2810 kg m–3 ) compared to the gabbros of
The resulting anomaly map shows Bouguer anomalies varying be- the Acoje Block (2640 kg m–3 ), while highly fractured and highly
tween 105 and 191 mGal over the ophiolite blocks in Masinloc serpentinized peridotites of the Acoje Block also yielded lower den-
Massif (Fig. 4a; Table 1). The Bouguer anomalies are higher (>150 sity measurements (2690 kg m–3 ; Table 2). The decrease in density
Upper crustal structure beneath the ZOC 1529

due to serpentinization is expected due to the replacement of mafic (0.74 A m–1 ) and peridotites (0.69 A m–1 ) from the Coto Block are
minerals (ρ = 2800 kg m–3 ) with serpentine, which has a density higher than the gabbros (0.28 A m–1 ) and peridotites (0.48 A m–1 )
of 2500 kg m–3 (Henkel 1976; Mevel 2003; Bach et al. 2006). of the Acoje Block, but all measurements are in the same order
Unlike those in the areas with relatively abundant detailed mag- of magnitude. Also, the high magnetic susceptibility of the Acoje
netic data, as in spreading centres in mid ocean ridges among others gabbro can produce a magnetization of 0.76 A m–1 , which is almost
(e.g. Leroy et al. 2000), the study area does not have a comprehen- the same as the recorded NRM values. Therefore, it is safe to infer
sive data to identify different blocks of normal or reverse polarities. that the observed magnetic anomalies are due to the differences in
For this reason, magnetic anomalies are only attributed to the lat- the magnetic susceptibilities and compositional variation, and are
eral and vertical variations across the different lithologic units in not dominated by the effects of inherent rock magnetic properties.
the Zambales Range. Furthermore, comparisons of magnetic sig- Towards the western portion of the ophiolite massif, a prominent
natures are constrained only by units that are present in the study low Bouguer anomaly (≤126 mGal) and low magnetic anomaly
area. The RTE magnetic anomaly map can also be clearly divided (–85 to 69 nT) characterize the Early to Late Miocene thick sedi-
into two magnetic terranes with low anomalies (<69 nT) charac- mentary sequences that represent the overlying post-emplacement

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terizing the northern part of the Masinloc Massif (Acoje Block) units of the ZOC (e.g. Queaño et al. 2014; Figs 4a and b). From
and high magnetic anomalies (>110 nT) occurring over the Coto west to east, the low to high Bouguer gravity and magnetic anoma-
Block in the southern part (Fig. 4b; Table 1). Since the magnetic lies suggest the extent of the west-dipping sedimentary sequences;
anomalies are reduced to the equator, highly magnetic bodies will low gravity signatures of the sedimentary sequences could extend
have very low anomalies over the centre of the magnetic body (Gay further offshore. The relatively low values observed in the gravity
1963; Telford et al. 1976). The magnetic anomaly map, therefore anomalies, density measurements (1970 kg m–3 ), magnetic suscep-
suggests that the area over the mapped Acoje peridotite is signifi- tibilities (0.33 × 10−3 SIU) and NRM values (0.16 A m–1 ) reflect
cantly more magnetic than the rest of the ophiolite units. However, the typical characteristics of clastic sedimentary rocks (Table 2),
this observation is not consistent with the magnetic susceptibility similar to measurements of Sanger and Glen (2003), Ebbing et al.
measurements of outcrops and rock samples in the area, which show (2007) and Yang et al. (2013).
that the magnetic susceptibility of gabbros of the Acoje Block is Further evaluation of the Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomaly
higher than that of the Acoje peridotites, Coto gabbros and Coto gradients reveal an apparent ‘geophysical’ contact between the
peridotites (Table 1). Two possible explanations can account for this Acoje and Coto Blocks in the Masinloc Massif. We infer that a
scenario. The highly magnetic body beneath the exposed peridotites prominent steep anomaly gradient and/or linearity in the anomaly
may be inferred to be Acoje peridotites with a higher degree of ser- contours may represent the subsurface signature of a tectonic struc-
pentinization or Acoje gabbros to gabbronorite dykes which were ture (e.g. fault, shear zone), as seen in the works of Ates et al.
observed to cut through the Acoje abyssal peridotites as products (1999), Galindo-Zaldivar et al. (2003) and Blakely et al. (2014).
of late stage magmatism (Yumul et al. 1998b). The former expla- The steep gravity gradient along the boundary of the Acoje Block
nation is preferred, however, because of the low gravity signature gabbros and Coto Block peridotites fairly coincides with the Lawis
observed over the same area, which has the same shape as the cir- Fault Zone.
cular low magnetic anomaly (Fig. 4c). High magnetic properties The geophysical signatures of the Acoje and Coto Blocks, the
and low gravity signatures are consistent with the reported charac- Lawis Fault Zone, and the overlying sedimentary sequences are
teristics of highly serpentinized peridotites (Toft et al. 1990; Bach further investigated by processing the gravity and magnetic data.
et al. 2006). Upward continuation of the magnetic anomalies up Regional gravity and magnetic anomalies were examined using up-
to 3000 m suggests that the magnetic source of the low magnetic ward continuation to determine the extent of homogeneous anoma-
anomaly is deep-seated (depth = 1500 m; Fig. 4d). The contrasting lies at greater depths (depth = 1500 m; Figs 4c and d; e.g. Verdun
magnetic signature of the ophiolite blocks is also shown in the FeO et al. 2003; Xiaohong et al. 2009). The west to east increase of both
content of the Acoje gabbros to gabbronorite dykes cutting through Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomalies becomes more prominent
the Acoje peridotites (6.48–9.96 per cent), and the Coto diabase to at depth, reflecting the change in lithology from the sedimentary
gabbro dykedykes intruding the ultramafic rocks of the Coto Block sequences to the west and ophiolite units to the east. Edge detection
(8.83–12.62 per cent; Yumul et al. 1998b). The difference in the and enhancement of gravity and magnetic sources were done us-
total iron content suggests a difference in the concentration of mag- ing a tilt derivative filter to investigate on the extent and geometry
netite (Fe3 O4 ) and/or other magnetic oxides contained in the mafic of the geological boundaries and structural fabric (de Castro et al.
minerals of the rocks from both blocks (Banerjee 1991; Clark 1997; 2014; Figs 5a and b). Additionally, the total horizontal derivative of
Blakely et al. 2014). Petrographic examination of diorite, gabbro tilt derivatives of both Bouguer and magnetic anomalies were gen-
and diabase dykes cutting the harzburgites from Coto Block re- erated to further highlight and define these features (Anudu et al.
vealed orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine and magnetite which 2014; Figs 5c and d). The prominent NE-trending linear trace of the
have significantly contributed to the magnetic oxides (Yumul 1996; Lawis Fault Zone shows wide shear zones along the boundary of the
Yumul et al. 1998b). Furthermore, it is known that the measured Acoje gabbro and Coto peridotites as shown by the maxima values
magnetic intensities in the field is the sum of induced magnetiza- in the tilt derivative and total horizontal derivative of tilt derivative
tion, which is highly dependent on the magnetic susceptibilities of of both gravity and magnetic anomalies. Such observations on the
the rocks, and the NRM, which is recorded during rock formation outline of the maxima values are coincident with the field observa-
(Girdler and Peter 1960; Telford et al. 1976; Kelso et al. 1993). tions and trend of structural lineaments (Figs 2 and 3). We therefore
To evaluate the effects of the inherent rock magnetic properties suggest that the northeast trending linear anomaly over the mapped
in the study area in relation to the observed magnetic anomalies, ophiolite bodies shows good correspondence with the Lawis Fault
NRM intensities were measured (Table 2). NRM values of gabbros Zone.
1530 R.C. Salapare et al.

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Figure 5. Edge detection and enhancement of gravity and magnetic sources were done to better define the extent and configuration of the Lawis Fault Zone: (a)
tilt derivative of the gravity anomaly; (b) tilt derivative of the RTE magnetic anomaly; (c) total horizontal derivative of tilt derivative of the Bouguer anomaly;
(d) total horizontal derivative of tilt derivative of the RTE magnetic anomaly.

4.3 Implications for subsurface heterogeneities beneath island arc tholeiite Acoje Block is associated with the subduction-
the ZOC related deeper magma sources (Yumul et al. 1998b; Queaño et al.
2014) whereas the Cenozoic transitional mid-oceanic ridge basalt
Previous geological, petrological and geochemical studies on the
to island arc Coto Block is related to arc splitting which resulted to
ZOC have demonstrated the tectonic complexities of the ophiolite
the formation of a new marginal basin (Yumul 1996; Yumul et al.
massif. Hawkins and Evans (1983) proposed that the ZOC might
1998b; Queaño et al. 2014).
have formed in an arc—backarc basin associated with the genera-
Geomorphic and field evidence suggest that a deformation zone,
tion of the Eocene West Philippine Sea. Geary et al. (1989), on the
the Lawis Fault Zone, structurally separates the two ophiolite blocks
other hand, suggested a single crustal source for the ZOC, whose
in the Masinloc Massif. From interpretation of gravity and magnetic
evolution is defined by a compositional transition as observed from
data coupled with petrophysical measurements, this study high-
the characteristics of the Acoje and Coto Blocks. Considerations of
lights the contrasting characteristics of the Acoje and Coto Blocks
the variability in the geological setting of the ZOC have been previ-
of the ZOC (Figs 4a–d). Low Bouguer gravity (<154 mGal) and
ously highlighted from geological and geochemical characteristics
magnetic (<115 nT) anomalies characterize the ophiolitic units in
of its composite terranes, the Acoje and Coto Blocks. Hence, the
Acoje Block whereas high Bouguer gravity (>154 mGal) and high
Acoje and Coto Blocks are considered to have formed from two
magnetic (>154 nT) anomalies typify the Coto Block. Local and
different magmatic sources and geological events: the Mesozoic
Upper crustal structure beneath the ZOC 1531

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Figure 6. Schematic diagram depicting the subsurface configuration of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex. Geological data, combined with gravity and magnetic
data, collectively suggests a deeper-seated boundary between the Acoje Block and the mantle rocks. On the other hand, the Coto Block and the arc crust where
it was emplaced onto are not deeply rooted into the mantle.

shallow weathering processes also account for the petrophysical dis- separating the Acoje and Coto Blocks. The persistent linear feature
parities among the different ophiolite units comprising the Acoje on gravity and magnetic anomaly maps provides constraints on the
and Coto Blocks of the ZOC based on the field evidence. From east spatial relationship of the Acoje and Coto Blocks at depth. Field ev-
to west, ophiolite units are typified by higher Bouguer gravity (139– idence shows that the rocks along the Lawis Fault Zone are densely
190 mGal) and magnetic (125–360 nT) anomalies compared to the jointed and intensely sheared, sometimes exhibiting normal, reverse
Bouguer gravity (98–128 mGal) and magnetic (–80 to 69 nT) lows and dextral displacements. These new findings further constrain the
associated with overlying sedimentary formations. The contrasting configuration of the Lawis Fault Zone and ultimately provide identi-
signatures between the two blocks persist at greater depths, indica- fication for two possible distinct oceanic fragments where the Acoje
tive of the disparities in the crustal density, the basement structure, and Coto Blocks have been sourced.
and the depth to Moho. The Acoje Block, characterized by lower
gravity anomalies compared to the Coto Block, is thus modelled AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
to have a thicker crust that is deeply rooted in the mantle. The
Coto Block, on the other hand, is modelled with a thinner crustal Financial support for this study was provided by the Department of
structure typical of a marginal basin or back arc setting origin; the Science and Technology – Grants-In-Aid Program (DOST-GIA) –
Eocene Coto Block is then speculated to have been emplaced onto Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology
an ancient arc crust of the Philippine island arc system (Fig. 6). Research and Development (PCIEERD). We thank the University
Therefore, we suggest that the two ophiolite blocks are ‘geophysi- of the Philippines – National Institute of Geological Sciences (UP-
cally’ distinct and may represent fragments sourced from different NIGS) and local government officials of Zambales Province for their
lithospheres. logistical support. We acknowledge the contributions of the Geol-
ogy 181 Class 2010 and 2013 of UP-NIGS under Dr Dimalanta and
the Geophysics students of Mapúa Institute of Technology under Dr
5 C O N C LU S I O N S Queaño during the data acquisition. The four anonymous reviewers
This study presents new insights on the upper crustal structure be- are gratefully thanked for their constructive comments and sugges-
neath the Acoje and Coto Blocks of the ZOC using geological and tions that greatly improved this manuscript. We would also like to
geophysical information. We used gravity and magnetic data to thank Dr John Milsom and the members of the Rushurgent Working
reveal differences in the subsurface characteristics of the two ophi- Group at UP-NIGS for discussions during the development of this
olite blocks. Significant correlations were established between the manuscript.
variations in gravity and magnetic anomalies across the different
ophiolite units of the Acoje and Coto Blocks and the petrophys- REFERENCES
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