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21948 – Africa Research Bulletin National Security

Two weeks earlier, the jihadists overran suspects were paraded at a news confer- President Kagame in mid-July warned
a military base in nearby Yobe state. On ence in the Borno state capital, Maidu- saboteurs of tough times ahead, saying
July 14th, jihadists believed to be loyal guri. Borno state police commissioner Rwanda was prepared for war if
to Boko Haram factional leader Abu Damian Chukwu said the men – all from imposed on his country. (Chimp Reports
Mus’ab Al-Barnawi raided a base in Jilli the Bama area of Borno state – were 16/7)
village. Dozens of troops were said to arrested in Borno and neighbouring
Genocide Life Sentence Overturned: A
have been killed or missing. Yobe. All eight had confessed to their
involvement, he added. linguistics professor’s life sentence and
The sophisticated attacks underline the conviction for direct involvement in
threat Boko Haram still poses despite Two men have already been sentenced to Rwanda’s 1994 genocide has been over-
repeated military claims that the group 20 years and 30 years in jail for their part turned but his nine-year sentence for
have been defeated. in the abduction. (© AFP 18/7 2018) downplaying the bloodshed upheld, his
Yan St-Pierre, counter-terrorism advisor lawyer said on July 21st.
and head of the Berlin-based Modern RWANDA Former trade union official Leopold
Security Consulting Group, suggested Munyakazi, 67, was cleared of direct
the attacks could be because Boko New Rebel Group? involvement by the Rwandan High
Haram fighters are vying for control of Court’s Chamber of International
the Abubakar Shekau-led faction. The authorities deny knowledge of any Crimes on the 20th, but his conviction
activities linked to the movement. for using his academic work to down-
Shekau re-emerged in a new video in play the impact of the bloodshed was
July after a long absence that fuelled A new rebel movement has claimed
speculation about his health and ability responsibility for the recent wave of confirmed by appeal judges.
to lead the Islamist militants. He attacks in Rwanda and announced its Munyakazi, from Gitarama in central
appeared unwell but made no direct intentions to topple the government of Rwanda, has consistently denied partic-
mention of his health or reports from President Paul Kagame by force of arms. ipating in the genocide. The academic
June that he had several serious health The group, which calls itself, the was extradited from the United States
complications. National Liberation Forces (NLF), (US) to Rwanda in 2016 to face justice
Eight people were killed at a mosque in accuses Kagame of dividing the nation, after a lengthy legal battle over his failed
the Mainari area of Konduga, Borno suppression of civil liberties, amending asylum application and subsequent
state on July 23rd when a suicide bomber the constitution to stay in office, harass- deportation order.
detonated his explosives. The attack bore ment of political opponents, and failing Munyakazi had argued that the genocide
the hallmarks of the Shekau faction. to address poverty, starvation and mass allegations were concocted and that he
unemployment. was really being prosecuted for opposing
The previous week, at least six traders the regime of President Paul Kagame.
were killed when a convoy of lorries A statement issued by the so-called
Rwandan Movement for Democratic (© AFP 21/7 2018)
under military escort were ambushed in
Borno state near the border with Camer- Change (RMDC) said it had created
oon. There have also been a number of the NLF to put an immediate end to the
attacks on military convoys and bases in dictatorial power of the ruling Rwandan SOMALIA
Borno and neighbouring Yobe state, Patrtiotic Front (RPF), and it would Military Camp Attacked Again
with undisclosed casualties. (© AFP use all possible means, including the
24,27,29/7 2018; The Guardian, Lagos 24/7) armed struggle, to drive the RPF out of Security forces are accused of abetting
power since it had refused all peaceful jihadist attacks.
The army said its troops had killed 16 ways.
terrorists on July 27th and recovered arms Somali soldiers repelled an attack by al-
and ammunition in Mairari village, Mun- ChimpReports understands RMDC is Shabaab militants on the Bar-sanguni
gono Local Government Area, Borno led by Paul Rusesabagina, a wealthy military base in the Lower Jubba region
State. One soldier and four civilians were Rwandan humanitarian who, while on July 23rd, though the militants tem-
also injured during the operation. working as a house manager at the porarily seized a section of the camp,
Hotel des Mille Collines in Kigali, hid according to the government.
Meanwhile army chief of staff Lieu- and protected 1,200 Hutu and Tutsi
tenant General Tukur Buratai said the refugees from the Interahamwe militia “Al-Shabaab took control of a section of
process of importing weapons was ham- during the Rwandan genocide. Rus- the camp,” said Acting Information
pering the military’s fight against insur- esabagina was praised for shining a Minister Adan Isaac Ali, who spoke on
gency, while hinting at efforts to ensure spotlight on the crimes committed by government-owned television. “We sent
local production of weapons. (The Sun, the genocidal regime. He would later more troops from the surrounding areas
Lagos 30/7) turn his guns on Kagame, accusing the to support others in the camp, and they
were successful in repulsing the al-
A special court set up in Kainji, Niger president of human rights abuses. Shabaab attack.
State to try terrorism-related cases has NFL claimed responsibility for July 1st
sentenced 113 Boko Haram members to attacks in Nyaruguru (southwest, about “We have lost six fighters . . . and we
jail for terrorism. (Leadership, Abuja 12/7) 100km from the capital, Kigali). In their have killed 87 militants,” he said.
Chibok Arrests: Eight men have been statement, the new rebel movement said Somali military officials said the mili-
arrested in connection with Boko Har- they had carried out attacks in Cyan- tants first attacked the camp, which lies
am’s abduction of more than 200 school- gugu, Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, Buge- some 40km (24 miles) north of regional
girls from Chibok in 2014, police said on sera and Huye, adding, “everywhere capital Kismayo, with two vehicles full
July 18th. The eight were among 22 the soldiers of Kagame suffered casu- of explosives, then followed with gunfire.
suspected members of the group alties.” Rwandan officials said they were The officials say the first explosion killed
detained in the remote region after an not aware of armed attacks in the five soldiers.
investigation. The 14 others were alleged aforementioned areas apart from Nyar- Al-Shabaab spokesman Abdiaziz Abu
to have been involved in logistics and uguru.
Mus’ab said militants killed 27 soldiers
planning suicide bomb attacks. All the

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July 1st–31st 2018 Africa Research Bulletin – 21949

been killed, according to Swedish-based to Somalia’s media development, said

Senegal Somaliweyn website (30/7). Hiiraan (26/7).
First Mass Terrorism Trial Meanwhile Shabelle Media Network Meanwhile Islamic State group (IS)
reported (22/7) a Somali government claimed the killing of six policemen in
Makhtar Diokhane, the alleged leader of a official as saying that more forces were Mogadishu on July 2nd. A statement via
jihadist cell, was handed a 20-year term being deployed to Beledweyne city, the the messaging app Telegram said the
with forced labour on July 19th in Sene- regional capital of Hiraan (centre) after police officers were targeted by an IED
gal’s largest terror-related trial, which also attacks that left several people dead. The at a checkpoint near Bakaara junction.
saw 14 suspects acquitted. Alioune Ndao,
who had been accused of acting as coor- move came after al-Shabaab killed an It was IS’s fourth claim of attack in
dinator, received a suspended one-month elder for participating in the electoral Mogadishu in a week.
sentence. process of the current Somali lawmakers IS termed Somalia a wilayah, meaning
during the 2016-2017 parliamentary elec-
Diokhane was found guilty of criminal
tion. Beledweyne, which is a strategic official branch or province, in the latest
conspiracy to commit terrorist acts while issue of its weekly newspaper al-Naba.
Ndao was convicted for possessing a town which lies just some 350km north
of Mogadishu, is largely protected by Prior to this, the group had reported its
weapon without authorisation. Three regular activity in Somalia using just the
other defendants were sentenced to 15 Somali troops backed by Djibouti peace-
years in jail with forced labour; six were keepers. country’s name, despite having boasted
given 10-year terms; and three were given since late 2015 about receiving pledges of
five-year sentences. Fourteen defendants, Mogadishu Attacks allegiance from militants there. How-
including two of Diokhane’s wives, were ever, it is still unclear if the name change
acquitted. At least 10 people were killed in the is an actual upgrade in status for the
The proceedings in a Dakar court, which capital, Mogadishu, on July 14th fol- Somalia affiliate or an editorial blunder
started on April 9th, are believed to have lowing twin car bombings and a heavy by al-Naba.
been the first mass prosecution for alleged gunfight near the presidential palace,
pro-Puntland government Garowe In 2018, IS has been claiming steady
terror activities in Senegal. The majority-
Muslim West African state has so far Online reported (14/7). low-profile attacks in Somalia. Between
escaped major terror attacks. January 1st and June 30th, the group
Three Shabaab gunmen were shot dead said it carried out 27 attacks in the
The 29 suspects, three of them women, on after exchanging fire with security country, most of which have been “as-
were accused of criminal conspiracy
related to financing a terror group, money forces outside the palace, AFP reported, sassinations” of police or security per-
laundering, acts of terrorism and funding although other reports said five of the sonnel, Telegram reported (27/7).
terrorism. Most were arrested in 2015 in attackers had been killed.
Senegal, which prosecutors said was their Spy Forces ‘Merged’ with Police
planned springboard to foment terrorism
Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for
in neighbouring countries including The both attacks, which came a week after Senior officials from Somalia’s security
Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau as two similar attacks on the Interior min- agencies have come under strong criti-
well. (© AFP 19/7 2018) istry compound killed at least 15 people. cism that they facilitate al-Shabaab’s
Later in the month, a series of targeted attacks on key government installations
assassinations took place in the space of in Mogadishu. The attack on July 7th
targeting heavily-guarded headquarters
24 hours in Mogadishu where at least
seven Somali soldiers were killed by at Otto Otto added to the suspicion
on a base “which the Americans built for gunmen, Shabelle Media Network already held by many that al-Shabaab
the apostate militias.” reported (26/7). Al-Shabaab claimed fighters and Somalia’s national security
responsibility. agencies have merged, which makes it
VOA (24/7) quoted security expert easy for the militant group to carry out
Richard Tuta as saying al-Shabaab Mogadishu has seen a rise in targeted suicide explosion attacks on key targets.
would sacrifice everything to attack a killings, according to Dhacdo news web-
military base. “They are signaling to the site (26/7). It said that on the 26th alone Privately-owned Radio Simba (9/7)
military guys, ‘Look, we have the capac- several people were killed in separate quoted Colonel Abdirisaq Yusuf Afrah
ity, and we can come for you’ . . . even if incidents in the city. The website said as saying there was collaboration
its suicidal for them.” some attribute the rise in killings to the between Somali security commanders
withdrawal of Mogadishu Stabilisation manning checkpoints in Mogadishu
In June, al-Shabaab attacked the same and the Shabaab fighters who stormed
camp with mortars, killing an American Force soldiers from the city’s streets, and
that there were no security forces present the headquarters of the Interior and
soldier. National Security ministries. He sug-
on most of the capital’s streets.
Armed fighters on July 28th raided an gested that the police, intelligence, and
Amisom military base in Araba’ow area The National Union of Somali Journal- military chiefs resign if they could not
near Elasha Biyaha village outside ists condemned, in the strongest terms identify those within the security agen-
Mogadishu. The attack, believed to have possible, the murder of a Somali jour- cies who were working with al-Shabaab.
been carried out by al-Shabaab, sparked nalist in Mogadishu on July 26th, the
latest in a series of attacks against the Minister of Security Mohamed Abukar
fighting between the attackers and the Islow recently told the media that over
Amisom troops at the base, Shabelle media. A policeman at a checkpoint near
Peace Garden, Hamar Jajab neighbour- 30 officers that have been detained over
Media Network reported (29/7). suspicions of involvement in the Otto
hood shot Abdirasaq Qasim Iman twice
Several mortars were fired on July 30th at a in the head. Abdirasaq Qasim Iman Otto attack. Those detained were man-
military helicopter ferrying supplies as it worked with London-based SBS Somali ning security checkpoints near the centre
was landing at a military base in the where the ministries of Internal Affairs
Broadcast Service TV as a cameraman
Ambareso area near Barawe town (south). and technician. and Security are based.
The helicopter took off without delivering On July 16th, Somalia’s spy chief Hus-
the supplies. Three soldiers, two Somalis The security situation of journalists
seemed to be improving in the first half sein Osman Hussein sacked his two
and a Ugandan were confirmed to have deputies amid concerns that al-Shabaab
of 2018, but this is now a major setback
had spies close to the intelligence

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21950 – Africa Research Bulletin National Security

agency’s top leadership. There were corridor linking Sool and Sanaag to between warring leaders President Salva
contradictory reports on the reasons eastern Ethiopia. Kiir and Machar.
for their sacking, which was done at a A confrontation could be disastrous for The rival groups have already agreed on
time when President Farmajo was northern Somalia and risks contributing a permanent ceasefire and withdrawing
abroad attending the Brussels confer- to instability across the country by of their forces from civilian areas. On
ence (see p.21955). playing into the hands of al-Shabaab July 7th they agreed on a power-sharing
Some initial reports indicated that the or even the small IS branch in Puntland. deal but its signing was delayed due to
officials were sacked due to corruption “War is still avoidable, but to forestall it differences over its contents.
and the embezzlement of funds. Others both sides need to take a step back, dial The “preliminary” deal sealed on July
claimed that the sacked officials are down their rhetoric and allow for medi- 25th should be followed by a final one
thought to have been involved in the ation led by the UN,” said the think on August 5th, Sudan’s Foreign Minis-
recent attacks on areas close to the tank in a briefing titled Averting War in ter Al-Dierdiry Ahmed said at the signing
presidency, Villa Somalia, Garoweonline
Northern Somalia. ceremony in Khartoum witnessed by
reported (20/7). journalists.
Recommendations include the UN
Meanwhile a reshuffle of senior security renewing mediation with the Ethiopia “The power-sharing document has been
officials has seen the National Intelli- and Somalia governments. The scope signed and it addresses all pending issues
gence and Security Agency (NISA) covers initiating peace in the disputed during the transitional term,” said
forces operating in Mogadishu dis- areas and has to involve clerics and local Ahmed.
solved. The forces, which had been
clan leaders, to bridge divisions and curb
actively taking part in security opera- violence. Priorities are brokering a cease- “Salva Kiir will continue as president of
tions in the capital, have now been fire, ensuring both sides commit to South Sudan and Riek Machar will be
merged with the regular police, pri- withdraw troops in the contested the first vice president,” he said. “There
vately-owned Radio Kulmiye website regions, allowing in humanitarian aid, will be four other vice presidents shared
reported (29/7). Some reports say the reducing inflammatory rhetoric and con- between other political groups.”
remaining members of the NISA forces
ducting future talks to resolve the dis- Once a final peace deal is signed it will
will be working in secret as intelligence pute, The EastAfrican reported (16/7). give the foes three months to form a
agents. transitional government under the new
A Somaliland soldier was killed follow-
Sadaq Omar Hassan aka Sadaq John, ing an exchange of fire between Puntland format, which will then hold power for a
who was the commander of NISA forces and Somaliland forces in Tukaraq, pri- further 36 months.
in Mogadishu, has been appointed the vately-owned Radio Risala website Ahmed said one issue that still needed to
commander of the police in the capital.
reported (21/7). Several other soldiers be resolved was how to share power at
Meanwhile, the former commander of were also wounded in the clashes on the the level of regions and counties, adding
the police in Banadir region has now 21st. that some opposition groups had refused
been appointed chief of the traffic police to sign the document but discussions
in the region. Puntland regional state president Abdi-
weli Muhammad Ali Gaas accused the were continuing.
Garoweonline reported (24/7) that chaos Somaliland administration of being The July 25th deal stipulates that there
seemed to reign in NISA after the office
responsible for the clashes in some parts will be 35 ministers in the transitional
of its deputy chief was raided by uniden- of Sool region, Radio Shabelle reported government – 20 from Kiir’s group and
tified attackers on July 21st. Reports (18/7). nine from Machar’s, while the rest will
said important documents were missing, represent other groups. The parliament
though it was not clear who was behind Meanwhile armed men entered Galkayo
town and shot dead a former Puntland will be comprised of 550 lawmakers,
the raid and what kind of documents are including 332 from Kiir’s group and 128
missing. administration security commander
from Machar’s faction. Ahmed said an
identified as Abdirashid Hasan Hashi
The Parliamentary Committee on Secu- on the night of July 27th as targeted independent commission would also be
rity and Internal Affairs held a question attacks against Puntland administration formed to decide on the number of
and answer session on July 29th with the officials increase. Al-Shabaab claimed provinces in the country.
Security minister and the intelligence responsibility. (Sources as referenced in Kiir’s group welcomed the preliminary
chief in Mogadishu, Dhacdo reported deal, saying it was a “great achieve-
text) Al-Shabaab ‘getting lucky, not stronger’
(30/7). It said it believed that those ment.”
p. 21910
carrying out targeted killings and bomb-
ings in Mogadishu live in the city, and it “We have brought peace to the people of
was important that residents flushed out SOUTH SUDAN South Sudan,” South Sudan Informa-
those responsible for the lawlessness tion Minister Michael Makuei told
from their midst. ‘Preliminary’ Power-sharing reporters after signing of the accord.
Document Some opposition groups refused to sign
Somaliland – Puntland Land War?
Serious doubts remain over the latest the document on the 25th. “There is
The self-declared republic of Somaliland peace initiative. inconsistency in the responsibility shar-
and autonomous Puntland are locked in ing formulae which is objectionable and
a standoff over Sool and Sanaag areas, South Sudanese arch-foes on July 25th cannot be entertained,” the groups said
leading to deadly clashes since the start signed a “preliminary” power-sharing in a joint statement.
of 2018 after both sides massed soldiers deal aimed at ending the civil war, with
a Sudanese minister saying it sees rebel The latest peace initiative has been
in the contested areas.
leader Riek Machar reinstated as first pushed by regional East African leaders,
The International Crisis Group (ICG) vice president. but Washington raised doubts over it
said the military standoff could escalate after South Sudanese lawmakers
as troops are moved close to Tukaraq, a Khartoum, as part of regional efforts to extended the present government’s term
town that straddles a highway and trade end the conflict in South Sudan, has in office earlier in the month.
hosted a round of peace talks since June

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