Anima Ark of Sinners: Monoliths: Welcome To Arca

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12/7/2019 Anima Ark of Sinners: Monoliths

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Anima Ark of Sinners: Monoliths

Welcome to Arca.

Our story is a story of pride, glory and triumph.

All cultures and civilizations pale next to ours.

Knowledge, Art, Science, Power ... We have reached the peak in all of them, perfection
Absolute humanity represented in a single city. We have eradicated the pain, the
disease, poverty ... Even the same elements obey us.

We have not created a city that will last thousands of years.

We have created a civilization that will last forever.

The Ark Council: The Decline

Despite all our knowledge, despite our mastery over all fields, think that
Ark will never fall into decline is a fool's dream. We must find a way ... a
way to preserve our civilization, our culture ... and make it last for all the

The cost doesn't matter. We will be able to change the natural course of history.

That is the fervent desire of every man and woman in our metropolis.

The desire of the city of Arca.

The Ark Council: Ark Layout

To the eyes of a foreigner, the distribution of Ark may seem unusual. Our
metropolis is built under a protective dome supported by three huge pillars 1/7
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that each one contains an entire district inside. In turn the central body of the city
It is well above the soil surface, raised by an elaborate
system of platforms supported by huge underground foundations.

To solve the complexity of moving from one level to another, there is an elaborate network of
bridges and walkways that connect all of Arca, as well as a supernatural transport system
based on gravitational platforms. With both, it is virtually possible to travel in hours
a place that could take half a life to visit.

The Ark Council: Maintenance Team

The leaks of the foundations of the city that the Council has asked us to control are
much more dangerous than we had supposed. Consequently, all
maintenance team members who are careful with the areas lit with a
dim greenish light. Contact with them can be, in some cases, even fatal.

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Lucios Gray, Arca Maintenance Manager: Timeline

I've been studying the principles of chronomancy for a long time, using the knowledge that
We have been able to get from El Reloj to develop a stable time control system.
It is interesting to know that, although the temporal tissue only flows in one direction, the
It is true that it is possible to alter its speed or even stop it completely. If we achieve
apply that principle only to a certain space ... What would we be?
get to get?

I look forward to finding out.

Augustus Carthage: The Discovery

It's been a decade since we found it. I still remember with excitement the
moment, no ... The same moment in which we dig it up from the bowels of the earth.

That was no mere coincidence; it was the natural course of history because only
Our civilization could have had the ability to detect its presence and reach it.

The study of the artifact, which the Council has decided to call The Clock, has done nothing but 2/7
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Give us amazing discoveries. The crystalline material with which it is composed
It is truly incredible, because observing its structure we have made progress
significant in all the fields in which we were in a dead end.

It's ... almost as if it were able to give us exactly everything we were looking for.

However, if my calculations are correct, we may be able to aim for more; could be
May we be at the doors to achieve the desire of our city.

High Magistrate: The Unknown

They do not understand ...

None understand. They are blinded by the lights of the endless parties and deaf by the rumble
of the endless celebrations.

They do not understand what is happening. What we're doing.

I wish I could say that we are doomed. At least, the damned can aspire to a

Our destiny will be much worse.

Nathaniel: Merkaba

Merkaba is the heart of Arca, the core of all the technological and supernatural power of
Our city.

Inside was the council room, although it has now been evicted for
give space to the Clock that serves as the basis for the Eternity Project.

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We remind you that during activation it is strictly forbidden to approach

Merkaba; the protection seals will remain active until the end of the ceremony.

The Ark Council: The Shadow 3/7
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I have seen it. I've seen what that green thing does to people ...
A team member touched him ... And in the name of the heavens, I wish he had killed him.

I wonder if there are any of those things ... swarming the city even now.

I don't think I can go back to sleep.

Lucios Gray, Arca Maintenance Manager: The Clock

I have studied it.

I have used all our vast knowledge, treasured for countless generations, to
find out everything I could about Him. In the end, I have only reached one conclusion;

I do not know what it is.

He is neither a god nor a demon, and there is no record that he had ever been created.
It is simply as if it had always existed.

However, there is some strange parallelism that scares me. Every time a great civilization
has disappeared or declined in the past, before its final ruin have always
Found something similar.

What if ... and if it wasn't just similar?

What if he has been there all those times?

Nathaniel: Filaments of Time

It is curious that when time "freezes" its filaments take on a hue

greenish and acquire a certain degree of "materiality". I have decided to call those elements
Time particles.

Unfortunately, although they generate a huge energy, all the tests I've done
with them they have shown that they are exceptionally dangerous. Any direct contact
it destroys the "time" of what they touch, leaving behind little more than a shadow of what
It was originally. I don't even want to think what could happen if they contacted a
living being.

Augustus Carthage: The Heart of Eternity

The Eternity Project will require a huge amount of temporary energy to be

activated, so it will be necessary to build three artifacts that nourish it with power; the
Zero generators 4/7
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These machines have been made using a material that emulates the qualities of El Reloj
and all our technological and supernatural advances. When they are launched,
will cause a field of temporary Ecstasy controlled from a complex room called the
Heart of Eternity In doing so, both Merkaba and El Corazón will be separated from the
physical world

Having studied the layout of the city, everything seems to indicate that the Wings of Ark are
the ideal points to locate the Zero Generators. To correctly triangulate your
position, two of them will be located in the heights and the third in the foundations of Arca.

Unfortunately, everything seems to indicate that once activated it would be necessary to destroy all three
generators to be able to reach the Heart control system and deactivate power, by
We will only have one chance to get it, but naturally we will not fail.

Augustus Carthage: The Eternity Project

The Eternity Project is the final work that will allow us to make our civilization last
forever; we will create an existential loop with which our time never ends.
We will be unable to make mistakes, die, or even be unhappy ...

With this power, even the heavens will be insignificant for us.

Augustus Carthage: Timeless Shadows

I have checked the effects of exposure of living beings to Zero Time particles, and
I can only assure you that the results have been frightening. Whoever gets in
contact with them is transformed into body and soul, becoming a timeless shadow,
a spooky parody of his former being. So far the effects we have been able to
observe are exceptionally diverse but all in their own way, they have become
Real nightmares Fleshy skeleton skeletons, bloated animated shadows ... and
much worse things.

The will of those affected prevails even though their mental health deteriorates very rapidly;
It is as if their minds were trapped in countless moments of their lives at once.

It is a terrible thing, of course, but they are necessary victims to achieve our
wish. 5/7
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Augustus Carthage: The Terrible Truth

How could we be so foolish?

How, in our arrogance, do we think we would be able to use it?

Actually, it was He who has been using us.

The Clock is not an object. He has his own will and for years he has given us exactly what
what we wanted. He has fed on our ambitions, our desires ... to
destroy us

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Finally, I have understood what the true implications of the Eternity Project are.
Within twelve hours, when activated, we will be truly eternal and our civilization
it will last forever as promised, but at a higher cost than ever
We could imagine. We will waste our time ... we will be frozen in eternity
Like a shadow forgotten in history.

Our civilization will be imperishable ...

But ... At what price?

Nathaniel: Our Dark Work ...

There is no longer any opportunity to stop the Project. The Council is blind. Very few me
They've heard, and even if they did, it wouldn't do any good.

We belong to him. What the Clock has given us is in every piece of this city, in every
one of our works ... In our own blood.

Zero Generators are unreachable. From the moment they were activated they
they find in an existence different from ours, an eternal loop in which time does not
It can penetrate. There is no way to stop them or the heart. I've thought about escaping ...
to run away, with the vain hope that when it happens I will be far enough away to
May my essence not answer your call.

But inside of me, I know we must do something.

Even if we are doomed, we should not let it escape. 6/7
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Tonight, while everyone is celebrating the activation of the Heart of Eternity

we will challenge creation itself, at the will of Ark.

We will be sinners.

Nathaniel: The Last Sin

Even if we are unable to stop the Project we cannot let The Clock continue
ahead. In the event that it is really infinite to stop it we will use against it
same unlimited power that He has granted us.

In just a few minutes we will release the energy of the Zero Generators to Merkaba,
enclosing the clock in a timeless bubble. Even a true god would be trapped
eternally in a world without time, fragile how brittle crystal. Unfortunately
although for the first time it will be vulnerable, there will be no one who can enter that world of
eternal present that will be Merkaba.

But ... Will I be able to do it? If I keep going, our entire city will end up consumed by the
Particles of Time, razed by a wave of emptiness that will condemn us to a fate worse than

And it will be my hand that does it.

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Nathaniel: And of the Shadows ... Hope?

We only have one chance, although remote. If with the passing of the ages someone synchronized
with Ark, he could be attracted to his call and do the impossible; Get to our city.
If so, it would enter a world that is neither real nor dreamlike. If it remained inside it
enough, there is a possibility that it reached Merkaba and definitely destroyed The Clock
While vulnerable. All before being affected by its power.

In doing so, we would finally be "free."

But ... Is that our salvation or will we only be unleashing it again? 7/7

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