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T he Fa l s e Qu e e n a n d H e r N -some Lovers

Unforgettable story revealing the subtleties, secret intricacies, and hidden

dynamics of a relationship with a narcissistic person. Such a person may
be very close to you. In your family. Among your friends. At work. Or
sleeping on your bed.!

ared is grieving for his beloved wife with whom he hqd lived a
Happy marriage for over three decades.
He is advised to undergo occupational therapy and begins an
course to avoid deep depression. When he needs a mascot for the course
he is introduced to a beautiful red-haired artisan - Ani Lorac - with
whom he falls in love. His interest in the artist is matched, and she
decides to separate from her partner and live that love affair with him.
Six months after torrid and intense moments of love, Yared notices deep
changes in his partner. When he tries to break up the relationship, he
feels helpless. He is completely dependent on the charm and sensuality
of the redheaded artist.
In what would be the couple ́s farewell, Yared discovers that Lorac is
pregnant. They return and try to live as a family.
When the baby is five months old, Yared finds out that Lorac had
cheated on him with his ex-partner. Unable to bear the devastating
revelation, he separates from his mate and they begin a legal battle to
settle the outstanding issues.
In the intense grief of the separation and parental alienation caused by
Lorac, Yared becomes seriously ill.
Can he survive? Know if he is the father of Lotus Flower? Rebuild his
life? Or will he succumb to yet another emotional disaster?
A tale of a narcissistic person's relationship rich in detail and impeccable
storytelling making The False Queen and Her Multiple Lovers seem like
a biography or a dramatic documentary.
“There is an almost fictional reality that is complex, insidious, painful,
and almost indiscernible behind a pseudo-relationship with a
narcissistic person. ” -

May, 2022
Part 1

Hoover Devalue


My Beloved King

...And then she died

Languages and arts
A redhead in my life
All sorted out in a quarter of an hour
Conflict: reason versus emotion

Indecent proposals
The panties fetish
The black widow
No turning back
“My client deserves the best from me.”

Lips sweet as honey...purposes bitter as gall

Don Juan
Pleasure crumbs
“As lovers, my king!”
Discarded partner
Storm in a teacup
Sensual photoshoot

“It was just an idea.”

Christmas and New Year’s Eve
Economy, privacy, and pleasure
Dripping wears the rock away...
Once upon a time... 1
“Beginnings are decisive because they define the vision, indicate the
process, and influence the end. Our life is full of beginnings and endings, both
of which are essential to what happens in between. If beginnings were not
important, we would start in the middle.” –
I want to tell you something: between man and woman, everything is
decided in the first quarter of an hour. It is in the first quarter of an hour
that all the rules are established. From then on, nothing else changes.
“...some values and parameters are better than others. Some lead to
good problems (of the easy and simple to solve type), while others lead to
bad problems (of the difficult and complex to solve type).” -
“The crucial role that sexuality plays in the union of couples highlights the
primacy of the flesh over the spirit, as well as the wisdom of the flesh. We are tempted
to devalue the flesh in comparison to the spirit as if what is made out of physical
need, desire and sexual love is of less value than the benefits of reason and morality.”
“... ´like attracts like´, these people meet and share in their
mutual problem.” -
Change of Plans 2
["...beware of an unrighteous and soft-looking woman of a strange
tongue. Do not lust after her beauty in your heart, and do not be
captivated by the twinkling of her eyes, for because of a licentious
woman one may see man in a position to beg for his bread..." -
“We have a probability field, which would be the choices I have in life, what I
choose to do. How this becomes reality will depend on what “I” actually decide to do.
However, it is the referential of life that will define what you are going to do.
Referential is what is in your conscious, and also in your unconscious, but that limits
your will, your choices. They are essential for us to make decisions.” -
Exchanging Lovers 3
“A frivolous separation is experienced as a serious crime, for which
someone has to pay.” -
“By the consummation of love, a real bond is created between man and
woman. This, by its effects, is even stronger than the real bond of children to their
parents. It is absolutely the strongest of all bonds.” -
Staging the script 4
“There will always be, in society and the world at large, people more
aggressive than we are, who find a way to get what they want, for good or ill.”
Your book is a definite page-turner thus far. I look forward to
reading more.

A much needed resource and topic often over looked. Keep up the
good work.

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